In the hospital corridor, Shiqing comfortably leaned on Meng Qing, playing with his hands.

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Meng Qing's face was not very good-looking.

Shi Qing grabs his hand and slowly touches his fingertips along the light colored palmprint. When playing with the soft fingertips, he is not used to the young Taoist priest who is so close to people and pulls his hand back subconsciously.

"We have signed a contract. You want to break it."

The demon king's pleasant voice seemed to bring a smile. Meng Qing's beautiful face was full of dissatisfaction. He lowered his eyes and looked up to his own time with his eyebrows.

"You lied to me."

"The contract you signed with Chen Zeyu is clearly not life span, and you lied to me that it is."

Shiqing didn't feel embarrassed at all, and he held the Taoist priest's hand more tightly: "didn't you say that? I'm the devil. Which devil have you ever seen so sincere that he doesn't tell lies

Meng Qing looked over her head in anger, and her eyes were not clear.

The demon king still did not let him go: "I did not cheat you when signing the contract."

"I only said that if you exchange with me, I will give you the contract with Chen Zeyu, and his things will go back. But I didn't say that this thing must be life-span."

Meng Qing: "it's you who said that one year's life is available."


Shi Qing's eyes were full of enchantment. He picked up his eyes and leaned on the Taoist priest like no bones:

"I only said that one year's life span was reached, but not Chen Zeyu's one-year life span."

"Make a mistake, you understand yourself."

Meng Qing was silent.

He didn't speak, and of course he didn't know how to refute it.

Moreover, the young Taoist priest still has a little doubt in his heart.

Before when Qing Ming said is to change life, how to the end, it is for tears.

A little guess flashed in his mind. Did Shiqing look at them pitifully

No, it's not right.

How can the devil change the rules of exchange just because he sympathizes with others.

He should have such an idea. It's really brain tease, or be bewitched by this demon.

Meng Qing wakes up in her heart, closes her eyes quickly, and begins to recite Tao Te Ching in the bottom of her heart, trying to ignore Shi Qing.

He didn't pay attention to others, and Shi Qing talked to himself by leaning on his shoulder.

"Little Taoist, I'll take you to see the fireworks tomorrow."

"Fireworks are not allowed to be set off in this city. I like fireworks best. I haven't seen fireworks here since I started to issue a purchase restriction order for fireworks."

"Little Taoist, do you really ignore me?"

"Well, I just want to tease you. Don't get angry."

"Little Taoist, little Taoist?"

"Don't ignore me. I'm bored by myself."

With that, the demon king stretched out his white hands and fell on the young Taoist priest's pretty face and broke his face to his side.

Meng Qing closed his eyes, while reading the Tao Te Ching in his heart, he turned his face back in silence.

"Really angry?"

He leaned his head on Meng Qing's shoulder, and his voice fell down:

"I just want to play with you."

"Well, you practitioners should know that there are two kinds of Qi in the world, one is turbid Qi, the other is Qingqi."

Of course Meng Qing knows.

But he just didn't open his eyes or speak.

Shi Qing: "did your master ever tell you that I am the evil spirit."

Meng Qing:

The bottom of his heart was almost filled with question marks, and he almost opened his eyes.

Fortunately, before he opened it, he remembered that he had made up his mind not to pay attention to the devil, and forced himself to continue to close his eyes. He looked like "no matter what you say, I will not pay attention to you".

Shi Qing's face showed sadness, and rubbed the young Taoist priest's clothes with his own face.

His voice is low and hoarse:

"turbid air is produced by all kinds of negative thoughts of human beings. The more people have complaints in their hearts, the more turbid the world will be. When there are too many people to let go, I will be born."

"You always say that I am a demon, that I am a monster, that I am a disaster to the world, is that what I think?"

Meng Qing felt the demon king beside him as if he rubbed his face on his shoulder and rubbed out a bit of wetting.

His closed eyelashes trembled and his heart felt a little ashamed and guilty.

