These days, Shi Yiyi has been doubting life.

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Especially when she found that almost all of her colleagues said that she was a good person and was very friendly to her colleagues.

Is it friendly to hand over the aftermath of artificial nerve to others?? He is clearly lazy to do well!

However, no matter what Shi Yiyi said, others not only did not believe it, but also believed that the reason why she was so persistent in "clearing bad words when speaking" was because she did not agree with her participation in the aftermath.

Is she rare?!

Is not a small broken R & D, she can also rare these broken things??!!

But no matter how crazy when Yi Yi said that he was not rare, no one had time to listen to her again.

Because, the people who came to sign up for the artificial nerve experiment program began to arrive one after another.

All of these people were carefully selected, with different questions and ages, from the old people of 90 to the children of a few years old, all of them were received in the city after being selected.

The plan was examined and approved all the way, and was finally selected in the people's hospital.

First of all, the prosthesis must not be the kind on the market, but should be treated professionally to ensure that it can receive signals like a real limb, and it depends on whether there are any adverse reactions from the person who installed the prosthesis.

From the beginning of preparation to the end, every amount of money is recorded.

Of course, it's not to make it easy for these people to pay, but to wait until the experiment is successful, so that those who want to install prosthetics or change their hearing will know how much it will cost.

It can be said that it is very intimate.

But this kind of intimate idea should not eat people's fireworks It was put forward by Qing.

For a time, more and more people feel that Shiqing is actually pure and not artificial.

He seems ferocious on the surface, but in fact he secretly uses his own way to help colleagues.

He seems unconcerned with others, but he thinks of recording the cost so that those who want to become normal don't have to go blind.

Such understanding, they really misunderstood him before.

Qin Yunsheng knew why Shi Qing put forward the idea.

Since he was free, the young Marquis began to be honest and lazy. Most of the time, he was holding Qin Yunsheng in the dormitory.

What are you doing in the dormitory?

Watch all kinds of news and comments that boast about yourself.

The little Marquis liked to see these things. Every time he saw someone praising himself, he was very happy to show them to the officers. He was so beautiful that he always had a proud expression of "I really am the best and the best".

And often at this time, Qin Yunsheng would not be stingy in his praise, the little Marquis boasted to the sky.

Although this is the truth.

It was for the sake of more people praising him that Shi Qing came up with this idea and brushed off the popularity of the people.

Qin Yunsheng listened to what the Marquis said to him.

But he didn't feel that Shi Qing was trying to show off.

Like others to boast about themselves is human nature, but some people hide and suppress this nature, some people release it.

When the little Marquis was released, he was frank and lovely.

And although he is to praise, but these things do contribute to the people.

What's more, at the bottom of Qin Yunsheng's heart, he felt that the little Marquis actually wanted to help people, but he was too embarrassed to say so directly, so he casually made an excuse.

The more he contacted, the more he found that Shiqing's kindness was like durian flesh, wrapped in a shell with thorns.

Others look at the past, that is, he is hard and smelly, but in fact, his essence is fragrant soft, delicious.

However, few people would take the initiative to peel the shell to see the kindness of Shiqing.

It doesn't matter.

The officer pitifully thought that when others misunderstood Shiqing, let him clarify.

He will tell everyone what real Shiqing looks like.

Qin Yunsheng can clearly feel that as the two get along with each other for a longer time, they are more and more in tune.

When Qing will be very cooperative to eat his washed fruit.

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Will also sleep in the rest room, the body is soft to allow him to carry back to the room.

When Qin Yunsheng coaxed him to sleep, he would pull a man's sleeve and fall asleep like a child.

Officers are proud.

The whole Academy of science and technology, those who have lovers, must not be as happy as he is, there is a little Marquis such a soft and clever little lover.

But he was worried about another thing.

That's some kind of intimacy between lovers.

His temperament and all kinds of things in the circle he came into contact with from small to large predestined that Shiqing was open.

Qin Yunsheng is the opposite of his little lover.He was an orphan when he was a child. He grew up from a hundred families. It was always hard for him to live under the fence. He could only strive to be excellent and had no time to think about anything else.

Whether he was at school, in the military academy or in the army, Qin Yunsheng put all his energy into his study and work.

Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, he has never and never thought of love.

He is resolute in nature, but he is always a little reluctant to get along with each other.

Shiqing, let it go!

And the more he can't let go of Qin Yunsheng, the more he likes to tease each other.

Moreover, he also likes to deliberately tease people in all kinds of places where people may pass by.

