The girl kneeling on the ground looked at Shiqing in disbelief, with white face and trembling lips: "master, master..."

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Shi Qing lightly glanced at him, which brought the momentum of the period of integration. Even if his cultivation was addicted to drugs, it was enough to make Yuan Ying's little disciple stiff and unable to say a word.

The next second, wearing a white xianzun waved his sleeve and sent her away from here.

Qiao Lingyu, who was sent to the foot of the mountain, stood in a daze for a while, then walked towards a small wooden house in the distance.

As the eldest disciple of qingjianfeng, Rong Jue should have lived in qingjianfeng with his younger martial brothers and sisters, but he was sent to the foot of the mountain when he was a teenager.

Living in this cabin, because of the lack of aura, the cultivation is more difficult than younger martial brothers and sisters.

Qiao Lingyu can't understand why the elder martial brother is always so harsh on the elder martial brother. It is clear that the elder martial brother has won many honors for qingjianfeng since he was a child. The master has no intention to teach them all year round, and the elder martial brother is willing to waste his time teaching younger martial brother and younger sister.

Even if Qiao Lingyu had many doubts in her heart, she did not dare to question her master. She could only sob all the way to rongjue's residence.

It's so simple that I can't believe that this is a wooden house where a disciple will soon practice Xu. On the bed, there is a handsome man with pale face and bloody abdomen, while a 17-8-year-old youth sitting on the side of the bed is carefully protecting his Dharma protection and his overflowing cultivation.

Qiao Lingyu's eyes fell on Rong Jue, who was weak and closed.

He was born with a sword eyebrow and stars, and his facial features are profound. He is a rare beautiful man even in the cultivation world where there are many beauties. In addition, he always looks at people with a smile. He has made such accomplishments at a young age. No matter where he was, he was the focus of the public.

But now, such an excellent elder martial brother can only lie here waiting to die.

When Qiao Lingyu thought of this, she could no longer conceal her sadness. She lowered her head to do something wrong and continued to sob.

The second elder martial brother, who was trying to protect rongjue's Dharma for rongjue, gnawed his teeth: "is the master still unwilling to treat the elder martial brother?"

Qiao Lingyu shook her head and sobbed:

"the master said that the loss of the master brother has lost the face of qingjianfeng. If he does not cure him, he will not allow us to help him to cure him, otherwise, he will drive us out of the school."

The second elder martial brother is pale.

In the Xiuzhen world, if anyone is expelled from the school, he must have made a big mistake. He will bear the charge in this life, and no immortal will accept it again.

But if you don't get medical treatment, you can't keep your life!

He murmured: "master, he Are you so heartless? "

He was a descendant of Shiqing's mother's family. He was sent to qingjianfeng to worship him since he was a child. From a young age, he could feel that the master liked him best among his elder martial brothers and sisters. He always thought that this was because they were related by blood and had always admired him.

Even if you know that the master is strict with the elder martial brother, he only thinks that it is a strict teacher who produces excellent apprentices. But now, the master obviously wants the life of the elder martial brother.

The young man gritted his teeth again, and suddenly stood up: "I'll go to ask the master clearly!"

Bed has been closed eyes, seemingly sleep rongjue slowly opened his eyes, tone indifferent: "don't go."

When you wake up, you will cry

Rong Jue moved his fingers and said to the younger martial brother who was also full of happy looks: "don't waste your efforts. Master won't be soft hearted."

"No, don't think so, elder martial brother. The master just feels that he has lost face. You are the most proud disciple of the master. If his anger disappears, he will come to save you." Qiao Lingyu tried to comfort Rong Jue: "you are going to practice empty period now, master can't give up on you."

Even in the first immortal sect of chiyun sect, an apprentice in the period of practice of emptiness is absolutely able to take advantage of it.

Rong Jue's pale face showed a touch of irony.

Why don't you give him up.

The secret move hidden in his body has been hindering his self-healing and keeping the aura of his cultivation. Isn't it his good master who broke into it?

The immortal, who was high above and always smiling, was just a hypocrite.

But why on earth!

Why did he die like this.

Over the years, did he not respect and comply with the Qing Dynasty.

The heart of the original solid road is broken and split, as if there is a group of black gas surrounding the heart of rongjue.

The man who was once the most favored man in the two people did not notice that the eyes gradually turned into a strong black.

The other half of the blood hidden in the body took the opportunity to infect the host's whole body.

It has a big appetite and devours it greedily.

Integrity, kindness, compassion and gentleness --

Rong Jue's other hand hidden under the quilt clenched into a fist and slowly closed his eyes:

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"you'd better go back. Since the master ordered, you should not disobey him.""But if you don't cure it again, your cultivation will be..."