The devil sniffed: "as soon as I was born, my body was full of the negative energy of the whole world. You are right. As soon as you see me, you yell and shout. No one teaches me how to behave. I also have no parents. I can only live by instinct. When I was born, I didn't understand anything. You didn't teach me. Now I'm living muddleheaded, but you scold me I am a demon. "Meng Qing's eyelashes trembled even more fiercely, and his heart's Tao Te Ching could not be recited.

"Especially you, I just know that you are my destiny, I am happy, so I come to see you, and as soon as you meet, you throw a spell at me."

Meng Qing tried to close her eyes and explained in a hurry: "I didn't mean to. I just saw that you didn't have a heartbeat, so I just..."

The demon king's soft and tender hands, which are totally inconsistent with the aura, suddenly pulled up his hand and took him down on his clothes;

"do you feel it? Heartbeat. "

"Only when I meet my destiny marriage will my heart beat. I've been alone for so many years, lonely for so many years. As soon as I find you are my destiny, I can't wait to come to you with joy. But you are always cold to me. You ignore me and call me demon."

Meng Qing felt the powerful heartbeat under his hand, only felt his own heart beating with the demon's heartbeat.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down. On his beautiful face with his eyes closed, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his ears were filled with a low, hoarse voice.

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"I just want you to accompany me. You blame me for lying to you, but we should be made for each other. If you don't pay attention to me first and refuse to hold my hand, I'll cheat you what to do."

"Think about it carefully. Since we met, when have I hurt you? But it's you who have spoken ill of me, cast a spell on me, and tried to kill me with a sword."

The young Taoist priest was overwhelmed by a huge sense of guilt.

Yes, he only heard about the devil, but no one paid attention to it. Where did the devil come from, whether there were parents or not, and whether there was any education.

If it is really like Shi Qing said, he was born to raise, that temperament long crooked, it is also reasonable ah.

After that, the young Taoist priest nervously swallowed his mouth and opened his mouth: "I didn't mean it at that time. I thought you were not good-natured."

Shi Qing's voice was even more aggrieved: "if I'm really upset and kind-hearted, you're a 20-year-old Taoist priest, I can let you go to hell in your sleep. Why should I go around this bend with you?"

Yes, Shiqing is the devil.

Even his master can't beat him. If you really want to do something to him, what do you want to do with him.

Think so, in the heart more guilty how to do.

Next time I'm sorry my eyelashes are too young

He wanted to open his eyes, but he was faster than the devil's hand.

"Don't look at me. I'm dead!"

I'm afraid he'll see the devil crying.

Meng Qing quickly obediently closed his eyes: "I don't see."

Shi Qing: "Hello, do you really know you are wrong?"

The young Taoist priest closed his eyes and nodded: "I know."

Shi Qing: "you know that you are wrong, I will accompany you to watch fireworks tonight. Do you agree or not?"

Meng Qing continued to nod, "I promise."

The demon king leaning on his shoulder seemed to cry again, and his shoulder was wet with tears.

The young Taoist priest was more and more upset.

He just agreed to a fireworks, the devil actually moved to cry, can be seen before his life is how.

When Qing still said: "I still want to eat the cake of Litang family tomorrow, you accompany me."

Meng Qing nodded: "good."

"And you don't always talk to me coldly in the future. You should accompany me from time to time and take the initiative to hold my hand. We are destined to be married. Even if you don't want to, you can't change it."

The young Taoist priest, who had just agreed, hesitated.

He faltered: "but I am a Taoist."

The demon on his shoulder cried again.

Shoulder felt a trace of moisture, Meng Qing heart inexplicably raised some pity mood.

Shi Qing's voice was low: "I know you are a Taoist, I am a heresy, you should not look up to me, even if I please you, you will not like me, but I do not want to ah, I was born like this, if you give me the opportunity, I also want to grow up with you in the Muslim temple, I also want you to look up to me."

