Shi Yiyi's face was all black.

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However, Shi Qing handed the torn paper to her with great kindness. The face of the demon who was even more beautiful than the girl was full of beating:

"cousin, you are welcome to eat."

When she saw Yi Yi still, the young Marquis was very happy: "do you think it's a bit monotonous? Shall I cut you a flower

Shi Yiyi shook off her hatred, which reached the peak after raising her hair and now everyone is looking at herself.

She clenched her teeth and pushed away in anger. Shiqing ran away.

Shiqing was very bad in the back and called out: "it doesn't matter. You don't have time to eat now. I'll send it to the rest room for you. There are so many, enough for you to eat for several days."

When she saw Yiyi slamming the door, the young Marquis sprinkled the paper on his hand with satisfaction. Looking back at the people who were looking at this side, the young Marquis looked back at the people who were looking at this side. Her expression returned to her former publicity and said very impolitely:

"what are you looking at? Nothing to do?"

A group of people quickly lowered their heads and pretended to be busy. Only Tan Mingyi, who was obsessed with the research, ignored the cold face and cold words of Shiqing, happily stepped forward.

"Brother Shi, are you free now? I also want to discuss with you, did you not come to dinner this evening? Are you hungry now? I didn't eat much. Otherwise, let's have a meal together and discuss it at the same time. "

With that, he came to pull Shiqing's hand, and just touched his right arm. The proud look on the young Marquis's face that "although I'm very proud, I'm a noble, and I want to keep the noble demeanor" is a change.

"Hiss -"

he covered his right arm with vigilance and stepped back several steps, and the expression on his face suddenly became fierce:

"who let you touch me!"

The excited look on Tan Mingyi's face gradually lost. He looked at his face full of pain. He looked at his own people and stammered: "yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"If it's useful to say I'm sorry, what else should the police do?"

The young Marquis's vicious attitude succeeded in making Tan Mingyi's original ebullient mood seem to be poured by a basin of cold water.

He looked a little low: "sorry, brother Shi, I dare not next time."

Qin Yunsheng on one side can clearly see that the eyes of a room of people are focused on Shi Qing.

Before because of the time Qing said those words and change the attitude, now seems to have changed back to once look bad.

Another person stood up for Tan Mingyi and said, "Professor Shi, Xiao tan just touched you. Next time he won't, don't blame him."

Obviously, he thought that Shi Qing just didn't like to be touched by others.


When Qing didn't even give the front eye to the person who stood out, did not have a meaning to explain, so haughtily lifted his chin, turned and strode toward the door.

When passing by Qin Yunsheng, perhaps it was the pain in his arm that reminded him of the old and new hatred. The young Marquis glared at the officer who was ordered to protect himself, and deliberately bumped him with his left arm.

Even though Qin Yunsheng had already noticed the intention of Shiqing, he quickly relaxed the right muscle.

The young and delicate Marquis bumped into him, as if he had hit an iron plate.


His subconscious low scream, and then quickly react to it, now is outside, call out too shameful, immediately shut his mouth, once again glared at each other.

The young Marquis had a hard time with both arms.

However, he was afraid of pain and hatred. He could only hang two arms unnaturally and kick Qin Yunsheng's shoes fiercely.


The kick didn't go well. It seemed that he had hit his toe. Qin Yunsheng was so open-minded that he turned red for a second.

Perhaps it is very painful, when Qing subconsciously bent down to see the wound, bent to half, may be to think of where he is now.

So the Marquis, with a beautiful face, was red again, with his eyes on the tail and the tip of his nose.

Even though he knew that he was the one who came to trouble with good luck, Qin Yunsheng could not get angry when he looked at the time when he was injured.

Even, he thought it was a little cute.

Ding! The rejection degree of Qin Yunsheng: 92100]

the young Marquis finally found that he could not take Qin Yunsheng at all.

He red eyes tail, unwilling and angry fierce stare at the officer, indignantly scolded: "you don't have long eyes! Get out of the way

Although the gate is very big, Qin Yunsheng can still pass freely even after standing for five times.

But the soldier looked at him, who was about to cry out. He still obeyed, moved his steps in silence, and then looked at him limping and slamming the door out.


as like as two peas, the young Marquis left the way.He just left the room.

They are basically young people in this district, and occasionally they like gossip.

Immediately someone came to tan Mingyi: "Xiaotan, when this chip is really not stealing your achievements?"

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That's time!

Who didn't know that Shi Qing was a straw bag aristocrat in the Academy of science and technology. He didn't come to do the experiment together. If the result of the experiment was signed, he must have a copy.

Although he is a professor, but the water is too much, it is said that in school, almost no day in the classroom.

If he had not been a marquis, it would have been difficult to say whether he would have graduated.