Qin Yunsheng's nature is a bit old-fashioned. Even if he and Shi Qing are known lovers in the whole science and Technology Park, he still can't do such things as showing love honestly and openly.

But Shi Qing likes to do it.

The tea room, the lounge, even the corner of the corridor.

Shiqing likes to take him to places where people may come from anytime and anywhere, such as wall, sofa and bed.

The purpose is to exchange what they have just eaten. Sometimes, if there is enough time, you can taste the taste slowly.

He bought a basket of fruit candies and took Qin Yunsheng after eating one.

After sharing his sweetness with each other, the little Marquis would be tired of asking what he had tasted.

It doesn't matter if you can't guess. It's Shiqing's turn to guess what kind of sugar Qin Yunsheng ate.

Although officers don't eat sugar.

But it doesn't matter. The Marquis pays attention to the process of guessing, not the result.

What's more, Shi Qing's favorite thing is that every time he deliberately teases him, and then he looks at the officer who is clearly provoked by him, but he dares not to do anything. He stands or sits firm, with a straight waist, but he is helpless and doting on his little sweetheart.

This kind of expression of forbearance and helplessness is really unbearable.

Besides, Qin Yunsheng is a typical person with integrity.

He likes the approach of Shiqing, but he never says he likes it. He wants two people to be closer together, but he doesn't have any action.

For example, now, Shi Qing leans on a man with a flat plate and takes his lover as a pillow. From time to time, he finds out some news that praises him and gives it to Qin Yunsheng happily.

And with his hands, arms, and jiojio, he will always touch a man who is sitting quietly on a soft sofa with a straight waist.

The little Marquis was raised by Jin Zunyu when he was young. His fingers were soft and tender. He ran into Qin Yunsheng and said he was sorry. In order to express his apology, he gently brushed the place where he had just been touched.

Bang to a second, he can brush for a minute.

You can imagine that the officer sat at the head of the bed with a solemn expression, and in his arms lay a delicate and soft little marquis.

The little marquis is is not short in height, but he has a slender skeleton and a soft touch on his body can leave a red mark. He likes to curl up in his lover's arms.

How can't you see the pain in a person's heart.

But the officer did not dare to hold it, because the skin of the little Marquis was too delicate. He was afraid that his strength was not right, and he would be clear when he hurt him.

After all, Qin Yunsheng grasped his wrist. If he didn't control it, the little Marquis would feel pain.

Therefore, no matter how passionate his heart was, how his heart quickened with the action of Shi Qing, and how he wanted to hold on to that soft finger, the officer could only bear to bear the appearance of another one and endure the provocations of the little marquis.

At first, Shi Qing thought it was exciting and fun.

But after many days of stimulation, Qin Yunsheng was not happy.

The little Marquis, who was born a demon, rolled in the arms of a man and felt his body tense. When he was not treating his lover but something that made him nervous, he got up unhappily.

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He stretched out his tender fingers and poked at Qin Yunsheng's strained muscles. His voice was dissatisfied: "why do you never take the initiative to hold me?"

The officer was stunned and asked him, "do you want me to hold you?"

The little Marquis uttered a Tut and threw his face in his arms. He felt that the man's face and abdomen were tightened violently because of his action. He did not dare to move.

Shi Qing: "if you don't even hold me, what kind of love do we have?"

The success of this sentence made Qin Yunsheng make a decision. He stretched out his strong arm carefully. It was clear that he could easily overturn a person's big hand. At the moment, he was careful and gentle.

Slowly, slowly, fell on the back of clear.

Shi Qing said You didn't put it on it. I didn't feel it. "

Yes, the officer's hand seemed to rest on the back of the young Marquis, but in fact, there was a millimeter's distance between the palm and the back.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of the little Marquis, Qin Yunsheng's laryngeal knot rolled up and down. The magnetic voice was deep and steady, but he showed some confusion"I'm afraid I'll crush you."

His hand is so heavy, when Qing Pian is so soft and brittle, what if he is really accidentally crushed.

Shi Qing said:

At last, he knows why he has been doing so many things these days. Qin Yunsheng is still like a mountain.

He was also Qin Yunsheng. He was really a liuxiahui.

Shi Qing buried his face in the man's arms, and his discontented expression faded and rubbed his clothes gently.

Soft, soft.

The little Marquis opened his mouth, and his voice became more delicate and soft than when he was a routine officer that day:

"well, you don't hold me, I thought you didn't like me."

The whole heart of the officer was about to melt.

At the moment, don't say that Shiqing's request is just to let him hold himself, that is, when Qing wants him to go into the mountains and rivers, he has not refused.

