When he was a research magnate, he wandered around his room first.

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As an aristocrat, even in the Institute of science and technology, his lounge is also very gorgeous.

On the table is placed fragrance, is sending out the light fragrance.

Shi Qing picked up the photo beside the fragrance and looked at it.

It's the Lord and his father.

The history of China in this world has turned a corner under the original author's setting. Since 700 years ago, China has not closed its door to the outside world. Instead, it has actively developed itself while exploring other countries, and has kept its own country smoothly during the war.

After the war, the emperors at that time thought they needed to change. Soon, China became a constitutional monarchy.

But the Qing Dynasty and the male Lord Qin Yunsheng were both aristocrats.

His father became a Duke through his own efforts.

Generally, only the royal blood can be granted a duke. The common people do not have this opportunity at all. Therefore, his father can be said to be quite critical.

Qin Yunsheng is the same surname as the queen, which can be regarded as a declining royal family. Although he has the same blood as the queen, because his branch has already declined, Qin Yunsheng has only the lowest rank of Baron.

Because at the beginning, the royal family voluntarily gave up the right to control the world. The power of the royal family of China was much greater than that of other countries. Qin Yunsheng, as a baron, even if he had done nothing in his whole life, would be given a salary by the royal family every month. After all, this country has experienced seven hundred years, and of course, it is full of details.

But Qin Yunsheng chose to join the army, fighting for military achievements like an ordinary man.

If the plot hadn't collapsed, he would have been elected crown prince because of his military exploits. After all, the queen is too old to be married, and naturally has no children.

Then, unfortunately, he ran into the owner and played it out.

Even though the nobles can not have the supreme power as before, they still have much higher status than ordinary people. Even if the original owner does nothing, he can live a good life.

But he lost his mother when he was young, and his father was busy. Even if he was properly taken care of by the nanny, his temperament was still a little extreme.

For example, to be in the limelight.

Everyone has a flaunting factor at the bottom of their heart, which may be the full mark test paper they got at school or the good school they got when they took the exam.

The original owner also likes to show off, but he has no ability to eat, drink and have fun.

If you don't have the capital to show off and like to show off, what should we do?

Steal other people's achievements for your own.

There are so many places in China that can reflect their abilities. There is also a reason why he chose the Academy of science and technology.

The woman who went out just now was the cousin of the original owner. Her father didn't have the title of Duke, but because she was a noble, she lived a good life.

Before the birth of the original owner, the Duke was obsessed with his career and didn't mean to get married. It was said that he would die lonely all his life.

Because her parents had a younger brother, the younger cousin cried to the Duke that her parents didn't like her. She only liked her brother, crying and crying to stay in the Duke's house. Her parents had no choice but to agree.

The Duke is good at investment. Even though his assets are ranked on the top of the list in the whole country, he doesn't think it's any good to raise a girl.

The cousin stayed smoothly, but it was totally different from her imagination and the feelings cultivated by the Duke. He was so busy that he walked with wind. He was not free to take care of his niece.

Later, after getting married, because of the Duchess, the cousin was well cared for, but for her, the Duchess might as well not appear, because she gave birth to the Duke's offspring, completely wiping out the possibility of her inheriting the Duke's assets.

After the Duchess died, she saw that the original master's academic performance was not very good, she was also fond of fun, and seemed to see hope.

So, it's like this.

She was admitted to the Academy of science and technology, hoping to let the Duke know that she was much better than Shi Qing.

In her heart, if she is a towering tree, then Shiqing is a vine that is hard to climb on the wall.

Such a playful, more delicate than the girl, no skills, but also like to pretend to force the son, compared with her, of course, she is better.

There's a reason for my cousin to think so. After all, she grew up in Shijia when she was a child. She knew that even if Shiqing was the Duke's blood, they were not very close.

Even because the Duke is busy, Shiqing still resents the father.

A natural son who is not close to himself and has no ability.

And a niece who admires and idolizes herself and works hard.

The Duke may not choose Shiqing.

