It's normal for Jinlong to have such an idea. After all, starting from a dragon egg, there is no creature around him within ten miles.

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From the little dragon to the big dragon, he has never seen a shrimp. Although the inheritance memory records a variety of deep-sea species, it also records how the character of these dragons was opposite to him when his ancestors were not dead until there was only one dragon egg left.

He likes to sleep at home, and his ancestors like to flutter around in the deep sea.

He ate when he was hungry. He never picked the fat. However, his ancestors went all the way to another sea area to fight with fat birds that could fly in the sky, just to eat the big ice crabs living in the iceberg.

Jinlong will develop such a disposition. Ninety nine percent of the reason is that from the beginning of dragon eggs, only dragon spits beads with him.

Moreover, it is a dragon that can't speak, can't move, and can only emit light.

In Jinlong's cognitive concept, no living creature dares to approach him, which has been the case for tens of thousands of years.

Now, his dragon beads are gone.

Well put in the mouth, so big a dragon spit bead disappeared.

But the original dragon spit bead should be in the position, but more a sleep down-to-earth, not afraid of his little mermaid.

This must be his dragon spit.

He is not afraid of him only because of his dragon spitting beads.

Although longtuzhu was not a living creature, it did not affect his inference.

Jinlong thinks like this, the long long body and rightfully will sleep in the center of the little mermaid slowly to roll in the volume.

So, this is his dragon spit.

He was very happy to start searching in his mind according to the appearance of the little mermaid, and after finding out the sea demon race, he seriously recalled how to raise a sea demon.

As for why the Dragon vomites into a fine will become a small sea demon, not easy to get a living creature is not afraid of their own golden dragon directly ignored.

He himself from the dragon egg, no living creature dare to approach.

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If he did not swim fast, open his mouth and eat fast, and eat faster than those creatures hiding in the sea, he would have starved to death first.

But when he met a living creature before, Jinlong was holding his dragon's beads in his claws and sucking with his mouth wide open. He didn't pay attention to what he ate at all.

Anyway, every time he had enough food, the sea area would be dead for one or two hundred years.

Therefore, in Jinlong's own memory, he has never seen a sea demon.

Fortunately, there is a universal inheritance memory.

Jinlong is careful to use the dragon's body emptiness to plate his own little dragon to spit beads, while checking the inheritance memory.

There were still sea monsters more than 100000 years ago.

However, the living environment of more than 100000 years ago was different from that of the present. At that time, Jinlong was still a huge ethnic group. As the overlord of the sea, they always played in groups in the sea.

The way to play is to eat, tear and play with other creatures.

If those creatures were put in the present, they would be prehistoric beasts, but if they were put in the deep sea more than 100000 years ago, they were just the playthings of the dragon people.

At that time, the status of sea monsters was almost the same as the plaything food of the dragon people After a dozen cycles of food.

In a word, the bottom of the food chain.

At that time, the sea demon was still struggling to survive in the deep sea, and had no mind to play with human beings badly. Oh, no, there was no human at that time.

They are extremely ugly in appearance, their tails are big and ugly, their scales are generally gray and black, their claws can't be retracted, and their tusks grow directly out of their mouths.

Even if Jinlong was born, he didn't look directly at other creatures. When he saw the sea demon in the inheritance memory, he still shook his head in disgust.

The huge dragon head turned to the small Mermaid which was coiled up and carefully circled in the protected area.

Seeing that he was closing his eyes comfortably, he turned around again. In the dark sea, he looked like a silvery white fish tail that would shine. Different from the blue skin with scales in the inheritance memory, he was white all over his body, especially a small face, which was white and white. He did not know what he had dreamt of and pursed his pink lips.

Jinlong's disgust was removed in a flash.

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He is happy to raise his dragon's beard, and is satisfied to ignore the beauty of the sea demon in the inheritance memory and continue to watch.

The inheritance memory is passed down from generation to generation.

Although he is the only dragon left in Jinlong, it can also ensure that he can learn all kinds of skills of dragon clan through inheriting memory.

Of course, the dragon people in front may not have thought that the last dragon that survived was actually a house dragon.

Growing so big, except for eating his own eggshell by instinct when he was just born, Jinlong grew up in a muddle headed way.

