Everyone in the office was shocked.

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They looked at the paper, and then looked at Shi Qing, whose face was full of integrity. They only felt that the whole person had been sublimated.

Oh, my God!

There are such shameless people in the world!

How on earth is he so justifiable and natural that he boasted a lot of his own, but also asked others to praise with him??

On the contrary, the young Marquis did not seem to find anything wrong with their faces, and he cocked his mouth with pride.

Very friendly to ask them:

"do you think there is a problem with the content written above

Others: "er..."

Shi Qing: "if it's OK, let's take a look at the experimental body. I've kept the data these days. You can also have a look at it."

Other people in the office straightened up in an instant, and their faces were full of integrity:

"no problem! How can there be a problem? "

"Yes, there is no problem at all. Professor Shi's writing is too realistic, too real and close to life. You can rest assured that if there is a media interview, I will tell you the truth then!"

"I think there is still a little problem, that is, what you say is too ordinary. How can the words on this paper show? Professor Shi, I think I can play by myself in addition to the above contents when I am interviewed

Although my mother taught them to be honest.

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But occasionally, white lies can also be used.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Yunsheng was quietly and gently watching the proud young marquis.

Only when Shi Qingmai opened his feet, the officer who had been holding a motionless posture seemed to have been released from the cave and followed the young lover in a protective posture.

The news that Shiqing actually developed artificial nerve shocked the whole Academy of science and technology.

We almost all lined up to watch, young and old, with qualifications and without qualifications.

An old man with white hair is old, because he is too old, his hands will tremble slightly when he is excited.

In fact, he is no longer involved in scientific research, and he has reached the age of retirement, but he still wants to come back and have a look at it from time to time.

He made a lot of contributions to the country to go abroad, and no one would stop him. Occasionally, the old man had the energy, and he would guide his back without any privacy.

The old man's eyes were slightly red with excitement when he looked at the animal experimental body with artificial nerve and prosthetic limb installed inside after the injury was almost good and moved as usual.

"Good! Good

"Only with this technology, people with disabilities can have normal bodies!"

The man who helped him by the side quickly helped the old man who was unstable because of his excitement: "old man, be careful. Sit down and have a rest first."

"No, no, I'll see."

However, the old man insisted on staying, watching the experimental body with a broken forelimb and a prosthetic forelimb installed in the vessel after running forward and running. The prosthetic forelimb, which had not yet had time to transplant hair, swayed with the other three legs, walked and jumped together, and could not see any difference from the real leg.

The more he looked, the more happy he was. Leaning on crutches, he showed a toothless smile at the people who supported him: "that's good. At the beginning, in order to protect the country, how many people became disabled. Although there were subsidies, they were not as good as normal people."

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"Now, now..."

When the old man is old, he likes to talk repeatedly, and the people who take care of him listen patiently.

Old man: "this must be reported immediately and told to the state immediately."

This person: "yes, that's right."

Old man: "have you done the experiment of restoring hearing? Artificial nerves can restore hearing, and this experiment can also be done

Yes, I'll pass it on to them later

The old man, who had been talking for a long time, stopped slowly.

He narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment:

"the man who developed the artificial nerve was called Shiqing, right? That's a good name. "

The smile on this face froze a little.

Old body bone is getting worse and worse. Although he often comes to hang around from time to time, when he gets older, he will only communicate with people he knows well each time.

Like those young people who are still a bit impetuous, he is not very close to.

Therefore, he naturally did not know the reputation of Professor Shi Qingshi in the Academy of science and technology.

But old age doesn't know, he knows!

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In the face of a smile, eyes full of appreciation of the younger generation of the old.

He bit his teeth:

"yes Yes I'm a good, good kid... " Right?

He felt that his white lie would not last long.After all, since old age appreciates this younger generation so much, when he begins to pay attention to Shi Qing, he will naturally know what Shi Qing is like.

The next day, when he went to pick up the old man as usual, he saw the old man sitting happily on the sofa with his granddaughter's mobile phone with a pink love coat.

Looking at it, the old man heard the movement and raised his head. Seeing that he was coming, he quickly waved to him with a smile.

"Come on, come on, look, when it's time for the news, I'll say he's a good boy."

"He is really a good boy. People praise him when he looks at the name and appearance of the child. He can tell that he is from a little boy to a big one."

He was stunned and rushed forward.

On the screen of the mobile phone, a host is talking to the camera with a microphone.

"He is only in his twenties this year."

"He was born into a noble family, and he was born a marquis, but for the sake of his country, he resolutely devoted himself to scientific research."

"He is the professor who developed the artificial nerve."

"This name may be strange to you, but many people should know [artificial nerve]. With it, the amputated limb can move as freely as a real limb, without remote control or button. It means that countless people who are physically injured and disabled for various reasons can do so Return to normal human form. "

The expression on this face is gradually in a trance.

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Although I know that the second part is true, but the upper part is not a bit of bullshit

The video continues:

"as for Professor Shi's conduct, his colleagues have given the most sincere judgment. Let's take a look at the words with the highest coincidence rate."

"Good temper, kind-hearted, good-natured, very serious and hard-working. There has never been a second-generation frame on the body. Besides the talent, there is also one of the most important reasons for the development of artificial nerves, which is diligence."

He said:

Is that really when he knew Qing?

Isn't it really the same name?

Then, he saw some people flashing on the screen and said these words with a smile to show the authenticity.

It's all skilled.

The mouth shape is right.

The video is also very smooth, without any traces of being edited.

Make sure these are all, his face is in a trance.

I want to shake them by the neck.

Say it!

Why can you sell your soul!

What benefits did Shi Qing give you!!

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