What's more, as the eldest son of the Duke, Shi Qing now has the title of marquis, and will certainly inherit the position of Duke in the future.

They were raised by his side. Their position was inherited by his son. The property should be left to niece.

She used her cousin as a pedal. How could the owner not notice that he was not a good man. Knowing what his cousin was thinking, he deliberately opposed her.He will take what she wants, and he will take back what she likes.

When my cousin joins the Academy of science and technology, he will also come in.

Not only does he have to come in, he has to get an honor, even if it belongs to someone else.

The reason why Qin Yunsheng was targeted was because his cousin wanted to win him over. He was seen by the original owner. After that, he was very dissatisfied with his own bodyguards.

And after the bodyguard stabbed himself to steal other people's achievements, he became a thorn in the flesh.

As the future crown prince, Qin Yunsheng is not so brainless. Of course, he will not directly say "yes, that is, Shi Qing stole other people's achievements". He just stood up to testify for the newcomer. He has seen the research results in the newcomer.

However, it was of no use. The owner still hated him.

After smoothing, Shiqing took out his watch from his pocket and looked at the time on it.


Yesterday, Qin Yunsheng testified for the new man. The original owner left angrily and didn't go home. Instead, he slept in the rest room. Early this morning, his cousin came to make a mockery of him.

This time is really tight.

The system is still a little difficult: [host, are you sure? The newcomer does have a backup of the research results. I can't wash it in any way. ]

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Shi Qing stood in front of the mirror, buttoning his white coat and smiling:

[Tong, you have to believe in my ability. ]

after finishing, he thought for a while, then untied the two buttons on the top and opened them idly: [bring out the research results and show them to me. ]

the system immediately started to retrieve the data and put it in front of Shiqing.

Shi Qing: [the new man is really a genius. ]

what he has developed is chip input technology. According to his assumption, it is impossible to completely replace manual work by installing chips on machines. However, chips can be installed on robot pets.

Although in the company is absolutely not comparable to the real pet, but for some because of their own pet conditions are insufficient, it is very good.

And these robot pets can also play a role in protecting humans.

Shi Qing recalled the idea of the original owner.

Oh, no, he has no idea.

But after I knew it unintentionally, I realized that this technology was a breakthrough. I copied it directly by means of means, deleted, modified and published it first.

When Qing opens the computer directly, starts to hit quickly on the keyboard.

The system looks at the host's hands moving on the keyboard, and it's almost a shadow.

System: shivering.jpg.

[host, you are Do what? ]

Shi Qing: [do something. ]

System: [ ]

although we can't understand what the host is doing, it seems to be very powerful.

When he did this, he did it at night.

He didn't show up all day and no one else came to urge him. It shows how popular he is here.

Finally, Qin Yunsheng came to knock on the door.

"Mr. Shi."

Inside came when Qing still as usual, as if no one in the heart of the lazy tone: "come in."

Qin Yunsheng didn't have any redundant expression on his face, so he opened the door and walked in.

"You haven't eaten all day. This is your dinner."

When Qing lifted his eyes and saw Qin Yunsheng, he was stunned.

The royal family has gone through seven hundred years, among which, I don't know how many beauties have become princesses and queens' concubines. The beauty gene has long been engraved in the bones.

He had seen the appearance of Qin Yunsheng in his memory before. As a male leader, he was of course excellent. He always had firm eyes and a standard handsome appearance. He did not often laugh at ordinary times, but always drew up a smile on his right lip.

Now, seeing a real person, Shi Qing found that Qin Yunsheng's charm was not in appearance but in temperament.

When he was wearing the close fitting and slender uniform, because he was a soldier, he always stood in front of Shiqing with a straight military posture at any moment. His fortitude was really beyond our notice.

China's military uniform is famous for its good looks.

After all, at the beginning of the war, I don't know which genius came up with the idea of designing handsome military uniforms to attract Chinese people to join the army.

The point is, it did.

