Shi Qing and Meng Qing found a fortune teller under the bridge.

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The fortune teller, dressed in yellow waistcoat, long beard and sunglasses, claimed to be blind. He spoke with a local accent. Maybe he felt hot. He held a towel in his hand and wiped the water from his forehead for a while. In front of him was a gossip map.

Knowing that Shi Qing and Meng Qing wanted to tell fortune, he first picked up the turtle shell and shook it. Then he poured out the copper coins inside. Looking at the copper coins on the ground for half a minute, he sighed and his face was miserable.

"Oh, no wonder, you two are here to count your feelings. Oh, you two are going to be obstructed when you are together."

Meng Qing opened her eyes slightly and looked up and down at this one in front of her. She didn't look like a orthodox fortune teller. She hesitated gradually.

He quietly came to Shi Qing's ear and whispered, "how does he know we're here to count our feelings?"

Originally, Shiqing saw him and said he would take him to calculate. Meng Qing was not very happy.

After all, he is an orthodox Taoist, but every time he and Shiqing are counted, nothing can be calculated.

It can be understood that Shiqing is not a human being. Of course, nothing can be calculated.

Now, this seemingly unreliable fortune teller actually said it.

The devil took a sip of the milk tea on his hand and raised the hand held by the young Taoist priest to the top.

Learning from Meng Qing's appearance, he reached the Taoist priest's ear, and his bewitching voice was low: "in this full street, you can see which two men of our age hold hands."

Meng Qing suddenly realized.

The "master" is still talking.

"Oh, you are doomed to be a family member."

"Especially you."

He pointed to is smiling at his own time Qing, touching his beard a face of profound mystery: "your family, can't accommodate you."

"It may be your pull-out or your numbness. In a word, they will obstruct you, but don't worry. If you meet me, it's your good luck. I will relieve your evil spirit and help you avoid this danger."

Shi Qing still smiles: "so master, how much does this evil spirit cost?"

"Well, talk about money."

The fortune teller waved his hand and said, "I don't love money." then he stretched out his hand and put up three fingers:


"Well, I'll give you three hundred."

Shi Qing took out 300 yuan and handed it to the master. He was still smiling and looked very good-natured.

"But master, you have to sign for me. If what you say is false, you have to pay for it."

Fortune teller:

He looked carefully at the two men in front of him with his sunglasses.

They're all big, long legs, big tall.

Meng Qing is OK. Although she is handsome, she is good at temper.

One side of the time is not the same, although it is smiling, but looking at the special danger.

Besides, he wears sunglasses, as well as Shiqing.

Obviously, they are all black. His sunglasses are just like blind people. When Qing wears them, they are handsome.

Not to mention appearance and temper, these two men are two strong young men, he must be unable to beat.

Thinking, he pulled his face.

"Even if you believe it, if you don't believe it, it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Moss wants to do this and that."

With that, he put out his hand, collected the stall, and picked up the walking stick for the blind. One hand was holding his own stall, while the other was groping in front of him.

Very blind.

When Qing pick eyebrow, big long leg forward a stride, block in front of him: "master, don't calculate?"

"If you don't believe me, you're a moss. Don't forget it."

The fortuneteller fumbled in front of him, groping and saying, "don't block me. I'm blind. You'll bully me."

"I tell you, I can see ghosts since I was three years old, and I can communicate Yin and Yang when I was five years old. I have been worshipped by experts since I was a child. I have been out of the mountain since I was a teenager. I don't know how many people I have counted. It's very effective!"

At the moment, an aunt passed by. She was wearing colorful clothes and was on her way. When she heard them talking, she glanced at them and said to herself:

"the fortune teller has come out again to deceive people."

Fortune teller

With a dry cough, he pretended he didn't hear anything and continued to fumble along.

When he saw this, he said angrily, "what are you doing? Are you a young man and bullying a blind old man like me! There's no reason for that! "

How do you know I'm a young man

Fortune teller:

"Then I, then I can't count it, I can't figure it out."Meng Qing gently pulled the demon's hand.

"Forget it."

"I have something to do with him," he said

After whispering with his lover, he continued to ask the fortune teller, "are you really blind?"

Fortune teller straightened up: "yes, I'm really blind!"

"No lies?"

