Yin Mingzheng walked alone in the desolate desert.

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This desert is the territory of the Zerg. Because of the sparsely populated population, there are not many Zerg. He tries to keep a low profile. Once a Zerg finds him, he immediately kills him.

He found that his power energy was much higher than before, and his control power was far better than before.

Yin Mingzheng thought for the first time that Shiqing had been pressing on him with a few tons of weight for more than ten days, forcing him to lift himself with his powers.

When you have dinner, you should hold it.

Let water go, hold it.

Sleep, to embrace.

He is just like a little baby. He wants to be accompanied all the time.

But after knowing how Shiqing had spent these tens of thousands of years, Yin Mingzheng had to admit that such a baby made him not bored at all.

On the contrary, there is a trace of affection.

Looking at the low-level Zerg with three feet and six eyes, a howl was turned into ashes under his own hands, but Yin Mingzheng's eyes seemed to be sticky and clever. When he woke up, he could not find his blank expression.

Shi Qing told him that the spaceship has been rising, because the blue star has the relationship of gravity, the spaceship rises very slowly, unlike those humanoid machines that can easily go up and down. The day before Yin Mingzheng escaped, the boy also said that there was only one day left for them to leave the blue star.

It was because of this sentence that Yin Mingzheng, who had planned to make sure that he was safe, chose to take the risk and escaped from the spaceship on the first night when Shiqing just learned to sleep.

He no longer wants to think about whether Shiqing will send someone to kill him when he wakes up.

At that time, the best solution was to kill Shi Qing to solve the hidden trouble, but Yin Mingzheng couldn't do it.

No matter how excited he is, he is still the gentle and kind human hero.

The bottom line is not to kill women and children, and no matter how high his status, how many subordinates, and how strong his ability is, Yin Mingzheng believes that this is just a child.

It's just like Shi Qing read before: a baby of several thousand years old.

On the first night of leaving the spaceship, Yin Mingzheng didn't sleep well.

In the past ten days, Shiqing has been sticking to him all the time. Obviously, he only got along with him for more than ten days, but it seems that he has been getting along with him for more than ten years.

It's very useful to stick to your sweetheart like a sticky cake.

Without the alien youth, the soft and warm body is like a little dog, rubbing around in his arms.

Also did not have him to move a little, by the side person Octopus like firm hoop.

Yin Ming Zheng woke up several times in the middle of the night, always feeling empty in his arms, as if something was missing.

When he heard the birds flying in the woods, he would stretch out his hand and habitually pat the boy's back to coax him.

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Of course, when the outstretched hand falls into space, people open their eyes from sleep.

Yin Mingzheng didn't think he liked men all the time, but after countless systematic exchanges with Shi Qing, an iron man, some of the most important tools for human reproduction came out from time to time to brush a sense of existence, and he was not sure about his sexual orientation.

After tossing and tossing for several times, it was light, and he could only sigh and continue to travel in a complex mood.

When he was on his way, he could not see the place where he could not see. Shi Qing was sitting in his small spaceship with a straw in his mouth, drinking "juice" while controlling the ship, and falling behind Yin Mingzheng.

Unlike Yin Ming Zheng, who had to travel during the day and rest at night in the sun and wind, Shiqing had everything he wanted in the spaceship. As long as he lay down comfortably, he could always track the man in front of him.

After a day of chasing, he felt a little bored and began to poke the system: "I'm a novice. This is the first world. Should you give a gift bag to a novice. ]

the system is hesitant: [yes, it is, but this is the first reward for world success, which can only be given after success. ]

when you listen to the tone, you will know that the system has the right to reward ahead of time. With a smile, you will be able to guide and guide: [do you think I will not be able to complete the task? ]

when the system looks at the rejection degree of 60, it really feels a little suspended.

Although it is said that if the degree of exclusion is less than 50, it will not be excluded from the world, but the degree of exclusion will be more difficult to reduce

Shi Qing seemed to be stimulated by the silence of the system, and his tone was lost: "don't you believe me so much? Do you really think that I've been addicted to beauty for more than ten days, taking advantage of big baby? Am I the kind of person who only cares about pleasure in your heart! ]

Mengxin system immediately panicked.

