Rong Jue in the last life into the demon world, and Xiuzhen world confrontation.

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He is too aware of the weakness of the cultivator.

All practitioners lead the spirit as the body and run in the elixir field. Aura is too important for them.

A practitioner's aura must be pure and pure. If he is slightly infected by the evil Qi, he will feel extremely painful and weak. If he is serious, he will be possessed by the devil. His cultivation will be destroyed and he will become a waste man. What's more, he will take the dog belt directly.

Now, when he lost his aura, Shiqing was invaded by him.

His evil Qi will always be hidden there, just as Shi Qing's aura is hidden in his elixir field. As long as Rong Jue thinks about it and moves his mind a little bit, his evil Qi will invade the Qingxin pulse and bring the other party's sharp pain.

In other words, it is whether Shiqing's life can be preserved completely in the thought of rongjue.

The devil could have turned his face directly, and once he had revenged his resentment, he could have asked Shiqing why he wanted to destroy his spiritual roots, and at the same time, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of spiritual power to protect his life.

But now, holding the body powerless, nest in his arms issued bursts of breathing on the upper Zun, rongjue has only one idea.

This is high, carrying a gentleman's face, but to him to make evil hypocrites press on the couch, let him also feel what it is like to be a fish.

Rong Jue strides into the house.

Whether in this life or in his previous life, he has gone from the future to the Qing residence.

As soon as you enter the door, you will find the fragrance of Fengmu in the room.

He frowned, but did not show anything, but toward the couch with a clear goal.

The bed of clouds was spread on the couch of Shiqing.

Cloud bed and Phoenix wood incense, but also expensive luxury goods, as the name implies, people lying on it is as comfortable as lying on the cloud.

However, most practitioners don't care about their quality of life. Most of the cloud beds are sold to the second generation of practitioners who can't practice.

Rong Jue is not surprised why he used the cloud bed. He was brought up by his predecessor. Otherwise, he would not humiliate his disciples so wantonly.


The man in his arms is already in a vague state of pain, and his forehead is dripping with sweat, and even his breath is weak.

The devil easily put the other party on the cloud bed, and was about to release his hand, but the man who closed his eyes in pain suddenly grasped his sleeve.

Slender white fingers force to the point of white, but weak to rongjue easy to wave down.

The prey fell into the net, and the devil had no need to cover up. His originally sunny and handsome face was slightly raised, and his eyes were dark.

Rong Jue pressed down the body, and the Qing face-to-face, is a close to the dangerous distance.

From this angle, he can clearly see Shiqing's slightly wrinkled eyebrows and her red lips pursed because of pain.

It's a beauty indeed.

The devil thought, stretched out his hand, as Qing did last night, gently pushed the scattered hair of the upper Zun away.

He opened his mouth. There was no worry in his voice. Instead, he was full of contentment: "master?"

Rong Jue does not worry at all, when Qing can discover his mistake.

What can we do if we find it.

Now Shiqing's life has been in his hands, and there are many prohibitions here. Even if he did something to Shiqing, no one in chiyunzong could find out.

Obviously, the trapped master couldn't find something wrong with him. Shiqing, who was breathing hard because of pain, didn't even open his eyes.

Shangzun gasped weakly. He could hardly bear the pain, and his voice was trembling:

"don't you Don't go west. "

West side?

Rong Jue looked back at the place where Shi Qing said that his magic power was practicing at a very fast speed. When he looked at the past, he could clearly see that there was a ban. The seemingly ordinary wall was actually covered with all kinds of rare treasures.

The smile of his mouth gradually cooled down, and he looked back coldly and sarcastically at the thin white hand that held tightly to his sleeve.

It is worthy of Shiqing shangzun.

Even at this time, he was determined to protect his babies.

In the eyes of his good master, he may be the kind of crazy and rebellious person who can steal treasures.

In this way, he is a rebellious person, and he should do something too much.

The devil's pity for his beautiful face soon disappeared. He was impatient and his hand fell directly on the upper Zun's belt.

The belt made of cloud Satin slides down with his movements, and the broad and light blue shirt is free of restraint, and soon it slides to both sides.