After 200 years of improvement, the uniform has more than doubled and tripled.

Just look at the fact that China's participation in the army has always been a hot topic.

And now, such beautiful clothes are worn on such beautiful people.

Shi Qing: [o'ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-!!! ]

System: [the host is calm and calm, and now the most important thing is to reduce the rejection rate! ]

Shi Qing: [I understand, I understand, I know. ]At the moment, countless pictures passed through his mind.

Officer's uniform, royal banquet dress, crown prince's uniform, and Emperor's uniform.

China, a treasure country with beautiful uniforms.

The only pity is that Qin Yunsheng, who loves to laugh in memory, has no emotion in his eyes when he looks at Shiqing.

Even his lips are pursed into a straight line, it seems that he has little affection for the object he wants to protect.

When he came in, he leaned lazily on the bed. When he came in, he turned over and sat lazily at the table.

"Open it for me."

Qin Yunsheng didn't get angry because he seemed to regard himself as a servant. Instead, he obeyed, took off his leather gloves, exposed his long hand, and opened the incubator.

The young Marquis was still as lazy as usual. He picked up his chopsticks and poked at the food in the lunch box, and suddenly raised his eyes.

The ancestors of the Qing Dynasty have always been aristocrats, and their appearance has naturally been improved. By his generation, he is already a good-looking monster.

He just used his beautiful eyes to stare at Qin Yunsheng, his beautiful lips slightly raised, and asked straightforwardly:

"what did Shi Yiyi ask you to do?"

Qin Yunsheng frowned slightly, looked at the young Marquis, and looked at himself with disdain. His tone did not fluctuate:

"sorry, I don't know what you are talking about."

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"What to pretend to be, you and her relationship, people with eyes can see."

Shi Qing left his chopsticks and looked pretty on the face of the demon with a sneer:

"in order to make such a blood loss against me? I also asked Tan Mingyi to help you with this bureau. Thank you so much for looking up to me. "

Qin Yunsheng's eyebrows wrinkled more and more fierce.

He looked at the young self talking marquis in front of him, only to feel that he did not see the coffin and shed tears.

Even now, they still make such a look.

He didn't even drop his eyes, but kept such a neat and straight military posture, and his voice was sonorous and powerful:

"Mr. Shi may have misunderstood me, but I am not familiar with Miss Shi."

"Oh I'm not familiar with it. "

With a sneer, the young Marquis stood up slowly and went to the man, facing him face to face.

When the Qing Dynasty arrived, Qin Yunsheng found that the young Marquis, who had always been sitting or standing, was only a little shorter than himself.

It may be because he has never stood so close to himself before, or because his body shape is too weak compared with Qin Yunsheng. Before that, Qin Yunsheng had never noticed this.

"Qin Yunsheng, you treat me as a fool, don't you?"

When Qing raised his hand, slender beautiful fingertips in front of the man.

He sneered and poked at it.

It's a pity that he was raised from a young age, and his tender body was tender. Even if he had exerted himself, for Qin Yunsheng, who had been in the army for several years and had developed a strong muscle, this prick was almost harmless.

As a courtesy, he did not avoid the deadliest finger.

A pair of cool eyes and Shi Qing look at each other. The magnetic voice is deep and powerful:

"no, Mr. Shi."


The young Marquis sneered again. Qin Yunsheng found that his lips were red, even gorgeous.

Shi Qing does have a beautiful face that makes people see the loss of consciousness. Unfortunately, his own conduct does not match this face.

Now, when Qin Yunsheng thought that the dead duck had a stiff mouth, Qingzheng pulled a sneer:

"I don't know how you got the information from me, and I don't want to know, but if you want to pour dirty water on me, I really can't agree."

"Qin Yunsheng, you still have a baron on you. What did my good cousin give you to help her splash dirty water on me like this? When you were sent to protect me, my father said you were the best."

The young Marquis took back his fingertips, and his words were full of disdain: "now it seems that my father has some time to look away."

Qin Yunsheng quietly moved his hands on both sides.