"I lied to you to be moss."

The devil stretched out his hand as fast as the wind and took off the glasses on his face.

The two men looked at each other.

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The fortune teller looked at Shi Qing with his eyes open

After a few seconds, he immediately began to have no eyes, reached out and groped in front of him: "you are moss! Give me your eyes back. If you bully a blind man, your conscience will not hurt! "

"Really blind?" he said

"Of course."

Fortune teller: "if you don't like it, I'm not polite."

"Green dragon!" he cried


There was no response after several shouts.

His face was stiff.

Then he changed his name: "Wangcai!"

"Bark, bark, bark, bark!"

The dog barked almost immediately from far to near. A black hyacinth came running happily with his tail wagging and his rope in his mouth.

It is also * * on the body, while running, dripping water on its hair.

When the master's feet, it obediently put the rope on the ground, squatting beside the fortune teller, with his tongue sticking out and his head crooked, he looked at Shiqing and Meng Qing cleverly.

Meng Qing likes animals. As soon as her sight falls on Wangcai, she can't help but soften down.

Fortune teller fumbled and squatted down with his hands on the ground.

Wangcai saw it, picked up the rope on the ground, raised his head and sent it to his hand.

With the rope in his hand, the fortune teller was right.

"See, this is my guide dog."

"Aren't most of the guide dogs Labrador?" Shi Qing looked at the adult black dog: "this one seems to be a Chinese garden dog."

"Which said that the guide dog can only be a breed of dog, my dog is a guide dog, no, you see."

With that, he closed his eyes and took the local dog named Wangcai in his hand and walked steadily forward.

Wangcai is also like what he said. He trots forward with small steps. When he encounters obstacles, he shouts, and then the owner who closes his eyes will walk around.

As the fortune teller walked, he called out in front of him: "see, I can walk so far."

He took a few more steps: "look, guide dog!"

A few more steps: "I'm not lying to you."

Then he went all the way to the corner. When he was sure that Shiqing and Meng Qing could not see themselves, he took the dog and began to run.

"Let's go, let's get rich."

A man and a dog ran across the river, and then ran to rows of trees.

The devil took Meng Qing to sit on the tree and looked at the back of a man and a dog running fast.

Meng Qing waited until the fortune teller had run away, and then turned to ask Shi Qing, "what do you want to do with him? I don't think he's a common person, and he doesn't look like a bad guy. Although he's not sure, he's just as angry as a normal person. "

Fortune tellers like this are all over the street. They are just like this one when they come out.

Shi Qing's shoulder pressed against Meng Qing's shoulder, felt the warmth from him and yawned:

"kiss me and tell you."

Meng Qing's ear was red.

Now the sun is about to set, and the sky around him is gradually getting dark. But in his eyes, he still sees the devil very clearly.

The devil's eyes are always smiling and bending slightly, and the corners of his eyes are up.

The red lips of the devil.

The devil's beautiful slender hands.

He approached slightly, and under the cover of the branches, he fulfilled the requirements of Shiqing.

When he turned back, the ear tip of the young Taoist priest was already red.

He took the initiative to reach out his hand and gently pulled Shiqing, with a kind of shyness in his warm voice:

"you can exchange it without it."

"Even if you don't exchange it, I'll kiss you."


The demon king looked at him with a smile and leaned on the other side's arms: "then why have you never seen your initiative?"

Meng Qing's face turned red.

This time, he took the initiative, slightly lowered his head, and again completed a deeper communication activity under the shelter of the branches.

The young Taoist priest carefully held the devil's hand, unconsciously kneaded his soft palm with his fingertips, and asked expectantly:

"when this is done, you and I will go back to see Master."

Speaking of this, his face even redder. He blinked embarrassed, his long eyelashes drooped, and said in a low voice, "master raised me. I want to, I want to go to see him with you."This sentence means to see the parents.

"No problem."

When Qing agreed, smile of amuse Meng Qing: "if your master does not agree."

Meng Qing is actually thinking about this issue these days.

He said seriously: "master does not agree, I will ask the master to agree."

He said, "don't worry. Master has lived for a long time. He should be more receptive to this kind of thing than ordinary people."

Shi Qing nodded: "Zhengxing has lived for a long time."

