"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat this."

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"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat that."

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat fruit."

"Qin Yunsheng, my shoulder is sore. Pinch my shoulder."

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to sing. You can sing with me in the evening."

This is on the first day of love, the little Marquis asked her boyfriend.

In the early morning of the next day, the people of the Academy of science and technology not only received the message of "I have taken off the bill" from Shi Qing, but also were covered with love.

People in science and technology colleges are relatively free, especially at the professor level.

Although everyone knew that Shi Qing was a parallel professor before, he was also a professor.

And all of us know that Shiqing is experienced in water. He can't get on with his serious work. He is definitely responsible for his experience and credit.

I'm not happy, but I can't help it. Who makes people noble.

Anyway, as long as you don't make trouble.

As a result, today's uncle came. Although he didn't work as usual, he didn't stop calling on his boyfriend.

He sat there comfortably, holding a book to read. He was tall and strong, but he could only follow his orders. The officers who ran around were miserable.

Although did not run out of sweat, but also basically did not stop.

People can't help but look sideways.

Still can't help but sympathize with Qin Yun.

make complaints about it: "is this really talking about a boyfriend?"

Isn't it true that you bought a servant and used it like crazy?

Before Qin Yunsheng was almost half a bodyguard, there was no such thing.

Because of the confrontation between Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi in person before, now they still don't dare to beep for fear of being hit in the face if he is not careful.

It's not professional. It's always OK to have a personal life.

Professor Shi's glorious history is too much. It's hard to write.

And now, he has another one, he doesn't treat his boyfriend as a person.

Several people who came out to the toilet were muttering in the corridor. Qin Yunsheng came back with the fresh fruit.

Seeing their gossiping, the resolute soldiers frowned.

As a soldier, his nature seems to contain responsibility.

Although it was routine, but Shiqing did not force him to agree, it was his own did not stand the temptation.

Now that he has agreed, then Shiqing is his little boyfriend, so he should be responsible for protecting him.

What's more, Shiqing is not like what they said.

In private, although he was a little rude, he was absolutely not excessive.

It's just that she's a little bit coquettish, she's bad tempered, she's a bit picky about eating, and she likes to be bossy.

Nature is good.

It was said that it was because people only saw the appearance of his bad temper and didn't pay attention to his inner part.

The officer strode forward, and did not hide, directly to a few people.

"You misunderstood me."

A few people who are muttering and whispering gossip suddenly see the party appear:

“…… Qin, brother Qin... "

Qin Yunsheng looked at their cautious expression, still a face of serious pursed lips, seriously explained: "Shiqing is not what you said, he is just a child temperament, we just confirmed the relationship, he wants to announce the world."

Several people: "yes, yes, yes."

Qin Yunsheng: "although he usually talks a little unreliable, but it is absolutely not as serious as you said, just a child is not sensible."

A few people:.... "



Have you ever seen such a big kid??

Which child can also become a professor??

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But in the face of wearing a stiff uniform, a serious face, any standing as if revealing a resolute officer, they still disobeyed their will to nod.

"That's right. That's what we think."

Qin Yunsheng continued: "you may have a lot of misunderstandings about him, but before you make it clear, you still don't say it in private, so as to avoid misinformation."

A few people said again

Does Professor Shi still use the wrong words to convey the wrong??

Isn't this obvious??

But when they were frowning and waiting for their reply, the professor's new boyfriend still forced out a smile on their faces.

"Brother Qin You're right. "

Qin Yunsheng didn't see their reluctance, but they didn't believe it. He couldn't force the other party to believe it.

The officer twisted his eyebrows and his face became more serious.

He thought of Shi Qing's temperament.If people don't like him, he can do more. What he thinks is not to try to make the other party like him, but you don't like me. I will do whatever you hate.

People who are not angry are also typical of people who are disgusting.

So, of course, he will become what he is now. Almost all the people in the Academy of science and technology think that he is just a person who will give people trouble, have a bad temper and rub against other people's research results.

Although he knows that Shiqing doesn't care about this, Qin Yunsheng, as his new boyfriend, still has some grievances for him.

It's a skill, but it's a waste.

He was regarded as a villain.

Obviously, his temperament is delicate and painful at the touch, but no one has ever found out that he is just feisty and bad tempered.

If it wasn't because he hurt him unintentionally, I'm afraid that he would be like these people in his life.

