Shi Qing successfully received the care of an officer.

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Clothes to hand out, meals to open mouth, every day just need to lie down comfortably on the line, Qin Yunsheng has always been a reliable man will handle everything properly.

Every day, Professor Shi sat on tentatively. Beside him, he was a good-looking officer with a good-looking expression and fed him earnestly.

Often this time, time Qing will put a bed table on the bed, open the computer and focus on looking at it.

After reading this page, the marquis will ask the officer to turn the page for him.

As for himself, why didn't he turn the page? Don't you see his hands are uncomfortable?

It was really wrong for the officer to feel that Shi Qing was injured. He also tolerated the young marquis. Anyway, it was just a matter of turning the page.

Qin Yunsheng had accidentally looked at it, which was almost full of various professional terms.

I've confirmed that the eyes are something he can't understand.

Although he was ordered to protect Shiqing, it was confirmed the next day that the Marquis, who participated in the research of C, was a straw bag. Therefore, although he had always abided by his duty, he did not pay much attention to it.

Now that he knows that Shi Qing has real skills, Qin Yunsheng is on guard almost immediately. When he goes in and out, he will also begin to observe the surroundings quietly, killing all the dangers in the cradle.

For Qin Yunsheng, such a task is relatively easy. He joined the army for such a long time, and what dangerous task has not been completed. He only protected a young marquis in the relatively safe Academy of science and technology.

But the biggest obstacle to this task is the Marquis, who is protected.


There was a sound of something coming from outside, like metal touching the door. The officer who had been quietly feeding when he was eating suddenly tightened his body subconsciously.

A pair of sharp eyes suddenly looked at the direction of the door, a slender big hand without a bowl quickly fell on the waist gun, while staring at the direction of the door, slowly maintained the posture of holding the gun.

The young Marquis did not notice the tense atmosphere in the house at all. He was eating while looking at the materials. Suddenly, the meal ran away and he looked up discontented.

"What are you doing? Don't feed me."

Qin Yunsheng twisted his eyebrows and slowly pulled out his gun. He carefully protected himself before Shi Qing. His voice was dignified:

"there is someone outside."

"What happened to someone? This is a rest area. No one is surprised. "

The young Marquis, who clearly had hands but was coquettish and refused to move himself, turned his mouth in discontent: "you feed me quickly, I am hungry today."

It is rare that he has such a good tone, but the officer is completely unmoved.

He made a silent gesture, still a dignified face slowly blocked in front of Shiqing, a pair of eyes tightly staring at the doorknob.

Shi Qing was not the first protection task of Qin Yunsheng.

Before that, he had been ordered to protect a lot of people.

Criminals, conspirators, businessmen.

And his protection objects are not 100% safe under his protection. When a person has enemies who even dream of his death, no matter how pervasive the protection can not protect him.

Therefore, in the face of this metal sound, even if it is clear that 90% of the possibility is just an accident, the handsome officers have to pay 200% vigilance for the remaining 10%.

He was staring at the direction of the doorknob when he suddenly felt his clothes pulled from the back.

Qin Yunsheng didn't look back, but he was a little helpless.

"sorry, Professor Shi, would you like to wait for a moment

When Qing's voice with a tired lazy: "you turn back."

Qin Yunsheng: "Professor Shi, I know you don't have the ability to deal with danger, but this kind of thing is not for fun."

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Behind the young Marquis voice is still light: "Qin Yunsheng, I let you turn back."

The officer was helpless.

He had changed his outlook on the time, but he had to say that the carefree and arrogant Marquis sometimes made him feel helpless.

Qin Yunsheng quickly turned back.

His original intention is to turn back and forth one second, but when he saw it clearly, he pushed the computer screen facing him and stopped.

On the screen is obviously a monitoring screen, showing a young man in a white coat with a round iron product in his hand wandering around the door.

It was Tan Mingyi.

He hesitantly put out his hand and landed on the door. It seemed that he wanted to knock on the door. After a second, he did not know why, and then he put down his hand hesitantly.

After putting down his hands, Tan Mingyi's two hands are turning the iron ball on his hands.

Obviously, the click sound Qin Yunsheng heard was from the other side turning the iron ball.

Qin Yunsheng:

He quietly put the gun back, picked up the bowl and spoon again, and sat down by the bed.Seeing that he sat back obediently, Shiqing was satisfied with this. He pushed the computer back, leaned back, lifted his chin, and said with a strong voice:

"don't feed me now."

Obediently, the officer scooped the rice with a spoon and handed it to the red lips of the other party.

