Zhang's father, who was five years old, was shouting again! Dad

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He subconsciously turned around and saw his daughter, who was held in his arms by his wife, was smiling and opening her arms to him, looking like she was going to hug him.


He unconsciously called out the name of his daughter, and the little girl was more happy in her mother's arms and called her father.

Holding her wife in tears, sobbing and whispering to her daughter, "Dad is in there, and soon he will come out."

Niu Niu doesn't understand.

Isn't dad there?

"Your daughter is not yet five years old and can still see you."

Shiqing took out an egg tart from his arms and ate happily. After a few stutters, Meng Qing on one side had already taken out a handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth.

Zhang Haixiang was dazed. He couldn't bear to look away from his wife and daughter and looked at Shi Qing:

"so I'm now Is it dead? "

"Not yet, but almost."

When Qing patted Meng Qing: "tell him."

Meng Qing hesitated to look at the little girl who was looking forward to this side, and whispered to Zhang Haixiang: "your life is up to today."

"Before, because the body has been in a coma, your soul floated out and became a ghost doctor."

"Ghost doctor..."

Zhang Haixiang understood that he kept looking for his patients these days. The young man said strange things.

They used to It's all ghosts.

After being punctured, the vague memories of these days all come back.

Every morning, he always thought that he was in the same day, yawning to work, the same can not stop the pace, busy patients.

It turns out that he is dead

He felt that he would not be able to stand, so he supported the wall and slowly sat down on the bench, his eyes full of confusion.

"So you're here to pick me up? Are you a ghost

"We are not ghosts, we are here..." Meng Qing said here also pause, slant head to see time clear: "what are we here to do?"

When Qing picks eyebrow: "of course is to see lively."

"It's the first time I've seen him with his body still alive and his soul becoming a ghost doctor."

"And he's going to hell today, and we'll catch a shuttle bus."

Meng Qing hesitated to look at the demon king, weighing the words, carefully gathered to the ear of Shiqing, whispered: "it's not good to say that, he is so sad."

Shi Qing turned over his head and his lips fell on the young Taoist priest's ear. He was also in a low voice, but there was an unspeakable charm in the sentence. It was not so much whispering as deliberately lowering his voice to tempt the other party:

"I am the devil. All the negative energy in the world, do you expect me to be considerate to others?"

With that, he could not refuse to pull the young Taoist priest to sit down and put his long legs comfortably on others:

"OK, now wait for his time."

Meng Qing's answer to Shi Qing Hui is not surprising. He just feels that Shi Qing should not be what he said.

Just now he was in the morgue, and it was also Shiqing who asked him to pass away.

But he did not say what he wanted to say, but quietly took out a small bag from his pocket, opened it, poured the almond in his hand, took one, and handed it to the devil.

The demon king a Leng, then ferocious looking at him: "what."

Meng Qing's face was reddened by his fierce tone. He handed the almond and stammered: "this is almond. It's delicious. Elder martial brother brought it to me. It's made by villagers at the foot of the mountain. It's not pesticide. It's authentic."

See when Qing or stare at him do not speak, the young Taoist priest handsome face is full of red.

He added: "I used to eat a few from time to time. After eating it, I feel the whole mouth is delicious. Anyway, waiting is also waiting. This is for you to eat."

Shi Qing glanced at the almond that he put in his hand, the end of his eye slightly picked up, and he leaned back and opened his mouth.

It's obvious that someone has to feed it.

Meng Qing saw, blushed more fierce, but still took almonds to the devil's mouth.

The devil's lips did not move, a roll of tongue, the almond rolled into his mouth.

The young Taoist priest's hand trembled with his movement.

Teng --

he even dyed his neck red. He nervously put his hand behind his back and stammered: "you, what do you do?"

"What else can you do with almonds?"

The next time, the whole person lay down on the bench and opened his mouth: "it tastes good, little Taoist, and then feed."

Meng Qing's face was red, and she used a handkerchief to wipe the wet on her fingers. She lifted her eyes to see Shiqing, and her cheeks were full of blush.

He said in a low voice, "don't touch me again.""Look at my mood."

When Qing finished, he opened his mouth: "ah."

So, the young Taoist priest sat beside him, with the devil's long legs on his legs and fed him almonds one by one.

See when Qing eat happy, he did not resist, he also ate one.