I always thought that Shi Qing was that kind of person. When I finished the task silently, I would leave quickly.

Seeing Qin Yunsheng standing where he was, those men had deep eyes and did not know what they were thinking of. They poked each other and finally pushed out a man.

The man scratched his head awkwardly and asked Qin Yunsheng, "brother Qin, are you really with Professor Shi?"

The officer regained consciousness and nodded earnestly.

"That's right."

"That, that, that, we must be blessing you. But brother Qin, do you think that there is something wrong with your mode of getting along with Professor Shi?"

It's always embarrassing to speak ill of each other in front of others. He stutters a little and says politely:

"in love, do you want to understand and take care of each other?"

Although Shi Qing and Qin Yunsheng announced that they were in love for less than a day, their relationship mode was too clear.

This is exactly when Qin Yunsheng took care of him unilaterally.

Still, Shi Qing was very reasonable and ordered others.

Normal love, should not be like this.

Although it is not surprising that Shi Qing did such a thing, Qin Yunsheng

Although he usually speaks very kindly and loves to smile, his momentum is enough to make people speak carefully to him. Look at his strong body and his deep eyes.

When he stood in the same place with no expression on his face, it was enough to make all people in awe.

Such a man is a tough man in every way, but he is eager for Shiqing and obedient like a big dog.

This, this is unreasonable

He continued cautiously: "this love ah, I also talked about several times, for each other good can be long, Qin elder brother you say?"

Qin Yunsheng didn't realize what image he was in the other party's eyes. He just nodded and agreed.

"That's right."

He promised to be so happy, but it was to rack his brains to gently remind Qin Yunsheng that he was stunned.

Seeing that he didn't know what to say, another colleague couldn't wait, so he went forward and said, "brother Qin, we have a good relationship and respect you very much. We are happy for you when you have someone you like. But don't you think that Professor Shi's attitude towards you is a little too casual? Today, he has made you run many times. "

It's no problem to take care of your lover, but it's not taking care of you. It's just walking away.

Qin Yunsheng was not angry and opened his mouth carefully when he saw two people saying this:

"brother Qin, you haven't found that although you are together, do you still get along with Professor Shi the same as before?"

Qin Yunsheng was shocked by this sentence.

Yes, they confirmed the relationship, but Shi Qing's attitude towards him was still the same as before.

As before, he asked him to run errands and to do this and that. When he was free, he asked him to pinch his shoulder and beat his back.

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Before his heart will occasionally have dissatisfaction, but professionalism let him hide this dissatisfaction, on the surface still cold continue to work.

But now, after realizing that Shi Qing's attitude towards him had not changed before and after falling in love, the look on the officer's face gradually changed.

His eyes darkened, and his eyes showed a look of thinking:

"is it..."

Several people are a joy, think he finally wake up, nervous and looking forward to him.

Qin Yunsheng: "did Shiqing like me before?"

Several people:

Several people:.... "

No, how did this conclusion come out??

No one likes it so much!

However, the officers did not notice their expressions at all, and they were still trapped in this kind of thinking.

In fact, when I think about it now, I'm afraid Shiqing has been different from others for a long time.He will ask him to do this and that, which is coquettish and unreasonable.

But to others, he never said a word more, and naturally would not ask others to do anything.

Isn't this just because in Shi Qing's eyes, he is different from these people?

In addition, before two people Oolong was misunderstood, normal people will not only deny when there is such a misunderstanding, but also firmly affirm that they have a relationship?

Although it seems that Shi Qing is deliberately angry with him, no one's way is to put himself into it.

It was absolutely not good for Shi Qing to announce a love affair with him.

At his age, it's time for him to fall in love. He knows how to talk with a boyfriend.

The only advantage of this love affair confirmed by time list is Qin Yunsheng.

The officer's frown gradually loosened.

His eyes, also with a little tenderness and pity.

"So he liked me so early."

Shi Qing also mentioned many times that he liked his own type, but he ignored them all.

But in fact, he is telling the truth.

Several people:

If they know what Qin Yunsheng is thinking, they must hold his shoulder and shake him wildly to wake him up.

The Qing Dynasty's attitude towards Qin Yunsheng was even worse, because he hated Qin Yunsheng and shiyiyi.