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The beautiful woman has black hair and blue shirt.

Soon, the only thing left in Shiqing was the middle coat.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he bent down with a smile. His eyes were black and heavy, which was even more black than the water in the upper magic pool of the demon kingdom.

His voice was a little hoarse, and the ending was joyful: "master, are you hot? I will help you undress. "The emperor still felt nothing because he was trying to resist the pain. He was singing in a soft voice.

Rong Juquan, when he was tacit, reached out his hand with a pleasant mood of opening gifts and fell on the other party's middle coat.

With the master's rapid breathing, the chest of the Lord fluctuated and fell, which also brought a little trouble to the devil's action.

Rong Jue could have been lifted directly, but he didn't.

He enjoyed the feeling of slowly unveiling, especially when his body was aware of the danger and was struggling to move, calling his name with a trill or even a cry tone.

"Rong Jue..."

The devil took hold of the hand that he held on to his sleeve, and grasped the slender wrist that seemed to break with a little movement.

He maliciously clenched and watched the master unable to wriggle and struggle because of pain.

"Master, I'm here."

"You, don't go to the west side..."

The man on the couch repeated it with difficulty.

Rong Jue's sarcasm is more serious in his eyes. He does not delay any more. His hand falls on the other party's collar, and then goes up, which is the beautiful slender neck.

The owner of the neck is still saying softly:

"well I have put a ban on you, and you are now and now completely destroyed. If you touch the prohibition, you will be killed. "

The Lord's hand stopped.

He looked at his eyes tightly closed. Bai Shengsheng's face was full of sweat.

Pain let him not once high, become like a human general weak pitiful.

He put his other hand on his heart, and the corner of his eye was overflowing with a drop of crystal tears. He was unable to sink into the cloud bed. His beautiful and slender white neck was broken in pain, like a white swan stepping on a trap.

It's like it's going to hurt like a faint.

No one knows better than Rong Jue how much pain the evil Qi invades the heart.

Even though he was a half disabled man at that time, his spiritual power still remained.

If you want to turn to magic cultivation, it is equivalent to scraping the remaining aura in his body with a knife a little bit, and then the magic Qi will enter the body.

When it comes to the heart pulse, it's like throwing the whole heart into the oil pan and frying repeatedly.

It took a month for Rong Jue to turn to magic cultivation.

It also hurt for a month.

In a month, he suffered from several times to faint, and then woke up in the syncope. He could not hear the sound from his ears and his mouth could not open. He even wanted to hang himself without this strength.

At that time, he swore in his heart that he would live and must live.

Live to the moment of revenge.

He must let Shiqing have a good taste of this kind of pain, and then he can be relieved of the hatred in his heart!

But now, it's time to feel the pain.

But in such pain to let him avoid danger.

Rong Jue looked at the man trapped in the cloud bed.

Finally, he took back the hand that had fallen on the collar.

His mind moved, and the evil Qi which had been carefully tested at the time of clearing his heart pulse was immediately quiet and dormant. He hid himself quietly, as if nothing had happened.

With the evil Qi no longer moving, the pain on Shi Qingyu's white face calmed down at the speed visible to the naked eye. He breathed gently, his chest was still up and down, and his tightly wrinkled eyebrows relaxed slowly.

After the pain, he fell asleep.

Only Yu Rong Jue sat beside the bed, looking at the time Qing with his heavy eyes.

That's it.

The devil sneered, and his hand fell on the upper Zun's slightly flushed cheek, gently feeling the tenderness of this.

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In any case, it's better for him to stay in chiyunzong just like this.

The realm of his last life was beyond the admiration of the chiyun patriarch. Now, with the reputation of a disabled man, his cultivation is simple.

Stay here for him to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this good master.

When you get a good sleep.

In addition to waking up because of sweating and a little uncomfortable, other places are also refreshing.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found something wrong in the room.

It seems to be cleaner. The furnishings are all set right. There seems to be a smell of roast chicken floating in the wind.

The smell of roasted chicken spread, and the saliva in the mouth was always secreted.

He had already passed the period of Pigu. Of course, he didn't have to eat, but he didn't mean he didn't want to eat.

