After Shi Qing went back, he put on a set of blue thin shirt, which was usually worn when he was sleeping. However, he did not sleep directly, but sat on a round stool inside the house and waited.

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When the system has finished learning the song, it is full of enthusiasm: "host me! ]

when he saw Shi Qing's face, he was suddenly nervous and stammered: "Su, host, why are you so ugly? ]

Shi Qingzheng poured tea for himself, and when he heard it ask, he only raised his eyebrows slightly:

normally, I delivered spiritual power for rongjue all night last night, and it would be nice if I didn't pour it down directly. ]

a monk's cultivation depends on aura, and it will definitely cost a lot of energy to transmit his aura to others. Shiqing can still stand now, and his cultivation is high.

Although it's from drugs.

The system suddenly realized that it was to save rongjue.

When he understood, he urged Shi Qing: "go to rest quickly. It takes a long time to cultivate the spiritual power of the whole night. ]

Shi Qing: [no, I'm waiting for someone. ]

System: [isn't the original owner seldom visited? ]

Shi Qing: [the formula of waiting for honor. ]

System: [ha? ]

he was thinking of Rong Jue. It should be cultivated in bed during this period of time. How could he come to find a host? From outside, he heard a weak but gentle voice:

"disciple Rong Jue, I'd like to apologize to my master."

Then, it was Qiao Lingyu's: "disciple Qiao Lingyu, come to ask the master for his sins."

Shi Qing raises her eyebrows. ]

as soon as he got up, he suddenly twisted his eyebrows slightly and looked out of the room.

There seems to be something wrong. ]

System: [ Host, rongjue rejection 500, 100]

System: [he had been against the weather for 300 years before, but now he has exceeded 500 directly, which is not scientific!! ]

Shi Qing was surprised for a moment and then gradually calmed down You can see if there is any hidden plot. I can feel that the present rongjue is not the former rongjue. ]

System: [ ]

it tried to find a fan.

[Fan Wai: when Rong Jue became a demon, he was preparing to go to chiyun Zong to seek revenge for Shiqing. When he woke up one night, he found that he was reborn in the period when his spiritual roots had just been abandoned and his cultivation was completely destroyed ]

System: [ ]

System: [ ]

it understands.

It was difficult enough. Now rongjue is reborn directly. Can the world be better!

It's completely dead: [host, let's get rid of it. ]

time clearing: [withdraw, why withdraw? ]

the system would like to have a crash on the spot: [rongjue is reborn, how can we play it. ]

the Rong Jue used to hate Shi Qing, but now it's not simple. He hates to cut Shi Qing and has the ability.

The system is going crazy. Shiqing doesn't think it's a bad thing.

Isn't that great? It's simpler than before. ]

System: [ ]

it really doesn't understand human beings.

Outside, Qiao Lingyu looked ahead carefully after shouting. Seeing that the prohibition didn't mean to be opened, she whispered to Rong Jue beside her: "elder martial brother, is master closed?"

When she came before, master would tell her whether she saw or not.

There's no movement at all now.

Rong Jue just a little stiff, slightly drooping head did not speak.

He is the honor formula, but it is not the honor formula of this moment.

It's the honor formula of entering into the demon world and sitting on the position of the devil except for the prohibition given by the body.

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But I don't know why, he just took a short rest, then opened his eyes, and returned to this time when he was still weak.

The arrival of the devil happened to be the time when Shiqing came to heal rongjue. However, he was his own one hundred years later. Although he was in his own body, he couldn't get into it and could only watch.

Even so, it is enough for him to influence Rong Jue slowly.

And now, he completely occupied this body, instead of the one who used to be.

The handsome man kneeling on the ground didn't show any clue, but he was observing the surrounding environment all the time.

This is indeed chiyunzong's qingjianfeng cliff.

He can make sure that no one in the world can pull him into a fantasy, so is that true?

The memory of the devil gradually merged with the memory of the original rongjue.

He also knew that he had come here kneeling to find out whether the man who had healed him last night was Shi Qing.

In the memory of the devil, there was no time to heal for him, but he did recover most of his wounds one night later.

He still knelt down and repeated his words in a loud voice"Disciple Rong Jue, I come to ask the master for his sins."

He knew that Shiqing didn't like to go out and socialize. He always stayed on qingjianfeng and didn't go anywhere else. He couldn't be absent today.

What's more

The devil drooped his eyes and sniffed at the tip of his nose.

Kneeling on one side of Qiao Lingyu can't notice, but Rong Jue can smell out the rich fragrance. It must be that someone burned fengmuxiang in the house.

