Qin Yunsheng felt that something was wrong.

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In one day, he changed from a pure bachelor to a man with a boyfriend.

Then, from a man with a boy friend to a man engaged to get married.

And it all happened so fast that I didn't even have seven hours.

The officer tried to do something.

But as soon as he stepped forward, he opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he held on to him like a young Marquis guarding some treasures, so he took the first step, turned his head and stared at him angrily.

"You must not speak!"

When Qing doesn't let him talk, he doesn't speak, so he doesn't have face.

Qin Yunsheng just didn't hear it and continued to open his mouth.


The young Marquis came to his face again, skillfully and quickly.

Qin Yunsheng:

The poor officer, who had never been so close to people since he was born, had a red face and looked at Shiqing with a blank look.

He didn't mean to blush, it was just a reflex.

But he was really at a loss.

Shi Qing: "I said, you are not allowed to speak!"

Qin Yunsheng: "I..."


He was tall and slender. Although he was wearing a proper military uniform, he could still see a good-looking and muscular officer, covering his face with his hands blankly.

It's hot, even hot, where you've been kissing.

His brain was unable to recover under such repeated attacks.

Qin Yunsheng: "you..."


After three attacks, the officer finally found a little sense.

He covered his face and shut his mouth quietly.

Seeing that he didn't speak and made trouble, the young Marquis turned around with satisfaction and raised his eyebrows. His bright eyes were full of contentment.

"See, how much we love each other."

Shiyiyi intentionally came here to block people, in order to let Shiqing hear the movement and come out to see this scene.

She certainly doesn't like Qin Yunsheng.

Although the man was handsome, good-natured and in good shape, he was just a baron.

The man she wants to marry must be respected.

Like Qin Yunsheng, she didn't even look.

She came here deliberately to block people just to provoke Shi Qing.

The reason why he was provoked, of course, was for the Duke's property.

Although she did not get along with the Duke, she could see that he was a very square man.

At first glance, it's that old-fashioned patriarch. How can such a person agree to have an only son, who will inherit the title of Duke with a man in the future.

In addition, when Qing's temper is added, as long as this thing is used as a fuse, the fight between father and son is just a matter of a few days.

In the heart thought very good, when Yi Yi looks to already is a pair of by her exasperation, can't wait to circle the chassis of the young Marquis, in the eyes of proud flash.

You've never been married to two of you for a long time? Who believes it. "

Shi Yiyi: "Shi Qing, although you are my brother, but since you have not announced the news of your love, in other people's eyes, brother Qin is single, why can't I pursue him?"

The young Marquis was made more angry indeed.

Shi Qing sneered, and there was no hesitation:

"I will announce my relationship with him soon. Shi Yiyi, you have no chance."

With that, the young Marquis added with disgust:

"I thought the person you liked before was Qin Cheng, but I didn't expect you to be so fickle and stare at the meat in other people's pots. I didn't live with Qin Yun before. You didn't say you like him. Now we are together, you jump out again."

Qin Cheng is also a member of the Academy of science and technology. He has the title of earl. He is a little generation that the queen likes very much. It has been rumored that the queen wants to pass on the throne to him.

So when the Earl, who is said to be the "invisible Prince", went straight to the Academy of science and technology after graduation and indulged in research, he surprised a large group of people.

When Shi Yiyi came to the Academy of science and technology, she came to the "invisible Prince".

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Hearing Shi Qing's sarcasm, she was not angry.

Anyway, there are not many people here. If she is said that she will not lose a few pieces of meat, she can achieve her goal.

Shi Yiyi: "you don't have to worry about how I do. In a word, I will pursue Qin Yunsheng. As long as you don't announce your relationship to everyone, I will never let go."

Shi Qing: [all in all, this lady is so considerate, so excellent and so kind. Are you sure she is really a villain? ]

System: [in the original plot, she really stabbed Qin Yunsheng in the later stage, but she killed her husband who was eager to engage in scientific research. ]Focus on scientific research?

Shi Qing: Qin Cheng? ]

the system is frantically searching data: [yes, it's Qin Cheng! ]

Shi Qing searched his memory about Qin Cheng in his mind.

He didn't pay attention to his appearance. He only remembered that he was a young man with glasses. He seldom appeared in front of people, because he was addicted to scientific research, and still couldn't extricate himself from it.

Skipping this episode, Shiqing took the stiff arm of the officer beside him, and was excited by his cousin's words:

"wait, I will announce tomorrow that all the people in the world will know that we are together!"

