On the seashore full of the sound of waves, the little mermaid carries a bowl of rice and eats it slowly. The golden haired human next to him is holding a bowl of Chinese cabbage in his hand. He looks at him tenderly and takes a piece of cabbage from his bowl.

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Nearly ten meters away from them, Zeng Nan and a cadre of younger brother carefully look at two people from afar.

Brother 1: "boss, did you find that man staring at us?"

Brother 2: "yes, boss, he looks so fierce. We haven't provoked him."

Zeng Nan held the cigarette in his mouth and touched the scar on his face, but he couldn't understand it: "shouldn't be. Is my attitude not good enough? I was going to feed the mermaid

My little brother

"Boss, people are partners, and you feed mermaids. No wonder people look at you like that. They think you are a rival in love."

Zeng Nan thought it was, but it's not so fierce to be a rival in love.

She looked at the sea grass around her He seemed to feel that someone was looking at himself. He immediately raised his eyes. There was danger in his golden eyes.

Zeng Nan shuddered and looked up at the sky, pretending nothing had happened.

But why is it the first time to see this person, but always feel a little familiar in my heart?

Where did you meet me?

The golden haired man looked at the people over there and looked back at the mermaid no longer. The magnetic voice was dull:

"I don't like human beings."

When he was happy to eat rice, Qingteng reached out and his white finger fell on his golden hair:

"then we won't go ashore next time, but I like to eat human food."

The blonde man is reluctant to look at such a small bowl of rice.

It's not fragrant, it's not fresh, it's still so small.

It's not enough to stuff his teeth. Why do cubs like this stuff.

Can be more unwilling, all in see when the white face of enjoyment look, gradually disappeared.

"If you like, I will take the shore and let them give it to you."

Yes, there is no thought of "I will exchange with others or ask for them" in the mind of the dragon people.

They only know one thing.

I want it? Then I'll grab it.

If your partner wants it, you should take it.

Shi Qing: "no, shore is not fun."

The blonde man nodded obediently and held his hand high: "then I won't rob."

There was a trace of pride in his expression, apparently because his cub thought his territory (the whole sea) was more interesting.


He took a grim look at the people over there in the sun.

In the success of those who look at the head of the human scared back, only satisfied to take back the line of sight.

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He doesn't like people.

It may be because the cub has a fishtail body and looks like he likes to be close to human beings. The dragon race is full of possessive instincts. When he listened to him and talked with human beings in such a delicate tone, he could hardly wish to eat these people.

But he can't.

Fair haired human beings are as beautiful as the legendary Sun God, and his face is somewhat aggrieved.

Cubs like humans.

If he eats these people, the cub will be angry.

Immersed in the sadness that "my cub doesn't just like me," the little mermaid, after eating rice, puts his chopsticks on one side of the stone and naturally reaches out to the blonde.

"I'm ready to eat. Take me back."

The longzu's eyebrows and eyes, which were just full of grievances, immediately showed their joy. They stretched out their strong arms and held the little mermaid in their arms.

The soft and weak Mermaid leaned her head in his arms, looking very dependent.

"You look so human."

The blonde man grinned and fell on such a face that he looked more and more beautiful, with a gentle smile: "you like me to be like this every day."

Shi Qing: "also need not everyday, your dragon shape also looks good."

The little mermaid stretched out her delicate fingertips. Now it is not the time to grow claws in the depths of the sea and hold tightly to her mate.

His fingertips slowly fell on the human body of the dragon race, gently sliding, and his voice was delicate: "I like to eat human food, you need to help me get it later."

The blonde agreed, "no problem."

Shi Qing: "I have a name. My name is Shiqing."

The dragon people are at a loss.

He opened his mouth and called out seriously: "when Qing?"

After shouting out, he called again: "Shiqing."

The little mermaid answered and rubbed in his arms.

Golden haired people think.In the memory of inheritance, when the dragon clan once flourished, every Dragon also had a name.

Often they are born to know what their name is, and they call each other by name.

But he was an orphan dragon.

No creature would have called his name before he met the mermaid, so of course, the name he was born with did not appear.

Now, he has dug that name out of his memory for tens of thousands of years.

The voice of the golden haired man is calm and magnetic:

"yuan, my name is yuan."

"The abyss?"

The little mermaid read the word in her mouth, reached out and grabbed the man's golden hair.

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A soft smile appeared on Bai Nen's small face:


With his birth, it was the first time that the name was called out, and the greed and unwillingness of the dragon people's nature slowly faded away.

Blonde human also involuntarily, in the beautiful face showed a smile.

He took the little mermaid and walked slowly into the sea.

In the rear, 1234 567 heads appeared.

Zeng Nan carried a cigarette in his mouth: "Why are you all in the sea?"

Little brother 1: "mermaid is a water creature."

"But man is not. That man will not always be with Mermaid in the water."

Zeng Nan looked at the sea thoughtfully.

No one knows more about the danger of the bottom of the sea than she knows. The human went down to the sea so easily.

After thinking for a long time, she clapped her hands and suddenly realized, "I know!"

The younger brothers were curious: "boss, what do you know?"

Zeng Nan took the cigarette out of his mouth and sighed in his eyes:

"it's all for love."

After that, she walked away with the help of others, tut said: "but really, just now that person should reject me, I am quite fond of mermaid. It's nice and soft. It's more suitable for raising at home."

The golden haired man in the distance who is already in the water:.... "

Five minutes later, Zeng Nan was still boasting: "when this Mermaid came to see me, I knew he was a good fish. Look, what I said was quite right. I still remember that it was a night with a big moon. He got on the bank and sat down..."