It takes 3000 years for Fengmu to grow into a single tree. A Fengmu tree can only take a stack of spices for fragrance. Fengmu tree can only grow under certain circumstances, and people can't plant it at all. Therefore, fengmuxiang has always been valuable and has no market.

Ten years ago, a hundred Phoebe trees were found in a small oasis. They were sold at auction after being made into spices. When they were bought, they were only because their only son loved fengmuxiang.

Even so, fengmuxiang is rare. His good teacher always uses it only when he is in the house.

But after a hundred years, everyone knows that the devil hates Fengmu and will destroy it.

As for why, naturally, it is because of the aversion to the former master that fengmushu was implicated.

Now that I smell the fragrance of Fengmu, rongjue can conclude that Shiqing is in the house.

It's just to avoid it.

If the former one, he might choose to leave, but now, Rong Jue, kneeling on the cold stone brick, slightly raised his hand and brushed the cheek that should have a small scar.

Because of the long-term practice of sword, the finger with thin cocoon falls down. Rong Jue raises his eyes:

"disciple Rong Jue, I come here to apologize to the master."

Qiao Lingyu: "elder martial brother, the master should not be here."

Rong Jue this just slants a head to look at her.

This is the younger martial sister he once loved. She also helped him when he was in trouble, but this was not equal to his sword holding after he joined the demon clan.

A hundred years later, the devil is no longer the original honor formula. When looking at this little younger martial sister again, there is no trace of affection in his heart.

He bowed his head slightly, as if in a weak voice:

"younger martial sister, I have lost face for qingjianfeng. Today, I have to apologize to the master. Since the master is not in, can you help me down the mountain to find out where the master is

Qiao Lingyu didn't think about anything else. He thought that the elder martial brother was too weak to go down the mountain. He helped Rong Jue carefully and let him sit on the stone bench outside.

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. I'll go and ask you to come back!" he assured

She settled down her senior brother and went down the mountain at ease.

Rong Jue's deep eyes at the little sister's back gradually away, turned to see the elegant layout of the place.

Shiqing's residence is on the cliff at the top of Qingjian peak. Compared with other xianzun residences which are almost empty, Shiqing's residence is more like the house of mortal world, even some of its furnishings are very similar.

When Rong Jue was a child, he wanted to live with his master because it was like a room in the mortal world, but when he was full of expectation, he was punished for wielding his sword 10000 times.

Ten thousand times.

Even if he had already introduced Qi into his body at that time, such a practice would certainly not be affordable for a child.

Rong Jue still remembers that at that time, his arm was so sore that he couldn't move, but he had to lift his sword. Even if he grew up later, he still had some grievances in his heart.

And now think of, Rong Jue eyes only cold.

He wanted to leave chiyunzong directly, cultivate himself again, and then come back to kill Shiqing.

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It's not difficult for Rong Jue to make a new start and avoid detours.

But he still wanted to find out why Shiqing saved him.

According to the memory of last night, the devil speculated that Shiqing didn't really want him to die.

Even if he was completely destroyed, the man on the verge of death was Shi Qing.

In this case, it is too easy to force his good master out.

He seemed to be very weak cough a few times, slowly supporting the stone table to stand out, slowly walking towards the back.

He stood on the edge of the cliff and looked down.

From here you can only see the white fog below.

When Rong Jue was the elder martial brother who was about to practice Xu, he could easily jump down from here without any damage.

And sitting on the throne of the devil, he can easily jump off.

But now, he's almost a human being.


Originally standing on the edge of the cliff as if looking at the scenery of the handsome man as if his legs softened, staggered to the ground, as if the next second is about to roll off the cliff.

The scream, and the location of the scream, was enough to make people in the house think he had fallen off a cliff.

The next moment, the originally closed door suddenly opened.

Wearing a thin blue shirt and even wearing his back, Xian Zun quickly waved his sleeve. A spiritual power fell on Rong Jue and sent him to a safer inner side.


Rong Jue struggled to get up and knelt down in the direction of Shiqing, as if grateful: "I thank you for your help."Just hang in the eye son is actually with the mood completely opposite indifference.

Sure enough, Shiqing won't let him die.

When he lifted his eyes again, there was only deep affection left.

If the former level of honor formula is 90, then the current level of magic code is 9999999 99.

It's just acting. It's too simple for him.

At the same time, it is no longer difficult to observe others for the glory formula that has become a demon.

He noticed that Shi Qing was a little uneasy when he saw his own eyes. At the same time, he didn't let go of Shiqing's pale face.

It's not so simple to send his spiritual power to other people's bodies to heal. Last night, Shiqing had to cultivate himself for at least three months before he could recover. Rong Jue deliberately led him out and wanted to see his facial expression.