In the end, it becomes:

he has one, he has one, and he has one.

They had a good time.

The young man running up with Zhang Haixiang looked at the scene

He was dead, and naturally he could see the Qi of Shi Qing and Meng Qing.

A black one scares people to death.

A white one scares people to death.

These two people can be very peaceful together to eat.

The world is really crazy.

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Although he didn't know each other, he didn't know each other. The young man stood on tiptoe and squatted carefully to Zhang Haixiang.

Facing the wall, Zhang Haixiang looks like "I am autistic".

"Dr. Zhang."

The young man poked Zhang Haixiang carefully.

"Don't be too sad about that. You're going to die anyway."

Zhang Haixiang leaned his forehead against the wall.

"I don't want to die."

The young man said he understood.

"Well, in fact, Dr. Zhang, if you think about it, the world is so big that even if we die, it will not affect it."

He sighed, "I can't accept it when I just died, but I don't think I'm married yet, and there's a brother on the bottom, and there's a brother on top of me. I'm dead. My parents grieved for a while, and my brother and brother can't help it."

"Doctor Zhang, do you feel much better when you think about it?"

Zhang Haixiang is even more autistic. He bumps into the wall:

"how can I die? My wife and I are both only children. My wife is not in good health. My daughter is still so young. My mother is old. My father has been in a car accident and coughs every three days. And my father-in-law's mother-in-law. If I leave, what will happen to the two families?"

"The mortgage and car loan have not been clear, my daughter has not yet gone to kindergarten, she likes painting, we had discussed to wait for her to be a little older to send her to learn painting, but now I'm dead, the family suddenly lost a person to make money, she certainly can't learn."

No house, no car, no wife, no child, no boy:.... "

He gave a dry smile and said, "in that case, it seems that your death is not very good indeed."

"But since it's all like this, there's no way to change it. Just accept the reality."

Zhang Haixiang has closed himself to bang bang against the wall.

"Well, Doctor Zhang, don't hit the wall, don't hit it!"

Zhang Haixiang shook off him and took his hand: "you don't stop me. Anyway, I'm a ghost. It doesn't hurt to hit the wall. Let me hit the wall and calm down."

Bumping into, he suddenly felt wrong. He moved his head back in a daze and reached for a big swelling bag.

Zhang Haixiang:

Young man: "I just wanted to say, although it's a ghost, we can all touch other people except that we can't touch people. Of course, it will hurt if we hit a wall, but it won't die. Oh, no, it should be said that it's just because it's dead, so it won't die again."

Zhang Haixiang:

The young man patted him on the shoulder: "that's why we came to see you for treatment. You are a ghost doctor. The wound you treated will heal quickly. If it doesn't hurt, you can go to the hell. Otherwise, it has been delayed here. It's better to dissipate the pain every day."

Zhang Haixiang:

Just now he listened to the ghost doctor and ghost doctor. He thought it was the doctor who became a ghost. It turned out to be the ghost doctor.

With a big swelling on his forehead, he looked up at the young man in front of him:

"if it hurts all the time, can't we go to the hell?"

"That's not true. I wanted to go for a long time, but it hurt all the time, so I couldn't go."

Zhang Haixiang looked at his wife, who was waiting anxiously at the door of the operating room, and his daughter, who had been looking at him. He bit his teeth, turned his head and continued to bang against the wall.

"Well, Dr. Zhang, what are you doing?"

Zhang Haixiang banged against the wall and gritted his teeth with pain. "I'm not going to the hell! I'm going to stay here and watch over my family. "

Young man: "wait a minute, Doctor Zhang, you calm down, don't be impulsive first!"

Zhang Haixiang continued to bang against the wall:

"I'm not impulsive, I think very clearly, I can't go, I have to accompany them, pain will hurt, man man, what is this pain! Don't stop me, I must stay! "

Young man: "no, I want to say that you are a ghost doctor. You have merits. Even if you are injured and dead, you will go directly to the hell."

Zhang Haixiang, who banged against the wall:.... "He stopped and turned to look at the young man: "can this merit be given to others? Here you go

"Merit is a good thing. How can you give it to me? With merit, you will definitely have a good birth in your next life."

Zhang Haixiang touched the bag on his forehead, turned around without expression, leaning against the wall, and his eyes always fell on his wife and daughter.

