Because the little mermaid was in danger, and the golden dragon, who had been exposed to the sun for a long time with the dragon's vomit beads, used his human body for the first time.

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The Golden Dragon's body slowly fell into the sea water. At the same time, a golden haired man appeared from the dragon's spitting beads.

His facial features incline to the west, deep golden eyes, high nose, slightly thin lips, and with curly, just to the shoulder of the beautiful golden hair.

Jinlong looked down at his claws, not his hands.

The claws moved, and his fingers moved.

If you swing your head again, the dragon beard seems to be gone.

Jinlong is a little flustered.

Xiaozai likes his dragon whiskers and claws best.

At a loss, the little mermaid came.

When Qing white face with joy, a happy to embrace him, intimate with the tip of his nose rub his face.

Jinlong forgot about the fact that his dragon claws were gone in a moment, and his pretty face also showed a smile, learning from the appearance of a little mermaid, gently rubbing against him.

The little mermaid's white and tender cheeks turned red.

dragon is worthy of the dragon of ten million years, and even the spare human body is awesome.

Not only can breathe in the sea water, as if even the lethality has not changed.

Most importantly, the appearance is too high.

The same expression, in the huge dragon head, that is Han Han.

But fell into this pair of human body, watching the handsome lips slightly raised, beautiful golden eyes seemed to be filled with stars, the instinct of sea demon was ready to move.

The sea demon instinct, after staring at the human that he likes, will tempt each other. When the other party trusts them, he will drag them to the bottom of the sea.

Knowing that human beings can't survive in water, they like to do it.

In fact, few people know that there is a prerequisite for sea monsters to kill human beings cruelly.

Every siren will love a human.

is probably as like as two peas in the dark sea, the sea monster is always different from other fish, but the humans on the shore have the same upper half structure as they do.

And they also have emotions, and they can speak language.

Therefore, liking human beings can be regarded as the tradition of sea demon for thousands of years.

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It's just that their preferences are often different from what humans perceive to like.

They will do everything possible to lure people and drag them into the deep sea.

At this time, humans without oxygen will struggle desperately, but they can't swim ashore, because the siren will hold the humans tightly with their tails and continue to drag them toward the dark deep sea.

In the process, enough of an adult female siren has left a child in her abdomen.

Now, the little mermaid is rocking her beautiful silver white tail, slowly showing a smile in the sea and hooking at the blonde human.

The blonde immediately seemed to be bewitched. Subconsciously, he swam in his direction and grabbed the mermaid's hand in the water.

Almost immediately, the mermaid's long tail wrapped around each other, pulling him toward the deep sea.

His white arm was hanging around the neck of the blonde, his cheek was clinging to each other's shoulder, his small face was up, and his beautiful eyes were looking at the blonde.

Mermaid's tail seems to be afraid, with the winding in the gentle trembling, a shudder.

He slightly opened his moist lips, and bubbles in the water rose to the sea surface with his breath.

The eyes of the golden haired man are clear. He did not struggle, but slowly fell into the deep sea along the strength of the little mermaid. Among them, the golden eyes were always staring at each other.

He didn't know why he was like this, and he didn't know whether he could change back.

It's just subconscious. I've guarded my treasure.

The blonde felt the fishtail curling around him more and more forcefully, and was shivering against him.

The little mermaid raised her slender neck, and her delicate arms hanging around his neck were also forced in.


His voice was thin and tender, with a tremolo.

With this trill, the mermaid and he landed in the dark deep sea.

The little mermaid's tail trembled, powerless to release the grasp of the golden haired human hand, originally slowly wrapped around his body's fish tail also released its strength.

He continued to fall, but the golden haired man did not die in the deep sea like the ones that the sea monsters had seen in the past.

Instead, he swam to the bottom of the little mermaid with a clear attitude and held him with strong arms.

The little mermaid was not surprised to lean in his arms, satisfied with the appearance of the foot.

Even if he became a human, he did not lack the skills that golden dragon should have.The blonde man moved his nose slightly and felt that there was something else in the sea.

Not until he wants to understand that the mermaid, who was content to rely on his arms, has recovered with the strong constitution of the sea demon.

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He jerked another force and continued to pull the other side down.