He is the superior of qingjianfeng and never goes down the mountain. Apart from the excessive loss of spiritual power, what else can make him look weak.

Clearly destroyed Rong Jue's spiritual root cultivation, but he paid a lot of spiritual power to heal his wounds.

Rong Jue in the bottom of my heart when clear want to use him to do something.

After all, his master never concealed his bad feelings towards him, but last night, all his actions showed that Shiqing loved him very much.


Rong Jue in the heart of these two words ironically turn a circle.

Although I don't want to admit it, there is no other reason for Shi Qing to do so except for love.

If he had known this before, he would have been secretly pleased and pleased that his master was quietly taking care of himself.

But now that he knows this, he has been struggling to survive for 100 years, and the devil who has finally sat on a high position is only ridiculed in his heart.

Since he loved him secretly, why did he put on this appearance and why he destroyed him.

What Rong Jue thought and thought in his heart did not affect his skillful expression of moistening and admiring on his pale face and looking at the superior.

As in the impression, when cold with a delicate face, such as snow mountain in deep winter.

Even the voice was cold and incomparable: "since you can go up the mountain, have you cultivated yourself?"

Rong Jue's tone was grateful, and his eyes were full of admiration:

"now it's no longer in the way of walking. I'll be able to practice again in a few days."

Time Qing but way: "since you have cultivated well, leave the chiyun Zong."

Rong Jue's face was stunned.

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The white face of the emperor, who was wearing a green shirt and was more and more white, avoided his sight. He only looked at the pine trees in the distance. His white lips closed slightly and revealed his cruel words:

"now that your cultivation has been eliminated and your spiritual roots have been destroyed, you are no different from ordinary people. I have decided to tell the patriarch that you can return to the mortal world."

Rong Jue's various thoughts in his heart, however, showed the most favorable expression for his current situation without any teacher.

The handsome man, still wearing bloodstained clothes, had a reddish eye tail and a shaking body. He knelt in front of the Supreme Master and raised his face and begged bitterly:

"please, master, don't drive away the disciples. The disciples can gather spiritual power and continue to practice, master, master..."

He had stepped into the market in order to continue his practice. Naturally, these appeals were readily available.

I'm afraid that even if the heart is really hard as a stone, I'm afraid that he will be moved a little bit, but Shi Qing has no pity. Instead, he swings his sleeve and directly swings the eldest disciple aside.

His voice was indifferent: "when you came into my door, I said you didn't have a chance to be a fairy. Now I have answered my words. Even if you return to the mortal world, you can also be a rich man. What's your dissatisfaction with?"

It sounds cold.

It also looks heartless.

Rong Jue did not ignore that Shi Qing did not look at him when he said this, as if he did not dare to look at him directly.

Shiqing didn't want to kill him, just wanted him to leave the Xiuzhen world.

He had a bottom in his heart, and his heart became more and more confused.

In fact, the memory of a hundred years ago is a little vague. He only remembers that he was expelled from chiyun sect after losing his cultivation.

But now Shi Qing looks like this. He just wants to drive him out of the sect. Rong Jue thinks in his heart, and the more he pleads, the more serious he looks:

"master, I don't want to return to the mortal world. I want to stay with the master."

"As a mortal, what good end can you have if you stay in the cultivation world."

However, the Qing Dynasty still insisted: "the life span of mortals is a hundred years, and there are many. Before you go, you can bring enough gold and silver to make you a rich man in the mortal world."

Rong Jue faintly can feel the unbearable of the Qing Dynasty, but this silk can't bear to appear faintly.

His first reaction was that the hypocrite was pretending again.

But in the last night when Qing quietly came to heal him, this silk can not bear, it seems very real.

In his heart, the devil looked down and his voice was sad.

"I grew up in qingjianfeng when I was a child. My master drove me away. Where can I go? Now my cultivation is completely destroyed. It's no different from ordinary people. I go to the mortal world without the master's care. It's just like a knife board fish meat, which is insulted by others."As this sentence came out, Rong Jue was keenly aware that the jade white face of Shiqing was somewhat hesitant.

He took advantage of the heat to hit the railway:

"the disciple knew that since the spiritual root was destroyed, the fairyland was hopeless. He only asked the master to keep me in qingjianfeng, even if I was a sweeper."

"I can only live for one hundred years. If I disturb you for one hundred years, please accept me."

What he said was sad to hear and tears to see.

Having said that, the elder disciple of qingjianfeng, who has always been a proud man, kowtowed heavily: "please, master!"

The seemingly high-ranking master was really silent and didn't talk about driving him away.