"Does the next life matter to this life?"

"When I was a child, I was weak and always sick. It was my parents who took care of me every night and raised me carefully. My wife and I were married after eight years of long-distance running. Our daughters were good since childhood. I didn't fulfill my duty of being a father. I was busy at work and didn't have time to play with her."

As he said that, he looked at the little girl who did not know her father was in danger. She was chasing the sun on the ground, bouncing and bouncing, with a smile on her face without haze.

Looking at it, Zhang Haixiang also laughed:

"my girl is very good. She never blames her father for not playing with her. When I go home from work at normal time, she calls her father to run over as soon as I open the door. She will follow me in everything I do, just like a little follower."

Laughing, laughing, crying.

"She's so young, she doesn't know anything, she doesn't learn anything, how can I How can I leave her here? My wife is weak. How can she survive alone... "

Zhang Haixiang sucked his nose and wiped his tears: "even if they can't see me, I will stay here, accompany them and watch my daughter grow up."

When Qing bit almond, chewed a few mouthfuls, looked to Zhang Haixiang: "you this idea is very good, but there is a problem."

"After staying in the world for a long time, ghosts will gradually forget what they have experienced before, and then slowly forget who they are. Finally, they will become wandering souls and live in a muddle every day."

"At the end of the day, there are only obsessions left, but they can't tell whether they love or hate the one they care about. You don't want to become a wandering soul and follow your family every day to harm them unconsciously."

Zhang Haixiang is more miserable.

His face was full of tears and his nose was full of tears. He turned his head, his face was against the wall, and he continued to cry in silence.

The young man was right next to him. He sighed and patted him on the shoulder: "I'm sorry, Doctor Zhang."

"In fact, you are very lucky to leave like this. You can see that there are so many people in this hospital. How many ghosts are staying here because of injuries. There are too few ghost doctors like you. Generally, ghost doctors stay for one day at most and are taken away by ghost messengers. They will end up either spirited or wandering."

"Is it better, then?"

Zhang Haixiang wiped his tears and looked at his wife and daughter. He felt his hair which was too much less than that of his peers. He cried like a child.

"Is it really impossible? Must I go? "

When Qing twisted the body, turned a direction, lying on Meng Qing's leg: "according to common sense, you have to go when your life is up."

Meng Qing turned his head to see Zhang Haixiang, and was held by the devil and asked him to turn back to see himself.

"You always look at what others see, I am your lover, look at me."

And he opened his mouth

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The young Taoist priest blushed and faced the shame of being seen by others, and continued to feed Shiqing almond.

Before he feeds, he will open his palm and choose.

Big, plump, good-looking almonds to eat.

Small, not good-looking for their own to eat.

The young man looked at them enviously and sighed: "why do I have to watch people show love when I die? Ah, I hope I can be a single dog in my next life."

He patted Zhang Haixiang on the shoulder:

"it's OK, Doctor Zhang. Don't comfort me. I'm much better with you and me."

Zhang Haixiang also looked at them with grief on his face.

"It's the same with my wife at home."

Young man:.... "

He thought about how to eat dog food every day when he was a man.

When a ghost, how can I eat double.

Just thinking about it, he saw Zhang Haixiang staggering up and facing them.

He hurriedly wanted to take Zhang Haixiang's hand. After a slow step, he quickly and quietly compared: "Doctor Zhang, don't go. That's two bullshit characters. Waving your hand can make us die."

Zhang Haixiang didn't listen to him. He still touched his swollen forehead and went to the two people's side.

He bowed first, and then asked, "two gentlemen, you said to take my ride to the underworld. Do you know exactly when I will die?"

When Qing used head to rub against Meng Qing: "you tell him."

Meng Qing obediently stretched out his hand to calculate, a few seconds later raised his eyes: "12:53:07 at noon."

"You have three hours left."

When Qing waved his hand, there was an extra large clock on the wall, and it was moving with a click."If you don't do something, do it."

Zhang Haixiang looked at the clock, which symbolized the countdown of his life, wiped his tears and bowed again:

"thank you."

He went back to the young man: "didn't you say that there are a lot of ghosts in the hospital who can't leave? Let them come here, and I will heal them. "


The young man was confused: "now? But a lot of it. Ghost doctors also need energy. You will be very tired. "

"Tired, tired, who let me be a doctor."

