A huge alien spaceship is floating in the sky, surrounded by human like machines. It can be said that there are at least hundreds of millions of machines, each equipped with weapons that can blow through a building.

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Shiqing stood in front of the transparent glass, looking at the forest below.

Yin Mingzheng came from behind him and skillfully put the boy in his arms. He heard a low magnetic voice and laughed, "what are you looking at?"

"Look at the forest."

Shiqing pointed to the bottom of that piece of forest from high to low, which looked like a microscopic scenery, "my mother star has only one mother tree, no forest."

Yin Mingzheng also looked down. With his excellent vision, he could clearly see that there were occasionally different forms of Zerg shuttling among the lush trees below.

His heart sank, this forest clearly belonged to human territory, but now it has fallen into the hands of Zerg?

Shi Qing raised his eyes and looked at him. His smile was more and more sweet, and he drilled into the man's arms. It was like a small leopard whining and coquettish. He stretched out his delicate fingers and counted carefully: "we will have a baby in 17 years, 11 months and 17 days."

The sound of the system's mourning follows: "in 20 days' time, we will be thrown out of the world by the world consciousness. ]

[host, we have been here for ten days, and the rejection of Yin Ming Zheng is still 80. How can we play it. ]

Shi Qing: [you can play with water. ]

[what to put? ]

the system is thinking about what kind of water to put in it, and its big man host is like a boneless one pulling on Yin Mingzheng's body, stretching the sweet and greasy tone, like a little retarded person, asking: "I'll go to the toilet and let water go. Mingzheng will accompany me."

Yin Mingzheng doesn't feel that Shiqing's request is very retarded. He has been fully used to Shiqing's coquetry and clinging to people these days. He picked him up and carried him all the way to the toilet.

In this kind of kiss to hug time, the little smart ghost weight is not the same as when the overlord's bow.

There was no toilet in the spaceship, so the mechanical race didn't need to eat. Naturally, they didn't need toilets.

After Yin Mingzheng came, there was a toilet here, and in the few days he promised to stay on the spaceship, Shi Qing created a complete set of human excretion system for himself, just like him.

But he still can't eat human food, usually drink oil at most, so he only needs to pee to go to the toilet.

anyway, as like as two peas for the sake of intimacy, it is not a real way to be a real man.

Yin Mingzheng accompanies Shi Qing to go to the toilet, and then sees him happily running to the sink to wash hands and dry. It looks like a child has finished the task assigned by the teacher. She runs to him with the palm of his hand in his hand and asks for praise.

Since Yin Mingzheng promised to stay, Shiqing's face was almost always smiling, like an indefatigable bird flying around him, learning from him in order to be close to him.

Shiqing began to sleep like human beings. Every morning, when Yin Mingzheng woke up, he could see the boy sleeping with his eyes closed, long curled and curled eyelashes drooping in his arms.

Every time at night when human beings need to rest, the alien teenager always runs to the soft bed first. The seal pats the bed with his long legs, waiting for Yin Mingzheng to "sleep" with him.

Although he won't really fall asleep.

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This point was also discovered by Yin Mingzheng later. Shi Qing studied everything about him diligently, but he only learned the surface.

One night, when he opened his eyes and saw Shi Qingzheng looking at him with his eyes open, his heart almost missed a beat.

"Why don't you sleep?"

"I don't have a human sleep system." Shi Qing blinked and looked at his parts in front of Yin Ming's Zheng nose.

"You wake up. Let's go through the procedure."

Because some energetic goblin was pestering himself to go through the procedure, the next day, Yin Mingzheng, who was always on time with his biological clock, actually went to sleep until noon.

Yin Mingzheng said nothing more on the surface, but never got up later than 6 a.m.

He is afraid of being assimilated in my Eden for a long time, tut, man. ]

he also deliberately took the water, knew what Yin Mingzheng thought, and pestered him every night. When Yin Mingzheng refused in a good voice, he was coquettish and coquettish, just like a newborn cat and dog looking for his mother.

Yin Mingzheng has no choice but to obey him.