Rong Jue knelt on his knees and continued:

"knowing the intention of the master to let his disciples leave the practice world, I was worried that I would be bullied if I didn't have the cultivation. But now I am a useless person. Even if I enter the mortal world, if I don't bring money, I will be destitute for the rest of my life. If I take money with me, it will be like a three-year-old child walking into the market with gold, or I will be a man-made sword and a fish 。”

With that, he said in a firm tone: "if so, the master might as well give his disciples a death. I would rather die clean in qingjianfeng than die in other places."

In fact, he was right. In his last life, he became a waste man. Shiqing gave him a lot of gold and silver and drove him away.

A disabled man who can't even hold a sword appears in the mortal world with so much gold and silver. Isn't it just a three-year-old child holding gold in a busy market?

In my last life, Rong Jue almost died.

If he didn't fall off the cliff, he happened to get the inheritance of the demon clan. I'm afraid he didn't know he had the blood of the demon family.

At that time, the devil decided that the gold and silver given to him by Shiqing not only showed his kindness, but also wanted to kill him, a useless man who could not protect himself.

But now, Rong Jue slightly raised his head and looked at the jade figure shaped by ice and snow. His expression was cold and clear, and he felt his hesitation from his slightly twisted eyebrows.

From his point of view, you can see the slender fingers hanging on his side.

Slender white, trim nails with light pink, is very beautiful.

But at the moment, such a good-looking finger but entangled slightly curled up, index finger and big finger uneasy staggered, unconscious friction.

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He hesitated.

Because he was worried that he would drive rongjue out of the cultivation world, the fate of rongjue would really become what he said.

In the end, the seemingly expressionless shangzun clenched his fist, hid it under his sleeve and made a decision.

"Since you insist on doing so, I will allow you to stay in qingjianfeng."

It's a different road from my previous life.

Different from the teacher in my memory.

Even though he had experienced too much, Rong Jue could not tell whether his memory of Shiqing in his last life was really like that, or whether he could not detect Shi Qing's real attitude towards him from the clues.

He only showed just the right joy on his face, just like the stupid self a hundred years ago:

"thank you for your success

Rong Jue continues to kowtow, but the finger on the ground moves slightly.

A trace of small evil spirit floated into the upper Zun blue shirt.

He had just lost a lot of spiritual power. It was the weakest moment when Shiqing didn't notice.

He is still a tone of Indifference: "nothing to quit."

"As a teacher Oh

When Qingyu white face showed pain, slender fingers pressed in the chest, feet almost can not stand.


Rong Jue stood up nervously with his face, and held the man who was about to fall. His hand fell on the other side's slender waist: "are you ok?"

While saying the words of concern, and at the same time controlling the tiny evil Qi to continue to invade the heart vein that supports.

The system lights up the alarm immediately: "host!! Something's coming into your heart! ]

the system is proud to raise the data: [but don't be afraid, I've stopped the host! ]

Shiqing's voice is smiling: [dear, don't stop it. Let it in. I'm useful, but the pain can be shielded. ]

System: [???)??? ]

it doesn't understand.

I don't understand.

But that doesn't stop him from being obedient!

Rong Jue is satisfied to find out whether it is Shi Qing's great vitality now, or because he has become a waste man, Shiqing no longer has to guard against it, and his evil Qi smoothly enters the other party's heart.


Covering his chest with white face, he stood up straight and waved his sleeve to let the eldest disciple leave: "you go back first Oh

Shiqing seems to be more painful, shaking body uncontrollably fell into the disciple's arms.

He can hardly cry when he has grown up.

Of course, it's just an illusion.

How could the superior who wanted to face cry in front of his disciples, but this did not prevent Rong Jue from seeing the other side's slightly red eyes and the light and repressed panting sound.He is a tall man. Even if he is injured now, he can easily hold his master in his arms.

Feeling the other party's soft and powerless body, because of the pain close to him, Rong Jue realized that the master, who had been longing to eat his meat and drink his blood during his midnight dreams for more than 100 years, was so delicate and soft.

When he just realized that he was born again, Rong Jue's thought did not change except to find out the truth that he didn't see in his last life, but he didn't change when he killed Shiqing.

But now, pinch the soft waist.

Back to the devil a hundred years ago, suddenly there is a new way of revenge.

What is more humiliating to the other party than to break the wings of the upper statue in the shape of a jade figure and crush it on the couch?

He was oppressed and subdued by his own disciple, who was raised by him.

Can you still respect Shiqing shangzun?

Listen to the ear teacher because of pain and thin weak panting, Rong Jue will directly hold the other side up.

In the place where the master could not see, the corners of his lips rose slightly, and his eyes were full of potential.

"I'll take you back to your room, master."

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