Seeing the young Marquis squinting comfortably and enjoying being fed, he opened his mouth: "why can you see the surveillance at the door here?"

When he first came, he was familiar with the situation of the Institute of science and technology. In principle, only the monitoring room can see the situation.

Shi Qing: "I hacked into the system."

Qin Yunsheng: You hacked the Academy's surveillance system? "

Even if he doesn't understand this, he knows that the system of the Institute of science and technology can not be hacked in at will.

It is not only a matter of whether or not to break the law, but also a matter of technical content.

The young Marquis didn't feel that he had broken the law at all. He snorted coldly and finished his mouth. Then he said:

"what? Can't you? "

Qin Yunsheng: "this is against the law."

Shi Qing: "being found is a violation. I don't want to tell anyone else."

With that, he raised the tail of his eyes and looked meaningfully at the man sitting by the bed.

"I can remind you that you are my accomplice now. If you don't speak hard, my father will protect you. You will be miserable."

If Shi Qing was good at life and told him, Qin Yunsheng must have more things than less.

But the young Marquis, who was delicate and arrogant, tried to threaten him.

The officer gently put the spoon in the bowl, and his free hand fell on his arm when he was proud of himself and pinched it gently.

The young Marquis, who had just returned a pair of "Laozi is the most outstanding critic of the second generation of power Laozi", immediately lost its color on his beautiful face. He was quite nervous, and blinked his eyes to see Qin Yunsheng's hand.

"What are you doing?"

Obviously, they are afraid of this, but they still try to hold up the noble demeanor and scold: "I didn't allow you to touch me, let me go!"

Qin Yunsheng turned a deaf ear, and even moved his hand to the upper arm. He felt his hand soft and tender, and pressed it gently with his index finger.

Obviously, the force used is light and slow, but when it is lifted again, there is a red fingerprint on the white arm.

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I don't know. I thought he did it.

But only the officer himself knew that every time he pressed a point, he calculated his strength in the bottom of his heart to make sure that he could be frightened and not really hurt such a delicate man.

"Qin Yunsheng! Dare you

The young Marquis did not realize that the officer was deliberately teasing himself. He was like a cat who had stepped on his tail. He refused to admit defeat in spite of his anger. He grinned and glared at the people sitting by his bed.

Qin Yunsheng showed a slight smile, as if he had found some funny toys. His hand still held each other's arm gently.

He could clearly feel the shaking of the body he was holding.

Shiqing obviously wants to escape, but he still remembers the tragedy that happened before. Even if he scolded the sky, he didn't dare to move. He was afraid that he would hurt himself again.

Clearly the other side can escape, and clearly very afraid, but can only be obediently controlled in the palm of his hand.

This is something Qin Yunsheng has never met.

He was just trying to scare Shi Qing, but now he's a little addicted.

However, you should stop when you are satisfied. It really angered the marquis. He is so arrogant that it is impossible to do something about it, but it will certainly cause him many obstacles in the future.

Although it may be painless, Qin Yunsheng hates trouble.

He held his soft arm and felt the weakness of his palm. He said in a deep voice:

"Professor Shi, we still have a lot of time to get along with each other in the future. I hope you can understand my work, so that we can get along more happily."

"Happy ghost!"

The angry young Marquis did not dare to move because his arms were still in the hands of others. He was so angry that he wanted to hit people on the spot.

"Qin Yunsheng, I suggest you'd better make an apology to me, or I'll never let you go!"

Qin Yunsheng's face still has no moving meaning.

There was even a slight smile that made the young Marquis feel despised:

"I am afraid you have misunderstood me. Although my task is to protect you, I am not bound by you."

When Qing already is a pair of anger extremely counter smile appearance.

"Is it?"

He put on the airs of his second generation of power: "are you not bound by me? Qin Yunsheng, you are a person. As long as you are a person, you will have something to fear. If you dare to offend me, I will make you regret it! "

The tone was very excited.

The expression was angry.

The content is very secondary.

Looking at such a time, although the occasion was not quite right, Qin Yunsheng was almost amused by him.In this way, he has never heard of it since he went to high school.

"You dare to laugh!"

Obviously, the smile on the corner of his lips succeeded in infuriating the Marquis, who was already in a rage.

He raised his other hand to fight, but was stopped by the handsome officer.

Even in such a sudden situation, Qin Yunsheng still remembers the different delicate body of the person in front of him. He changed his posture to gently hold his wrist when he was facing the other party's hand.

This can shackle the other side, but also won't let him get hurt.

Now, Shi Qing's two hands are held by the officers.