"My cultivation has been separated from each other, and I can't keep it any more. Now I'm a waste man. There's no need to fight with my master for me. You can go back and I have a clear idea."

Rong Jue's words let the tears of the younger martial sister fall more severely.

The second younger martial brother wanted to say more, but he heard the man on the bed yelled: "why? Now that I'm a disabled person, my younger brother and younger sister will not listen to me? "

Rong Jue is gentle in nature. He never used to speak to them in such a cold and sarcastic tone. They were scared, but they didn't think much about it. They only thought that the elder martial brother didn't want to involve them, so he made such a gesture on purpose.

They don't know what to do, in the end or can only look sad left here.

When they left, Rong Jue slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were light brown, and when he looked at people, he always seemed to have some seriousness. He always treated others with courtesy, regardless of their status.

Because of such a pure gentleman's conduct, many of the elder martial sisters and younger sisters of chiyunzong all wanted to be friends with him. However, rongjue had always been devoted to Tao and refused to do so without harming each other.

But now, this pair always contains the gentle eye actually black, if fell into the abyss.

Rong Jue felt hard to sit up, put the middle finger of his right index finger together, pinched the finger into a decision, touched the abdominal wound, and pressed it in without expression.

It was impossible to say that there was no pain in the wound. However, there was no expression on Rong Jue's handsome face. Only the more pale face and the sweat from his forehead could see how much pain he had suffered.

The slender fingertip continued to the abdomen along the blood. He used his little spiritual power to explore the body. When he felt that he was staying in his elixir field and was destroying the familiar spiritual power of cultivation, he tried to explore his own spiritual power.

As soon as the light white spirit power touched the rongjue spirit power, it was immediately destroyed.

"Er --"

with the spiritual power destroyed, even Rong Jue couldn't help but make a dull sound of pain. With his white face, he slowly moved his hand away from the wound.


He is determined to become a useless man.

Since the moment when the cultivation was destroyed, Rong Jue has never been in pain.

This kind of pain is like someone scraps the flesh off his body with a knife. When the meat is scraped off, the bone is cut.

From being driven into the secret move to now, Rong Jue seems to have been in a coma with closed eyes, but in fact, he is awake every minute.

I feel the pain soberly.

Soberly review the first half of my life.

His admiration for the master was eroded by cold rebuke, and he tried to break through the excitement of seeking the master's happiness, but he was indifferent to him.

The harder he tried, the more disgusted he was.

Everyone knows that shiqingxianzun has three disciples, the first one is the most outstanding.

But in qingjianfeng, the younger martial brother and younger sister can get the gentle smile of the master. Occasionally, they will guide them. When it comes to rongjue, these treatments will be gone.

Instead, he was reprimanded, disgusted and, as if he wished, trampled on the earth.

Once upon a time, Rong Jue would have thought:

Why did master treat me like this?

Is it really love and hate?

Is it just because he is gifted that he is more severe?

But when he was trying his best to deal with the enemy, he was attacked secretly. After breaking into the spiritual power of dispersing his accomplishments, his thoughts of self comfort became a joke.

That's a good idea.

Rong Jue lowered his eyes, and the irony on his face became more and more intense.

As long as he does not die, Shiqing's spiritual power will always follow him.

Naturally, as long as the supreme immortal wanted to kill him, it was only in the twinkling of an eye.

What if he knew who did it?

Which one is more important, a disabled man or a combined immortal?

Both the elders and the patriarchs of Xianzong watched Shiqing grow up and received the favor of the ascendant. Can they not know what Shiqing has done to him over the years?

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But his honor Jue in their mind's position is not clear and important, this just opened one eye to close one eye as did not see.

The so-called Xianzong is no better than the evil cultivation they despise.

No, even worse.

At least the evil world did not hide the evil things. Xianzong, dressed in benevolence, allowed Shi Qing to destroy his disciples' practice.

Rong Jue can clearly find that there is a kind of malice hidden in his body. It is guiding his thinking and thinking towards the evil cultivation that he once despised, but he doesn't want to stop it.

Why stop it?

On the bed, the handsome man with pale face and dark eyes slowly raised his bloody hand and looked at the bright red quietly.There is no room for him.

Why can't he turn to the demon world.

Now his practice has been destroyed, and he can no longer practice the right way and immortal Dharma.

But what about magic repair.

It's quiet at night, especially at the foot of the mountain, because it's the place where Xianzong is, there's not even a sound of insects.

When Qing quietly appeared at the foot of the mountain.

As an immortal with the cultivation of fitness period, even if he was addicted to drugs, he could still hang up a large number of people.

In this situation, he could not help but compose a song.