He looked in front of him with teeth and claws. He was straight and vigorous, and his heart had no fluctuation. He even felt a little funny.

What in the end gave Shi Qingqi.

It is clear that he has stolen other people's research results, but now, he can still reasonably blame the people who pierced him for throwing dirty water.

The young marquis is is indeed a bit of a show now. He not only despised Qin Yunsheng and Shi Yiyi, but also did not let go of the newcomer, Tan Mingyi.

He raised his chin, and his white face was full of ridicule: "Tan Mingyi looks silly. I didn't expect that he was also a pig eating a tiger. Why? With my achievements and throwing dirty water on me, will he be able to make great progress as a civilian? "Qin Yunsheng: "Mr. Shi, this research is indeed done by Tan Mingyi independently."

Shi Qing suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Yunsheng with disgust in his eyes.

The officer in his military posture noticed that his hands on both sides were tightly clenched.

"I knew that you are Shi Yiyi's person just like those before

Before Qin Yunsheng, he only knew that the two brothers and sisters did not deal with each other. Now it sounds like there is something else.

But he didn't intend to get involved. In his mind, neither of them was a good bird.

"Mr. Shi, I just told the truth."

When Qing Nu extremely counter smile: "good, you tell the truth, I let you tell the truth!"

He took a step forward and raised his hand to hit Qin Yunsheng, but he was blocked back by the officer's quick reaction.

The young Marquis was pushed back a few steps by his great power. He covered his arm which was blocked back by Qin Yunsheng, and his eyes were filled with anger.

"How dare you hit me

Qin Yunsheng didn't have time to tell him clearly. It was just protection. To be exact, Shi Qing wanted to hit him again. He blocked him with his arm. When he didn't hit him, Shi Qing was angry again.

Seeing that he was about to hit him, Qin Yunsheng didn't use the block this time. Instead, he quickly grasped his arm and twisted it behind his back.


Where did the delicate Marquis have such a bitter experience? He screamed subconsciously, and the sound of pain was trembling:

"pain, you let me go!"

Qin Yunsheng even heard a choking voice, and the man was stunned.

He didn't exert himself. It was just enough to make the other party stop making unnecessary actions.

At this moment, he realized how soft the arm he was holding, even though he was across the clothes, he could feel the delicate.

This is totally different from the feeling that he used to hold on to his comrades in training.

But he just thought for a few seconds, and the Marquis was already so angry that he took his feet and tried to step on Qin Yunsheng's shoes.

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"Let go of me, can you hear me?"

Qin Yunsheng just let go of his hand. Almost the next second he let go, Shiqing covered his right arm and quickly left him like a rabbit trying to escape.

On the young Marquis's beautiful face, his forehead was already soaked with sweat, his good-looking eyes and tail were slightly red, and the tip of his nose seemed to take a trace of red. His angry and aggrieved red eyes glared at the man standing opposite him.

"What good did Shi Yiyi give you? You helped her deal with me like this!"

The anger and pain on his face were not fake, and his right arm was hanging unnaturally. The man twisted his eyebrows and strode forward to catch Shi Qing's hand.

The young Marquis immediately cried out in a coquettish voice. He was only caught by his arm, but seemed to be facing some life threat.

"You let go of me, let go of me!"

While saying the words of struggle, but also move dare not move, for fear of their own move, was pinched by the man in the palm of the hand pain will hurt more seriously.

Qin Yunsheng turned a deaf ear, but twisted his eyebrows and opened the sleeve on Shiqing's arm, revealing the white arm inside.

At the moment, under the elbow, the original white tender arm already had a few more cyan fingerprints.

Obviously, it was left by Qin Yunsheng.

He was stunned.

Just now, he can be 100% sure that he did not exert any force at all, and even because of the fact that Shi Qing had just done something backward, his strength was much lighter than before.

Qin Yunsheng didn't fight with ordinary people. He also used this move many times, but none of them would hurt anyone.

It's not about moves, it's about people?