"No, no, no! no That's not what I mean

Meng Qing was anxious and continued to explain: "I am just one-sided to the way, and your identity has nothing to do with it."

"OK, don't lie to me. It's not that you can't get married in halal temple. You have no conflict with me when you are with Tao."

"I know, you just find an excuse to refuse me. You don't look up to me like this."

Meng Qing was a little confused. He was worried and didn't know what to do. He was always stupid and could only explain in a hurry:

"it's not what you think. Really, I don't look down on you."

Shi Qing: "don't look up to me, just like me?"Meng Qing was even more confused: "I, I..."

The devil's voice dropped again: "so you really don't look up to me. Forget it, it's what I shouldn't ask for. I'll die alone and I'll go."

He left Meng Qing's shoulder.

The young Taoist priest's brain was blank. Subconsciously, he closed his eyes and held out his hand according to the sound.

"I like you!"

With this sentence, Meng Qing's heart beat seemed to be unable to jump, her face quickly dyed red, and her eyelashes trembled as if she were playing the piano.

The air seemed to be silent.

After a long time, Meng Qing felt that his hand was grasped by the soft hand of the devil.

The demon king should still be standing, his voice with uncontrollable joy, quietly asked:

"didn't you cheat me?"

Meng Qing's face flushed and burned.

He wanted to open his eyes, and remembered that Shiqing didn't let him open his eyes just now, so he could only close his eyes and face Shiqing.

"I never cheat."

Demon King: "I don't believe it, you clearly hate me, I want to hold your hand, you are not willing to."

"Yes, I will."

The young Taoist priest quickly clenched his hand, blushing almost to drip blood, quietly asked: "do you believe it now?"

Shi Qing: "no, what if you repent?"

"No way."

Meng Qing, with shame, closed his eyes and said, "Tao is a promise."

"It's still not safe."

Shi Qing waved and dropped a contract in front of Meng Qing. "Open your eyes, sign it, and I'll believe you."

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Meng Qing slowly opened his eyes and looked at the contract in front of him.

It's exactly the same as the previous Shiqing requirements.

He took the pen hanging on one side and carefully signed his name.

After signing the contract, seeing the contract disappear slowly, he felt a sigh of relief at the bottom of his heart, and with a little melancholy, he was happy with the embarrassment of the unknown.

"That's about it."

Listening to Shi Qing's satisfied voice, Meng Qing held back the shame and raised her eyes to see the demon king standing, trying to wipe away tears for him.

As a result, he was stunned.

The devil's white face was clean, and he was looking at him with a cone in his hand.

Seeing his unbelievable eyes looking over, Qing Qing licked the sweet cone, and could not see any trace of crying on his face:

"what's this look like?"

"You, you..."

The young Taoist priest was a little confused. He asked, "didn't you cry?"


The demon king snorted coldly: "joke, my hall demon king, how can you cry."

"But I clearly feel tears..." Meng Qing looked down at her shoulder in confusion, but saw that there was a little ice cream on it that had not been completely melted.

Meng Qing:

Meng Qing:

Shiqing sat down beside him and looked at the ice cream.

"maybe it was rubbed by accident just now."

Said, the devil slightly side, opened his mouth and put those ice cream into his mouth, slowly let them melt in his mouth.

Meng Qing:

He was so stiff that he didn't even dare to breathe. Until he felt the soft and moist leaving, his chest began to heave violently because of strong breathing.

"You, you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Shi Qing reminded him: "you just signed the contract, you can't go back on it."

Meng Qing

His good-looking eyes were full of bewilderment and bewilderment. After looking at Shi Qing for a long time, he said, "you are shameless!"

The devil shrugged: "it's not that I forced you to sign. You love me and scold me for what."

With that, he leaned on Meng Qing's shoulder again, and handed the sweet cone to the young Taoist priest's mouth:

"try it, it's delicious."