When Shi Qing announced the chip before, a group of people were in doubt. After Tan Mingyi gave his chip information, we were directly sure that it was Shiqing who stole Tan Mingyi's research results.

Now, turn the tables?

Tan Mingyi's answer was very positive: "his ideas and I are very similar, but the chip we eventually developed is completely different. Professor Shi's chip is more suitable for military use, and I can't do it at all."

"What's more, he can answer all the questions I asked Professor Shi just now. Although I haven't contacted him before, I can see that Professor Shi's professional level is definitely above me."

True or false.

These people are skeptical.

They would be skeptical rather than say that Shiqing could not develop independently, or because they had heard the dialogue between Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi before.

However, someone spoke;

"even if it's true, Xiao Tan, don't try to make friends with Professor Shi because he is really competent. He has a strange temper. Didn't you see that just now you just touched him, did he react so much?"

Tan Mingyi is a little hesitant, Qin Yunsheng suddenly opened his mouth.

The soldier's voice was magnetic and sonorous:

"Professor Shi didn't mean to. He had injuries on his arm."


Tan Mingyi's eyes brightened: "yes, right. Just now, the professor asked me to hold the materials for him, saying it was inconvenient for him to use his hands?"

When he said this, people who were busy eating melons remembered.

"So it looks like it's really hurt. He doesn't seem to use his right hand all the time."

"Xiao tan just met Professor Shi's right hand."

Or did not give up to fight against injustice: "hurt to say ah, so silent, people encounter also don't know."

Qin Yunsheng listened to them and saw the arrogant young Marquis's disdain.

He did not hold back, opened a mouth: "when Professor temperament is like this, do not ask do not say."

"What's more, he didn't even want to come out and explain yesterday, but he was willing to come here only when I used provocation."

In this way, Qin Yunsheng began to doubt spontaneously.

Shiqing is actually a person who has real ability but is too lazy to show it. How could he not find out before?

It's as if he didn't find out when Qing was hurt, and when he met difficulties, his mouth was closed tightly.

The man can't help but wonder whether his views on Shi Qing were taken for granted before.

For example, now, so many people think that when they are clean and clean, they just touch their arms and have a bad attitude.

But they didn't expect that Shi Qing's arm was really hurt. He was touched by Tan Mingyi, and the injury did not show. Instead, he left with the injury.

What about before?

Has this happened before.

Thinking that the young Marquis was about to step on him angrily, he made his toes hurt. The soldier standing upright had slightly softened his cold eyes.

"I'll go first."

He felt that he should study it clearly.

When Qin Yunsheng came in, he was lying on his bed watching TV.

Leisurely, looking very comfortable.

Just two arms but not natural hang, next to the grape also did not see him to eat.

The man stood by the door, looking at the time, and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The voice of the young aristocrats was languid.

Qin Yunsheng came in with the medicine box, and his expression was as firm as ever.

The professor's face turned sour at the sight of him, when he was still careless.

In Qin Yunsheng's eyes, it is Shi Qingru who sits up. He leans to the corner of the bed carefully and asks him fiercely:

"what are you doing! What else do you want to do? "

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"Professor Shi, let me help you with the wound."

Before, he always felt that Shi Qing was not worthy of the title of professor and insisted on calling each other Mr.

To now, it is conscious to call the professor.Qin Yunsheng put the medicine box on the table, and did not go near the bed immediately. He opened the medicine box, took out the medicine wine in it, and showed it to Shi Qing from a distance, saying that he was harmless.

However, the young Marquis, who had been injured on him several times, learned a lesson and remained unmoved at all.

"Who wants you to help me deal with it? I want someone to deal with the injury for me, which needs you."

Qin Yunsheng had no response to Shi Qing's vicious tone, but said calmly:

"I misunderstood you before, and I apologize to you."


The young Marquis snorted coldly, and the expression on his face seemed to be satisfied, but he did not say any more words that pushed people away.

The tall and straight officer, with his medicinal wine and cotton swab, strode to the bedside and watched Shi Qing, who was wronged in bed, shrunk himself into a group, and his eyes moved.

"Please extend your arms."

Shi Qing didn't have much angry expression on his face, but he was still arrogant: "why do you let me stretch out? Now you know how to please me. Where was that cold look before?"

In the past witnessed the other party clearly hurt a batch of forced face, he this kind of indomitable look unexpected not hate.

Qin Yunsheng used the old method.

"I just want to make up for it. If Professor Shi doesn't dare, that's fine."

This move is sure to be successful.

The young Marquis was deceived.

"I dare not?! I'm afraid you can't be a baron

He moved his body angrily to Qin Yunsheng's eyes, and stretched out his arm to pull up his sleeve.

But apparently, forgetting that his other hand was still injured, the professor failed.


He murmured in low pain, a beautiful face covered with pain.

"I'll help you."

