No matter how distraught and suspicious those who knew Shi halal's face, Shi Qing's name quickly spread across the country.

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Maybe for some people who don't pay much attention to artificial nerve, it will be a little unclear to hear this word for the first time.

But when we get to know it, it turns into yearning and deep admiration.

Artificial nerve, artificial nerve, as the name suggests, is of course artificial nerve.

So what's the use of it.

To put it simply, for example, when people control their limbs, they are led by the motor nerves in the brain of the "supreme officer".

The "supreme officer" gives instructions, and the limbs move again.

When a person loses his limbs due to some kind of accident and then installs a prosthetic limb, he can only put on a shelf, which can be controlled by remote control or buttons, but it is impossible to control the limbs by the brain like a real limb.

Artificial nerves can reverse this impossibility.

It allows people who have lost their body organs to feel what the prosthesis feels, and it can also be manipulated directly through the brain.

With a needle, the injured can feel the pain.

Put it in the hot water, and the injured person can feel his prosthesis being put into the hot water.

That's to get the lost touch back.

In other words, with artificial nerves, people with disabilities can become normal people.

People who have lost their legs and can only sit in wheelchairs for life can walk down. Those who lose their arms and do things inconveniently can continue to be like normal people. Even other things, including hearing, can be reconstructed through artificial nerves.

Whether it is for the scientific research community or for the medical community, this research and development can absolutely shake the whole country.

According to the regulations of China, if the products developed by you in the Academy of science and technology are not used in military affairs, or they can save people's lives.

In the first two decades, developers could set their own prices and make profits. After 20 years, the state could take over.

As long as Shi Qing thinks, this research is enough to make him earn enough money to spend his whole life.

However, Shi Qing didn't think about making money at all.

He directly said that after perfecting the artificial nerve, he would dedicate the technology to the country.



What a great dedication!

Some people have proposed this technology before, and others have done it. However, the technology is still not perfect. In addition, it is too expensive to make one, which has not been able to make a lot of drifts.

But Shiqing not only made it, but also made it not so expensive.

Not only is the cost not expensive, he also directly expressed that he would give it to the country.

For a while, Professor Shi said publicly that he needed some injured people who had lost limbs or artificial nerves such as hearing to help improve the artificial system, give bugs or suggestions for improvement, and thank the participants that they could get a customized recovery package after the end.

On the day of registration, the registration website was directly due to the explosion of multiple cards.

While Professor Shi Qingshi is still sitting in his position, enjoying his boyfriend's fruit feeding service.

Since the artificial nerve was announced to have been developed, it was only necessary to wait until the experiments were carried out in different places on different people, when the professor gave up and went back to the previous fishing state.

Get up lazy in the morning, get off work lazy at noon, take a nap, and come back to the office to play games in the afternoon.

This state is consistent with his previous life in the Academy of science and technology.

It's no different. The only difference is.

In the past, when Shiqing did this, colleagues in the office would beep quietly behind their backs. Sure enough, they came in through the back door, so salted fish was still willing to enter the science and Technology Institute.

Now Shiqing does this, colleagues in the office: you are the boss, you can do what you like!

Is this lazy!


It's independent!

Genius is different from ordinary people.

Tan Mingyi, who is also a genius but loves his work, sneaks up to him and asks carefully:

"Professor Shi, are you really going to dedicate this technology to our country

"This is an artificial nerve that can make a sensation all over the world. Even if you don't earn 20 years, many people will buy it in a year."

The young Marquis was sitting comfortably on his chair, looking like a waiting landlord, and his voice was lazy:

"am I the kind of person who is short of money? My father's working capital alone is enough for me to be carefree all my life, let alone that he has so many industries. "


Tan Mingyi only then reacts to come over, when Qing Dynasty originally is the country's richest second generation.

Even if this technology can make people earn a lot of money, for Shiqing, it was just a lot of money multiplied by 10 billion, and then it became very rich multiplied by 11 billion.I can't spend all of them anyway.

Tan Mingyi himself is an infatuated research, and has no meaning to explore the wealth of Shiqing. After knowing what Shiqing thought, he went back to his seat to do things.

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It was when she heard them talking.

A tooth is going to be broken.

Shiqing, this ignorant fool!

How much money can this technology make! Even if he didn't know the goods, he wouldn't give it to the Duke!

So much money!

White, shiny, the result is so open to watch them fly away.

Of course, shiyiyi doesn't know that Shiqing's money is his money, which has nothing to do with himself.

But her heart has always been thinking about the Duke's property. Since she was a child, she always wanted to come to the Duke's house. Shi Yiyi had already regarded the Duke's property as her own.

The money of Shiqing is not the money of Shijia!

The money of Shi family is her money!

So much money!

If you give it to her

Shi Yiyi has been in heartache since she got the news. The only thing that makes her feel better is that she may be reprimanded by the Duke.