See Meng Qing does not move, he patted a good-looking and beautiful face of the Taoist priest: "OK, OK, don't be angry, eat quickly, finish eating and do business."

The young Taoist priest took a look at the devil, opened his mouth and bit the sweet cone in front of him.


He chewed and swallowed a few times, then took another bite.

It's delicious

Have you heard of ghost doctor

After eating the cone, Shiqing got two more cones. He and Meng Qing had one. They sat on the bench and ate the cones together.

When Qing first finished eating, took out the handkerchief and handed it to Meng Qing.

Meng Qing took a handkerchief and wiped the corner of his mouth: "I have seen it in master's book. The ghost doctor is no different from other wandering souls.""There are still differences."

When Meng Qing cleans him up, Shiqing goes over again and takes a bite of his ice cream. While eating, he raises his head and asks the young Taoist priest to continue to wipe the corners of his mouth.

"At least the ghost doctor I found was quite different."

"Oh, by the way, Miran's body is in the mortuary downstairs. I won't let him go. You'll give him a pass later. After all, it's suicide. He's a little resentful. If you let him pass, he'll have a better life at the bottom."

Meng Qing held the handkerchief's hand and looked at Shiqing's eyes.

He had always rejected Shiqing before. Now he looked carefully and found that the demon king's appearance was really outstanding. Looking at it, his face turned a little red:

"I didn't expect you to be so kind."

"Go and go!"

The devil gave him a push: "I call this after-sales service."

The young Taoist priest was originally sitting on the outside, and when he just looked at it, Qing was in a trance. When he pushed him so gently, he fell off his chair.

No pain, but a little confused.

"Are you all right?"

A young doctor, who was passing by in a hurry, saw that he fell down and helped Meng Qing to get up.

"It's OK. It's OK."

Meng Qing shook his head in embarrassment. He had learned Taoism since he was a child. According to reason, the bottom should be very stable. If he hadn't been clear into God just now, he would not have been pushed to the ground.

Shiqing also stood up, "thank you, doctor."

The young doctor smiles: "it's OK."

"Oh, doctor." Seeing that he was about to leave, the devil stopped him: "excuse me, how can I get to the morgue?"

"Go straight this way, turn left into the elevator, downstairs, the first floor."

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The doctor pointed to the road with good temper, "this is surgery."

"Well, thank you, doctor."

When Qing pulled Meng Qing to the doctor's road, the young Taoist was pulled by him. He was embarrassed and couldn't help looking back.

Then, the demon king broke his head back towards him.

"You see what he does, I am your lover, look at me."

Meng Qing's face turned red again.

He looked carefully at the patients, nurses and doctors around him, and whispered, "don't say such things so loud. It's not good for people to hear them."

"It's not sure they can't hear you."

Entering the elevator, the devil yawned and leaned on the young Taoist priest's shoulder: "Hey, have you ever been to the ghost world?"


Meng Qing: "isn't it only ghosts who can go to the ghost world? If the living go there, they will be pulled down the river

"Listen to them."

The demon king snorted coldly: "ghost world that place, as long as it is more powerful than the yama can go, whether it is your right way or our evil and evil ways, better than him, seven in seven out of the problem."

"But..." When Qing leans on his shoulder, the eye tail slightly picks up, slowly smiles: "I hope you seven in seven out."

Meng Qing has a blank face.

"Forget it. Get down to business."

Shi Qing: "do you know why the leader of the ghost world is called Yama and the judge Meng Po? At first, the ghost world was in a mess, and no one was in charge of it. Later, a ghost, the king of hell, built the ghost way, which integrated the whole ghost world

"This ghost directly imitates the setting of the palace of hell of the state of China. It named itself the king of hell and appointed a judge, Meng Po, GUI Cha, and so on. Only then did the ghost world become a place of reincarnation."

Meng Qing has never heard of such a thing. He always thought that the ghost world existed from the beginning.