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"Five hundred years ago, I met him once, but at that time he was only 200 years old. He had not yet worshipped the halal temple or practiced Taoism. He saw me from a distance and ran away."

Meng Qing was bewildered.

500 years, plus 200 years.

Isn't that 700 years?

He always thought that the master was only over 100 years old. Although he said that practicing Taoism could prolong life span, human life could not be prolonged any more. At most 200 years could not survive.

The young Taoist priest blinked a little perplexed: "that master It's amazing. It's over 700 years old. "

"Well, it's tough, but it's too timid."

Shi Qing skips the topic, "do you bring stealth symbols?"

Meng Qing took out the invisible talisman.

They pasted one of them and headed for the blind fortune teller's place just now.

The blind fortune teller, whose surname is Zhang, is called blind Zhang.

Of course, he is not really blind. He just puts on sunglasses and pretends to be blind so that guests can trust him.

He grew up here when he was a child. Before this side, it was a remote country. Although the scenery was beautiful, the villagers were poor and grew up here. The scenery that could only be seen and could not be eaten was useless for them.

Later, it was developed into a tourist area, and tourists came here, which made the villagers earn more.

Zhang Xiazi is an orphan and has no land.

When he was young, he didn't do this fortune telling business. He was an ordinary labor worker. Later, he became tired and lay in bed for many days. After that, he couldn't do too much work.

No way. He began to find a way to make a living.

He was really raised by a real blind man, who was also a fortune teller, but he did not learn the skills of the other party. Now that he is older, he can only learn while reading books. He goes out to set up a stall in the daytime and comes back to read various fortune telling books at night.

People in the town all know that his life is hard. He was lost by his parents when he was a child. It was very difficult for someone to pick him up. As a result, he died when he was a teenager.

He was left alone to make a living and get a daughter-in-law, such as Zhu Rubao's holding in the palm of his hand. As a result, he became ill and collapsed in bed to be cared for.

They also have no children, medical expenses, the cost of asking someone to take care of patients, all of which have to be carried by the blind Zhang alone.

Although some people don't like him, most people don't say much when they see him fooling people.

Although Zhang Xiazi doesn't have any professional level, he also has some professional qualities.

Fortune telling is ten yuan a time. He basically says it with good words.

For example, when a mother-in-law comes to count her daughter-in-law, she says that her daughter-in-law dominates the whole family. She says that her daughter-in-law is quite normal, just an ordinary person.

Another example is that when a child comes to see him when he is ill, he does not deceive. He directly says that he can't see the disease and let him go to the hospital.

Because I've always been careful and I haven't had any trouble.

If there is a thing, people suspect him, he began to pretend blind, let his guide dog Wangcai take him home.

Most people don't care about a blind man.

Money can be made, but people have to be OK first.

This afternoon, I set up a stall all afternoon, including the two just now, I saw five people and made 50 yuan.

Zhang went back home and rubbed his head with Wangcai: "good boy, today it depends on you."

"But next time I call you Qinglong, you have to promise, you know? Qinglong sounds more imposing than Wangcai. Ah, I blame me. When I brought you back, how could I give you such a local name as Wangcai? "

As a result, now it only recognizes Wangcai, not Qinglong.

The black native dog spits out his tongue and looks at him obediently. His face is full of cleverness.

"Forget it. I've been calling you Wangcai for more than ten years. It's not easy to change it."

Zhang sighed, rubbed his eyebrows, touched his head again with a tired smile, and began to tidy up the cooking.

After cooking, hang it first, then wash your face, wipe the wet place on your back, and look up and down in the mirror to make sure that there is no tired look on his face. After that, he goes to serve his wife's excrement and urine, change her clothes, and let her breathe.

His wife couldn't move, so she could only open her mouth and speak. When she saw him back, she burst out a smile on her face: "you today Tired or not? ""Not tired."

Blind Zhang was in high spirits. While wiping her body, he said with a smile, "today is a very interesting day. A 10-year-old primary school student is supposed to travel with his parents. He secretly comes to me with money and asks me to help him figure out when he can escape from the sea of study."

"I asked him about his age and what grade he was in, and then told him how old he was when he graduated from the University. The boy still has more than ten years to learn, and his face is gray."

His wife weak smile: "how can you meet such a funny thing every day, every day."

