Meng Qing did not expect that Zhengxing was a vole spirit.

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And, after seeing the dog, he didn't want to change back.

So the young Taoist priest could only hold the fat vole carefully and talk to him in a low voice.

"Master, I really like Shiqing."

"He was gentle and kind, and though he was always fierce in his mouth, he did all good things."

The field mouse's eyes turned to Shiqing, who was teasing Wangcai.

He has no bones like, leaning against a tree, big long legs leisurely overlapping stand, a demon like face, right lip slightly raised, beautiful eye tail pick.

What do you think? It's full of evil.

On the right line:

The blind apprentice was still saying:

"although he is a devil, master, you have not taught me that as long as we have good thoughts, we should not take prejudice in our hearts

The squeak of the field mouse.

I was a goblin. I'm afraid you can't accept it when you find out, so I'll give you a vaccination in advance.

Who knows this prevention needle actually is to such a devil to do a wedding dress!

Meng Qing saw the master call, relieved, stretched out his hand, carefully held the master to stand up, so that it can face the face of Shiqing.

"Master, you see, Shiqing is such a good devil."

"I'm really happy to be with him."

It's just like looking at a lump of black gas in the right line

Meng Qing: "he is a devil. He doesn't need merit at all, but he just helped a doctor who died of overwork and exchanged merits with him."

"Master, he is really good. When I saw him standing in the dead river of the underworld, I suddenly realized."

The field mouse widened its small eyes and said, "squeak!! Squeak

What's the matter with you! Why did you run to the dead river!

How I taught you! Didn't I tell you that the living can't enter!

However, his apprentice's lips with a smile, eyes still fall on the devil who is playing with the big dog. No, it's not falling, it's sticking to it.

Zhengxing is in a hurry. He jumps up in his apprentice's palm, squeaks and tries to attract his attention, and draws Meng Qing's eyes back from the devil.

However -

"master, you think that's the case, right?"

Meng Qing looked at her lover with a soft look in her eyes: "as long as we practice Taoism, as long as we have good thoughts and do good deeds, what are the other obstacles?"

"Shiqing is a devil, but he was born to be a devil. Even if he was born, he couldn't decide his origin. In this case, why should he wear colored glasses to see him?"

The field mouse tried to wriggle his fat body to pick and choose.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!"

-- apprentice! Are you blind! You forgot what he did before?! You still hate him to gnash his teeth!!

Young Taoist priest: "master, I understand that you want to tell me that people who practice Taoism don't have to worry too much. Thank you, master. If you hadn't given me support all the time, I would not have grown up like this."


"Master, I know that you may not be able to accept it, but it doesn't matter. In the future, Shi Qing and I will visit you together. You will know that although he is a devil, he looks fierce and bad, but in fact, his heart is softened by everyone."

On the right line:

Demon, it seems that there is no heart.

He couldn't stand this kind of communication. He bit his teeth and jumped out of his apprentice's hand.

Standing on the ground was no longer a fat vole, but a Taoist in a Taoist robe and a long beard.

"Meng Qing, let me tell you..."


When Qing went up, he called out naturally: "master, have you changed back?"

What's going on is that What do you call me


The demon king smiles and leans on Meng Qing.

The young Taoist priest reached out his hand skillfully and naturally, and took him to his side. He looked at each other casually with a strong love.

In the right direction

Blind his rat eyes.

The demon king said: "since I and Meng Qing are all together, naturally I can call you a master."

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"Master, in fact, you don't have to be so entangled. Although I'm a demon, Meng Qing is not a human being. We are made in heaven and earth, and match each other very well."

Meng Qing's face at a loss: "I am not a person?"

He looked at the same gaping Zhengxing, and suddenly understood: "am I also a vole?"

"Fart! You were brought from the foot of the mountain by your teacher. If you were not a person, how could you have been thrown at the foot of the mountain when you were just born! Listen to the devil"I'm not lying."

Shi Qing raised his eyebrow: "there is pure Qi and turbid Qi in the world. I'm turbid Qi, and Meng Qing is pure Qi. Shifu, when you look at Meng Qing, don't you see his Qi? In this world, even the newborn baby doesn't have the breath. Meng Qing is so old. And, don't you think of any other possibilities? "

On the right line:

He thought he was gifted and raised such a good child for the first time.

Even proud of it.

He looked at a puzzled disciple, and then to a demon who said, "anyway, I'm telling the truth, but you can't find any loopholes.".