These days down, once heroic human hero eyes directly hung two big black circles.

The system looks at the host and feels despair.

He finally realized one thing.His big man host is afraid not patronizing to tease the beautiful man, directly to forget the task behind it.

Don't say, according to the host's present character, it is really possible.

But as soon as he wanted to be honest, Shi Qing went to pester Yin Ming Zheng, and then the system had to start mosaic brainwaves.

There's no way. There's no fun on the spaceship. It's enough to eat and drink. As the saying goes, a big sweetheart is right in front of you, and you won't be wronged.

After so many rounds, the system has become Buddha.

On this day, Yin Mingzheng was sleeping. When he was lying on his chest, he drew a circle around his heart. If others saw this picture, they would only feel beautiful.

But in fact, when the surface is pure and pure, and the eyes are clear, Qingzheng is driving towards the system: [look at my sweetheart's chest muscles. It's typical to wear thin clothes and take off clothes with meat. It's so nice to go up there. ]

System: [Dao can be Dao, unconventional Dao ]

[what are you talking about? ]

the system Buddha Department (despairing) laughs: "I downloaded the Tao Te Ching in the headquarters. I read it occasionally and calmly. ]

Shi Qing: [you have a good taste in the system. Oh, honey, honey, wake up. ]

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as soon as Yin Mingzheng opened his eyes, as usual, the alien youngsters came to him in the next second and squeezed sticky into his arms.

"We need to see the small parts of the Ming Zheng."

The system looks at the mosaic full of screens and is calm and calm ]

when she was immersed in the Tao Te Ching, Yin Mingzheng finally took the boy off her body on the pretext of having breakfast.

Shiqing couldn't eat human food, but he wanted to do the same thing with his partner, so he ordered the humanoid to carry a cup of clear oil, bite a straw and rub Yin Mingzheng to drink it.

His taste system is mechanical, and he feels different when he drinks all kinds of oil.

For example, today's cup, which tastes like Buddha jumping over the wall.

Yin Ming Zheng looked spoiled as usual, smiling at the young man drinking oil. Seeing that he was full, he took a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth, which was a good companion.

Sure enough, after he had done so, he looked at his eyes more soft and could turn into water. Then he showed the look of a bullying little leopard who wanted to seize the prey. He lay on his partner's knees and watched him eat from the bottom up.

Yin Ming Zheng simply let out his left hand, as if to pacify the kitten, once and for all, stretched out his hand to brush the young man's soft hair.

"Shi Qing."

After dinner, he watched the humanoid machine respectfully bow his head and carry the plate down. While wiping the corner of his mouth with a tissue in his right hand, he asked softly, "can't you really sleep like a human being?"

When Qing shakes his head, "that wants to do sleep system."

Yin Mingzheng helped the boy up and laughed at him: "make one. Every night when I fall asleep, you can only watch me. I can't give up."

Alien teenager's face showed hesitation, he always does not cover up his mind.

The man looked at his eyes doting: "what's the matter?"

"I'm afraid you'll run away."

When Qing hesitated for a moment, or told the truth: "if I sleep, you secretly run away how to do."

"No way." Yin Mingzheng's eyes were dark, but his smile was still on his face: "I don't have the right to get out of this spaceship. If you fall asleep, I can't run away."

See when Qing eyes have stubborn, he smile increased, the youth circle in his arms, a pat on the back to comfort: "OK, OK, don't sleep, anyway you are a mechanical race, do not sleep is nothing."

The boy was lying in his arms, listening to the man's heart beating, whispering: "if you add a sleep system, you need to add the human heart to connect the brain waves. If the heart is injured, I will also be injured. This is the weakness. The mechanical race can not have the weakness."

"It's OK. I just mentioned it casually. Shiqing can't sleep. I can accompany you without sleeping. It doesn't matter if I sleep a few hours less."

"Really?" The boy was really happy, his eyes rubbed bright, and gave the man a bear hug with a soft smile: "Mingzheng, you are so good! I like Mingzheng best

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Yin Mingzheng hugs him with a smile and pats Shi Qing's back. Her eyes are dark and deep. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

From this day on, the man did not sleep.