The young Marquis, whose arms were on others' hands and did not dare to struggle, was cursing:

"I knew for a long time that you were not a good thing. You were with Shi Yiyi, Qin Yunsheng! In vain, you are still a baron. I will not let you go as a lackey of shiyiyi! "

He gently grasps Shi Qing's arm with one hand, and slowly presses down on the white skin with another hand with a force of 120000.

Shi Qing's voice immediately stopped, with a touch of fear in his tone, and looked back with red eyes.

I'm so afraid that I can't do it anymore. I have to tremble and frighten:

"what are you doing! I tell you, there's surveillance outside. If anything happens to me, you can't run away! "

Sure enough, when the hand is raised again, it's already red here. It seems to have been beaten heavily.

He had known before that some nobles who had not been declining had been pampered, but he had never thought that they were so delicate.

Knowing that Shi Qing was not pretending to be, Qin Yunsheng raised his eyes and looked at Zhenghong's eyes, full of grievances. He was looking at his young Marquis miserably, with a trace of pity in his heart.

"I'm sorry," he said

The young Marquis held his arm warily and looked at the man several times, as if to confirm whether he had just intended it or not.When he saw Qin Yunsheng, he didn't have a look.

"I knew that you and shiyiyi are the same, changing face quickly!"

From just now on, he has been pulling himself together with Shi Yiyi. Qin Yunsheng was too lazy to explain before. But now, looking at Shi Qing, who is as vigilant as a frightened rabbit, the young officer moved his finger slightly.

"Mr. Shi, I must clarify that I have nothing to do with Miss Shi."

When Qingqing's eyes and tail were still red, her face returned to the original arrogance:

"they helped her and Tan Mingyi to splash dirty water on me. It doesn't matter? You think I'm a fool? "

Qin Yunsheng had always thought that Shi Qing was a dead duck with a stiff mouth. But now, looking at Shi Qing, who had hurt his arm, his eyes were still red, and his face was full of anger and grievances, he even hesitated.

"This research is indeed developed by Tan Mingyi, and I have seen it with my own eyes," he said


"When Qing sneers:" I pay so much energy, you say he is him? "

Maybe it's because of pain and emotion. Besides the trill, the Marquis's voice seems to have a trace of grievance in his voice:

"now the whole Academy of science and technology doesn't believe me. Everyone looks at me like that, even his father scolds me. Are you satisfied? You have achieved your goal. "

Qin Yunsheng looked at the excited man in front of him, all shaking and his eyes red.

It's not like this kind of grievance can be pretended.

For the first time, he began to doubt his judgment.

"Mr. Shi, if it is really your research, you can confront Tan Mingyi."

"No, I'm not going."

Shi Qing sneered, and his expression was full of aristocratic pride: "why should he ask me to come forward? This is not his thing. Even if he splashed dirty water on me, stole my achievements, and asked you people to prove it, he would still show his horse's feet in the future."

"You clowns, I don't care to fight you."

Qin Yunsheng looked at the people in front of him. He raised his chin modestly. His beautiful face was full of "Lao Tzu is waiting for you to destroy yourself".

It seems that I am very confident indeed.

"But if, this is really Tan Mingyi's own research and development?"

"No way."

The young Marquis's tone was full of sarcasm: "my father is worried about UAV technology recently. I developed the chip for UAV technology. He is a civilian. He doesn't even know that the country is developing new UAVs. How can he develop a chip?"

"Wait, you'll show up sooner or later."

Qin Yunsheng realized that no matter what the current situation is, with the pride of Shi Qing's honey, he could not face off.

The military uniform man pondered for a second and decisively used the most effective method to deal with the character of Shiqing.

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"When Mr. Shi doesn't confront each other, does he dare not?"

Originally still full of "I'm proud of the nobility," Shiqing really blew up in a second.

"I dare not?!! I dare not?!! It's not that I stole other people's achievements. Why should I dare not? "

He looked at Qin Yunsheng with his teeth and claws. He stepped forward and raised his left hand. It seemed that he wanted to punch each other.