The more the dark room system thinks about it, the more it thinks it should come out and remind the host to be safe.

Happiness can.

But life matters.

This is no longer a problem that can be solved by co-ordination.

It's a good size.

Just came out, the system saw a mosaic again.

And vaguely, you can see the host hand on the mosaic.

Don't ask why it recognizes.

It's the nature of the siren that at some point the claws hidden in the hand will come out to ensure that the prey does not run away.

Although Shiqing didn't have to do this, his prey couldn't run.

The system quietly maintained the suspicion of Tongsheng and squatted back.

My host is really omnipotent. JPG

just lie down and win, regardless of science or unscientific. JPG

in the host dictionary, there are no words "scientific" and "reasonable". JPG

the system has been waiting.

After waiting for three hours, he felt that it was almost time and came out to have a look.

And then he was scared back by the mosaic.

Eight hours later, thinking about it, it came out again.

Then he went back in silence.

The next day, the third day, the fourth day

System: [ ]

the world is terrible.

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It should not have chosen a non-human body for its host.

No, when does it have a choice.

On the seventh day, the system was able to take a look without expression, and then stare back at the mosaic full of data.

On the eighth day, the system finally gave up the struggle.

After all, it has checked all the data in the past eight days, and has self explained the current phenomenon.

The sea demon itself is an amorous race.

And promiscuity, of course, needs the support of hardware conditions.

Plus the dragon nature book.

These two sides together, it is a collusion, no, it is a match.

In particular, both of them are the people who eat a meal for a long time, and they don't have to worry about eating, drinking and starving. In addition, they have a strong deterrent force. They don't even have a shrimp around them.

Is it possible to mosaic for such a long time without external interference and internal harmony?

Fortunately, on the tenth day, Shiqing was satisfied.

He nests comfortably in the arms of the golden haired human. The nature of the sea demon makes him cling to each other even when he has reached the bottom of the sea.

Even if he doesn't run, he has to be entangled.

Blonde humans don't think there's any strength in breaking the bones of a living creature. Instead, they think.

This is his little mermaid.

It's lovely.

The nature of the dragon made him hold the little mermaid tightly and asked softly:

"are you hungry?"

Shiqing is not really hungry, but he is full of warm thoughts.

He felt that they could warm themselves up and then continue to think about it.

The delicate little mermaid entangles the golden haired human with the strength that can hoop the dead. On the other hand, she leans on his arms with softness and weakness:

"I want to eat human food."

The gentle look on the face of the fair haired man was immediately a little reluctant.

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"If you don't want to bully us, we will not be able to bully you."

He has this confidence.

What else could he not catch in the sea.

Shi Qing: "I want to eat rice."

The blonde man:

An hour later, the little mermaid held hands with him and emerged from the sea.

In the middle, he passed by the golden dragon, who looked like he was sleeping, lying quietly in the sea with his body folded.

Not to mention the fish around, even a crab was scared away.

Shi qingben said to let him go back to his dragon. He was not willing to let him go back to his own dragon. He only grasped the mermaid's hand and snorted for a long time before he used the beautiful face to say the words of tiger and Wolf: "you can't * * when you go back.".

As a result, Zeng Nan, who was basking in seafood by the sea, suddenly heard the familiar shouts on this day.

"I want rice."

Delicate, with a sense of innocence.

Zeng Nan was so happy that he looked up. Sure enough, he saw that in the sea full of waves, the little mermaid put his beautiful silvery tail on the stone, and sat on it, lifting his chin slightly, looking upright and strong.If before, Zeng Nan still had doubts.

But now

"Ah! I'll get it for you right away

As soon as she finished, she noticed that there was a man next to the little mermaid, with golden hair and golden eyes, and a strong figure. She could only see the upper body, but the momentum was quite amazing.

She asked curiously, "who is next to you?"

The little mermaid was even more proud. She swayed her beautiful tail slightly, cocked up her mouth and boasted, "this is my partner."


Zeng Nan looked up and down at the ordinary looking human in front of him.

Then think of the mermaid that light dragon eyes are twice as big, a claw down to be able to beat several people into meat mud.

Such a man, how dare to bubble the son of that dragon

Zeng Nan:

She held out her thumb at the blonde and said, "cow!"

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