Qin Yunsheng carefully dropped his hand and slowly patted the little Marquis on the back.

Ask him, "is that ok?"

When Qing hem haw, is simply a coquettish: "not enough, I want."

The officer felt the little lover's back under his palm. Shi Qing's skeleton was thin. Looking at the man's thin, he had a little flesh on his body, which was soft to the touch, and somehow revealed a little delicate meaning.

He was so careful, patting, coaxing children.

Qin Yunsheng's voice was warm and soft, as if he could drip out of the water

The little Marquis was still delicate: "you dare not even pat me on the back, then how do we do sports in the future?"

The officer did not respond: "you don't like sports?"

Shi Qing likes to watch Qin Yunsheng exercise, but he himself is not willing, saying that he dislikes sweating and his body is sticky.

Qin Yunsheng, who fell in love for the first time from childhood to adulthood, seriously analyzed for the little lover: "if you are worried about this, don't worry. We can go running together. The possibility of injury in this sport is very small."

Shi Qing guessed that he would say so.

He propped up his upper body from the man's arms, took the flat plate and opened the drawing tool. He drew two matchmakers with his fingers.

Match man in motion.

A match man moving in bed.

A match man moving together in bed.

Then, Shi Qing handed it to the officer. He turned up his mouth on his white face and lay down in the man's arms with a smile to see the stiffness of his face and the sharp red ear tip.

After understanding the meaning of the little Marquis, Qin Yunsheng hesitated and could not speak.

"If you think about it now, isn't it A little bit fast? "

"No, I think it's almost time."

Shi Qing was eager to try: "if you want, we can do it now."

Qin Yunsheng's face turned red.

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Of course he did.

But what if he hurt the Marquis.

He did not even dare to hug each other now. When he felt what the other party had just eaten, he did not dare to exert too much force, for fear that he would hurt jiaojiaojiao and be tender when he touched it.

The officer is really not confident that he can control his strength.

Shi Qing: "you are afraid to hurt me, aren't you?"

Qin Yunsheng nodded a little dejectedly: "I know that training can increase strength, but I don't know how to train strength to become smaller."

The little Marquis's voice was sweet: "then, in a short time, can't we do sports together?"

The officer nodded again regretfully.

Shi Qing felt that he had to work harder for a lover who didn't work hard.

"Don't worry," said the little marquis! If you don't mind, I can tie you up so that you can't hurt me? "

The handsome and steady officer suddenly opened his eyes and even stammered: "tie, tie?"

The little marquis is beautiful to the face of the demon, full of eager to try, a pair of good-looking eyes in the bright as if hidden all over the sky stars.

"Yes, tied!"

"I've even figured out how to tie it."

He took the tablet again and slid it on it. He found a picture and handed it to Qin Yunsheng.

Qin Yunsheng looked at the crabs in the picture: "what are you doing

He imagined the scene in which he was bound in the same way.

This is not the most unacceptable. The most unacceptable thing is that when he is tied up like this, Shiqing should do sports with him.

Qin Yunsheng:

Qin Yunsheng: "I will train myself today."

The little Marquis looked at him suspiciously: "can you really?"

The officer nodded solemnly, "I can."

The little Marquis smacked his lips: "is it really possible?"The officer quickly replied, "I can do it."

"All right." Shi Qing's face looked a little regretful. He stretched out his tender white fingertips and poked the man's strong muscles.

"Then you have to practice until the artificial nerves are completely on the market."

"I believe you."

Qin Yunsheng also believes in himself.

For love, isn't it just a short-term exercise of how to control strength accurately?

No problem!

Absolutely no problem!

Qin Yunsheng did not have much time left.

Almost 100 percent of the people who signed up for the experiment didn't think it was a problem.

An interview video of all kinds of participants appeared on the Internet and soon became popular.

At the beginning of the picture, there is a smiling old man:

"I am a retired policeman who has not had a right arm for 20 years. This arm was cut off by a suspect when I was on duty. Although there is state compensation, I have no worries about food and clothing. Now my arm almost doesn't hurt any more. But sometimes, when I look at other people's normal people who can play basketball, I can only sit on the side Looking up, my heart is really a little bad taste, this registration is my daughter reported to me, I don't know how to play mobile phones, at the beginning, I thought she was cheated, until she showed me the news, I didn't know it was a liar, but I was still a little skeptical. "

"If you can install a mechanical arm, which is the kind of robot arm that can be manipulated, I still believe it. But if you install a fake arm, and then you can control it like a real arm, I think it's a bit bullshit. It's not a piece of meat on your body. It's not a piece of meat on your body. How can you do what your brain thinks?"