Zhang Haixiang wiped away his tears and tried to straighten his back: "I could be tired to death when I was alive. Now I am dead. I can't be tired to death again."

"Anyway, I can't stay. It's better to do good deeds, that is, hope, hope..." "I don't want a good fetus either. I'll do more good deeds. I hope the blessing will come to my family."

Young man: "this seems to be unable to operate, merit is their own, only you can use."

"No matter who made me a doctor."

"Well, if you don't feel tired."

He ran to the window, poked his head out and yelled at the bottom:

"Hello!! Below!! Ghost doctor on top! If you want to cure the injury, come on! It's only three hours

When he finished, he sat down next to Zhang Haixiang again. Zhang looked at the empty corridor and said, "no ghost."

"They are all on the way up."

The young man poked out his neck and took aim: "there are too many ghosts that can't walk in the hospital. Moreover, Doctor Zhang, you are a living soul. Many ghosts can't recognize you, otherwise I won't look for you for so long."

Zhang Haixiang also looked down: "a lot? I didn't notice, I don't know how much... "

His words choked in his throat.

In the stairwell, a group of ghosts from Wuyang and Wuyang came up. They were so crowded that every eye was filled with the desire to live.

"Is it a ghost doctor?"

"It's really a ghost doctor!"

"Woo Hoo woo, that's great. I don't think my brain is working very well recently. I thought I was going to become a wandering soul."

"Ah, isn't this Doctor Zhang! Dr. Zhang, do you still remember me? No, I, the one a year ago, you treated my leg. As a result, I was really unlucky. I had a car accident six months ago and hung up as soon as I entered the hospital. "

"Dr. Zhang, we are on good terms. You should treat me first."

"Go and wait in line. I came first, master ghost doctor. I didn't expect that you were so young. I thought the ghost doctor was an old man and I couldn't find it after looking for it for several times."

Zhang Haixiang looked at the ghost mountain and the ghost sea in front of him

The original hospital, so many ghosts

These ghosts can't squeeze, but they all have tacit agreement to avoid Shiqing and Mengqing.

When Qing didn't move, he just yelled: "doctor, you don't have to treat it like you were alive. Just pinch it with your hands."


Zhang Haixiang tentatively pinched the neck of the first ghost to cure the wound. Sure enough, as soon as he pinched it, the blood stopped flowing.

But for the first time, I pinched a sharp point.

Zhang Haixiang:

"I'm sorry. I'll press it again."

"It's OK. It's OK."

The ghost covered his neck and ran out: "thank you, my mother, I've been dead for 20 years, and it's time to reincarnate. Last time I met a ghost errand, I told me that if I don't hurry, my mother will give birth to a dead baby."

"Master ghost doctor! I'll go to the dead River first, my Lord. We'll meet again! "

"Ah, wait."

He came back again and gave Zhang Haixiang a bear hug: "adult, I know you cry, give you a hug, don't cry."

With that, he ran away again.

Zhang Haixiang: What a lively ghost

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The next time, as if tirelessly, he treated every wounded ghost.

Because this is different from the ordinary treatment, the treatment is very fast, but always standing still, a little tired.

The young man had been cured for a long time, and he was not in a hurry to reincarnate. He watched Zhang Haixiang stop and rub his eyebrows. He suggested, "Doctor Zhang, take a rest. It's too much energy."

Zhang Haixiang looked up at the ghost in line and tried to stand up straight: "it's OK. I'll cure them all while I'm still here. Otherwise, they'll have to wait."

And they may not wait for the next ghost doctor to arrive and become a ghost first.

He just pinched the wound for a Piao, and with a tired smile, he said to the young man on one side: "treating ghosts is easier than treating people."

"That's not true."

The young man said, and stood up and yelled: "ah, line up to the left, don't look at his wife and daughter in front of the ghost doctor."

Zhang's mother was standing in front of the door, but no one was standing in the door.He wanted to cry again.

I don't know how long the action of pinching the wound is repeated. As time goes by, most of the ghosts in the queue have been reduced.


The elevator door opened.

The two old men came to each other.

At this moment, time seems to have stopped. Zhang Haixiang was staring at them and staggered to the door of the operating room.