Yiyi in the heart of a joy, hard to support in the face of a disdain to put out the appearance.

"Well, I'll wait tomorrow."

With that, she turned around and left, thinking about how to tell her father the bad news tomorrow.

Even if Shiqing is an only child, a man with a man can not have an heir's belly, can he still inherit the title and family property?

Qin Yunsheng, who watched Shi Yiyi leave helplessly:.... "

Of course, he can see the hidden pride in Shi Yiyi's eyes.

Obviously, this cousin, who had always disagreed with Shiqing, deliberately urged him to announce his love with a man.

But the young Marquis, who ate him to death, actually believed it.

The officer felt the young Marquis who was still clinging to his arm even if his cousin left. He was silent for a few seconds before he opened his mouth:

"Professor Shi, what is to be clarified..."

Shi Qing pretended to be stupid: "what clarifies? What clarifies? What's so clear? "

Qin Yunsheng:

Even if he had experienced the other party's thick skin before, now he felt it again, he still felt helpless.

The officer's good temper reminds: "today you promised to help me clarify our relationship at nine o'clock."

"Do you have any?" "I don't know," Marquis said, "I don't know."

Qin Yunsheng: Please stop joking with me

When the clear is not joking, justifiably: "you just did not hear?"

"Shiyiyi likes you. If we clarify that you are single again, she will definitely come to pursue you. She is not good-looking, bad tempered and bad hearted. If you don't want to be entangled by her, you can cooperate with me well."

The officer stretched out his hand helplessly, pinched his brow and breathed out a breath.

Although he had known that Shi Qing and Shi Yiyi had a bad relationship, he never thought that Shi Qing could cooperate with him for the sake of Shi Yiyi's words.

Qin Yunsheng "Shi Yiyi doesn't like me."

Shi Qing: "she likes you."

Qin Yunsheng: "she really doesn't like me."

Shi Qing: "she just likes you."

Qin Yunsheng It doesn't make sense.

Even in the army, he had never seen such an obstinate person.

The officer sighed again, feeling that his whole life was going to end today.

He tried to clear his mind and clear the way to the time:

"she said that clearly meant to urge you to disclose our relationship. If you really comply with her wishes, you will be cheated."

Qin Yunsheng took hold of the discord between the cousins, and advised, "you don't want to be cheated. When you look at the young lady, are you proud?"

Normally speaking, Shiqing should listen to it.

The young Marquis, however, did not lift his eyelids and said, "no way. I declare my relationship with you. What's good for her?"

Qin Yunsheng: "for example, will the Duke be angry?"


"I don't care if I have a bad relationship with him. I don't care if he is angry."

Qin Yunsheng: The Duke may be angry and refuse to pass on his title and property to you. "

The officer thought, as soon as this sentence comes out, we should know the seriousness of the matter.

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Shi Qing: "whatever he wants, that's what he earned himself. If he's happy, he can take it to the ground if he's happy."

The young Marquis's white and beautiful face was full of free and easy, and he could not see his reluctant expression at all. His ruddy lips were slightly pursed, and even looked a little disgusted.

Qin Yunsheng's eyes gradually became complicated. When he didn't believe it, he didn't know what those assets and titles represented.

If you pull a person on the street, you are willing to pay all for it.

But it seems that the young Marquis, who always depends on his family background and is arrogant and wanton, can be so lightly abandoned.

Still a kid.

He would not think how hard his life would be if he didn't have it.

He asked, "how do you live if you really lose the Duke's support because of the publication of the romance?"

When the delicate, when the Qing arrogant, and when the Qing that seems to be born with the right and strong.Isn't all this supported by a steady stream of money and social status?

The young Marquis, slender and still in his close fitting pajamas, yawned and slouched.

From Qin Yunsheng's point of view, you can see his white nose tip from the side.

There are always some people in the world who are born with a preference. They are born with a proud family background. With endless wealth, they have a good skin bag.

It seems that all the good things in the world have returned to Shiqing.

When Qin Yunsheng was looking at him, the young Marquis, who was loved by all kinds of people, was lazy and boneless and leaned on him.

Good looking lips in the light as if with water light, lip angle slightly tilted, so pick eyes tail, bad smile to look at the officer.

"What do you think I am? The kind of dandy who only knows how to chew the old and have fun? "

Qin Yunsheng:

According to the behavior before the Qing Dynasty, isn't it??

It's really not.