"But when I was installed with this false arm, people said to me, you move this arm, I told them, say how to move, people said, just like you want to move that good arm, then I moved, actually moved, I was scared silly, my daughter directly called out."

Speaking of this, the white haired man moved his prosthetic limb to the camera, and his wrinkled face showed a satisfied smile: "I just installed that day, I have been using this arm to do things, take water, take things, I use it, the next day, I thought I was just dreaming, and then wake up, really, I did not expect in this life, I still have A day when both hands can work together. "

Then, the interview camera went back to the reporter:

"OK, then we thank Mr. Ge. Now let's take a look at another injured person, who is also equipped with arms, but she is only eight years old."

The picture came to the living room of an ordinary family. Inside, a young mother was red eyed and said, "my family was curled up under the car when I was a child, and that arm was gone. Now I have been a disabled child for two years. Other children don't play with her. She is also aggrieved. This time is good. The fake arm is specially made Yes, it looks like it's real. She's eight years old this year. She didn't go to primary school. That's because we're afraid that when she goes to school, people will think she's a stranger. Now we can safely send the children to school. "

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"Well, I wish Qiao Qiao a happy school. Let's have a look at an old man who has lost his legs for 30 years..."

As soon as the news came out, it was already on the Internet of various discussions, and then it exploded.

[it looks like the arm of a real person. This technology is too bad! ]

[it is said that a young professor came out of the research, who is not even 30 years old this year. ]

[yes, yes, I remember that there was an interview at that time. Ah, the lemon fruit was on the lemon tree, and I was sitting under the lemon tree. The 30-year-old person who could become a professor was really extraordinary. ]

[this research and development is enough for the professor to go to the textbook! ]

[textbook plus two]

Shi Qing will be happy to see these comments.

But when Yiyi saw, the mood is very different.

The greater the reputation of Shi Qing, the more disadvantageous to her.

However, she was already very unhappy. The young Marquis was still in the expression of "shouldn't Lao Tzu be so excellent" every day.

Qin Yunsheng is blind. He looks after Shiqing every day as if he is taking care of a giant baby, but he still looks like they are loving each other.

Even other people felt that the two men were very much in love.

Looking at the officer's arms, holding a mobile phone, a pair of cheap but still good looking Shi Qing said, "ah, my fans are growing too slowly, only half a day has increased by 10000", shiyiyi hated.

She couldn't help but pay someone to write an article.

The title of professor was just bought with money, and then implied that if the title was bought, who was the real developer of this research?It's a pity that she can't even do it if she wants to be a demon.

Almost as soon as this article was sent out, a group of people at the bottom got bloody.

What's wrong with nobles? They can't work hard, they can't be genius? ]

[when others are stupid, the research can still be robbed. Now it is not the time for nobles to say that killing common people's heads means killing common people's heads? ]

[I think there is something wrong with the building owner, I agree with you, praise me]

[I remember that Professor Shi also had a military chip research, why didn't the landlord say that the chip was also stolen]

[seriously, a group of big men in the Academy of science and technology all boasted about the fact that a person independently completed the artificial neural technology news, and the landlord didn't read it.

[everyone was scattered Well, if you are too good, you will be envied. Obviously, the landlord is a professor when you are jealous that you can reach the top when you are young. ]

it's easy for people to be taken off course. When most of the comments are on the brain damage of the building owner, even if they don't know the situation, they will think that the owner is indeed a brain handicap.

Shi Yiyi, who is thought to be a brain handicap:.... "

Are these people blind?!!

How can there be no doubt at all? Can you brainwash them through the Internet?!!

When she was angry, Shi Qing entered the office.

"Many people say that I am handsome and have a good family background. I can rely on the title and face to eat, but I have to rely on talent. Now I can get 10000 yuan an hour."

Shi Yiyi damn it!

She clearly wants to harm Shiqing, how can she help him instead!!

When she hit the wall with her head, her mobile phone rang, which was her father's call, and almost at the same time, she received a text message.

I'm sorry, some uniformed people came to my house directly today and asked me who asked me to send the article. I'll give you a confession. ]

Shi Yiyi: "

Her face turned white.

Here, Qin Yunsheng is doting, looking at the little Marquis sat down, went out to answer a phone call.

"How's it going?"

On the phone, the retired professional Navy company's comrade in arms smiles with pride:

"don't worry, brother Qin. As long as we pinch quickly, Professor Shi's reputation will never be damaged. You can be at ease. If this happens again in the future, we will still be able to deal with it in half an hour."

"High quality water force, you deserve it!"

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