Yin Ming Zheng met the requirements of the Qing Dynasty.

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When the alien teenager takes back the small parts contentedly, although his face is satisfied and looks very relaxed, his body is a little soft.

Shi Qing didn't stand strong, but stayed in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng as if he had no bones, and seriously analyzed with the system: "the learning ability of blue star people is really terrible. ]

it's only a few days ago, and Yin Ming's zither is even better than the blue.

Finally, the system, which finally broke away from a mosaic, listened to the children's song in silence:

Shi Qing didn't mind that the system ignored him at all. It was time to get down to business.

He kept his promise and allowed Yin Mingzheng to step out of the house for the first time.

Everything outside is silver white, silver white corridor, silver white machinery, when such a lot of silver, people walking on it will always have a kind of space-time confusion of dizziness.

Shi Qing is like a lively bird, with a happy smile on his face, pulling his partner to take him to visit his nest.

"This is the supply module. Every day new machines are made here. My regiment is built in the supply module."

Yin Mingzheng looked at the humanoid machines coming out of the silver manufacturing cabin.

Each of them has a super strong force and offensive, and when they are just "born", the machines responsible for recording "newcomers" will give them batch numbers one by one, and then distribute weapons.

According to the current "born" speed and attack power of these machines, he can occupy the blue star at any time as long as he thinks clearly.

Human heroes do not have time to associate too much, one side of the time Qing has been like a bird with a cheerful step to pull him to the other side.

"This is the lookout module, where my Legion can monitor everything on a planet."

Shi Qing walked into the broad hall and pulled Yin Mingzheng, who was dazed with various pictures floating in the air, and all the way to the throne in the middle of the hall.

He first stepped on it, sat down steadily, and then held out his hand to Yin Ming Zheng. His eyes were full of trust: "this is the throne. Only the king of mechanical race can sit on the throne."

"Now you are my partner and you can sit here with me."

Yin Mingzheng was puzzled and looked at the hand that Shi qingchong handed over. He knew that what he should do now was to hold the hand immediately and let Shiqing trust him.

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But looking at the alien youth full of happy clear eyes, that full face looking forward to sharing everything with him, he couldn't bear it.

Shiqing really wants to share everything with him, but he just wants to cheat Shiqing's trust to leave here.

The man closed his eyes and forced himself not to look at the bottom of his heart's guilt.

Looking all the way, Yin Mingzheng has thoroughly verified the previous idea.

This spaceship is a bucket of iron. No matter whether it is the internal environment or the outside, there are dense humanoid machines guarding it. Even if he gives himself the right to walk around at will, he still can't escape.

Since a strong attack is not desirable, we can only find a way from Shi Qing.

"Shi Qing."

Instead of holding the boy's hand, he asked, "are you alone on this ship?"

"Of course not."

Shi Qing stood up, like a little prince who had been spoiled and grew up. He raised his chin modestly and pointed to the humanoid machines working step by step in the observation cabin.

"They are all my subordinates, so many."

His expression was very proud. Yin Mingzheng asked again, "do they have their own thoughts like you?"

Shi Qing's expression stopped.

Yin Mingzheng: "you said before that you are the king of mechanical race, but all subordinates are machines. They will listen to you and do things for you, but they can't accompany you."

"They can!"

The young man sitting on the throne clenched his fist. He had a stubborn look in his silver eyes. "These tens of thousands of years, they have been accompanying me!"

"But they are just because of the command to accompany you, if you do not order, will there be machinery to accompany you actively?"

"Yes!! They will

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When Yin Mingzheng looked at Shi Qing on the throne, his eyes were red, his hands clenched tightly into fists, and his expression was stubborn, but the water light was flashing in his eyes.

He could see that Shi Qing understood that Yin Mingzheng had not given up collecting information these days. Now he has almost understood the characteristics of mechanical race. The mechanical race has only one life, that is king, and the rest is just the humanoid machine made by Wang.

Machinery has no thought, only obeys the king's orders.

In order to continue the inheritance, each generation of Wang will do his best to protect himself, build a spaceship after he is born, and spend his whole life on the spaceship. With him, there are only these machines without thinking.

Until death.It's king, but he's also a prisoner.

And now, he's going to seduce the prisoner.

Yin Ming Zheng lowered his voice, like a snake in the garden of Eden that lured human beings to eat the fruit, "Shiqing, do you want to go on like this all your life? A lifetime in a spaceship? To spend a lifetime with machines that have no life at all until death? "

The water in the eyes of the young man on the throne was more and more. He bit his lips obstinately and looked at the man in silence.