He didn't force others, because others were serious to work, and not specially to protect the people of Shiqing.

Good fact, how did Qin Yunsheng turn a corner in his head??

Of course, now they do not know what Qin Yunsheng is thinking, but it does not hinder their black face question marks.

What is it to like him in the early morning???

Is this officer really not blind??

Professor Shi treated him like that, called like him??

Qin Yunsheng, however, is already relaxed after a face of imagination.

In fact, he didn't sleep all night last night, thinking about his relationship with Shiqing.

Although I don't want to admit it, to tell the truth, when Shiqing deliberately pretended to be weak, he was really a little moved.

Soon, though, the little Marquis was restored to his true colors.

But at that time, the feeling of his face burning red and his heart pounding was still fresh in Qin Yunsheng's memory.

On the one hand, he thought it was good to have such a little boyfriend, and on the other hand, he was afraid that Shi Qing was playing with tickets.

Both of them are far away from each other in character, hobby and profession.

The probability of halal falling in love with him is too low.

But now, after the reminders of these people, he finally realized that maybe before, Shi Qing was interested in him.

The officer's lips curled up slightly, revealing a smile of peace of mind.

He said to several people: "thank you for telling me that Shiqing has always liked me."

"I bought the fruit and put it on the big table for a while. You want to take it by yourself. I'll go first."

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With that, he was tall and slender. When he walked, he always revealed a soldier's fortitude. The handsome officer left in a good mood with his mouth raised.

Several people:.... "

"What did he just say?"

“…… It seems to be, thank you for reminding him that the professor always liked him... "

"It's a dream, isn't it?"

[Ding! Qin Yunsheng's rejection rate is 65100, the host is wonderful! The host is amazing! The host is the best! ]

sitting on his chair with his long legs up, Shi Qing looks like an old man looking at the computer: "I didn't do anything. Don't praise me. I don't get paid for nothing. ]

System: [ha? ]

it's a little confused.

I looked at the historical record of the decline in rejection.

System: [but the rejection has been declining. ]

Shi Qing: [Oh, this one. ]

Shi Qing: [it's OK. It's normal. Qin Yunsheng is just like this character. He can complete a love without me. ]

this is the first time that the system has encountered this situation. It is a bit confused.

And then

Ding! Qin Yunsheng's rejection rate: 61100]

this time, it was clear that the host did nothing.

The system checked several times, but found no problem with the data, so I could only recite and go back to watch the documentary.

Human beings are so strange.

When the system is gone, Shi Qing continues to look at his computer.

His seat is against the wall, which means that he can only be seen in his face and his back to people's computers.

Most people in the office look like this:

they lean lazily on the sofa, with their legs on the table, a bag of potato chips in their hands, staring at the computer screen.

While watching, eating potato chips.Click, click, click.

Damn it. He must be watching some bloody TV series.

This wicked nobleman.

No one dares to say anything, and no one dares to say that there is nothing wrong with wasting resources at work.

This product is a kind of revenge. If it is hated by him, it will not be easy in the future.

As a result, a group of people can only watch while watching the computer screen, while picking up a cup of fat house happy water to drink.

When you're done, go on eating potato chips.

Click, click, click.

The door opened from the outside when she was eating happily.

Qin Yunsheng strides in and puts the washed fruit on the table.

"I bought some fruit and ate it."

There was a chorus in the office. All of them were young people, and they were quite lively. Immediately someone got up to get the fruit.

Then they watched Qin Yunsheng standing in his place, carefully and quickly selected the biggest and sweetest, put them on the plate, and took them to Shiqing.

Professor Shi, however, did not leave his eyes off the screen for a moment. He just opened his mouth and asked people to feed him.

Hello! Your boyfriend has worked hard to wash the fruit and carefully picked it out for you to eat.

Did you end up with this attitude?!

It's really worthless for Qin Yunsheng.

However, the party did not feel that Shi Qing was perfunctory. He looked at the little Marquis who was concentrating on the computer.

The little Marquis was obviously very serious, his eyes were black and bright at ordinary times, and his face was more white.

Now, because I am staring at the bright screen, my eyes are more bright and attentive, as if there are stars in them.

The officer looked at the screen.

As expected, they are some professional words that he can't understand.

Although he couldn't understand, he also understood how powerful Shiqing was to understand these things.

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But he is so serious, but others think he is ignorant.