Shi Qing: "there is nothing else in the ghost world, but the dead river is really beautiful. Every soul who has just entered the ghost world must walk over the dead river. Their souls will emit all kinds of light, just like a bridge of light."

"It's said that if a lover walks across the bridge hand in hand, he can still be together in the next life."

Seeing that Meng Qing still didn't understand, the demon king took his hand, pulled it up and put it in front of them, and raised his eyebrows: "today, go to the ghost world with me, and I will cross the dead river with you hand in hand."

Meng Qing: This is not good. We are not souls. We will break the rules of the ghost world. "

"The last time I went to the ghost world, Yama said the same thing." Shi Qing gave a kind smile to the young Taoist priest: "after beating him up, he never said that again."

Meng Qing:

He shut up in silence.


The elevator door opened.

They went out holding hands and asked, "do you remember the name of the sign on the doctor's clothes just now?"

Meng Qing has a good memory, otherwise he would not surpass all the brothers.

He closed his eyes and searched his mind for the memory.

"Zhang Haixiang.""His name is Zhang Haixiang."

Zhang Haixiang is an ordinary doctor.

His family is also a family of doctors. It is said that his grandfather eats barefoot doctors. His grandfather is a doctor in the village, and his father is also a doctor.

When he was a child, he always watched his father busy. His retired grandfather took him to grow up and told him that he should never be a doctor when he grows up.

Zhang's father also said so, although he didn't listen to his father's advice and insisted on becoming a doctor.

But Zhang Haixiang still applied to medical school.

I don't know whether it was because he had been edified by medical books full of bookcases since childhood, or because his father had a car accident before. When Zhang Haixiang was a teenager, he sat on the porch bench, covering his face and crying, and his despair was to the extreme.

Then the door of the operating room opened and the doctor in the white coat came out and told him that his father's life was not in danger for the time being.

At that moment, the doctor's body seemed to shine.

Despite the opposition of his family, Zhang Haixiang applied to medical college. Even though everyone was saying "persuading people to learn medicine, heaven strikes a thunderbolt", he was still fearless.

There are many disadvantages in learning medicine. There are more and more medical disputes, books that can never be finished, busy work for more than ten hours, and just get stuck in bed and don't sleep for a while, when a phone call comes, they have to return to work.

The parents made it clear when he decided to go to medical school.

Zhang Haixiang still reported.

He was still a little young and hot-blooded at the time.

He thought, if I don't study medicine and everyone doesn't study medicine, then people are ill and injured. Who will come to see them?

The life of medical students is always busy, reading endless books, doing endless key points, and endless exams.

Get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and do more than cattle.

It is not easy to graduate, but also after a long internship period, until the internship to become a formal doctor, is the beginning.

Zhang Haixiang is a surgeon. In fact, he is less than 35 years old this year. He can be called a young man. His face is small, but his hair has begun to fall off.

If there is a major event, such as a series of car accidents, bus rollovers, etc., rest does not exist in front of the doctor.

Every day is very busy, every day is very tired.

But Zhang Haixiang is very happy.

He had surgery, he saved a lot of people, each time saved a person, looking at this person's family grateful to him, his heart was warm and happy.

This is a human life.

And he saved his life.

Not only was it life, he saved one family or two families.

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Zhang Haixiang felt that as a doctor, his happiest moment was to have a holiday and save a life.

Although there are times when they can't be saved.

The person who was finally rescued suddenly deteriorated or left directly on the operating table.

For many years, many patients have been rescued.

The longer he was, the less he regretted being a doctor.

So many lives.

They saved him.

The only thing I feel sorry for is to my parents and family.

He is married and his wife is a teacher. Now he has a five-year-old daughter. She is very good and looks forward to playing with him. But as a father, he has too little time with her.

Zhang Haixiang has been saving for his holidays. He plans to travel with his family when he has enough.

But first of all, he has to do a good job.