After two steps, he remembered the tragic situation that the beating did not lead to injury. He showed a trace of timidity in his eyes. He held up the momentum on his face, and came back manly.

Holding up the computer on the desk, he hummed coldly:

"today I'll show you whether I dare or not."

Tan Mingyi is working hard.

The rest of the room was quiet, too.

Suddenly there was a loud noise in the peace.


The iron door was pushed open from the outside. In the eyes of all the people, the young Marquis was holding a laptop, connected to the printer, and ordered several times on it.

Watching the printer start to work, he stood by, staring at Tan Mingyi coldly and angrily.

Tan Mingyi:

Although he was a genius, he was young and had a good temper. When he saw this posture, he was afraid to speak.

He just shrunk back in silence.

But Shi Yiyi, seeing this scene, showed a glimmer of joy in her eyes. She came forward and said with righteous words: "Shiqing, what do you want to do? It's not enough to steal other people's research results. Do you want to threaten people now?"

"Shi Yiyi, are you so sure I stole it?"

Shi Yiyi is sure of course. What kind of goods is Shiqing? Is she not sure?

Her voice was loud: "I'm sure, Shi Qing, it's still time for you to turn around and quit the Academy of science and technology."

As soon as Qin Yunsheng came in, he saw the young Marquis leaning forward slightly. His red lips showed two words to Shi Yiyi"Just! No

"You want to throw dirty water on me, but I'm not as good as you want."

Shi Yiyi almost didn't laugh.

Shiqing doesn't need her to splash dirty water here. He's all in the dirty water pool, OK?

At the moment, she also has the mentality of watching good plays: "you can say what you like, but the truth will not change."

"But before I say, you grew up with me. I know exactly what you can do. If you can really prove that this achievement is your own, I can eat all the information."

Just now the young Marquis's expression of "I'm very impatient" changed immediately. He straightened up and even showed a smile and was eager to try.

"You said it."

Next, Shi Qing's expression was not so anxious. He stood by the printer, his beautiful and slender fingers were tapping once and for all.

The printer kept spitting out data, and finally, it stopped.

Shi Qing picked up these materials with his left hand, strode directly to tan Mingyi and threw them in front of him:

"you, come and confront me."

Tan Mingyi took a look at the fierce Shi Qing, carefully picked up the information to have a look.

At this glance, his eyes brightened.

Qin Yunsheng is always listening.

As a soldier who did not understand this aspect, what Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi said in his ears was:

"this mode of operation is ¥% &*。”

"Design concept @ ා"

"About @ ¥ * & ¥%..."

Although the technical terms in his ears automatically turned into random code, Qin Yunsheng could understand it. As the two people talked for more and more time, Tan Mingyi's expression became more and more excited.

Look at the eyes of Shiqing, even more than a trace of worship.

Even others looked at Shiqing with a look at God.

Shiyiyi was completely stunned. She could not believe that she looked at her chatting cousin and felt that her eyes were black.

Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi communicated for more than 40 minutes, and finally ended because Shi Qing said he was tired.

At the end of the day, the little man Tan Mingyi said excitedly: "brother Shi, you are really good. I want to apologize to you. Although we are both chips, your application is in the military, and my application is in life. I can't develop your chip at all."

The young Marquis raised his chin haughtily: "it doesn't matter. I have to apologize to you. What you said just now also confirmed that it was your own independent research and development."

Said, he stretched out his left hand and handed a piece of information to tan Mingyi's hand: "hold it for me, my right hand is inconvenient."

Tan Mingyi took it, then saw Shi Qing's left hand and tore the data in two.

He was surprised: "brother Shi, what do you do

Although he knew that there must be some in the computer, he still felt heartache as he watched the materials which were precious to him to be torn away.

Shi Qing picked up a piece of information and put it into his hand. He lifted his chin and looked back at Shi Yiyi:

"the pieces I tore."

"Good mouth."

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