Shi Qing was just watching the Dragon spit beads thrown away by the dragon in front of him.

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Moreover, the dragon is still working hard to hide his guilty feelings. On the one hand, it seems to have no trace. In fact, because of his huge body, the Dragon moves conspicuously to block the direction of the dragon's Pearl spitting, while trying to coax the dragon to clear the deep sea:

"I collected a lot of big pearls, all kinds of colors, hidden in the trench below, Shall we go and have a look? "

Shi Qing said:

The little mermaid swung her tail, white tender tender arm pointed to the direction of the Dragon spitting beads, and the voice was tender: "isn't that yours?"

Jinlong's face is stiff again.

Except for the little mermaid, Zhai long, who has never communicated with others, has a blank brain. He is hesitating and does not know how to say it.

Do you want to say, "yes, that's my dragon spit, but it means you're not my baby.".

No way.


Jinlong decides not to admit it. His beard is floating in the water with a guilty heart. His tail is stiff. His two bright golden eyes are looking at the little mermaid in front of him sincerely.

"I don't remember."

As soon as Shi Qing saw the golden dragon, he looked at himself and wanted to laugh. He held the dragon claw nearest to him and rubbed it with his tender face. His voice was delicate.

"you have a bad memory. When I saw you, it was in your mouth."

"It should be something very important to you, or you should put it in your mouth when you sleep."


He racked his brain and choked out a sentence: "when I wake up, it's you in my mouth."

So, the most important thing is you.

With this sentence, the first time Longsheng said such sarcastic words, Jinlong was shy. The long tail of the dragon was no longer rolled up, but lay flat and roll, rubbing against the big stones under the sea.

The sea creatures were swimming slowly beside the stone when suddenly a huge dragon tail came down from the sky and banged against the stone.

Stone silent split, very tragic broken a ground.

These creatures are stunned. They have no time to think and swim away.


There are monsters here!

The Golden Dragon above doesn't know what trouble his shy "rubbing" stone has brought to other fish. He is still rubbing for a while, waiting for the response of the little mermaid.

A look up, the little mermaid has disappeared.

He quickly turned around and ran after the beautiful silver tail that was swinging. He didn't dare to move too much, so he could only swim slowly.

When Qing swung his tail, he swam to the Dragon spitting beads.

This dragon spit bead is really big and round. Although it is only as big as a mermaid, don't forget the big tail of Shiqing.

The proportion of his upper body is about the same as that of human beings, but the tail part is two meters long, which means that the round dragon spits more than one meter high.

At the moment, it is quietly lying in the sea water, round appearance suffused with fluorescence.

Shi Qing swam down, stretched out his arms and held it up again. He turned and looked at Mingming, who was very big, but just looked aggrieved.

The little mermaid's voice was delicate, holding a huge pearl and asking Jinlong, "what's the use of this?"

When Jinlong was asked by his Mermaid, he immediately put aside the grievance that had just been thrown away. He replied happily and earnestly:

"it can light up and play."

Shi Qing said:

He held the big pearl, swung his tail and swam to the dragon's claw. He raised his white face and asked, "does it have no other use?"

Little mermaid lying on the whole on the Pearl, trying to look inside, beautiful long hair, the crown is more and more shining by the pearl light.

"I think there's something in this."

"Do you have any?"

Jinlong's curious low and huge dragon head also followed him. It seemed that after adapting to its own light, he could see something vaguely inside.

But because the pearl is bright, the things inside are also bright. During the period of Xiaolong, Jinlong didn't go to see it because it was too bright. When he grew up, he didn't see it because it was too small. He didn't find it for tens of thousands of years.

He blinked his big dragon eyes curiously: "what is this?"

When Qing swam to one of his dragon whiskers, he grabbed and played, while teasing him: "isn't this big Pearl always following you?"

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Yes, but he didn't notice anything inside.

In the memory of inheritance, each dragon has a dragon spit bead, which is basically grasped on the claws or held in the mouth when sleeping.

As for why they did this, of course, they were afraid of being robbed by other dragons.

Especially those who rely on their own age, the young dragon body is young, the big dragon dare not fight the little dragon cubs, one by one is more mischievous.Of course, they are afraid that their own dragon spit beads will be robbed, but not how they think it will be.