After all, he did not even discuss with the Duke about such a large amount of wealth, so he directly gave it to the country.

The Duke has been investing in all kinds of things since he was young. It is impossible to say that he does not love money.

Now, I can't be angry to see my son throw such a large sum of money out?

Thinking that Shi Qing may be because of this, the relationship between father and son once again drops to the freezing point, and Shi Yiyi feels a little comfort in her heart.


She looked at the officer who was gently peeling oranges for the young Marquis, and her eyes flashed with pride.

It is also time for the Duke to know about the son and the man.

When Qing bit the potato chips, click to finish eating, to one side of her boyfriend way: "you see when Yiyi that look, she is holding bad."

Qin Yunsheng glanced at shiyiyi from afar and twisted his eyebrows slightly.

When he was not with Shi Qing before, he was not interested in the lawsuit between his cousin and his brother, and he was too lazy to intervene.

But now

The officer's voice was deep. He asked in a warm voice, "do you want me to find a way to transfer her to another hospital?"

Because she has conflicts with Shiqing and destroys each other's future, Qin Yunsheng certainly can't do it, but he can separate shiyiyi from Shiqing, so that she can't contact him again.

"How about that?"

The young Marquis said no, his beautiful eyes were bright like stars, and his smiling face was malicious, but Qin Yunsheng could see how lovely he was.

The officer's ear tip was a little red because he remembered the last time Shiqing pressed him against the wall of the tea room and forced him to take the initiative.

When I was a little girl, Yi Du liked to steal her chicken, didn't I? I'm going to keep her here and see how good I am. "


At the moment, Qin Yunsheng seems to be fascinated by beauty.

He reached out his hand and gently massaged the side of the young professor's neck: "as long as you feel good."

Of course, Professor Shi felt better.

In his words, he and Shi Yiyi went from a small fight to a big one. As soon as Shi Yiyi opened his mouth, he knew what the woman was going to say.

Shi Qing: "I bet that Shi Yiyi will go to tell her father that I have talked about a boyfriend."

The smile on the officer's face, who had been smiling, was a little stiff.

He's a little nervous.

He was born into a royal family. Although his parents were gone, he was very clear about some rules of the royal family that were not put on the surface.

To be exact, it's a collateral rule.

For example, what kind of women are vassals? It's bad reputation to be with men.

Of course, only the old people can insist on it now. Young people are seldom corrupted by this kind of thought.

After all, the queen is still sitting on the throne.

The queen will be the first to call a woman a vassal.

Qin Yunsheng doesn't care what others think, but what about Shi Qing?

Even if the relationship is not good, it is his father.

His hand stopped for thinking and was pulled off his shoulder by the young marquis.

Shi Qing is like playing with something funny. She is very interested in the thin cocoon on the palm of a man's palm:

"only she can handle this kind of thing. As long as my father doesn't commit crimes, he won't say anything about me."

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"In his heart, the first important thing is the country, the second is to protect the queen, and the third is my son. He has no time to break up our wild mandarin."The officer's body relaxed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But at the same time, because of the little lover's words, his heart gradually raised wild hope.

So, after lunch, Qin Yunsheng coaxed the little marquis to take a nap, then quietly got up from the bed, carefully covered the quilt for him, and left the room without making a sound.

Colleagues who came back from the dining hall passed by the courtyard and saw the officers running around in a serious way.

In broad daylight, how can I still run in circles.

The curious asked.

Qin Yunsheng replied quickly:

"Shiqing is good-natured and talented. He is so diligent. As his boyfriend, I have to work harder to be worthy of such an excellent man."

A group of people:.... "

Talented, they agree.

But good tempered and diligent

Since the research and development of Professor Qin Yunsheng's office at noon every day, when he leaves work at 12:00 p.m., he turns his hand in at 10:00 p.m. and calls in the other students' hands at 5:00 p.m???

The officer looked at these people in front of him, and his face was full of "you're teasing me". He also roughly guessed what they were thinking.

He said that he understood. In fact, it was not their fault.

After all, not everyone can see the essence through the phenomenon.

But people can evolve.

Although Shi Qing doesn't care what other people think of him, Qin Yunsheng feels pity every time he sees others misunderstand the little marquis.

The reason why the little marquis is is indifferent to other people's misunderstanding, and even deliberately put on a look that can make them misunderstood, must be because he was hurt before.

Although Shi Qing didn't often talk about his childhood, Qin Yunsheng could have guessed something about him, based on Shi Yiyi's attitude towards his cousin, and having been with them for so long, he had never seen his father contact the son.

The little Marquis lost his mother in his early years, and his father was busy. His cousin was still thinking of him as a stepping stone.

He must have had a hard life, so he would develop this strange temperament when he grew up.