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Two people face each other, Qin Yunsheng slightly droops the eyes, looks into this eye all wants to spurt the fire, one face angry looks at own young marquis.

"I'm sorry, Professor Shi. I don't want to say that, but I really don't have anything to fear."

"I'm afraid you will be disappointed if you intend to retaliate against me."

When you clear your teeth, lift your feet and kick them.

In order to prevent him from hurting himself again, Qin Yunsheng almost subconsciously pushed the man back and suppressed the young Marquis with his body.

When Qing's hands were charged, his body was suppressed and could not move at all.

Before the young Marquis could get angry, there was a voice outside.

"Xiaotan? What are you doing at the door? "

Tan Mingyi some nervous voice sounded: "the last time I wronged the professor, today I made a gadget, want to give him as an apology gift."

"Go straight in. I've seen you standing at the door for a long time."

Tan Mingyi stammered: "I'm a little embarrassed. I don't know if the professor is resting now."

"Don't worry, the professor won't rest so early."

The man said, kind-hearted knock on the door: "Professor, is there? We're coming in. "

The handle of the door was twisted and the door opened.

They stood at the door, staring at the scene inside.

The pictures they saw were as follows:

Qin Yun was living and dying on Shi Qing, holding his wrist in both hands, and almost all of them were above the young marquis.

His military uniform, which was always meticulous, was wrinkled at the moment because of this movement. When he was lying on his back on the bed, his face was red, and his face, which was so beautiful that it was almost evil, became more and more blurred because of the red color.

This posture, this movement


Tan Mingyi's iron ball fell to the ground.

"Time, time, Professor, you, you..."

Qin Yunsheng was puzzled at the strange look on their faces in the first second, but soon, he reacted.

The officer turned his head and looked at his grasp of the young Marquis's hand, and at their joint action in the big bed, as well as the intimate intimacy.

Qin Yunsheng:

He bounced as fast as he was scalded.

Faced with the two people who looked at themselves with strange eyes, the officer was rarely flustered. His resolute face took on a trace of blush and stuttered and explained:

"it's not what you think, it's..."

A pair of white and tender arms suddenly caught his neck from behind.

The young Marquis intimately put his chin on the officer's shoulder, and there was a smile on his beautiful face.

"Yes, that's what you think."

With that, he slowly dropped a hand to Qin Yunsheng's side and held his stiff hanging palm.

They clasped their fingers together.

Shiqing lifted his chin a little arrogantly, lifted the hand he held with Qin Yunsheng, and slightly hooked his red lips, announcing that Qin Yunsheng and I are a pair

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Qin Yunsheng:

Qin Yunsheng:

When he watched, he told the two people standing at the door:

"well, don't disturb us, go away quickly."

With that, the young Marquis stood on tiptoe and, in front of the two people's faces, pressed heavily on Qin Yunsheng's cheek.


It's quite loud.

Qin Yunsheng:

He was in a daze.

The officers who had never been in love and had never been relatives were stiff and blank.

Standing at the door of the two people are also a face of "Mom, the world is crazy" trance left.

Just a few seconds after walking, Tan Mingyi ran back and carefully closed the door.

As soon as they left, Shi Qing immediately released his hand holding Qin Yunsheng's palm.

He looked at Qin Yunsheng, who was still stiff. He raised his eyebrows and held the officer's face in his hand:

"I'm back."

Qin Yunsheng, like a machine without oil, turned his neck and looked at Shi Qing"Why did you say that just now?"

The young Marquis looked back, and his beautiful eyes were full of pride.


"There is nothing you are afraid of. I think you are afraid now."

Shi Qing turned around and sat down on the bed, comfortably leaning back. His voice was full of schadenfreude:

"from today on, the whole Academy of science and technology will know that we are a couple."

"How about it? Are you happy? Are you surprised? "

Qin Yunsheng:

Forgive his old head and can't understand why Shi Qing can easily use himself as a chip to fight against him.

The officer's heart is still pounding. I don't know if it's because of the kiss or because of the hand he just held with Shiqing.

His Adam's apple rolled up and down, and his resolute face was still flushed:

"this kind of thing is not for fun. You can get up and explain it to me."

"I'm not going."

The young Marquis stretched out his long legs comfortably: "anyway, you didn't deny it just now. It's too late to go back."

"In the future, you will be my boyfriend. As my boyfriend of Shiqing, if you are thirsty, you will give me water. If you are hungry, you will feed me to eat. If you don't, hum."

Qin Yunsheng: Don't do it? "

Shi Qing pursed his ruddy lips in a strange way:

"if you don't, kiss you in front of everyone."

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