Jinlong is angry.

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When he heard his little mermaid crying, he was so angry that he wanted to swallow the whole sea.

By the time he reached out from the sea and saw the Little Mermaid Sitting on the boat with tears on her cheeks, and pitifully opening her arms at him, his brain was filled with anger.

These people!!!

How can these humans treat his little mermaid like this!!

His cub is a fish!!

They forced his cub to go ashore!!

Yes, in Jinlong's eyes, this boat is the shore.

Places without water are dangerous for fish.

Even a mermaid!!

He roared, and with a flick of his tail he smashed the boat to pieces.

The people on the boat also occupied the light of Shiqing. Jinlong was afraid to hurt his little mermaid, so he didn't directly lower his tail in this direction.

Because the boat capsized, the people on the boat were hit into the water. They could swim, but there was no danger to their lives.

But they were scared to death.

Zeng Nan and they are OK, because everyone is tied hands and feet, patronizing in the water suffocating.

She took the opportunity to cut the rope and tried to open her eyes in the water to rescue her subordinates.

Those who get their heads out of the water in the first place are not so lucky.

As soon as they emerged, they met the golden dragon, which moved the tap down.

Pirates: --

Jinlong's body is long, let alone the dragon head

Well, his eyes are bigger.

You can imagine how thrilling it is to face such a giant beast.

You're scared to death, OK!!

However, they were scared to death, but Jinlong did not pay attention to them.

He is full of hope to pick up his own cubs, as for these humans, anyway, they will never escape from the sea.

Even though Shi Qing's appearance was so weak, he was also a sea demon. When the boat overturned, he easily found a piece of broken wood and sat on it. Seeing the Golden Dragon carefully stretching out its claws to himself, the villain fish sat in smoothly.

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Then, he looked at the pirates rowing on the sea, gently opened his lips, and the beautiful song floated out of his throat.

The sea demon's song always has a charm, as if in enticing the person who hears to approach him.

The eyes of the pirates, who were still struggling on the sea, gradually faded. Everyone saw the sheep they ate.

These are only white bones. The human beings who died in the hands of the same kind seem to have turned into ghosts, floating in the sea water, and smiling at them with a pale smile.


A scream reverberated on the sea, and the pirates were convulsed and sank to the bottom of the sea with terror on their faces.

Clearly conscious still sober, but just can't move.

Can only so twitch, watch oneself drown.

Jinlong watched these people lose their signs of life. He looked at the Mermaid Sitting in his dragon's claws and singing softly.

As expected, it is true that the inheritance of memory said that the sea demon singing is bad.

After all, although he can't understand, but these people can prove it.

Although he knew that those sea monsters who were beaten by other creatures because of their bad singing in the inheritance memory are not their own cubs, Jinlong is still very distressed.

Just think about it. When the cub didn't know him, he would be beaten by other creatures because of his bad singing. He would like to swallow the fish in the whole sea.

He was more distressed when he thought that the little mermaid would be afraid to be beaten because he liked singing but didn't dare to sing.

His poor whelp, how hard it was to restrain the singing nature of the sea demon.

How did he know?

Don't you see the little mermaid only dare to sing on his dragon claws?!

Jinlong was afraid that his cubs would feel inferior because of the bad singing. He quickly went over and drove the dead to the bottom of the sea.

Pretending that these people were all killed by themselves. JPG

it's not that the cubs sing too bad and they die. JPG

regardless, destroying the corpse can pretend nothing happened. JPG

confirming that there is no evidence of the mermaid singing bad, Jinlong immediately boasted:

"nice to hear, so nice to hear!"

"My son is very good!"

Shi Qing lifted his lips and stretched out his delicate arms. He held the Dragon claws and rubbed them. He said, "it's very kind of you."

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Whelp said he was so nice!The anger at the bottom of his heart rubbed away for a moment, leaving only joy.

As soon as he was happy, the dragon's tail in the water couldn't help rubbing up and down.

And in the eyes of people in the water

A second ago, this dragon tail just killed several people.

According to the strength, it was like smashing the pirates into meat.

After a second, the sea was stirred by violence.

This! This is to create a whirlpool and drown them alive!

Zeng Nan, who was rescuing his subordinates one by one, hastened to speed up. He tried to make gestures in the muddy sea water caused by the stirring of the dragon's tail, indicating that they would follow him to leave the place.