After all, every Dragon knows that it's very important for a dragon to spit beads, but what's the specific importance? No dragon knows. They protect their own dragon's spitting beads. It's purely possessive.

Every Dragon is born with the same idea.

That is: no one is allowed to touch my things.

I passed a sea area, and this sea area is mine.

I ate a big ice shrimp, and this iceberg is mine.

If I extend it a little bit, it is my dragon claws stepping on the sea water, so the whole sea is mine!

All in all, it is a sentence: overbearing and unreasonable.

The problem is that there is a large group of equally unreasonable people.

More than 100000 years ago, there were still many dragons in the dragon clan. When people were in conflict, they could fight or fight. Their desire for possession could also be suppressed by the force of the same clan.

But when we got to Jinlong.

He is the only dragon left in the dragon clan. There is no creature on the sea that is more powerful than him, and no creature can win him.

Therefore, at the bottom of Jinlong's heart, the whole sea belongs to him.

The little mermaid lives in the sea.

Of course, it's also his.

No problem.

In this way, Jinlong's guilty heart became more and more righteous. He tried to stare at longan and hold the dragon's beads with his claws.

Shi Qing sits on the dragon's beard in the sea water and looks at the Golden Dragon shaking the huge pearl curiously.

The little mermaid came over, holding the Pearl. On her beautiful face, her pointed nose rubbed against it, and said to the golden dragon, "it has your taste."

It's not strange to have him.

Before that, he put the Dragon spit in his mouth.

The Golden Dragon swayed for a few times and didn't show any interest.

He pretended that nothing had happened and continued to ask Shi Qing, "let's go and have a look at my collection of big pearls."

But the little mermaid shook her head, her beautiful hair floating slightly, and her white face was full of eager to try:

"I want to see my human friends."

Jinlong: "is it..."

He forgot about it.

Not willing to run to find other creatures, the Golden Dragon said: "what is the fun of human beings, what do you want to play with me, I can accompany you to play."

With that, he quickly leaned forward and caught a passing jellyfish, and then raised it to Shiqing to ask for credit:

"you see, this little fish is also very interesting."

The poor jellyfish tried to escape from the claw, but the hard dragon claw held it tightly and handed it to the sea demon.

Looking at the jellyfish trying to find a way to escape, the Golden Dragon shared with his little mermaid:

"you see, how beautiful it is to dance."

At the same time, he poked the jellyfish with his fingernails, learning from what other dragons had done to the deep-sea creatures more than 100000 years ago, and threatened:

"keep jumping, and you will be eaten if you don't jump."

Jellyfish: It's punctured. It's dead. It's dead.

Shi Qing took a look at the poor jellyfish, sat on the dragon's spit beads, stretched out her arms and hugged the big dragon claws. She was pitiful and delicate:

"I want to see my human friend, I don't want to see it dance."

Jinlong immediately throws the jellyfish away and shakes its tail anxiously, trying to tell all kinds of disadvantages of human beings:


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He really doesn't know what's wrong with humans.

After all, he has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, and has occasionally taken the head to eat.

Jinlong uttered a Chi Chi: "you are so small, how can they bully you?"

Obviously, he directly ignored the fact that human beings are smaller than the mermaid in front of him.

The little mermaid was still holding the dragon's claws and humming: "but I just want to see it."

"I just want to see it."

"To see, to see."

In this world, no dragon can resist the coquetry of Shiqing.

Although there is only one dragon in the world.

The golden dragon was defeated and reluctantly sent his little mermaid to the sea.

Shi Qing has been sitting on the Dragon spit beads. When he sees the golden sun shining through the sea, he moves his tail to block the sun and looks down at the big Pearl sitting there.

Inside, with the light of the outside world, long Tuzhu's own light is not bright, but faintly reveals a blonde with closed eyes.

The beautiful man hugs his legs into a circle, closes his eyes tightly, and his facial features incline to the West. Although this pair of body has been in the Dragon spit beads for tens of thousands of years, he has a very good figure. He can see his abdominal muscles and strong arms.

More than 100000 years ago, as the overlord in the deep sea, the dragon clan is the pride of heaven, and it is a collection of thousands of doting.