Once again, I looked at the apprentice carefully.

Sure enough, the white breath was almost overflowing.

On the right line:

So, is not one of the three people present a human being?

Shi Qing: "I am turbid Qi, he is Qingqi. We are made in heaven. Zhengxing master, do you have any reason to stop us?"

What's going on is that I'll take it easy. "

"Don't follow me. I want to be quiet."

When Qing draws up lip Cape: "no problem."

Looking at master Zhengxing's back, he untied the rope around Wangcai's neck and touched its head:

"dear, go find him and play with him."

Wangcai put out his tongue and wagged his tail, and happily went to the direction of Zhengxing.

After a while, there was another scream from Zhengxing:



"Ah, ah, ah, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi, Zhi


Meng Qing heard master's scream, and subconsciously he was about to step forward. The demon king stretched out his hand to stop him. The whole man was hanging on him.

The magnetic voice, which was always luring, lowered and dragged on for a long time: "don't worry. Your master has been a master for seven hundred years. As long as he wants to, Wangcai can't get close to him."

"But master, he..."

"Do you know why your master came here to be a Taoist priest?"

When Qing lifted up a corner of Meng Qing's clothes and pulled him to sit down, lying comfortably on each other's head.

"He was a vole before he became a sperm. He lived by stealing food. The farmer had a big dog. At that time, he was most afraid of dogs. After that, he was afraid of dogs."

"He has practiced for many years. He has come to the halal temple to get rid of the fear of dogs, so as to get rid of the fear of dogs. He will let Wangcai grind it with him, and it will come out."

After that, the demon king got up slowly, put his hands on the young Taoist priest's shoulder, and whispered to his ear lobe which was red again with his own movement:

"I'll help your master break the puzzle. What do you want to return me?"

Meng Qing blushed and gently took his hand.

"I grew up in the mountains, and I have nothing to do but give myself back to you."

When Qing smile, close to the young Taoist face side, looking at the tension of his eyes: "you are mine originally."

Seeing Meng Qing's eyes full of joy and looking at himself brightly, he went to Meng Qing's ear and asked in a low voice:

"how is your body? I remember that you are practicing martial arts since childhood."

Meng Qing didn't understand why the topic suddenly shifted to this one, but he still answered earnestly: "yes, I have been strong since I was a child."

Shi Qing: "that should be very good at fighting."

Meng Qing: "in addition to several downhill demons, I have never touched people."

He asked again, "Shiqing, what do you want to do with this?"

Shi Qing: "do you know Zhao Zilong?"

"In the battle of Changbanpo, he entered and left seven times. I admire him very much."

Meng Qing nodded: "although I didn't go to school, my master knows both ancient and modern times and likes reading novels, so I also know some."

The demon king slowly, slowly squeezed his hand into Meng Qing's hand.

In Meng Qing's eyes, lovers seem to have starlight in their eyes, and their faces are full of eager to try.

The devil always takes advantage of himself.

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At the moment, he is holding the young Taoist priest's hand and letting him fall on his white cheek. Because his fingers with thin cocoons during his childhood training can feel the tenderness and smoothness of the devil's face.

When Qing gently blinks, each action is with endless temptation.

"I like Zhao Zilong. Will you study hard from him for me?"

Meng Qing straightened up her waist and seriously replied, "I will!"

Then he was taken down the mountain.

Into a hotel.

I saw rose petals all over the bed.

Until the next morning, the devil sat comfortably in his arms and flattered him.

Meng Qing knew that it was Zhao Zilong who learned from him.Even if Wangcai was there, Zhengxing still refused to agree with them.

But the apprentice is old, not a child.

He refused, and the two of them went down the mountain. They were angry that night in the halal temple, a field mouse just ate a big pot of rice and made a round belly.

Wangcai was left behind. Even though Zhengxing still felt weak at the sight of it and wanted to change back to its original shape, he still didn't send Wangcai to other places after knowing that they had gone and the dog had been left.

I'm so weak and I'm getting along.

Every year, Meng Qing comes back to visit him.

Zhengxing looks at the more and more solid merits and virtues of his apprentice, but he can't say anything cruel.

It's no use saying it. Shiqing can speak more than he can.

If you say no, you can't win.

Human tragedy.

In the fifth year, Zhengxing had been able to maintain his human form in front of Wangcai.

But at this time, Wangcai is going to die.

He was an old dog. He has lived to the limit.

That night, it happened that Qing and Meng Qing went up the mountain to visit Zhengxing, but they learned that he had been sitting in the closed room all night.