[no host, of course not. How can you indulge in beauty and enjoy pleasure? I'll give you a reward now!! ]

then he took out a white jade bottle and gave it to Shi Qing.

[this is rosemary pollen. As long as you sprinkle it, people with higher strength will sleep soundly. During the process of sleeping, you can improve your mental strength and treat your body's hidden diseases. It takes five hours to work. ]Shi Qing holds the white jade bottle, and his lost look suddenly turns to be in high spirits and leans on the chair. ]

[I'm addicted to beauty and pleasure. ]

System: [ ]

System: [woo woo woo woo ]

[OK, don't cry or cry. Since I have won the award, this task will be completed. ]

Shiqing throws the white jade bottle up, catches it again, throws it again and catches it again.

What can I do with this thing ]

the system that is quick to cry and easy to be coaxed into thinking actively: [the host can be used to deal with Zerg. If you sprinkle a little bit, you can do whatever you want! ]

[do what you want ]

when the white jade bottle was slowly rotated between the white and slender fingers, a pair of silver eyes gradually revealed a kind of thinking:

[you are right, do whatever you want. ]

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it's hard to give advice, and the adopted system is happy like New Year's day.

It knows, it is still very useful!

Yin Mingzheng was in a complex mood. From the second night of his journey, although he began to sleep normally, he also began to dream of communicating with mechanical systems.

In the dream, he seemed to return to the spaceship of Eden.

The alien teenager's sticky nest is in his arms, playing with his coat zipper like a kitten.

When he got up the next day, Yin Mingzheng would find that he had been entangled in the spaceship every day, and the parts that had not been disarmed surrendered in his sleep.

It can be imagined that this has always been a man who has no desire and never had a similar dream.

After dark, there are fewer and fewer Zerg in the desert. Because the lower Zerg patronize the evolutionary force, their brains and eyesight develop in general. At night, it is their time to rest.

Yin Mingzheng, who has a good night vision ability, found a low-lying area, covered it with clothes, and barely used it as a bed.

He laid a trap around him to make sure that there were Zerg near him. After he could wake up immediately, the man lay on the trap because he knew that he would continue to dream tonight. His mood was a little complicated.

It's not because of resistance, but because of perceiving the hidden expectation in the bottom of my heart.

But his time is short. If he stays in the desert for one more day, he will have to fall asleep quickly to replenish his energy, so that he can move on the next day.

Yin Mingzheng's breath gradually calmed down, but his hands were always clenched. Once there was any wind and grass, the man who seemed to be sleeping soundly would open his eyes and throw out his killing moves.

The wind in the desert blows over the man's face.

A small spaceship floated silently over him.

Although there was no sound, Yin Ming Zheng seemed to feel the unusual atmosphere in the air, frowning slightly, as if to open his eyes at the next moment.

"Hoo --"

Shiqing expertly blows pollen from the palm of his hand to the one below.

Yin Ming Zheng's frown brow slowly flattened after being contaminated with pollen, and went back to deep sleep.

When the system watched, Qingqing jumped to the ground and went directly into the man's arms. He adjusted a good posture comfortably.

It held on and on, but it didn't stop it Host, I don't feel good about it. ]

[why not? I didn't do anything. ]

Shi Qing enjoyed pressing, squinting and getting ready to go to bed: [you see, I didn't do anything to him. ]

the system is speechless.

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Yes, Shi Qing would not do anything to Yin Ming Zheng.

But Yin Ming Zheng Hui!!

The man who had been used to getting along with the time and Qing Dynasty for more than ten days felt the close of his soft body in his sleep. Almost subconsciously, he stretched out his hand and circled the man in his arms, so he closed his eyes and began to go through the procedure.

The mosaic system silently opens its own repository.

[Dao can be Dao, extraordinary Dao ]

[name can be given name, non name ]After a few days of hard work, Yin Mingzheng finally came to the gate of the human base.

He didn't cover up, he just walked to the door.

I want to know that when those people handed him over, they didn't think that he could come back alive. Naturally, they couldn't do anything else.

So it's best for him to stand up.

Sure enough, as soon as Yin Mingzheng appeared, the people at the gate of the base were shocked and couldn't believe it, and then they were ecstatic.

"General Yin is back!!! General Yin is back

"What?! Is general Yin really back?! "

"Great, general Yin, you are still alive."