The system hesitates: the host is out of tune. ]

Shi Qing: [I know, I can remember the lyrics well. ]

the system carefully looked around the darkness and asked:

[host, why do we come here at night? ]

even if this is a world of cultivating immortals, there is still nothing that should not be available. The foot of the mountain is dark at night. If it is not clear and high, you can feel what is around you with your eyes closed. This road is really hard to walk.

Shi Qing smiles and says, "come and deliver the medicine. ]

[otherwise, it is hard to say whether rongjue can live for a month or not. ]

the system suddenly realized and then did not understand.

Why not during the day? Can also brush the rejection degree, now send him to sleep ]

Shi Qing: [you don't understand. Sometimes, the more you hide from each other, the better the effect will be. ]

the system still doesn't understand, and Shiqing coaxes it: [OK, honey, go learn the song I just sang, and you'll sing it to me the next time you're bored in meditation. ]

it went right away.

There was still a candle light in the cabin. Xian Zun, dressed in white, stood outside the window and saw Rong Jue lying flat on his back, twisting his eyebrows tightly. His eyes were closed. The next second, he appeared in the room.

He waved silently and took out a stick of incense from the ring, and his fingertips passed over it. The incense lit up and a few smoke rose.

Xianzun turned and put the incense on the wooden table.

Behind him, Rong Jue, who seems to be quiet and closed his eyes, slightly opens his eyes and looks at the familiar figure. He sniffs out the fragrance which is specially used to calm the nerves. He is afraid that he will be able to sleep until dawn if he inhales it for a while.

What else should Shi Qing do.

Does he think his appearance is not enough.

Rong Jue clenched his hands under his bedding, closed his eyes and held his breath. It is good that he still has some spiritual power, which is not like a real man who can not hold his breath.

He hated it in his heart. What he hated more was that he could not resist and could only let Mermaid feel powerless.

Under the quilt clenched fist heart, fingernails have already entered the flesh.

Rong Jue closed his eyes and couldn't see the scene in front of him, but he could clearly feel that the edge of the bed had fallen into a piece.

Shi Qing sat by the bed.

He seems to be still sleeping safely, but in fact his body under the mattress has been tightly stretched up, vigilant against every action that once oppressed his master in every way.

What should Shi Qing do to him?

It doesn't count to destroy his accomplishments. Do you want to destroy his bones?

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Or did he come up with a good way to torture himself.

In the dark with his eyes closed, rongjue can only guess what Shiqing is doing by his perception.

He could see through the sound of his clothes rubbing, and then Qing raised his hand and fell on top of him.

If Shiqing wants to attack him, he has no chance to shout now.

Rong Jue clenched his fist more tightly.

But the next second, the hand fell gently on his forehead.

Very light, very gentle for his forehead scattered scattered broken hair.

Rong Jue was stunned.

The hand was soft, warm and light. Even if he didn't open his eyes, he could feel the tenderness of the other party brushing his hair.

He almost suspected that he was wrong.

This kind of gentle treatment of him is the master who has hardly shown a smile to him since he was a child, either scolding or scolding him?

It's even more incredible than the ascent of magic Xiu.

Rong Jue's heart is full of confusion, but his vigilance has not fallen.

After finishing his hair, the soft hand stopped on the right cheek of the elder disciple.

There's a bloodstain right there.

It was hurt by the opponent's sword Qi during the fight. It was a very small scar. If it wasn't for Rong Jue's cultivation, he would be able to recover as before without a breath.

But now he has become a disabled man, he can only let the wound fall on his face.

There was a sigh in the air. Rong Jue felt his cheek brushed by his master's hand, which made him itchy. The next second, the slight pain on his cheek disappeared.

Obviously, it was Shi Qing who healed the small wound for him.

The next second, xianzun dropped his hand on Rong Jue's abdomen, and the strong spiritual power continued to enter his body, repairing all kinds of hidden injuries in the eldest disciple's body.Rong Jue can clearly feel that with the action of Shiqing, his aching muscles and veins are slowly repairing.

But he did not mean to be happy, but full of vigilance.

A person who has been giving you hurt suddenly helps. Who can believe that the other party is really kind?

What's more, the so-called help is more like dressing him up after cutting off his hands and feet.

It's not easy to send your spiritual power to another person to repair the meridians. The second younger martial brother tried to use this method to delay the spiritual power dissipation in rongjue's body, but he could only stick to the time when the incense was less than half a column.

Even in such a short time, he needs a full day to cultivate himself.

But when clear hard is in Rong Jue's bedside sat all night.

Rong Jue can feel the other party's hand shaking slightly. Obviously, it is very difficult for Shiqing to deliver spiritual power for a long time.

But the immortal Zun, who never had a good face for Rong Jue, did not stop until the cock crowed, and he slowly took back his trembling hand.