"I'm lucky. I'm the luckiest in the whole town."

Zhang continued: "today I saw two men hand in hand telling fortunes. Now the times are really different from before. They are generous and open-minded, but they are really good-looking. Ah, good-looking boy dolls are all together."

His wife listened to her husband's interesting stories with a smile, nodding her head hard while listening.

When the blind man Zhang made it clear, the clothes were changed, the room was ventilated, and the rice hung before was better.

He began to feed again.

While feeding, he said, "Wangcai is old and obedient as before."

Don't he catch fish in the river? I always set up a stall and he went to catch fish. When I called out, he came back. This dog is intelligent. We raised it since we were young. He regards us as parents

His wife laughs.

But it's tiring to laugh and hard to laugh.

She couldn't open her eyes a little.

She couldn't eat any more. She said to her husband vaguely, "Lao Zhang, I think it's time for me."

"No, no, how could it be? You are only in your early forties, and you will have a long time to go."

"No, I'm a drag to live like this. We've been married for 20 years, and I've dragged you down for 10 years. You can't afford to delay any more. You can't make yourself look like this because of me. I know you have real skills. It's all because of me..."

"No, you're not a drag."

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Blind Zhang sniffed. "People say I'm not lucky, but I know that I'm lucky."

He reached out his hand, touched his wife's stiff fingers and massaged her once and for all. "You see, I was an orphan and was thrown away since I was a child. As a result, my master picked me up and raised me until I was a teenager. That's when I could make a living on my own."

"Living alone, I met you in my early twenties. I also have a daughter-in-law and a family. If I'm not lucky, how can I be so lucky?"

He said a lot, but his wife could hardly hear it.

People are always in a trance when they are about to die.

The middle-aged woman staring at the ceiling, long, long sigh out a breath: "I can't, Lao Zhang, I can't hold."

"I've got to go. You'll have a good time alone."

"Don't go, don't go!"

Blind Zhang quickly grasped his wife's hand and took money from his pocket: "you see, I've made money, I've made money, you see."

"No more, no more..."

Her daughter-in-law looked back, her hand suddenly moved and caught the blind man with tears in her eyes.

"You are the last thing I can put down

She didn't move.

"Daughter in law, daughter-in-law?"

He tried to squeeze out a smile, then lifted the bowl, and handed a spoonful of rice to his wife's mouth: "you see, I fried shredded potatoes today. Don't you like shredded potatoes? I cut it very carefully. You can eat it without any difficulty. "

"I don't know. I don't like chili."

"I met Wang Shuhua today. Don't you have a good relationship with her? As a result, she broke down my desk today. It's too bad. "

"Today, our Wangcai is very strange. It didn't catch fish. It used to catch fish."

"Daughter in law, come on, open your mouth and eat quickly. It's going to be cold."

No one answered him.

He slowly buried his head by the bed and began to cry in a low voice.

From outside came the voice of Wangcai: "wangwangwangwang!"

"Bark, bark, bark, bark!"

Unfortunately, his master was so sad that he didn't want to come out and have a look.

"What a good dog, don't you think?"

Shiqing touched the dog's head and turned to ask Meng Qing, "do you think your master will like it?"

Meng Qing hesitated.

"Master, he I don't seem to like dogs. "

Shi Qing: "it's OK. I think he'll like it when he sees it."

Having said that, they went into the room together.

The blind man in the room had cried and figured it out.

In this world, he only has his daughter-in-law and Wangcai in the world.When Wang Caishou was sleeping, he would not live.

Sobbing, he gently reached out his hand and found a white dress, which he put on his daughter-in-law's face.

As a result, he was stunned.

Holding clothes on the hand, is white swelling.

Shiqing leads Wangcai in. As soon as Wangcai arrives at the blind man, he wags his tail and barks in a low voice. The aggrieved are more likely to groan than the dog.

Blind Zhang looked at it blankly, stretched out his hand and touched it.

Wangcai seldom calls it that way.

It's the second time he's ever heard it say that since he grew up.

When was the first time

It seemed to him that rainy day appeared before him.

He led Wangcai to walk on the bridge, his feet slipped, and the whole person slipped down.

In fact, strictly speaking, he was not drowned, but hit his head on a stone in the river and then floated down the river.

