When Qing retreated for a long time, he could see clearly the appearance of the giant in front of him in the sea water.

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How to say

Shiqing had seen the building so high that it was hidden in his abdomen. However, he thought it was an iceberg in the sea when he saw it from a close distance. Now it is far away, and he is fully aware of the huge size of the beast.

Of course, after all, it's the size of a building.

The sea demon swayed its beautiful silver tail, and came near again, swam to the top, and whirled around the giant beast's mouth and beard.

The giant beast's beard is very long and long. When Qing got to the edge, he found that he had long hair, which was also golden, floating in the dark sea water one by one.

It is clear that the most important thing for this kind of motionless creature in the sea water is all kinds of small creatures shuttling around, but there is no small fish in the giant beast.

Even on the edge of its whisker, which sways slightly with the sea, no creature dares to disturb it. Obviously, not everyone in the deep sea is as keen on death as a sea demon.

It took Shi Qing about half an hour to find out the whole body.

Beautiful and sharp four claws, closed eyes, like gold plated scales, each piece is flawless. In addition to the beard, there are long whiskers on the head, which is obviously motionless, but seems to be always quietly revealing the prestige.

The more we get closer to it, the more there is no living creature.

Even if it sleeps, it can't be underestimated.

Shi Qing swam down its long tail for a while. He was really tired. He swam up again, swung his beautiful fish tail, and then swam back, floating in the sea water, facing it.

Oh, no, because the size difference is too big.

Should say yes, the body to the closed eyes.

Shi Qing concluded: "is this a dragon, or is it gold. ]

the system is also the first time to see a dragon, and it comes out curiously: [it's so big. ]

when he thought of the place which was almost like the building and was covered with golden scales, the tone of his voice would float up.

[really It's big. ]

System: [ ]It understands again.

System: [host, what do we do now? It's going to wake up. You can't beat it. ]

even if Shiqing is a sea demon, it is still difficult to deal with such a huge thing.

You are right. I can't beat you. ]

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the system is dedicated to solving problems for the host, and comes up with an idea: [otherwise, we will return its pearls while it is awake, and we will certainly be ok if the pearls are not lost. ]

the beautiful mermaid makes a circle in the sea water to remind him of the system: "make it clear that this big fat dragon is not the protagonist. The key is to reduce the ostracism of the protagonist. ]

System: [but the protagonist doesn't trust the sea monster at this stage ]

its voice suddenly stopped.

System: [ Zeng Nan's rejection: 100100??? ]

how does this happen? The protagonist is played with by the sea demon.

It was early in the morning.

[the protagonist is not stupid. If he is not of our race, his heart will be different. Just talking about how a small Mermaid, who is soft and weak in front of her, survived in the sea. You can think of it with your brain. ]

[what is bewitched by the sea demon is that she is afraid that the sea demon will find out that she is not deceived and will directly take action, so as to make the sea demon feel at ease. ]

the person who can be the protagonist is not a fool who is cheated by his appearance.

System: [ ]

it's confused.

System: [well, what do we do now This Zeng Nan is so powerful that it's very difficult to reduce her exclusion. Otherwise, we'll treat the world as a holiday and play for a month before leaving? ]

The Mermaid swung its tail and reached the dragon's face a few times down the river: "I don't go. It's rare that he is a dragon now, so I won't go. ]

System: At this time, the host should not be confused by beauty!

[host, the world is too difficult. It's a dragon now. The Dragon doesn't care to communicate with other creatures. The system suggests that you Host, what are you doing??? ]

while swinging his tail and drilling into Jinlong's mouth, Qing took time to reply: "can't you see it? I'm getting into its mouth. ]

System: [???)??? ]

System: [ ]

is this a new type of suicide?

Eaten by a dragon or something.

He carefully asked the unsuspecting host: "can I persuade you? ]

time clear: [No. ]

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System: [OK. ]

woo woo woo woo.It will soon become the first system in history to prove that its host was eaten by a dragon.

Jinlong's body is very large, and its mouth is also very large naturally. It can easily accommodate a mermaid and lie comfortably on it, occupying the place where the Dragon spits beads.

As we all know, dragons have their own dragon spit beads.

The dragon will cherish it and take it with him wherever he goes. When he flies in the clouds, his claws will be grasped. When he sleeps, he is either beside him or in his mouth.

It can be said that it is very precious.

But few people know why dragons are so careful with their own vomit.

Also, few people know that the dragon can't fly. It's a deep sea creature.

Although he has claws, he has no wings and can't fly if he wants to fly.

The most likely reason for the myth that the dragon can fly is that someone saw the Dragon by the sea.

Think about it, the light is as high as a building, how big it must be. When it comes out of the water, it will be in the air when it is straight up. In the eyes of people at that time, of course, it is it that flies.