When Yin Mingzheng woke up after only three hours' sleep on the first day, Shi Qing was still very happy and was excited to pester him all night. However, the next day, Yin Mingzheng's spirit began to be not very good. On the third day, his expression began to be in a trance, and he often could not respond to Shi Qing's words.

When Qing asked him to sleep, he insisted that he wanted to accompany him, so as not to be bored when he fell asleep.

The smile on the youth's face is also less and less, always full of pure joy in the eyes also seems to be filled with a layer of sadness mist.

Finally, on the fourth day, Yin Mingzheng opened his eyes and did not see the alien teenager. He got up and asked the humanoid machine beside him: "where is Shiqing?""Wang is in the lookout cabin."

Yin Mingzheng went to the observation cabin. Along the way, those humanoid machines who could easily blow a wound on him bowed respectfully.

He is Wang's companion and has the greatest authority except the king.

Finally, the man went to the observation cabin, he saw the scene inside and was stunned in situ.

In the silver white, above the throne, the boy's chest opened, some manipulators were running in front of him, and then a mechanical heart was put in.

- bang bang bang.

The next moment, the mechanical heart beat in Shiqing's body.

His skin began to heal naturally. Soon, the boy opened his eyes and gave a big smile to Yin Mingzheng. His eyes were full of joy:

"Mingzheng, I also have a heart, I am just like you! We can sleep together later

Yin Ming Zheng was staring at the scene, half loud, and barely squeezed out a smile on his face.

"Yes, we are the same."

But he knew it very well.

It's not the same.

He is a human being, and Shiqing is a mechanical race, which can never be changed.

On the night of that day, Yin Mingzheng opened her eyes under the light yellow light.

He slowly got up and looked at Shi Qing, who was lying on his side.

When the clear sleep is very sweet, ruddy lips slightly toot, eyelashes droop, like a safe little prince who does not know the world.

One hand is still on the body of Yin Ming Zheng.

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Yin Mingzheng looked at his sleeping face, his expression was complex, his hands were slowly extended, and his powers were around his palms, aiming at the young man's heart.

As long as he hits, the mechanical heart that has just learned to beat will stop beating.

Shiqing, the alien who has been preventing him from returning to the human base, will also die.

When he died, all the humanoid machines he had made would be paralyzed.

Yin Ming Zheng could escape smoothly.

The man's hand trembled, more and more close to the side of this unprepared sleeping body.

The boy is still sleeping quietly, not knowing the danger.

So quiet, cute, innocent.

He never waited for Yin Mingzheng, but shared everything with his partner.

Yin Mingzheng clenched her fist, twisted her face and took her hand back.

Under the light yellow light, the man slowly got up, tucked in the corner for the youth, and left the Eden which had been trapped for more than ten days.

He did not know, after he left, peace sleep when Qing slowly opened his eyes.

With a wave of the hand, a light screen showing the ship's map appeared in the center of the room.

Above, a red dot follows the corridor all the way to the supply bunker. After taking the flight equipment, he quickly turns to one of the five exits of the spacecraft.

In the exit guard giant machine is scanning him, at the same time, time clear here also received the giant machine transmission from the picture.

Above, Yin Mingzheng was carrying a flying device, and his sharp eyes were watching his angle of view, that is, giant machinery.

"Request to ask, whether to release."

Shiqing went back, gently raised her eyebrows, and lifted a cup of Gongbao chicken flavored oil which was respectfully sent by human like machines:


- dee.

The exit door opened slowly, and Yin Mingzheng took a look at the silvery white behind him, flashed his guilt in his eyes, then turned his head and jumped down without hesitation.

Ding! Yin Ming Zheng rejection: 60100]

the author has something to say: originally, he wanted to write that Da Yin stabbed Shi Qing's heart, and then Shi Qing was injured. He ran away while he was in disorder. Suddenly, he thought wrong. I am a good writer with integrity.

Random some cute red bag, kiss one, MUA!

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