At the thought of this, the officer's eyes softened a little.

He looked at Shiqing, his little nose was more fragile and delicate by the computer screen lining, but his lips were more and more ruddy.

Before Qin Yunsheng never paid close attention to other people's looks, but now, he found that he hated Shiqing's delicacy before, which was too much of an egg to pick bones.

Why didn't you find out before that, the little Marquis was clearly already written about his delicacy, as if moving a finger could make him cry out pain.

Such a person is born to be held in the palm of his hand.

However, he has the professional knowledge which is not lost to anyone, but he has to be misunderstood.

Although now the Qing Dynasty is indifferent and even happy to see its success.

But where in the world can anyone be happy after being misunderstood?

Maybe it's just used to it before, and now I won't be sad any more.

At the thought of this, the officer would like to make such a poor and lovely man smaller and put it in his pocket, so that he would never have to worry about no one to take care of him.

Qin Yunsheng took a piece of orange and carefully peeled off the white veins on it. Then he handed it to the ruddy lips of the little marquis.

When the clear eye blinks also does not blink looked at the screen, the mouth opened, chewed several times, a beautiful face immediately wrinkled into a ball.

"Well Acid. "


When the officer bought it, he only looked at the size, color and shape, but he didn't expect to buy back the sour orange. He quickly took a piece of paper and handed it to the little Marquis's mouth:

"spit it out."

"Eat a grape and press it."

Shi Qing didn't vomit out, but swallowed with a wrinkled face. After swallowing, he turned and stood up, close to Qin Yunsheng's shoulder.

The little Marquis was smiling. A beautiful face like a demon was full of bad smiles. Even if there was no computer light, his eyes still seemed to contain stars.

He took Qin Yunsheng's hand and took him to the rest room.

The officer was a little confused, so his handsome face was full of doubts:

"what's the matter? Are you tired? "

There are sofa and tea table in the rest room. People come to clean it every day, which is also clean and tidy.

When Qing squeezed his hand into the palm of the other side, the voice was soft and soft: "I want to sleep."

Qin Yunsheng, who has already entered the state of her boyfriend: "I remember that there are several blankets in the cabinet. You can sleep under the blanket."

He was about to turn to get the blanket, but the little Marquis did not let go. He took him to the edge of the sofa with his soft fingers.

Every time two people approached, the officer would not dare to exert any force for fear of hurting each other, this time as well.

Even if he could let go of the little Marquis with a little wave of his hand, he was very obedient to the strength of Shiqing, all the way to the sofa.His eyes seem to be with a smile, leaning against the armrest of the sofa, asked always very wayward little lovers: "how?"

When Qing pushes his hand at him, the officer who is caught off guard falls back on the soft sofa.

Qin Yunsheng didn't have time to react, so he saw the Marquis fall down.

Almost subconsciously, he immediately adjusted his position, making sure that he would not touch the other side, and stretched out his long hand. He did not dare to use his strength to hold the soft and soft body in the face, so as to avoid the pain of falling.

In this way, both of them fell on the sofa smoothly.

The officer is the next, the little marquis is is the first.

When the red lips of Qing Dynasty were discontented, his delicate fingertips poked Qin Yunsheng's clothes.

"That orange was really sour just now. My mouth is full of acid. How could you buy such a sour orange?"

The officer was at a loss for the closeness between the two men, but he managed to control the impulse to blush and replied:

"I bought it downstairs. I thought it was a sweet orange when I saw its color. The next time I buy it, I will confirm that it is really sweet and then buy it back."

"That won't work. You're so sour that you have to make up for it."

The little Marquis, as always, was unreasonable and unforgiving, but this time it was different from before. Although he said the words of compensation, his beautiful face was full of bad smiles. Looking at Qin Yunsheng's eyes, he was also full of bad smiles.

The officer noticed that his attitude was not right. He was confused and puzzled. Before he asked, Shiqing had already got up slightly.

He made them a little further apart, one hand on the officer's shoulder and the other on the other's collar.

Hold on to the collar so he has to get close to him.

The next second, Qin Yunsheng looked at the little lover who was close at hand and suddenly opened his eyes.

When Qing releases him: "you taste, sour not acid?"

A few seconds later, the red faced and resolute soldier tried to resist the red face and red ear tip, and faltered and opened his mouth:


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