At least wait until you are far away from this giant golden dragon.

She didn't want to take her subordinates and turn them into mud.

But in fact, as long as he wants, even if these human beings run to the shore, they can't escape his pursuit.

He didn't catch it, just because he didn't want it.

The little mermaid hummed and hawed, "I came to play with my friends. Just now those bad guys caught us, and they said they would eat me."

"So I killed them."

With that, the little mermaid cocked up her beautiful tail and gently rubbed the meat pad on the dragon's claws. Her eyes were moist and her pink lips, who had just sung the song of death, put them on a dragon finger and gave a kiss.

The voice is still so delicate: "fortunately you are in, otherwise they will definitely eat me."


Even for Jinlong, the little mermaid's little relatives are almost invisible, but his brain is still in a mess.

His little mermaid!

Kiss him!!

He is!!


In Jinlong's memory, only those who want to have sex will kiss each other on the neck.

Little mermaid, do you want to have sex with him!

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There was nothing to see on his big dragon face, but the long tail of the sea was already pounding.

After successfully mixing the sea water, Jinlong is a little shy to think that he also wants to have sex with Xiaozai.

After shyness, Jinlong suddenly comes up with a question.

But when he was born, he had a vague consciousness that he would be the last dragon in the world.

In other words, he is a sterile dragon.

Will the mermaid dislike him?

Does he feel useless because he can't have dragons or mermaids?

There should be other sea monsters in the sea.

Jinlong remembers that in the inheritance memory, the sea demon cub will be very small at first.

So what if he steals a siren cub to pretend it's theirs.

In less than a minute, Jinlong has thought about the measures he should take to deal with the sea demon cubs he stole in case they find their partner.

When Jinlong was thinking about this and that, Shi Qing was comfortably lying in his dragon claws, enjoying the happiness of the sun directly shining down on his body.

Otherwise, standing high and looking far away, he could see the back of Zeng Nan and their several struggling balas from this angle.

Zeng Nan and some of them are really swimming.

And according to their judgment, it should take at least three hours to swim back, and there is no guarantee that we will not lose our way.

It's also good that Zeng Nan pulled a board just now. If they are tired, they can take turns to rest. When they are hungry, they dive down to catch fish. When they are thirsty, they will

If you are thirsty, you should bear with it. The more you drink, the more thirsty you are.

It seems that the sound of the Dragon chant just now seems to scare away all the large fish around, and only one runs slowly.

They have to deal with underwater danger.

A subordinate turned his head carefully and saw that the golden dragon was still standing on his upper body. His huge body directly covered the sun.

He gulped his saliva: "boss, you said that the dragon should not catch up, we did not bully the mermaid."

"Yes, isn't that Mermaid very fond of you? Maybe it will help to say good things. "

"But I still can't figure out why such a big dragon's child is a mermaid? Do they have anything in common except scales? "

It's hard to say the difference in body size alone. It's not a problem of reproductive isolation any more. It's totally unscientific!

Zeng Nan, who swam in a puff of Chi, said:

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How does she know!

If she had known that the mermaid had such a large backing, what else would she have been guarding against? She must have been trying her best to please each other.

If there is such a big dragon, they can be said to walk horizontally in the sea.But

In retrospect, he thought that mermaid was deliberately pretending to be weak to deceive himself. Although he didn't show anything on the surface, he was always on guard at the bottom of his heart, and he seldom accepted mermaid's kindness. Zeng Nan wanted to give himself two big mouths.

Let's blind you! Let's blind you!

How can we forget that this world is not only human race, but also non-human race!

Let loose such a big golden thigh!!

But my heart is killing her!!

I don't know if there is any chance to remedy it.

Zeng Nan secretly vowed that the next time, when the mermaid came again, she would certainly play up 120000 spirit and make the other party as an ancestor.

She remembered that the mermaid seemed to like to invite her down to play in the water.

Next time she must be in the water.

No more blind brain tonic!

Ding! Zeng Nan's rejection rate: 49100]

the system was shocked.

What about this repulsion? Last time, it was more than 90??

It comes out Ah ]

facing the mosaic in front of the eyes, the system squats back in silence.

The bottom of my heart is not calm.

Small data, big doubts.

Jinlong is so big, the host?

It is confused with doubts.

How did you do it??

Can't a fish really die??

The system hide back, naturally did not notice that the mosaic it saw before is not as big as a building.

It's big, though.

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