The officer made up an image of "grey master" in his mind and sighed heavily.

Although he can hold Shi Qing in the palm of his hand.

But such a good Marquis, of course, should be loved by thousands of people.

Qin Yunsheng decided that it would be up to him to clarify those who misunderstood Shiqing in the future.

Even if the truth is like that, he has to find a reasonable reason to make Shiqing's image bigger and bigger, so that everyone can know that Shiqing is not what they see.

Thinking like this, the officer's eyes were on a group of people standing in front of him.

Start with the people in front of you.

Qin Yunsheng opened his mouth: "when you misunderstand, he didn't do it just to be lazy."

Others:.... "

That's not to be lazy. What else can it be?

One of them said, "brother Qin, you don't have to explain. In fact, it's nothing. Professor Shi is so good. He is lazy and makes more contributions than us."

The officer wrung his eyebrows seriously: "you think carefully, Shiqing is doing nothing now, but he is not doing it now. Who is going to improve the artificial nervous system?"

A group of people: -- We. "

Qin Yunsheng: "although I don't know some professional knowledge, I also know that only if you participate in the improvement can you sign your name and participate in the development and improvement of artificial nerve. Is this a good thing for you to take and upgrade your qualifications?"

A group of people: "yes."

Qin Yunsheng: "if Shiqing doesn't slack off, he really does everything. According to his excellent degree, can he still use you? He can do everything by himself. "

This is the officer's confidence in the little Marquis's honey.

But in other people's ears, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yes, since Professor Shi can develop artificial nerve by himself, he can perfect it by himself.

No problem!

Qin Yunsheng saw that their faces were gradually thoughtful, and his eyes sank slightly with satisfaction. He continued to follow the instructions:

"do you really think Shiqing wants to be lazy? He did this completely to give you the opportunity to participate in the artificial neural project. However, he never talked about his merits. Even if he was good for you, planned for you and helped you, he would not say it. "

With that, the officer felt that maybe it was really such a thing.

After all, Shi Qing has that temperament. Although he likes to be praised by others, every time he does something good, he always looks fierce and hides it from others.

Thinking of this, Qin Yunsheng's eyes softened down.How can there be such a lovely person in the world.

He did a good deed, but no one would say it.

Obviously, it is for the sake of people's good, but I have to show a fierce and fierce look.

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It's pathetic and pathetic.

The officer didn't find out at all that he was trying to deceive others, but as a result, he lied and believed himself.

He just said in a tone of pity:

"although he didn't say it and didn't want to be grateful, you can't think he's lazy. If he didn't act like he was lazy, could you join in? Can you leave a name in the history book about artificial nerves? "

"In such a good time, shouldn't I become more excellent to be worthy of him?"

The expression on a group of faces gradually changed from "full of confusion" to "thinking deeply" and then to "suddenly realizing", and finally stopped on the "shame".


Professor Shi, this is clearly for their good!

Otherwise, it is obviously the artificial nerve developed by him. Why doesn't he improve it himself but gives it to the people who have never worked hard before.

Such a big credit, he clearly is a good intention to give others to eat, they eat other people's cake people also misunderstand people are lazy.

What a shame!

How ungrateful!

"Brother Qin, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, we didn't know that Professor Shi did this for us."

"Yes, I thought Professor Shi was too lazy. I should apologize to him."

"Now think about it, Professor Shi was the same before. At that time, he thought he was lazy and not gregarious. In fact, the project we developed together was too simple for Professor Shi. If he also participated in the project, there would be something else for us."

Some people said, "I had a genius when I was at school. Once I didn't write a single word in the exam. When the teacher asked him why, he said the topic was too simple, and he thought it was a waste of time."

"Yes, genius is like this. The more talented people are, the less they like to be formal."

"Professor Shi has not been involved in our research before, because it is too simple for him."

The more people talked, the more they thought it was.

The previous laziness and disobedience have become the pity of genius to them.

Last time, too, he made the chip without a sound. If it wasn't for the black dragon plagiarism incident with Tan Mingyi, maybe now they still think that Shiqing is a waste coming in through the back door.

But now it seems that the original out of place, it seems to be a powerful back door, now all become a genius to the world's attitude indifferent.

Qin Yunsheng nodded slightly.

Yes, that's what Shiqing is like.

At the beginning, if it was not for his inspiring methods, Shiqing didn't even bother to clarify.

Before that, Qin Yunsheng thought that Tan Mingyi was a common people and he was a noble. He disdained to deal with civilians and argue with them.

But now it seems clearly because he is a genius, disdain to deal with ordinary people.

How can there be such a lovely person in the world.

He is proud and intelligent.

And such a lovely person, like him is Qin Yunsheng.

The officer's eyes were full of tenderness. He just thought in his mind that the little Marquis was noble and charming to others, but soft and delicate to himself. He shrank in his arms every afternoon and fell asleep like a sweet prince, and his heart became soft and soft.