Well, it's not more than 100000 years ago. Now he really doesn't have to do anything. He just needs to eat, drink and grow up, and no one dares to get close to him.Back to the main topic, it's almost the second time to check the inheritance memory of Jinlong. While watching, he carefully takes notes in his brain.

The sea monster is very fragile. It can die if you touch it.

Jinlong carefully looked at the little mermaid carefully coiled in the water, and carefully moved his body, so as to keep the other side closer to himself, so as not to be collided by any deep-sea species.

Even if this piece of eye looks empty, and there is nothing, you should be careful.

Jinlong continues to watch.

In the memory of inheritance, the sea demon likes singing very much, but the surrounding creatures don't like to listen to his singing, and they beat the sea demon violently because of his singing, which makes many sea monsters live and die.

It seems that the sea demon's mind is very fragile.

Moreover, the sea demon is the weakest creature in the sea, and can bully them at will. Therefore, the sea demon has always been careful in the deep sea, and there were also dragons who kept the sea demon as pets before.

It's a pity that the sea demon is so crispy that it can be tossed to death by any tail. If it is thrown to death, the meat is not delicious, which is really time-consuming and painstaking, so the dragon people did not try to raise sea monsters to play.

It turns out that the dragon people had the habit of feeding sea monsters more than 100000 years ago.

Jinlong tossed his long tail, thinking.

Therefore, his dragon spit beads will become a small sea demon, is it because such a thing happened hundreds of thousands of years ago?

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Jinlong takes a serious look at the inheritance of the sea demon again, deeply remembering the sensitivity and fragility of the sea demon and the like.

According to inheritance, the sea demon has always been bullied in the sea, and is the lowest living creature in the food chain.

He is quite confident that he can protect the sea demon. After all, no matter how many hundred thousand years ago or now, the dragon clan was the overlord in the sea.

In this way, he didn't think about whether the once poor little sea monster would become a new generation of sea overlord after more than 100000 years of deep-sea creatures shuffling.

Jinlong just looked at the sea demon who was sleeping happily, and felt that he was weak, pitiful and lovable.

What a pity. He is so small. If he didn't sleep in his mouth all the time, he might have been bullied by other creatures in the sea.

In these tens of thousands of years, he has been putting the Dragon spitting beads by his side, so the little mermaid was hatched by him.

Thinking like this, he tried to stare at longan and looked up and down at the little mermaid that could roll in his claws.

His little face, his little arms, his little tail.

Look at the scales on the tail. They are round and beautiful. They are the same as the scales on his dragon tail.

Just after finding out a little bit of the same between himself and the little mermaid, the golden dragon became more upright and strong.

He has a little bit of happy thinking, that I am the little mermaid's father.

Jinlong recalled the way in which the Dragon brought the children.

Oh no, dragon doesn't take children.

They all throw their eggs into the sea at random. When the little dragon is born, they will find their own ethnic group according to the inheritance memory.

Jinlong looks at the soft little mermaid and thinks that he should not treat the little mermaid like this.

He's so small.

And it's his dragon spitting.

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But why did his little dragon still wake up after so long.

Jinlong carefully stretched out his claws and tried to put his sharp nails in. He did not dare to touch the "weak" Mermaid directly, but chose to be careful and touch the Qing's hair.

Soft hair floating between the claws of the dragon, the heart of Jinlong seems to be filled with something fluffy and soft.

The orphan dragon waved his tail excitedly and thought excitedly.

So this is what it feels like to be a dad.

The excited tail of Xi Dang's father Jinlong continues to swing, just like when he was a child, when he had a good time, he wanted to play coquetry, but no creature looked at him.

Tossing and shaking, expressing happiness.

Take a break and keep swinging.

Hundreds of meters down the deep sea, in the trench, countless deep-sea creatures were suddenly whirled up and kept spinning.

Finally, it stopped, and it came again.

If they could speak, they would roar and denounce the dragon, which could make a whirlpool just by swinging its tail.

You look great!!

The tail is longer than the trench. It's amazing!

You can make a deep-sea whirlpool if you like!!

And in the sea above, a quiet good years, when Qing yawned, comfortable in the water to roll, holding his long tail opened his eyes.

Just opened his eyes, on the Golden Dragon's huge skull.

And those two shining, like the sun's dragon eyes.

His beard floated happily, and gently rubbed the mermaid in front of him with his beard.Baby, I'm dad. ]

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