This world not only gives them the ability to dominate in the deep sea, but also gives them the body to go ashore.It's a pity that no dragon likes to run out of the sea. Even if it comes out, it's with a dragon spitting in its mouth rather than directly shining in the sun. For more than 100000 years, no dragon has found that the Dragon spitting beads they accompany are actually equivalent to their second body.

With a flick of her tail, the little mermaid went to the shallow sea full of sunshine.

Jinlong didn't notice that the sun showed something else when the Dragon vomited. He was wronged to follow him and looked up at his cub facing the sea.

When the Qing Dynasty arrived at the sea, he looked down at the dragon's spitting beads in his claws. He was used to putting them in his mouth. His claws were all handed to his mouth and stopped.

No, this is where his cubs live.

The dragon's claws in front of him also belong to his cubs.

So, in the sea water, Jinlong tried to pan his body and turned the dragon's spitting pearl to the back claw to catch it.

On the sea, when Shiqing jumped out of the water, I could just see a boat rowing in the sea.

Counting the time, they have been at the bottom of the sea for more than five hours.

So this is the female owner. Are they fishing?

He sniffed his nose, the smell of blood mixed in the sea breeze.

Unlike the bloody smell of fish, it was stronger and more uncomfortable to him.

The nature of the sea demon is to kill, which makes his teeth itch.

Although the women's servants are a bit stupid, they are 100% loyal to her. It is impossible to fight internally. This ship belongs to the female Lord again.

Shi Qing reviewed the original plot.

The female Lord has met the danger, but was saved by the sea demon, she just slowly relaxed her vigilance.

Then he was killed by the sea monster.

Bad luck.

Zeng Nan was really unlucky.

I don't know if it's because I can't find any food because I don't know what the hell it is.

They are not afraid of starvation today, but the younger brother who can see the weather says that there should be a rainstorm tomorrow.

It won't be a day of hunger.

Can't help, Zeng Nan can only gritted his teeth and took his little brother to sea.

It turned out to be such a bad luck to meet a pirate.

Now that the ship is robbed, it's OK. I'm afraid the pirates will kill people directly.

There's no law now.

Zeng Nan didn't know whether to be glad that no one knew that she was a woman. Otherwise, if the pirate who had not seen a woman for a long time knew her identity, she might not only die, but also be disgusted before she died.

She was kneeling on the boat, tied and escorted by all kinds of flowers. She was gnashing her teeth and listening to all kinds of chuckles as the pirates searched for the things on their boats.

"These kids are very tender. They look better than the one we caught last time."

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"No, especially their boss, who looks rough and tender."

Zeng Nan hated him more.

Obviously, this time they met a pirate who could eat two legged sheep.

She sat on the ground in silence, but a dagger slipped out of her sleeve and fell silently on the rope that bound her hands.

This time, they were also careless, because they were the only ones in the sea area, and there were only five of them in this fishing.

The other side was so numerous and good at water that they were caught off guard.

But it's not sure who will win.

Zeng Nan was cutting the rope in silence when he heard the sound of something coming out of the water.

- whoa.

The mermaid's beautiful face came out of the water. Her long and beautiful fingers caught the boat and floated in the water. She looked at her own pirates with gaping eyes. Her good-looking eyes turned to Zeng Nan and her head was crooked.

Zeng Nan:

How to forget this ancestor.

But the pirates didn't know that Mermaid existed. They just yelled:

"how can there be a man in the water!"

"There is really a man who is very beautiful. Hello! Boy, is this your man? "

The pirate leader stood up and looked at the beautiful boy with a pair of clear eyes in the water. His face was excited.

"I didn't expect that there are such beauties in such a partial place. Hurry up and let me play."

Zeng Nan rejected Mermaid because she thought the innocent and harmless of mermaid was pretending.

In this deep sea, if mermaid is really what he shows, how can it survive.

But now, looking at Bai Jing's face at a loss, as if she did not know about the coming situation of the beautiful mermaid, she could not bear it.

Zeng Nan gritted his teeth and said to the mermaid, "what are you doing? Run! If they catch you, you're done! "

What will happen to a mermaid if it falls into the hands of human beings? It's nothing more than anatomical research. It's certainly not good.Mermaid is still a face dazed to turn to look at her.