Wangcai jumped down and picked him up.

It called to him, as it had been, in a low, sobbing, low voice.

He felt the blood flowing all the time

I was cold all over.

He wants to sleep. He feels very tired.

But I can't sleep. How can I sleep.

Sleep, his daughter-in-law, his family wealth, what do they do.

I can't put it down.

How can they survive when he's gone.

Especially his daughter-in-law, without him, who will take care of her, who will support her.

Who will turn her over and help her change clothes.

He slowly opened his eyes, sat up and led Wangcai home.

In front of the mirror, he wiped his face, and his expression slowly became confused.

It's strange. Why are you so wet.

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Blind Zhang stood up blankly. He turned around and saw his daughter-in-law looking at him.

He didn't leave because he couldn't let her go.

She didn't leave because she couldn't let him go.

Outside the ghost differential carefully put out his head and said to Shi Qing: "big, adult, it's time for us to go..."

Next to him, the colorful aunt also poked out her head curiously. Seeing the scene inside, she clapped her hands: "ah! younger sister! Lao Zhang! You're both dead. Come on, come on, and be my companion

When Qing asked Meng Qing: "don't you see that he is a living corpse?"

The young Taoist priest shook his head in shame: "I didn't see it. This is the first time I saw a living corpse."

"A living corpse usually has obsession in order to maintain a normal person's appearance. His obsession is his wife."

The devil asked his true lover, "do you have anything to say when you see this scene?"

Meng Qing shook his head: "I have no, what do you want to say?"


Shi Qing yawned and leaned against the Taoist priest without any bones:

"a family should be neat and tidy."

With that, he snapped his fingers, and the black dog, which had been killed by both owners, ran over.

The devil touched its head: "poor, they are all dead, only you."

"But don't worry, I'll make you the first dog who can only cultivate."

Meng Qing recalled the memory of the past, eyes bright to the lover: "if there is no one to help attract, is inseparable from the human world, to the soul, you specially come, is to help them."

"Don't think so much."

When clear pick eyebrow, hand touch dog's head: "I just want this dog, attract just by the way."

Meng Qing did not expose him, only red face, quietly squatting beside the lover.

"Let's meet my master."

"No way

"Absolutely not!"

Meng Qing's master raised his white beard and was full of anger: "Meng Qing! You wake me up. How can you be with him! He is a devil! The devil

"You! How can you be defiled by him, a good young man who has worked so hard to grow up and be upright? "

"I tell you, even if you marry and have children, you can't be with him!"

Meng Qing blushed and bowed her head, a little embarrassed:

"master, Shi Qing and I are made for each other. We are destined to be married."

"Who is going to vomit blood?" he said

"Which tortoise grandson said that!"

Meng Qing: "if not, why don't you let me get the certificate now, master?"

On the right line:

"Daosheng certificate needs education! You followed me since I was a child, and you didn't go to school. How can you take it? "

However, no matter how much he vomited blood, Meng Qing's face was red and her voice was relatively low, but her expression was still firm:

"I want to be with Shiqing, I like him!""No! I don't agree! "

Zheng Xing suddenly stands up;

"even if he is a devil, I am not afraid of him! I've been practicing for seven hundred years. I'm not afraid of anything! "

He went out with all his might.

Meng Qing ran after him: "master!"

As soon as they went out, they saw Shiqing, who was holding Wangcai.

The young Taoist priest had bright eyes and could not stop laughing.

But Zhengxing, he stares at Wangcai, his expression is already stiff.

Shi Qing: "I heard that the Taoist priest didn't agree with me and Qing Qing."

On the right line Yes, yes! I just don't agree! I! Straight ahead! I don't agree

"Well, Taoist priest, although I am a devil, I also respect you. This dog, even as a parting gift for Meng Qing and me, if you insist on breaking us up, you can take this dog."

Meng Qing was stunned, his fists could not help but clench and stepped forward: "Shiqing..."

The devil blinked at him and let go of the rope.

Wangcai ran over happily.

On the right line:

Wangcai ran up to him.

On the right line:

Wangcai sticks out his tongue and sniffs at him.

On the right line:

On the right line:


He sat down on the ground and became a big fat vole.

Squeak like the wind ran away.

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