Rong Jue still closed his eyes.

He could feel that when Shi Qing stood up, he seemed to lose his strength. He staggered for a few steps and nearly fell down. Maybe he had to hold on to the table before he could barely stand still.

Xianzun put away the burnt incense on the table.

I sat down by the bed again.

He did not make any action, just quietly looked at the "sleeping" big disciple, long to rongjue almost thought that the other party did not exist, only heard the sound of clothes rubbing again.

His master raised his hand again, this time, it fell on the mattress and gently tucked in the quilt for him.

In this way, only in the elder care for the younger generation will appear in the love action, actually appeared in the body of Shiqing.

If it was not for sleeping now, Rong Jue would almost laugh sarcastically.

From childhood to adulthood, when did his good teacher care about him.

Now, after he had just killed him, did he want to show that the high immortal also had a benevolent heart?

Outside came the sound of footfalls, and then the wooden door was knocked gently. It was Qiao Lingyu's voice:

"big brother, are you awake?"

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Rong Jue could feel the hand that fell on the mattress suddenly as if he was frightened. The next second, the immortal statue sitting beside his bed disappeared.

Until it is confirmed that it is not clear that the man who pretends to sleep overnight slowly opens his eyes.

"I'm awake," he said in a hoarse voice

Qiao Lingyu then opened the door and came in: "I discussed with the second elder martial brother. The master just didn't want us to ask for a doctor and a miraculous medicine for you, but he didn't say that we can't protect the Dharma for you with spiritual power, so I and the second elder martial brother will take turns to protect the Dharma for you."

She tried to make her voice relaxed: "elder martial brother, you are so talented. As long as you protect your spiritual power, you will surely be able to practice in the future."

Rong Jue was silent, only asked Qiao Lingyu: "master, could you be in the residence last night?"

Qiao Lingyu shook his head blankly: "the master didn't show up last night. Does the elder martial brother want to see the master?"

Rong Jue didn't answer, and Qiao Lingyu didn't think much about it. She went to protect the Dharma for him. As soon as Lingli came into contact with Rong Jue, she exclaimed in surprise:

"elder martial brother, it's only one night. Your injury is better than half."

She didn't know that rongjue Dantian had spiritual power to obstruct his cultivation, but she was still thinking excitedly:

"great, I knew that you are so talented, you will be OK. As long as your muscles and veins recover, you can return to practice as usual."

Rong Jue dropped his eyes in silence.

His body did not ache any more. If he hadn't gone to sleep because of the pain last night, and then escaped the sleeping incense with breath holding, I'm afraid he would have been like Qiao Lingyu, thinking that his body was repairing itself.

But he was sober.

He also clearly remembered that it was Shi Qing who restored his meridians for the night, that he gently brushed his hands between his forehead, his staggering footsteps, and his sigh of compassion.

If it is of other use to cure his muscles and veins, why should he make such a gesture.

If you really care for him as you showed last night, what are these twenty years of indifference and suppression?

Rong Jue slightly lowered his eyes and covered his dark eyes.

While Qiao Lingyu was still imagining that he could still return to his once high spirited elder martial brother, the handsome man on the bed suddenly said:

"I want to see you."

Qiao Lingyu's words were interrupted but not annoyed, nodded his head in praise of the same way: "it's time to see the master. If you ask the master, maybe he won't be angry."

She wanted to help Rong Jue, but he avoided her. She insisted on getting up from the bed and staying there. His steps were a little flighty, but he could barely stop.

Once the proud son of heaven stood in front of the copper mirror hanging in the house and looked at the self inside.

His hair was messy, his face was pale, and there was blood on his abdomen.It looks like a mess.

And this, thanks to the Qing Dynasty.

The one in the bronze mirror raised his hand and landed on his cheek.

The place where there should have been a small, hard to notice scar is now smooth.

Qiao Lingyu looked at xiangrongjue in doubt: "elder martial brother?"

Rong Jue took back his sight in the bronze mirror and put his hand down. There was a sneer in his eyes. He said in a low voice:

"let's go."

He took the lead out of the room. Qiao Lingyu was staring at his back and walked out, standing still with doubts in his eyes.

Hesitation gradually rose in the bottom of my heart.

Why does the elder martial brother seem to Not the same as before?

Just now, she was even afraid.

Walking in front of Rong Jue seems to be aware of the little younger martial sister's doubts, turn back a smile, still as sunny as ever.

"What are you doing in a daze? I don't have any accomplishments now. I have to trouble you to take me up the mountain."

Qiao Lingyu looked at this familiar smile, and her doubts were immediately thrown behind her, and she quickly followed the elder martial brother.

It's strange.

She is a water spirit root, intuition has always been accurate.

It's time to be wrong today.

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