A huge golden dragon jumped up from the sea and roared angrily towards the shore:


unprepared, Zeng Nan, who was almost deafened by the sound of his voice:: "

The big brother dared to go into the water under such circumstances.


Since human beings have lost all kinds of advantages, the creatures on the planet that have never been seen before seem to be waking up in a deep sleep.




No matter how harmless their appearance is, the value of force is higher than the other. Human beings who have lost everything can only strive to fight against these creatures.

Basically, these awakened creatures only live in their own country. They are not as close to human beings as they are in legend. Human beings can only strive to protect their living environment.

China is lucky.

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In the legend of their awakening, the creature is a golden dragon.

Although he was big enough to block out the sun and yell like an earthquake, the Dragon lived only in the sea.

Land is still human territory.

Although many animals on the shore have also mutated, such as rats bigger than rabbits, rabbits as big as pigs, pigs as big as cattle.

But at least they don't blow fire.

It's said that there are dragon awakening in the west, but it's not the dragon like them. It's a Western dragon with a big belly that can spit fire. Moreover, this kind of dragon lives on the land. If anyone is upset, just spray it.

The golden dragon of China lives in the sea, and the Chinese people can not go to the sea.

In western countries, however, big bellied dragons live on land. Can they still live in water?

Comparatively speaking, in the legends of other countries, when creatures appear, they kill and demolish their houses. Although China's Golden Dragon is far more lethal than them, it is more inclined to peace.

It's kind to people.

People who did not dare to go out to sea after the appearance of Jinlong became bolder and went out of the sea cautiously after they found that the Dragon did not seem to have destroyed the cult.

One by one, the people who went out to sea came back alive.

More and more people saw that golden dragon didn't make a move, but also bravely went out of the sea.

Although they may encounter shipwrecks, or other creatures, at least, the golden dragon, which is hostile to human beings, can never come back alive.

Slowly, such a legend spread in China.

The Golden Dragon who lives in the deep sea has a little mermaid.It was a mermaid more beautiful than an elf. He had long hair, a beautiful silvery tail and a golden crown.

This little mermaid is the treasure of the Golden Dragon. It is different from the Golden Dragon who does not like to show his face in front of human beings. The little mermaid prefers human beings.

To be precise, he preferred human food and human things.

Everyone knows that this is a kind-hearted Mermaid. He has great kindness to human beings.

Every person on the sea, as long as they prepare carefully selected gifts, put them in waterproof boxes and throw them into the sea, as if the ubiquitous golden dragon would send the gift to his little mermaid.

If the mermaid likes it, the person who gives the gift will get a lot.

If the little mermaid doesn't like it

On the sea of that day, a golden dragon came out of the sea with a roar, and its tail directly destroyed most of the ship in front of it.

He had done it so skillfully that he could make the boat look like it was losing a lot without sinking it.

After all, his mermaid is kind-hearted, gentle and lovely. If the ship is destroyed, the Mermaid will surely save people.

Jinlong doesn't want his little mermaid to touch these humans.

But he was still angry, so angry.

So he kept roaring at the boat, and the people on the ship knelt down and begged for mercy.

The captain covered his ears, and the crew next to him said loudly:

"Captain!! What on earth did you send!! Why is the Dragon God so angry! "

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"I don't know either!"

The captain was completely stunned and yelled: "I just heard that the Dragon God dotes on Mermaid, so please draw a picture of female mermaid to please mermaid!"

He occasionally looked at some kind of picture album on the ship, thinking that the mermaid was a man, and it should be about the same.

Who knows the Dragon God is so magical after sending it down.

It's strange. The picture is very good.

On the reef in the distance, Shiqing sat on the rock with his tail and opened the picture album on his hand.

Even in venting his anger, the golden dragon, who still put most of his mind on the little mermaid, suddenly turned back, angrily entered the sea bottom and quickly swam in front of the mermaid.

Brush brush, he directly grabbed the album with dragon claws, tearing the female Mermaid image into pieces.

A mermaid with a long silvery tail looked at him with a smile and jumped into the sea.

In the bottom of the sea, the Golden Dragon coiled up his body, cherished and full of possessiveness, and slowly circled his little mermaid.

He will always guard his treasure.

When the mermaid lives to the one, the Golden Dragon will follow.


Ding! Task completed, please choose: 1, continue task, 2, vacation. ]

Shiqing: [11111]

System: [Ding! Please be ready to jump to mission world, task world is jumping, 3, 2, 1 ]

﹥ br > ﹥ Shi Qing opened his eyes slowly in a quiet and elegant room.

He looked down at his spotless white clothes, and there was a hoarse sobbing voice from outside:

"master, please spare the elder martial brother. He is going to die soon. Please, please, master..."

"Elder martial brother has done a good job this time. Please forgive him. I beg you, master..."


When Qing looked at the bronze mirror hanging on the wall.

There is a black hair and white clothes, a cold face xianzun.

He took a brief look at the memory.

This time, he was a seemingly indifferent immortal, but in fact, he was a hypocrite who hated the talent of his disciples and humiliated the black hands behind his back.

This unfortunate elder disciple is the man of this world.

Shi Qing recalled that when he was a child, the master of the Central Plains had to beat or scold the eldest disciple. He picked bones in his eggs and punished him again and again until he became a child.

[system, repulsion. ]

the system is trembling: [rongjue rejection: 300100]

Shiqing: not surprised at all:)


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