She was very happy. She picked up the diamond necklace hanging around her neck and handed it to Zeng Nan. Her voice was tender and tender. It was the same as when she was sitting on the beach and told her to come down and play:

"you see, it's not good."

Zeng Nan:

Now she really felt that this was a really harmless Mermaid.

She gritted her teeth and continued: "you're stupid, run quickly!"

"Hello! What are you beeping for

The pirates were good underwater men, but they didn't worry about their prey running away. They kicked Zeng Nan and reached out to catch the beautiful beauty leaning against the boat.

Whoa -

in the sun, it looks like a long silvery tail shining in front of the pirates.


At last, like Zeng Nan, Shi Qing was tied to his upper body and leaned against the boat, watching the pirates discussing how much to sell him.

And the pirate offered to take a bite of his meat and was beaten back by the pirate leader.

"I want to eat meat and eat two legged sheep! I want to sell this mermaid

He sat quietly, his beautiful face still without sadness or joy, as if he really did not know the world.


Zeng Nan next to him called in a low voice. Seeing the mermaid turning her head to look at herself, she lowered her voice carefully:

"you grew up in the sea, how much skill should you have?"

"How about you? I'm sure I'll repay you, sure! "

"Don't be quiet. Do you know where they're going to send you? They're going to sell you. It's terrible."

Unfortunately, no matter what Zeng Nan said, mermaid just looked at her quietly. Her beautiful eyes were as bright as the crown on her head.

It's bright, but it doesn't respond.

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One side of the injured brother fell on the ground in a hard whisper: "boss, no way, you see him like this, where does he seem to have the ability."

"Yes, boss. His hands are younger than mine, his nails are shorter than mine, his teeth are even and whiter than I am, and they are beautiful. It's harmless to see him. If you expect him, it's better for us to help ourselves."

Zeng Nan twisted his eyebrows and murmured to himself, "it shouldn't be."

Is her judgment wrong?

But how can the creatures living in the sea really have no lethality.

"What are you talking about? You're going to die and talk so much!"

A pirate came up and swore a few words, and his eyes fell on the crown on Shi Qing's head.

"A fish, still wearing this thing."

He reached out for it and was dodged by the mermaid.

The pirate sneered and reached for it again, this time.

On the mermaid's beautiful face, the expression gradually became ugly.

Zeng Nan was pleased: "are you angry? Come on! Kill them

She knew!

Mermaid can survive in the sea, there must be two sons!

Then she saw the mermaid staring at the pirates.

Take a deep breath

-- he began to cry.

While crying, but also shouting: "you bully me, I told my father to kill you."

Zeng Nan:

Zeng Nan:

What's up???


You are a sea creature!

Will be bullied will only hum!!

Still called Dad, is this a kindergarten kid? !

what kind of ghost was she guarding against before? Did she fight bravely with the air?!!

Your father is just a mermaid, no matter how powerful he is??

Obviously, the pirate was also amused, laughing wildly: "well, you call your father to come, and we'll go and grab it. You and my son will stew fish soup together!"

The little mermaid's cry is bigger, in the sound wave which human can't hear, his pitiful cry pierces the water surface and reaches the bottom of the water.

Under the water, Jinlong, who is quietly waiting for his cub to come back, is stunned first, then gets angry and rushes to the surface of the water.

Zeng Nan was in a trance of "I saw a mermaid, this Mermaid can speak human words, and my father just can't fight". Her younger brother, who was struggling to climb up half of her body, suddenly trembled and called her: "old, old..."

Zeng Nan subconsciously raised his eyes, only to see a piece of gold.

She raised her head, lifted it again, and continued to lift it to the highest level, and then she came up with a long golden dragon body that seemed to reach the sky, and the big dragon head that seemed to cover the sky.

Jinlong opened his mouth angrily:


all the people on the boat who were singing with the Dragon fell down, and the sea water was shaking with the sound of the Dragon chant.

Zeng Nan found that even their ropes were broken.Then, with her own eyes, she watched the little mermaid open her white arms at the giant golden dragon in front of her, and cried out pitifully:


Zeng Nan:

The ears on the ship were still working. The others who were trembling and were about to die of fear were as follows:

What about teasing them???

The father of a mermaid

Is it a dragon???

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