From generation to generation, the dragon will "fly" slowly.

Now, in the quiet sea water, the golden dragon, which is big enough to be called terror, slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes are also golden. In the dark sea, they can see everything around them clearly.

He slept too long.

For a long time, I almost forget when I opened my eyes last time.

Jinlong tries to remember when he woke up last time.

Remember, the last time, it should be about a thousand years ago, when he woke up feeling too hungry, he swept all the living things in the surrounding sea area. After eating for almost a month, he felt full and then fell into a deep sleep again.

It's not that he is too sleepy, but he can clearly feel that the world is rejecting him.

The world does not welcome his existence, and can not do anything to him, so it can only let him sleep.

Jinlong doesn't care about this. Anyway, he doesn't have any entertainment. Every time other creatures see him, they want to be scared to death on the spot. Besides eating and drinking, Longsheng has no fun. He can also kill time by sleeping. So he sleeps for a thousand years.

Every time he wakes up, he wakes up hungry, and after a big meal he continues to fall into a deep sleep.

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But this time, it seems that it is different from the previous times. Jinlong wags his long tail, which makes the surrounding sea water fluctuate.


The weariness in him was gone, even the rejection that he always felt faintly.

Is world consciousness willing to accept him again?

It should not be. In principle, it should be after the world has a more exclusive creature that will be willing to accept him.

But in this world, what is more destructive than Golden Dragon.

If you don't understand, you don't want to.

Jinlong moved his body slightly, moved his muscles and bones, and slept for a thousand years. However, he was in decline, and there was no creature around him who dared to disturb him.

But although he was not sleepy, Jinlong couldn't figure out what he could do except sleep.

So he decided to eat a big meal and then go on sleeping.

He's ready to eat and drink the dragon.

As a result, he stopped in the middle of opening his mouth.

He felt the original location of the Dragon spit beads, there were signs of life.


Jinlong doubted carefully with a stream of gas, he sent out the life in his mouth.

In the sea water, a small Mermaid with beautiful silvery tail, long black hair, white face and delicate facial features appeared in front of Golden Dragon.

The little mermaid's thin white arm was under his hair, and the silver white tail, which was so beautiful that the Dragon couldn't move his eyes, curled up slightly. At the bottom of the tail, the thin tail fin floated with the sea water.

He looked petite and small. He was sleeping with his eyes closed, his white arms on his pillow, and his tail curled up.

It's too small.

Jinlong used to eat, sleep and eat. When other creatures saw him, they were far away from him. He couldn't even see a fish scale.

For the first time, a life appeared before his eyes.

It's still so small.

Jinlong leaned forward carefully and held his breath for fear that he would hurt the mermaid in front of him.

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He carefully stretched out the dragon's claws and rowed for a while, finding that his claws were bigger than the mermaid itself.

Testing across the sea, gently touched the little mermaid floating hair.

It's true.

There was a living creature in front of him. It was a shock to the golden dragon that no living creature dared to approach him from the beginning of a dragon egg.

But where did this Mermaid come from?Jinlong, who has never been in contact with other creatures, carefully turns his huge body, subconsciously moves his body, and gently and slowly puts the small Mermaid sleeping in the water in his body protection circle.

His breath long floating, the action will inevitably float to the sleeping Mermaid, this time, the Mermaid will not be happy to swing its tail, driving away the beard.

This pair of straightforward, as if this is a small Mermaid site rather than the appearance of the Golden Dragon site, is really confused Jinlong.

The most confused, or he found his own dragon beads missing.

That's what he had when he was in a dragon's egg.

Even though the memory of the Dragon spitting bead is a little vague in the inheritance memory, Jinlong also knows that this dragon spit bead is too important for him.

When he was a young dragon with a length of more than 100 meters, his eyesight was not very good. It was all illuminated by the dragon's spitting beads, although there was nothing for him to do except the sea water.

He would also use it to kick around as a toy.

Still can throw it out, wait for it to roll away, and then be excited to look for.

Although he didn't like these games when he became a big dragon, he just wanted to eat, drink and sleep, but at this time, longtuzhu could also sleep with him.

What an important dragon spits.

It's so big, so bright. It was still there a thousand years ago.

Why not.

Jinlong is careful not to disturb the small mermaid's snoring and snoring, and looks for a circle.

Still not found.

At last he realized something. He bent down his head and looked at the little mermaid that was not as big as his claws.

Golden Dragon slightly narrowed its yellow pupils, and its long tail swayed slightly in the sea area more than 3000 meters away from its head.

He finally realized it.

The little mermaid suddenly appeared in his mouth

It was his dragon that made the Pearl.

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