Early the next morning, he gave the old dog some of his ways.

He finally realized.

Even after he became a demon, he gave back to his family who had stolen food. He did good deeds everywhere and accumulated good virtues. In addition to evil demons, he also studied Taoism in the halal temple.

But in fact, in his heart, he is still the little vole who has worked hard to grow food for his food.

Voles are afraid of people and dogs, which can be said to be nature, but also can be said to be guilty.

At least today's Zhengxing can't tell whether they were afraid of dogs because of stealing or because of their nature.

After thinking it out, Zhengxing is no longer afraid of Wangcai.

He left the halal temple with Wangcai and said that he wanted to travel around the world just to help people in the world like the apprentice demon king.

Meng Qing, who has been eating delicious food all over the world, is a little guilty.

The demon king didn't think they misled Zhengxing. They did help others while eating delicious food.

Although helping people is by-pass, food is the main thing.

After Zhengxing left the halal temple, Meng Qing came back less.

He gradually found that his age seemed to end in the year of Qing Dynasty when he knew him. There was a way to keep youth in Daoism, but it was definitely not something Meng Qing could understand at his age.

The Taoist priest asked the demon king.

The demon king replied: "at the beginning, it was cheating you. What we signed was not the master servant contract, but the partner contract."

"You live, I live, I die, you die."

The Taoist priest asked again that his life span was only that of ordinary people. What if he died.

The devil did not care to shrug: "died together."

Meng Qing was not sad.

The more he went with the devil, the more thorough he thought.

He firmly believes that even in this life in the past, in the next life, he can still meet with Shiqing.

They went to many places together, ate a lot of delicious food and helped a lot of people.

When the Taoist priest was 90 years old, that morning, he opened the door and took a deep breath of the air outside. He turned his head to Shi Qing and said, "it's time for me."

The demon king was not sad. He went up and took his hand. He was still a heartless charm. "Let's go."

"Send the last one off and get a ride."

Hand in hand, they went through the thick fog to the hospital.

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Entering the ward, there is an old man who is struggling to live on the ventilator.

Perhaps feeling that it was time for him, he called his grandchildren to come to the bedside, his wrinkled hands shaking and taking the ventilator off his face.

"Photos Give me the picture... "

The same old son beside the bed quickly shook his hands and took the photo on the side of the cabinet and handed it to his father.

"Dad, Dad, the doctor says there's still hope. Don't give up dad."

"It's gone. I don't want to."

The old man held the photo hard, as if holding some rare treasure. He stroked it with a pair of old eyes, looking at it and smiling slowly.

"I've worked hard to live, and I've worked hard all my life. Now I'm finally, cough, cough! At last, I don't have to try any more. "

"When I'm dead, you'll bury me and me in the cemetery I've set up before me. I'll buy them. You just have to put my ashes in."

His son nodded and his grandchildren cried with them.

"Don't worry, grandfather."

"Don't worry, I don't worry, big son."

The old man stretched out his hand and touched his son kneeling beside his bed: "Dad is gone. No one is looking at you. Don't forget to give incense to your father."He held the photo with his other hand, trying to gasp: "don't forget him, there is no one in his family, except us, no one remembers him. Although we didn't, we didn't get the certificate, but we were married..."

"You are his son, you must not forget him, even if you are later, cough cough cough When you are going to leave, you should tell your son and your grandson that they will remember to give incense to your father. Do you know

"Yes, it's dad. I remember. I'll never forget to give you incense."

The eldest son is also full of white hair, kneeling on the ground and crying: "if my father had not adopted me, I would not have lived peacefully for a lifetime. Dad, don't worry, I will remember."

"Good, good, you are good, you are so good, your father must like you He likes children best, and he likes children most... "

His hand fell down.




The nurse outside heard the noise and called the doctor.

After the doctor came to check, he sighed:

"Mr. MI, Mr. Chen has passed away. Please feel sorry for that."

Sadness enveloped the whole ward.

When Qing and Meng Qing stood by the door, listening to the cry inside, turned his head.

The old man is standing behind them.

He looked at them for a long time, then slowly showed a smile: "two gentlemen, still the same as before..."

When Qing relies on Meng Qing, looking at him with a smile: "are you not the same?"

The old man lowered his head, and found that his hands had recovered the whiteness and firmness of his youth. He touched his face, and it was smooth, not wrinkled.

He looked up and laughed.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. It's just a little free ride for you."