He raised his eyebrows, and his voice was prolonged because of his laziness. After lowering and lengthening, his original pleasant voice was just like adding a layer of enchanting aura, which made people itch:

"without my father's support, I could still make it. The big deal is to develop some small software and make some small things to sell money, although it is a little troublesome."

Looking at Shi Qing, whose face was full of "this thing is troublesome, but I can support myself after doing it, and I can do it when necessary", Qin Yunsheng suddenly has a guess in his heart.

He asked, "I've never seen you come out before, because it's too troublesome?"


The young Marquis leaned lazily on Qin Yunsheng: "I don't rely on this thing to eat. What can I do so hard? I can use it whenever necessary."

The officer's look was a little confused.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Why is it that Shi Qingming can make his own chips and hack into the system of the Academy of science and technology, but he has been doing what others think is "salted fish for the credit".

Because he doesn't have to rely on it to eat.

For the lazy and wayward young Marquis, he was too lazy to expose his true abilities unless necessary.

After all, even if he is really a salted fish, he can still live more freely than 99.9% of the world's people.

On the surface of salted fish, the actual big man when the professor cut back to the subject, sleepy when he spoke soft voice, but also with a tired lazy.

"Qin Yunsheng, I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of? Anyway, you are the first to attack me today. You should be responsible for it."

He said this forcefully and irrationally, and as he spoke, his slender and beautiful white fingers fell to the officer's hand.

Just can't refuse to squeeze his own into Qin Yunsheng's palm, only to let him hold it can he give up.

Qin Yunsheng:

What's a puff.

It's self-defense without hurting the other side.

He also wanted to struggle for a while. While talking, he tried to rescue his hand:

"Professor Shi, I'm sorry, it's really inappropriate..."

"What are you doing?"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young Marquis who couldn't even touch his body.

"It hurts..."

He was wronged to cry out, as if by the day's pain, the end of his eyes red, very uncomfortable will be beautiful slender fingers to the lips, careful whistling.

Blow a few times, still don't forget to look at the officer who was confused by his sudden action with the eyes of condemnation.

"If you talk, just say it. What do you do to beat me?"

Qin Yunsheng: "I didn't, I just moved..."

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"No one moves so hard. It hurts."

The young Marquis held his hand and denounced the officer with a very smooth voice:

"I think you are deliberately retaliating, deliberately hurting me, so as to satisfy your own revenge psychology."

Qin Yunsheng: "Professor Shi, I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to draw it out..."

"Well, why did you take it out? I don't mean to retaliate against me

Seeing the officer's explanation, the young Marquis lifted his chin:

"what do you want to say? I advise you to be careful. I'll give you one last chance. If you don't seriously apologize to me, you can't even think about the clarification. "

Qin Yunsheng:

"Professor Shi, I'm sorry to hurt you. I'll pay attention to it next time."

The young Marquis hummed, "do you want another time?"

The officer followed his words: "I made a slip of the tongue. I'm sorry."

Then he was satisfied. His mouth was slightly cocked up with a little pride, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of contentment"Well, for the sake of your attitude, I forgive you."

He promised to be so happy, but he didn't make any difficulties. Qin Yunsheng was still a little used to it.

The officer asked tentatively, "what is the clarification?"

Shi Qing: "don't worry. I'm very generous. You can think about it now."

Qin Yunsheng:

So if you want to, do you really just want to?

He was completely convinced by this little clever little Marquis, but he was fooled again at the critical moment.

The officer took a fresh look, and no longer treated the matter in a persuasive and playful manner.

He's serious. He's serious.

"Professor Shi, this matter has not been discussed. Although I have never been in love, I have been taught to be serious about feelings since I was a child."

"If you want to pretend to be a couple just to get angry with others, or to be angry with me, I can't accept it, so let's call it a day."

When Qing didn't shout his hand again, he squeezed his hand into the palm of his opponent's palm again. Seeing that the officer wanted to avoid it, he was afraid that he would hurt his tangled appearance. A smile appeared on his white face, which was as beautiful as a monster.

"So you'll only be with people who like you?"

Qin Yunsheng was already distracted by the action that he had to squeeze his hand into the palm of his hand. He also took time to reply:

"yes, I am very serious about feelings, and I don't agree with this kind of game of playing with feelings."

Shi Qing: "so coincident, so am I!"

Qin Yunsheng looked at the monster's appearance and unruly behavior. He spread a lot of playful and notorious Shiqing in the river and Lake: "......"

Before his mission, he knew all kinds of history of the little marquis.

A standard dandy.