I don't know what happened these days. There are always a lot of patients who come to sew needles, one by one.

He pushed open a door with a clear goal, and there was a young man with blood on his body screaming.

Zhang Haixiang carefully checked it and showed a smile: "OK, it's the knee that needs stitches. I'll give you stitches."

"Whether or not to use anesthetic."

"No fight, no fight."

The young man repeatedly waved his hand. "Doctor, I have been in pain for a long time. I can't walk because of the pain. Please."

"It's OK. We have a wheelchair. If you rent one, it's too painful to walk. It's OK to take a wheelchair."

Zhang Haixiang finished the operation carefully and carefully, and then he stood up:

"well, be careful not to see water these days. If it hurts, take the pain killer, I'll prescribe it to you."

"Well, thank you, doctor."

The young man gratefully smile, "this can hurt me to death, I can be really bad luck, good truck overturned even, still hurt me so long."

"Thank you very much, Doctor Zhang. I'm so stupid. It took me a long time to find you, otherwise I would have gone."

They? Zhang Haixiang really thought that he was still a little popular as a surgeon. He said with a smile:

"what do you think? Even if I sew the needle for you, it will take some time for you to walk normally without pain."The young man laughed and waved his hand: "it's not alive. Just sew the needle. I can walk. Oh, I can't stand the pain."

"But Dr. Zhang, I'll wait for you. You seem to be quick. You've helped me so much. I've been wandering here for so long, and the road is ripe. When you're ready, I'll show you the way."

Zhang Haixiang felt that he understood every word the young man said, but how could he not understand it when combined?

"What are you talking about?" he asked hesitantly

"Ah?" The young man scratched his head: "am I wrong? When I was looking for you just now, I found your body. It seems that it will be time. "

"What? What body? What time? "

Zhang Haixiang stepped back in a daze. Suddenly, there was a rapid footstep outside. Obviously, he just heard the footsteps, but he felt bored.

He can't help but open the door, but see his wife is holding his daughter, under the guidance of familiar colleagues.

Walking, perhaps in a hurry, tripped on the ground.

"Ah! Sister in law

"Er ER!"

Zhang Haixiang subconsciously went forward to help her, his hand fell over, but flashed from his wife, as if touching the air.

He froze and looked at his hand in disbelief.

The only five-year-old daughter had a lollipop in her mouth. Because she was well protected by her mother, it was nothing. She was held by her mother and looked around curiously.

Turning his head, he saw Zhang Haixiang and cheerfully called out:


Just like this, the wife who just managed to maintain her calm expression collapsed in an instant. She sat on the ground with her daughter in her arms and cried bitterly.

Colleagues nearby quickly comforted her: "sister-in-law, don't cry, Doctor Zhang is just now the situation is deteriorating, has been in the rescue, must be OK."

His wife shook her head, holding her daughter like a straw, struggling to get up with the help of her colleagues, and continued to stagger forward.

"Sister in law, this way."

Seeing his colleagues take his wife and daughter upstairs, Zhang Haixiang stands up in a daze and looks down at his hands.

What's going on

He seemed to understand something in his heart. Subconsciously, the elevator door just closed, and Zhang Haixiang turned to run the stairs.

He runs fast and in a hurry.

Finally, I got to the top operating room.

As he ran up the stairs, he could just see himself in bed with a pale face and pushed into the operating room.


When the elevator door opened, Shiqing and Meng Qing came out from inside, and the few people who followed them couldn't see them.

Shi Qingmai, with his long legs, led Meng Qing to Zhang Haixiang.

"Just him."

Zhang Haixiang shivered all over and slowly raised his head.

He looked at the man who had asked him the way before and said, "he, Zhang Haixiang, is overworked because he has been working for 15 hours in a row."

"I fell on the operating table when I was doing the operation. I was in a coma for almost half a month. I have been working as a ghost doctor. I can live to this day."

"Thirty five years old, cause of death: karoshi."

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