Qin Yunsheng naturally stretched out his hand. One hand gently held Shi Qing's arm, and the other hand slowly pulled up his sleeve.

"Hiss You should be gentle. It hurts. "

Even though his movements were light and soft, the young Marquis could not help calling out.

Qin Yunsheng can feel that his soft and tender arms are subconsciously shrinking and fleeing because of his movements, but they are firmly grasped by him and fail to fulfill his wishes.

His eyes were dark, and there was a strange feeling in his heart. It was as if someone had brushed a feather in his heart.

Perhaps because of the pain, the Marquis's voice was more coquettish than the usual arrogant reprimand:

"when I was so old and suffered such a heavy injury, it's all your fault, ah You give me light. "


The officer made a serious apology, which sounded sincere.

Even if he saw the so-called "such a heavy injury", it was only a red arm, not even a small incision.

Even though the other side tried to attack him, he didn't even fight back. Shiqing hurt himself.

Qin Yunsheng was not even amused.

It was as if he was well on the road, and suddenly a tortoise slowly crawled over to attack him.

He didn't even hide, but the tortoise bumped himself into the sky, staring at the mung bean's eyes pitifully, trying to stretch his limbs on his back and turn around on the ground.

The officer thinks like this, the lip corner cannot help but slightly hook up.

This smile was noticed by Shi qinggei, and he was very sensitive to stare round his eyes, as if he had grasped some big handle:

"what are you laughing at! Are you gloating


Qin Yunsheng's smile did not change. He raised his eyes and gave him a clear look:

"Professor Shi, I'm going to give you herbal wine. It may be a little cold. Please bear with it."

"Do you regard me as a three-year-old child? It's just a medicinal wine. There's nothing to bear with. "

Just as he said this, Qin Yunsheng held Bai Nen's arm in one hand and a cotton swab in the other hand. He touched the wine and fell on it gently.

"Good ice!"

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Under the soft tender immediately tight, subconsciously of the backward contraction.

Qin Yunsheng subconsciously stopped his hand. He raised his eyes and looked at the charming Marquis with his arm on his hand and his upper body leaning back.

"This is the case with medicinal wine. Please bear with it."

When Qing didn't speak, his eyes were still red, his beautiful face was full of grievances, biting his lips a face of pain.

This expression, this movement.

I don't know. I thought he was being tortured.

The officer's men rubbed the injured part with cotton swabs as gently as possible. When this piece of wiping was finished, he threw the cotton swab and did not dislike the medicinal liquor on his arm. Because he was always doing various training, his thick cocooned finger pulp gently pressed on it.

"Well..."The young Marquis was panting again, his whole body was tense, and there was a trace of fear in his voice:

"what are you doing?"

Obviously, after several losses, he has clearly remembered how much damage each other's actions can cause to himself.

"I'll check it for you."

Qin Yunsheng gently pressed the wound on his white arm and raised his eyes slightly. There was a trace of inclusive smile in his sword eyebrows and stars:

"you should feel better now that you have smeared the medicinal wine. I will check if you have hurt your muscles and bones."

Listen to his explanation, when clear skim the lips, a face of displeasure.

"It must have hurt me. I can't even take anything because of the pain."

"It's all your fault!"

The more he said, the more angry he couldn't do it, so he went to kick him.

As a result of such a kick, the big toe just slowed down and crashed again.

"Ah! What a pain

Qin Yunsheng listened to the tender scream of the young Marquis for the nth time, lowered his head and showed him the place he had just kicked.

"Sorry, Professor Shi. It's my gun."

He was sent to protect Shi Qing because the young Marquis was involved in the C research which is now highly valued.

Although before that, everyone thought that he was a qualified person to squeeze in through the back door. However, Qin Yunsheng, who received the task, still carried out the task conscientiously and carried a gun with him so that he could protect the target in any unexpected situation.

As a result, the gun hasn't been used since he followed him to the Academy of science and technology, but it injured the target of the mission first.

The young Marquis was holding his arm by a man now, and he was in pain again. He was very angry: "you, you

He held it for a long time, but he didn't think how to scold the hateful man who made himself miserable all over his body. Finally, he could only say in a stuffy voice:

"you bastard!"

It's never an ivory tower in the army. It's very common for great men to get together to do tasks and make rude remarks.

When Qing's words fell in Qin Yunsheng's ears, it was almost as if he didn't say anything. He couldn't even lift his anger.

The officer just seemed to be very obedient and continued to gently press his white and smooth arm.

When he finished pressing, he came to the conclusion:

"it's OK, it's not hurt. If it hurts, it's good to cultivate for a few days."

This degree of pain should not be serious, at least for Qin Yunsheng, it can make him directly ignore the pain.

However, the young Marquis was able to move his arm carefully like a broken bone, slowly moved to the front of his body, gently puffed up his cheek, blowing once and for all, trying to put medicinal wine in this way to dry quickly.