Yin Mingzheng looked at such a man, but he seemed to see that in tens of thousands of years, a silvery boy would be like this now, sitting on a high throne, surrounded by silent, lifeless machinery, lonely and lonely, day after day.

Until death.

He had always wondered why Shiqing was so sticky, just like a leopard who had been drinking milk and tasted meat for the first time. He couldn't leave his prey for a moment. He wanted to be in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng all the time and exchange small parts with him.

Now suddenly learned the truth, the man actually rose in the heart of a trace of heartache.

If he is living in such an environment, I am afraid that even if the power is no matter how powerful, it will be crazy.

Ding! The rejection degree of Yin Ming Zheng is 75 100 Suck ]

Shi Qing: [what do you smoke? ]

[host your race is so poor, but it's not good to invade other people's planet no matter how poor it is. However, it's great to be able to reduce so much rejection. Suck ]

[are your systems so naive? ]I can't tell I'm making it up? In order to protect themselves, which race would be so stupid to lock themselves in a spaceship all their lives. ]

System: [ But host, didn't you almost cry? ]

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[if I don't create a miserable background for myself, how can big sweetheart sympathize with me and pity me? Do you have a problem with the receiving system and forget that we are doing the task? All right, stop smoking. I'm going to zoom in. ]

System: [ ]

Shi Qing didn't care about the sentimental system King any more. After listening to Yin Mingzheng's several turns, he finally talked about business.

"Why don't you come back to the human base with me, where you will see a lot of sick women, men, children, and all kinds of animals. They all have their own ideas and will accompany you."

If it is really a race that has been lonely for tens of thousands of years, maybe it can be moved by Yin Mingzheng.

However, it was not.

Even if still lonely, he still haughtily raised his chin, "mechanical race disdains to be associated with other races."

"I don't need company. Even if I do, I just want your company."

This is undoubtedly a very beautiful love words.

If the person who said this is not an alien, and the meaning of the words is to trap Yin Mingzheng in the spaceship for life.

Maybe he saw Yin Mingzheng's unwillingness, and a little panic of fear of losing flashed in his eyes. He jumped off the throne and took his partner's hand:

"do you still want to return to the human base? Why? They will kill you. "

Yin Mingzheng was shocked: "kill me?"

"Am I wrong?" As if in order to retain a partner, when Qing Zhao waved, a blue star small TV about the size of things flew over.

When the Qing Dynasty to it orders: "calculate Blue Star China first base ability Yin Mingzheng stay in the future of blue star."

After the command, he turned his head and looked at Yin Mingzheng: "this is wisdom brain. As long as it can absorb data, it can deduce the future of all life on this planet."

Yin Mingzheng looked at the thing that was called wisdom brain by the time Qing Dynasty. It was a bit like a small human TV, but the whole thing was round.

Generally speaking, appearance is not in line with the human imagination of the future technology before the invaders came to the blue star.

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At the moment, this "small TV" is showing the calculus that Shi Qing said. A string of numbers and words float by, and he quickly sees several familiar names and faces.

Finally, the brain gives the result of the calculation.

Yin Mingzheng's chance of being assassinated before the age of 30 is as high as 70%, the probability of being sold to Zerg is 20%, and the probability of being sent to study by the abolished ability is 10%.

Conclusion: he can't live more than 30 years old.

See the results come out, alien teenager familiar pickpocket pulled into the man's stiff arms, nest himself inside, playing with his cuffs, "you saved a lot of people, but not everyone wants you to live, like this time, I just threatened them, those people gave you to me."

He was soft, like a thorn flower, a little bit tightly hugged Yin Mingzheng, who was staring at the results. His face was like a little prince's innocent smile: "they don't want you, I want you."

"Stay here and stay with me all the time, OK?"

Yin Mingzheng has a soft body in her arms, but her eyes have been staring at the result of her wisdom.

Finally, his always sharp eyes darkened.The man tightened his hand.

A moment later, Shiqing heard his hoarse voice:

"OK, I'll stay here and stay with you forever."

Ding! Yin Mingzheng's rejection: 80100]

the system is about to collapse: [didn't he agree? How to still bring up repulsive degree!! ]

nestled in the arms of Yin Ming Zheng, Shi Qing was like a small leopard, rubbing its prey.

There was a sweet smile on his face.

[ready, Yin Mingzheng is stimulated. ]

[our excitement is coming. ]

the author has something to say: random Little Angels send red packets ~


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