In the general atmosphere of Chinese new year, while observing this side from the invisible spaceship, Qing Qing watched a woman with a happy face and pitifully jumped into the arms of Yin Ming Zheng.Although Yin Mingzheng dodged, she didn't look like she was simply happy and didn't pay attention to her behavior.

[system, who is this person. ]

the system scans for a moment: [General Zhao's only daughter, Zhao has always wanted to marry Yin Ming Zheng. ]

after saying that, considering the fact that the Qing Dynasty is superior to Yin Ming Zheng these days, it also adds a very humanized sentence: "the host doesn't care about her. In the original plot, she didn't succeed. Later, she betrayed Yin Ming Zheng in the later stage and returned to the Zerg clan. Finally, she was killed by the Yinming Zheng group. She is a relatively backward middle boss. ]

[no, I don't care. ]

Shi Qingyuan looks far away at the woman in white among the gray clothes? ]

[yes, the white lotus Host, what do you do? ]

Shiqing jumped out of the spaceship, tore the clothes of her upper body a few times, then grabbed a handful of ashes on the ground, and gently touched her white cheek.

Make a white lotus. ]

the system began to feel bad.

In such a bad intuition, it wittily took out the Tao Te Ching in advance.

"Brother Mingzheng, I'm really worried about you. Fortunately, you're OK. I didn't even eat much food during this period. I'm worried about whether you'll suffer..."

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Even if Yin Mingzheng avoided herself, the woman still cried pitifully, and the person who heard it was sad and saw her cry: "you are all so thin..."

She said and raised her eyes to see how much Yin Ming Zheng had lost. As a result, her words were directly stuck in her throat.

For more than ten days, Yin Mingzheng not only ate but also slept, or went through the process with Shi Qing. Even in the desert, she had rosemary pollen every night to enhance her mental strength. She looked stronger than before she left the base.

The woman stuck for a few seconds, and then turned around, "if you're OK, I won't worry if you're OK. Cough..."

The friends who followed her immediately said, "general Yin, these days are wonderful for you. You have been ill for a long time because you can't eat well or sleep well."

The woman shook her head weakly, "I'm ok, I'm just..."

- "cough..."

A small cough burst out behind them.

Yin Mingzheng, who was still wringing her eyebrows and didn't know what to think, was stiff and turned around.

Shi Qing stood not far from the gate of the base, his clothes were torn several pieces, and his always white and spotless cheek was also stained with some grey. Now he was looking at him with red eyes and a face full of grievances.

Seeing Yin Ming Zheng, the young man's pale silver eyes seemed to be filled with tears for a moment. His body was as weak as if he could be blown down by the wind, and the light in his eyes seemed to fall all over his face in a blink of an eye.

"Ming Zheng, cough..."

Yin Mingzheng's brain was blank. He didn't even have time to think about why Shiqing appeared here, and why he was in such a mess. His body had already stridden forward in his mind and came to the young man several times. He skillfully held him in his arms and untied his coat to cover the parts exposed by the broken clothes.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was astringent: "Shiqing..."

When the soft Xi Xi Xi lean in his arms, a little questioning his meaning is not, like before in the spaceship, elongated sweet greasy tone coquettish: "where have you been, I have been looking for you for a long time."

With that, he was very weak. Te Bailian rubbed against the man's arms, and his voice was full of grievances. He whined: "it's terrible here. I've met a lot of dangers, and my clothes are all broken..."

This is a bit of affectation, but on a young man like a little prince, Yin Mingzheng only felt pity and guilt, and could not help but tightly held the young man's hand.

And when Qing Ying finished, he also glanced at the woman who was robbed of human equipment by cutting Hu. She was so angry that her face was stiff. The next second, it seemed that she was scared by her ugly face. The rabbit buried her head in the man's arms.

Weak, pitiful and timid:

"woo I'm so scared. "

All around the system: [ ]

for such a superb performance, if it hadn't been for watching Shiqing play games and sleep in the daytime and indulge in beauty at night, it would have believed it.

Are you guys, acting so well?

The author has something to say: the title of this article will be changed to "the whole world thinks I am a good man [wear quickly]

the title will be changed tonight, and the little angels should not admit that they are wrong.

randomly, some little angels will send red envelopes

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