The female voice outside is still crying, Shiqing pretends that he is deaf and begins to check the original story of the world.

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After reading the ten lines at a glance, I have to say, it's just dog blood and encouragement. The man is the representative of handsome and strong.

Rong Jue, the man in charge, was originally the young son of Rong's family in Hedong. Before he was five years old, his parents loved him and his brothers and sisters regarded him as their own. He had amazing talent and was a favored son since childhood.

As a result, on his fifth birthday, Rong's family was destroyed. Only Rong Jue, who was young at that time and was hidden by his elder brother, saved his life.

Before the age of five, the young lost his memory.

After he got up from the sea of corpses, he guessed that he should be a member of the Rong family. At that time, it was not only the Rong family who destroyed the family, but also the Rong family in law. He was almost the only survivor.

Rong Jue, who was only five years old at that time, didn't know anything. He had been a beggar until he was eight years old. When he was eight years old, he unexpectedly found that he could draw Qi into his body. Then he realized that he should be able to practice.

The eight year old child set foot on the road of seeking Xianzong's apprenticeship by himself. After nearly being eaten by a tiger, falling off a cliff and climbing up, he finally arrived at the first Xianzong chiyun sect.

The chiyun sect is famous for its sword cultivation. There are five elders in the Mahayana period. In addition, there are tens of thousands of disciples. It can be said that chiyun sect is the first immortal sect.

Rong Jue found out that he was a rare spirit root when he tested the spirit root.

Those who are rooted in heaven and spirit have to practice more smoothly than others when they are young. They can only practice for hundreds of years. Maybe they can do it in a month.

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Naturally, many people vied for such a talent.

If rongjue is worshipped by a good master, he should continue to return to the favored one in the future.

Unfortunately, his luck is not good.

Chiyun clan has a monk who has been closed for many years. He has only one son in his whole life. However, the only son is not very talented. His accomplishments are almost all drug addicts. He is worried that his only son will not be taken care of after his ascension. Therefore, he thinks that the only son can recruit more talented disciples. When he rises, these disciples can take care of the foster master Respect.

Rong Jue is the unfortunate disciple.

This monk is in Mahayana period, but others can't catch him. They can only watch the glorious formula with excellent talent join him. He has no talent at all, and all depends on his father's name.

After arranging this disciple, the father who worried too much about his son left a pile of accumulated resources and then soared.

if it's so light, it will suck up the master, and he will be able to spell out a way.

However, the original owner is not able to be careful. He looks good on the surface. Although he is a little cold, in others' eyes, he is also good.

But in fact, he has a dark mind. He can't see other people saying that he takes drugs. He has no intention of loving Rong Jue, a gifted disciple. On the contrary, he can't see his fast cultivation.

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After all, Rong Jue can break through a state in three days, which can only make him think that he has not been able to break through for three years, and finally he has to rely on drugs.

He is a waste, but his apprentice is a genius.

I worked hard every day, but my apprentice could break through the door casually.

He was respected on the surface and criticized on the back. His disciples, from the elders to the elders, to the younger martial brothers and sisters, respected him incomparably.

The original owner's mentality has completely collapsed.

He regarded this great apprentice as a thorn in his flesh. When Rong Jue was a child, he just looked more severe and deliberately did not teach Rong Jue how to practice fast. When Rong Jue did the right thing, he turned a blind eye to it. If he did something wrong, he would scold him.

When rongjue grew up and had prestige in the clan, the master could not control himself.

He sent Rong Jue to various dangerous places and withheld the resources assigned to him by the clan.

All in all, it means suppression in various senses.

However, he was still the master of rongjue, and no one was qualified to stop him.

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After that, the original master watched Rong Jue break through to the period of practicing empty. In a competition among different sects, he secretly killed Rong Jue, making him look as if he was hurt by his opponent, but actually he made a secret move.

After the competition came back, Rong Jue seemed to notice something. The original owner was guilty and worried that he would expose himself. He immediately took the reason that "the competition that Rong Jue failed to win would bring disgrace to himself", so he held off other disciples from seeking medical treatment.

After that, the secret injury on Rong Jue broke out, and his cultivation was scattered. He felt extremely painful every second and could not condense his accomplishments.

One night, he changed from a proud man with unlimited future to a disabled man. The original owner allowed him to be humiliated by other cannon fodder in the clan, and then immediately turned over his face and drove him out of the clan after he was sure that rongjue could not turn over.

Rong Jue was completely blackened at the moment. He left the clan, created his own skills and practiced hard. At the same time, he found out that the Rong family was destroyed because his mother was a princess of the demon family. The demon family had a man-made rebellion, killed the devil emperor and came to the world to kill him.His blood of demons made him embark on another road of cultivation, even more amazing than his previous talent. The honor formula of blackening became a scheming man. He used all kinds of means to improve himself and win the demon world.

After that, he led the demon Kingdom army into chiyun Zong and imprisoned the original master into the dungeon. He was tortured for 81 days before he was cut off.

Due to the birth of the world consciousness, this novel has become a world of its own and lost the control of the author. The protagonist is seriously injured and can not be cured because he is attacked by the original owner in his body and dies of illness.

After watching this long and long plot, Shi Qing understood the repulsion degree of Rong Jue 300.

Since childhood, I was tortured and suppressed by my closest teacher. The rejection degree of rongjue is less than 3000, which is very generous.

After watching the plot with the host, the system is shivering: "host, is the world a little too difficult, too high, woo woo ]

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the original owner has already done what should not be done. Rong Jue almost grew up in his shadow. Now he is seriously injured because of the original owner. Even if Shi Qing goes to heal him now and treats him well, Rong Jue, who has been blackened in this period of time, will believe him if he is mad.

Shi Qing is still as light as before: [OK, I already know what to do. ]

when the system breathes a sigh of relief, it knows that the host is a big guy, and it must be stable.

After watching the plot, Shiqing waved, opened the prohibition, walked outside, looked down on his knees and begged his youngest disciple.

The young girl in green clothes was crying with tears. When she saw her master come out, she knelt down and kowtowed heavily:

"master, please help the elder martial brother. He is seriously injured. If he can't do it, please, master."

System: [host, now is it time to treat gently, to be gentle and gentle! ]

and then he watched with his white clothes. His face was cold and his tone was indifferent:

"he lost the game, which made me lose face. What face should I do to save him?"

"If I don't help you, don't even think about giving him even a miraculous medicine over me."

"If anyone dares to commit an offence knowingly, he will be expelled from his school."

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