His eyes are still a little red, with this pair of curled up on the bed into a small ball, looks pitiful.

Qin Yunsheng looks at him, remembering that he still felt that his heart was clear and evil, and he laughed.

This is clearly still a child.

There is arrogance and spoilage, but just because he was framed before, or self-sustaining identity, we know that he has no bad heart.

Even if they are sitting, they are upright. The officers with posture reflect on themselves in the bottom of their heart.

He was a few years older than the Qing Dynasty, and he joined the army early. From the beginning to the end, he was fighting on his own. It was natural that he lived rough.

When Qing is the greenhouse carefully raised flowers, it is not cold, hot and not.

Why did he have to look at this beautiful flower that he could not bear to be wronged and proud and confident in the way that he looked at the weeds growing up in the field.

Thinking of this, Qin Yunsheng asked, "do you want to wipe your feet?"

Perhaps it was that the medicinal wine was still useful. The young Marquis lifted his chin haughtily, moved his Ji slowly and carefully, and put it impolitely on the officer's leg.

"Yes, be careful. If you hurt me, I will tell my father."

In Qin Yunsheng's ears, this sentence is similar to "see you at the school gate after school". He just thought he didn't hear it. He held out his hand and put his white ankle in the palm of his hand.

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Before, he wondered why Shi Qingming was not too tall, and how he looked like he was a little shorter than his actual height. Now he held his opponent's slender ankle in his hand, so he was more sure of what he had thought.

When the clear skeleton is too thin, even if the body is not so thin and weak, looking at is delicate and weak.

He still has a little aura when he is not injured, although he is the second generation of dandy and rich.

This kind of aura is usually raised when talking to girls, but it is also enough to be ignored. In fact, the young Marquis has a slender skeleton.

It was the big toe that got hurt.

Looking at the past, its nails are neatly trimmed, completely different from its owner, and it is still with a touch of red safety on the top.

Qin Yunsheng picked up a cotton swab again, dipped a bit of medicinal wine, and gently fell on the top."It hurts!"

Shiqing called again.

Beautiful white instep now because of pain slightly bow, showing a tight and beautiful perfect arc.

The officer's men were stunned. He raised his eyes and looked at the young Marquis with a miserable face:

"if you can bear it again, you can't get it on the side."

As he said this, he dropped his hand and quickly slid it by the side with a cotton swab stained with medicinal wine.

In a second, I took my hand back.

The young Marquis carefully moved his Ji o, tried to lower his head, puffed up the white and tender cheeks on both sides, and blew the ruddy lips once and for all, trying to make the pain relief quickly as he had just blown his arm.

Qin Yunsheng thought he was a little cute.

The officer quickly put away what he thought, quickly picked up the wine and cotton swabs, and put them back in the medicine box.

"This medicinal wine is very easy to use. Wipe it several times a day, and it should be fine in a few days."

When cleaning straight gas strong: "you come to wipe for me."

Qin Yunsheng had planned to do so. After all, although it was not his main responsibility, Shi Qing was injured because of him.

"I'll do it for you at a fixed time."

The young Marquis snorted coldly: "calculate you to know the appearance."

"My arm still hurts when I move. These days, you have to be responsible for my daily life and diet."

Qin Yunsheng knew that the other party was taking the opportunity to work hard. He felt that this revenge way was more important for primary school students.

Although he was not angry at the bottom of his heart, he did not intend to really comply with the meaning of Shiqing.

"Sorry, Professor Shi. These are not my responsibilities."

Shi Qing: "OK, if you don't want to, let me call back, and I won't let you be responsible."

Qin Yunsheng's eyes were heavy, and the young Marquis picked his eyebrows.

The officer came back with no expression on his face.

"Where do you want to call?"

Shi Qing: "you sit down first."

Qin Yunsheng sat down, lowered his eyes, and looked at Shi Qing. He sat up to him and picked at him.

He's had a loss before his arm. He's skipping.

I've also suffered losses in my waist.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the officer's heart.

"That's it."

Qin Yunsheng looked down at his strong body, then looked at the scar and forgot the pain. His face was eager to try, and he raised the tender hand of Shiqing.

He sighed silently, feeling that he had seen the end.

- bang!


The young Marquis's eyes were red, and his hands almost didn't shed tears.

"You are a man of iron! How can it be so hard everywhere! Can you block a bullet

Qin Yunsheng sighed helplessly again.

In fact, he found out just now that he was not too strong, but that Shiqing was too weak.

Looking at holding hands, Jiaoqi, aggrieved to be unable to clear, the officer face helpless, to his side sat down.

Gently holding his hand, looking at the top of the rapid red palm, hand slowly massage.

"Well, I'll take care of you until you get better."

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