His wife went up to meet her, and before her words could be uttered, tears had already fallen.

"Dad, mom, you're here."

"Haixiang, Haixiang, is he in there? I hear, I hear Xiao Liu say, it's dangerous, isn't it? "

Mother Zhang opened her mouth first, and saw her daughter-in-law covering her mouth and crying, her tears also went down. "How could this be? How could it be like this?"

"Haixiang!! Haixiang, how can you give up? Your daughter is still so young... "

She couldn't see. Behind her, her son was crying and treating patients.

"Dr. Zhang, are your parents here? Why don't you go and have a look, we don't care. "

The only one who was treated by him floated to see him like this, carefully comforted: "you go to have a look, and the old man said goodbye."

Zhang Haixiang bowed his head in embarrassment: "no, no, it's my unfilial, let them send the white hair to the black hair, they can't see me."

"Time is running out. I'll hurry up."

The clock hanging on the wall is always walking, time is passing by.

Finally, at 12:43, there was no ghost in the corridor.

They're all healed. They're in the dead river line.

Shiqing also got up and yawned, urging Zhang Haixiang, who was already tired, to shake: "doctor, it's time to go."

Zhang Haixiang raised his head, looked at the clock, and looked at his relatives, "is not there another ten minutes?"

"Go early. There's a surprise."

Shiqing didn't look at the clock. He took Meng Qing's hand and looked at the watch on his wrist: "what's the matter? Isn't ghost going to work half an hour ahead of time? Where have you been

Zhang Haixiang has been following the young man carefully showed a flattering smile: "I just saw ghost bad."

"But he looked at you both from a distance and ran away."


Shi Qing nodded his head and said to Meng Qing, "it's estimated that the ghost errand is a senior. I've seen me beat the king of hell."

"Come on, let's go our own way."

"Doctor, it's time to go. What else do you want to say

Zhang Haixiang looked at the operating room with the lights on and the relatives waiting outside, and looked down at his shaking hands.

"I should be a good doctor."

"I want to recite a paragraph."

When Qing leans on Meng Qing's body: "your back."

The doctor stood there, looking at his family from a distance:

"health depends on life.

When I enter the sacred Medical College, I solemnly swear:

I volunteer to devote myself to medicine, love the motherland, be loyal to the people, abide by medical ethics, respect teachers and disciplines, study hard, work tirelessly, strive for improvement and develop in an all-round way.

I am determined to spare no effort to eliminate the suffering of human beings, to help the perfection of health, and to maintain the holiness and honor of medicine. Save the dying and heal the wounded, persevere in pursuit and strive for the development of social medical and health undertakings and human physical and mental health for life

On the dead River, countless a Piao are lining up.

Ghost is maintaining order: "male left female right, male left female right, in the middle of the demon station."

"When the time is near, turn right to do the urgent work. If you are not in a hurry, wait. Don't jump in the queue. Don't rush to reincarnate. Reincarnation depends on fate, not on the line you line up. If you don't want to reincarnate, don't stand on the bridge and go to the river."

There are ghosts pushing the car by:

"peanuts, melons and watermelon."

"Cola milk tea coffee."

"It's only 100 million for a cup and 100 million for a cup."

Looking at this scene, Zhang Haixiang said Isn't this the railway station? "

"Almost, more and more young people are dying now, and the old netherworld will keep pace with the times."

A Piao on one side of the line, see Zhang Haixiang, eyes are bright.

"Master ghost doctor, you are here too. It's so fast."

"Oh, my Lord, are you in a hurry? No, we are in a hurry. I'm in the front of the line."

Meng Qing came to the dead river for the first time. His eyes were bright and he looked at the beautiful scene.

"It's beautiful."

He felt the soft palm of the devil in his hand, and suddenly felt his heart beat fast.


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The young Taoist priest couldn't help crying out. He turned his head, but he was stunned.

The devil is putting a donation box on the ground, on which are written a few big words:Ghost doctors raise money.

Meng Qing did not understand: "Shiqing, what do you do?"

"In exchange."

The devil raised his hand, a contract to the palm, and then raised his hand, the contract lightly floated to the ghost doctor.

"Ghost doctor, give me the merits and virtues, and I will let you live again."

Zhang Haixiang widened his eyes and nodded: "good! Good

"Then sign."