Such a delicate temperament, good temper, care for colleagues, friendly to people when Qing.

Naturally, he had to work a hundred times and a thousand times to take good care of the little marquis in his hands.

When he woke up, he did not see Qin Yunsheng's people, so he simply came to the office to watch TV.

He is good-looking, even if he is eating melon seeds gracefully, like eating a big meal.

The system reminds you: "Ding! Qin Yunsheng's rejection degree: 0100]

he was stunned.

This is the first time that it has seen the guardian object that the host has only opened its head, and the remaining repellency will automatically drop to zero.

Shi Qing is still a calm appearance, eating melon seeds to watch TV.

While eating, Shi Yiyi comes in.

When she saw that there was only Shi Qing in the office, she did not hide her schadenfreude on her face. She walked to the young Marquis and waved her hand to her mobile phone:

"Shi Qing, you are still very free-minded. I don't know if you will be watching TV when you get a call from your uncle."

The young Marquis picked up the side of the double skin milk, did not give her a look, and focused on watching TV, while watching, eating double skin milk.

I don't know how comfortable it is.

The success of her naked contempt made her teeth itch with hatred:

"OK! You don't care, do you? I'll have a look at it. My uncle started a teacher and made a crime. Why don't you care? "She sat in her seat with indignation on her face. As soon as she sat down, her mobile phone rang.

The young Marquis said, "father."

When Yiyi was happy, she sat up straight and wanted to listen to the phone clearly.

Shiqing glanced back at her and raised her eyebrows to open her hands-free.

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Inside came the light and steady voice of his father as always: "I heard your cousin say that you made a boyfriend?"

"Yes, he is an officer, that is responsible for protecting me."

"It's him. It's really a good child. Are you serious?"

Shi Qing: "seriously."

Shi Fu: "OK, I see."

A respectful voice was faintly heard on the phone: "the Duke, there is a document for you to deal with..."

When the father said to him, "OK, put it here."

Then he said to his son, "since it's serious, get along well. If you want to get married in advance, I'll spare time to attend the wedding."

"Well, I'm busy. I'll talk to you next time."

The phone hung up.

Shi Yiyi: "what's more..."

She was stunned.

Although the father always spoke to her in the same tone before, isn't that because she is a niece?

My son is out of the cupboard. He still looks like a normal thing, thinking about his work?!!

The young Marquis put down his mobile phone and shook his head in the direction of shiyiyi.

"It's over. Let me see the time. Ah, it's time to go to work. I'll order milk tea in the tea room."

Shiqing swaggered out.

Shi Yiyi looked at his proud back and almost didn't lift the table.

When Shiqing went out, he didn't come back for a long time.

This is very common in Professor Shi. After all, this was the case when he did not make chips before. As soon as he went out, people would disappear.

Colleagues have come one after another, but Shi Qing has never been seen. It is obvious that he has been lazy again.

After the exercise, the warm-blooded officer opened the door to have a look, but when he found out that the young Marquis was not there, he left again.

Obviously, he was looking for his little boy friend.

By the gas to now have not calmed down, Yiyi decided to take the "sow dissension" line.

She first aimed at her busy colleague one and pretended to have no intention of saying, "Shiqing is too busy. Everyone is too busy. He is still lazy outside now. It is clear that you have done all this, but the credit is on him."

Colleague 1: "Yi Yi, don't talk nonsense. The artificial nerve was originally a project completed by Professor Shi independently. If it wasn't for his kindness to let us participate, we would not even have the opportunity to sign at the back."

Shi Yiyi:

She bit her teeth and changed.

"You are tired these days, Shiqing is too much. Seeing you busy like this, he himself is not free. I saw him watching TV just now, but he is still outside at what time. It's so shameful."

Colleague 2: "you don't understand. Professor Shi did this for our good."

Shi Yiyi Ha?!!


Late, leave early, go to work fishing, is for their good?!!

Next to colleague 3: "yes, Professor Shi is painstaking, all for us."

Colleague 4: "I was the first time I met such a good professor."

Colleague 5: "Yi Yi, I know that you and Professor Shi have contradictions, but you really can't talk nonsense. He is such a good person, you can't say too much. Seeing that we have a good relationship, I won't say anything more. But next time you discredit Professor Shi, I will be really angry."

Shi Yiyi: "what's more..."

When she smears, she cleans??

She! Smear! Shiqing?!!!

Are these people crazy?!!

Does Shiqing still need her smear?!!

Isn't what she said a fact in front of her eyes?!!!

Colleague 6: "in short, Professor Shi is a good man. Don't talk nonsense."

Other colleagues: "yes, good people."

Shi Yiyi:

She felt.

It's not that she's crazy.

It's the world that's crazy.

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