The three arrived in the underworld.

The dead river is still the scene, Wuyang and Wuyang ghost sea crowded.

Ghost cart peddler.

There is a ghost difference in holding a big horn shouting: "do not want to reincarnate to the dead River, to the dead river!! Don't crowd! The one in green over there, I saw you jump in the queue. Please line up behind me

All around were noisy and noisy, but Chen Zeyu saw the man standing in the dead River, looking at himself in the sky.

Miran smiles and waves at him.

Chen Zeyu seems to be back when he was young. He jumps down in two or three steps and walks to milang in the starry sky.

"I've kept you waiting."

"It's OK. There's a lot of fun here."

"Did you see the letter I burned for you?"

"In fact, it's rare to receive anything from the top, because it's too much."

"I'll tell you now. I adopted a child and followed your surname. I raised him. He married and had children. He gave me grandchildren. I told them not to forget to incense you every Qingming Festival."

Miran: "I know. My parents told me when they came down. They also said they regretted. When I heard it, I was very happy. Although it was a little late, I still got their understanding."

With that, he took Chen Zeyu's hand with a smile.


Chen Zeyu clenched his lover's hand and looked at him:

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"let's go together."

The two slowly crossed the dead River and lined up in line.

When Qing jumped into the dead River and waved to Meng Qing: "come on, come down."

The Taoist priest, who was still young, jumped down with a smile.

They lay in the dead River, looking at the light over the underworld like stars.

Hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

Meng Qing: "will we meet again in the next life?"

Shi Qing: "yes."

"I say yes, I will."

The Taoist priest gradually lost his breath. Shiqing leaned on his arms and closed his eyes.

Ding! The end of the holiday world, welcome back to the host holiday! ]

[please select: 1, vacation, 2, continue to complete the task. ]

Shi Qing; [22222]

[Ding! Please be ready to jump to the task world. In the task world jump, when 3, 2, 1]

} ※

, you can see that there is a woman looking at him with disdain in front of him.

"Shiqing, you don't think it's very good to sit in this position depending on the family relationship. What level are you? Don't I know?"

"My uncle loves you, but if you let him know that you are so domineering outside with his power, will he still love you as before?"

While accepting the body memory quickly, Shiqing leaned back, raised his chin, and made a fearless look behind his back."If you want to complain, run over and say something to me."


The woman was stopped by his words, angrily looked at Shiqing, and then turned to leave the room.

Shi Qing began to concentrate on the plot.

This is an empty world. In this novel world, China is a constitutional monarchy, and there are royal nobles. The original male Lord is of noble origin and joins the army.

In one mission, he was sent to protect the villain. The villain was a noble with family background. He entered the Academy of science and technology through the back door by virtue of his family background. His moral character was very bad. He only regarded him as a bodyguard for the male owners who were also aristocrats. He never looked at him directly.

The villain was greedy for the research results of a new man in the Academy of science and technology. He did not steal the research results, but also made a rake. After being punctured by the male leader, he began to target the male leader.

It was supposed to be a male leader all the way up, at the same time, the villains kept acting as demons.

But after the small world began to become a world of its own, because the male owner stabbed him to steal the new man's achievements, the villain pained to kill him and arranged for someone to make a car accident for him.

The result actually let him give success.

Unfortunately, the man died.

The task of Shiqing is to protect the male Lord.

Still wearing a white coat, Shi Qing had already guessed the end.

[system, male dominant rejection. ]

the system appears quietly. No matter how many times it has just entered the new world, it will feel guilty for a batch:

[male host Qin Yunsheng's rejection rate: 100100]

Shi Qing: [not bad, it hasn't surpassed. ]

the system is careful: [host, are you not angry? ]

[I'm used to it. ]Shi Qing smiles: "no way, who let you be my system. ]

although the timeline is a bit dangerous this time.

At the moment, the original owner has stolen the research results of the new person and installed it on his own head. After the new person is found, the new talent is the one who steals.

And the man has come forward to testify for the new man.

No matter how you look at it, it's a dead end.

System: [ Host, or the world is too difficult. ]

I raised my eyebrows, stood up and moved my wrist:

[this world is the temptation of uniforms, so I won't leave. Besides, isn't it easy to break this game? ]

System: [simple Is that right? ]

[well, the conventional method is OK. ]

Shi Qing searched for a mirror in the room and looked at the same evil face in the mirror, and his smile was even bigger.

From now on, I'm a big scientific researcher. ]

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