He quickly shook his hands, picked up the pen and signed the messy handwriting on it.

Shiqing took back the contract and looked at the doctor's signature with satisfaction.

"I can bring you back to life, but how many years you can live depends on how many patients you save are willing to give you."

He cleared his throat: "here, the ghost doctor's donation life is over. Those who have been saved by him want to donate, and those who don't want to donate should not be heard."

Zhang Haixiang nervously stood aside.

He looked at the bewildered faces and cheered himself up in the bottom of his heart. It didn't matter, one day or two. As long as he was allowed to go back and spend more time with his family, everything would be fine.

The young man took the lead and said, "I, one year, I'm sorry, Doctor Zhang, although the next life is a little far away, but it's also me. I'll only donate for one year."

Zhang Haixiang couldn't speak, and nodded his head.

"One year is enough, enough, thank you!"

Another ghost before: "I also a year, Doctor Zhang, if not for you, I would have to wait, thank you."

"I'm half a year. I'm sorry, doctor. I went to ask about it just now. Ghost messenger said that I can only live to 48 in the next life, so I'll donate less."

"I'll live to ninety, doctor, for two years!"

"One day, doctor, I'll die in my next life. I'll give you one day in two days."

Zhang Haixiang has been thanking him. If a ghost comes, just say thank you.

Almost every ghost said to him:

"I should thank you. If it wasn't for the doctor, I wouldn't have a chance to come down."

How many ghosts are there in a hospital.

Shi Qing gathered in front of the donation box.

"That's enough. If you donate the doctor again, you'll live into an old goblin."

Zhang Haixiang didn't know what to say any more. He could only keep bowing.

Thank you. Thank you

Meng Qing stood on one side and looked at the man who said that he was the great devil. When Qing shook the donation box, he took out his life and put it on Zhang Haixiang.

His eyes gradually softened.

On the dead River, there are scattered lights floating around, more beautiful than the star river.

The young Taoist priest walked over and gently held the devil's hand.

Shi Qing turned to look at him: "what are you doing?"

Meng Qing red face, gently called a: "devil."

When the power of the contract came into effect, he came over and gave the devil a little kiss on his white cheek.

Doctor Zhang is not in danger for the time being. His vital signs are very stable. It's only a matter of time to wake up. Sister in law, you can be patient and so on

Zhang Haixiang listened to his colleagues and opened his eyes slowly.

He looked at the ceiling and was stunned for a long time before he called out: "Er er..."

His wife almost immediately ran over and rushed to the bedside: "Haixiang, you scared me to death!"

"No, no more..."

Zhang Haixiang moved his fingers hard and landed on his wife's hair. He gently comforted her: "we are going to live together until we are 85 years old."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The wife calmed down, wiped tears to stand up, touched her husband's face with heartache.

"You see, you've lost so much weight."

"Ah? What's the swelling on your head? Didn't you go to the operating room before? "

Zhang Haixiang tried to reach out his hand, touched the swelling bag on his forehead and revealed a smile: "it's OK. It's very painful."

"You've lost your sleep. It hurts well."

Zhang Haixiang recovered faster than everyone imagined. On the third day, he was able to walk around the building with the help of his wife.

Today is obstetrics and gynecology. He has a senior brother here. Zhang Haixiang is waiting for him to leave work.

Sitting and sitting, suddenly heard the loud cry of the child.

A sick room door opened, parents holding their children out, whispered: "ancestor, you can not cry, just born three days, how can you cry so."

In the corridor, a family member of a pregnant woman approached curiously: "ah, what's the matter with the child's neck?"

"Born like this, the doctor said it's OK. It's just a little bit more meat. When you grow up, you can cut it off. If you don't, it won't affect you."

Zhang Haixiang slowly walked past and looked at the child crying in his grandmother's arms. A small tug was slightly protruding on his neck.

He stretched out his hand and said to the parents, "let me hold it, I will coax the child."Parents didn't take it seriously. They handed their grandson over carefully.

Zhang Haixiang held the baby carefully and slowly swayed:

"I'll give you a hug. Don't cry."

The baby looked at him with black eyes and smacked his lips.

At the moment, he didn't know anything, he couldn't speak and he couldn't understand. But looking at the doctor who was smiling, he felt very comfortable.

Smack, smack, smack.

I really don't cry.

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