And now, the other side told him that he was very serious about his feelings??

The officer frowned and remained unmoved.

"Professor Shi, please don't be kidding. I'm communicating very seriously."

"Who is not?"

He stood on tiptoe and his lips fell on the other side's ears. He deliberately lowered his voice and asked in a soft voice:

"Qin Yunsheng, I am also communicating with you very seriously. Can't you see it

Seeing that the officer was stiff and did not dare to move, the young Marquis was smiling and did not dare to hurt himself by his opponent. He just grasped his finger and forced the officer to face his four eyes.

In Qin Yunsheng's eyes, when Qing's eyebrows and eyes are smiling and his eyes are on the tail of his eyes, he looks like a beautiful flower blooming slowly.

And when this little flower began to bloom its charm, it was sending out messages all over the body.

The specific performance is "pick me, you pick me", "see how beautiful I am, pick me home", "I am mature, you can pick me up", and so on.

From being born single to now, the officers are almost uncontrollable.

Fortunately, he has strong willpower.

When the delicate fingertips, deliberately in the palm with cocoon rub.

The officer took a deep breath and looked calm.

"How do you know that I don't like you?"

He was halfway through the inhalation and froze.

The young Marquis's tone can be said to be light: "I said before, I like men, your type, just my favorite."

Qin Yunsheng can feel that the soft and tender fingertips of the other party are crossing the cocoon of his palm.

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It's light and tender, like the piece of tofu he bought last year.

His eyelashes began to blink at a rate of 1.5 times happier than usual, and his heart beat was nearly 1.2 times faster than usual.

Shi Qing put his head on his shoulder: "if you think it's not good for us to pretend to be lovers..."

The little Marquis's words deliberately dragged on for a long time, but Qin Yunsheng's heart seemed to tremble.

When always arrogant and reserved voice deliberately lowered, make soft waxy tone, the lethality is almost 200%.

And at the moment, this soft waxy, and delicate voice is saying: "then we come to really it."

"You like me, and I like you."

The little Marquis's voice fell to the officer's ears gently, as if it were snowflakes:

"although I am afraid of pain, as long as you gently, I will not dislike you."

Qin Yunsheng:

He felt as if his heart had stopped.

There is only one sentence left in my brain: swipe the screen:

What does that mean??

What do you mean by that?!!

When he was doubting his life, Shi Qing slowly let go of his hand and squeezed his finger into the palm of the officer's palm:

"come on, gently hold my hand, and we will be really a couple in the future. You must be nice to me."

Qin Yunsheng's brain is blank.

He didn't think it was right.Reason told him that Shi Qing must be playing tricks again.

He is a dandy. How can he be serious about him.

To say such words is just to deceive him into submission.

But holding the hand of the little Marquis, the officer could not say a word of "no".

His resolute face has already taken on the helpless, ear tip red dripping blood, the hand also subconsciously holds the hand of Shi Qing.

The officer felt like he was in a marshmallow trap.

Want to struggle to climb out, but always sticky sugar back.

Want to shout for help, a mouth is full of sweet.

Intend to grasp the rational swing sober, turn around to find that reason has long been submerged by sweet marshmallow.

The little Marquis leaned slightly and put his head on his shoulder. His voice was soft and sticky, and his voice was low and timid.

"Why don't you talk? What's wrong with me? I really like you very much. You don't have to say anything else. Just say a good word, just a little sentence. "

Poor, delicate and sweet.


Qin Yunsheng seemed to hear the voice of the things in his heart called the defense line.

He was shamefully occupied.


To achieve the goal, marshmallow turned into overlord flower in an instant.

The little Marquis, leaning on his shoulder, straightened up, and the timid look on his face returned to complacency and reserve for a second.

"That's what you said

Qin Yunsheng looks at Shi Qing, who suddenly changes his face when he has achieved his goal

The little Marquis was cocking up his small mouth and stepped back with pride. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and shook it:

"I recorded it. The evidence is conclusive. If you promise to be my boyfriend, it's useless to deny it."

Qin Yunsheng:

When he watched, he counted the playing key, and immediately came the other side's pitiful weak tone.

But the party is very proud of the appearance, cocked up the corners of his mouth, satisfied has been listening to the end.

After showing off the recording, the little Marquis was even more proud.

As in the past, arrogant and justifiably ordered the officers:

"the rice you bought is cold, please buy me another one."

Oh, not as usual.

It's more reasonable than ever.

Now, after all, Qin Yunsheng is officially his boyfriend.

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