It's good to be a monk. It's just that you don't eat. It's a bit grinding.

Rong Jue is absolutely hearing and seeing now, when Qing all wakes up, he hasn't moved, obviously is to continue to pretend to be a disabled person.

"Who's out there?" he asked

The elder disciple, who was still wearing the clothes stained with blood and still pale, walked in quickly with an expression of admiration"Master, it's a disciple."

Sitting on the cloud bed on the Zun slightly frowned: "Why are you here?"

Rong Jue: "master, have you forgotten? Before that, you seemed to have angina pectoris, so I sent you to the room. "

When he said this, he felt ashamed on a handsome face, as if he felt ashamed and remorse himself and bowed his head: "the disciple is a disabled person now. He has no strength even to go down the mountain. He can't help the master to call people. He can only stay here."

Shi Qing: [small sample, it's quite similar. ]

he moved his body. As soon as he was about to get up, Rong Jue strode forward, naturally helped him to stand up, and asked with concern on his face:

"how is master feeling now? The disciple also noticed that the master's body seemed to be very weak, and you have been covering your heart. This is a symptom of great loss of aura? "


As expected by Rong Jue, the master waved his sleeve and pushed him away. He didn't mention the topic of the loss of spiritual power. He returned to the cold and repulsive appearance again.

"It's just some old disease. It's OK."

Finish saying, he glanced at Rong Jue again: "I will pass on a person to come up to send you down the mountain."

Rong Jue also did not object, cleverly should say: "yes, I respect my teacher."

He could clearly feel that Shi Qing's attitude towards him seemed to be more gentle.

Is it because he has become a disabled person, or is it because of his "unchanged" attitude?

A green shirt on the Zun did not notice that his hair is a little messy, and then carrying that pair of cold face, it seems that some people laugh.

Shi Qing: "what flavor?"

Rong Jue said in a warm voice, "now that I have become a mortal, I can't make a valley any more. Just now I was a little hungry, I caught a pheasant and roasted it."

He said, with a smile on his brow and eyes, and the little sun said, "I baked it when I was a child. I didn't expect that it was not strange when I was big. The taste is very good. Do you want to eat it? I will bring it to the master. "

When he finished, Rong Jue did not wait for his reply. He turned around and went outside. When he turned back, he took a roasted chicken wrapped in leaves and covered with golden yellow oil, which was emitting a strong fragrance.

He passed the roast chicken to Shiqing's eyes with a smile: "master, taste the craftsmanship of my disciples."

Shi Qing looked at the roast chicken with "eat me, eat me" written all over the body in front of him, and hesitated to move his fingers.

It's a pity that he is a practitioner who can build a valley.

Looking at not cannibalism between the fireworks on the face of a cold, skimming his face not to see: "this is mortal, what can be tasted."

The little sun rongjue's face immediately showed the loss, the expression quite some uncomfortable drooped the head, the tone all dropped eight percent.

"Yes, the disciple himself became a mortal, almost forgetting that practitioners do not eat worldly things."

He raised his face and tried to squeeze out a bitter smile. He handed the roast chicken to himself. "Please don't argue with my disciples."

Rong Jue said this, originally also full of cold, in the face of mortal things to avoid the upper Zun eyelashes micro micro micro movement.

Although there is still no expression on his face, Rong Jue can clearly feel that the upper respect in front of him seems to be somewhat at a loss.

In order to accidentally stab his disciple's wound and do not know what to do?

He lowered his eyes, covered the fundus of his eyes and thought deeply. He still made a pitiful look and tried to squeeze out a smile: "master, the disciple will go out first."

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As soon as I turned around, I heard a faint voice coming from behind: "wait a minute."

He stood still, the more black eyes, obediently turned around: "master?"

Not cannibalism between fireworks, has always been cold on the face of the Reverend, expressionless to his hand.

"Bring it."

Rong Jue's face immediately showed a big smile, very surprised appearance, will hold the roast chicken in front of the master.

Looking at the golden and fragrant roasted chicken in front of him, he frowned slightly and looked a little disgusted.

"What about bamboo chopsticks?"

Rong Jue quickly replied: "no chopsticks, master, just tear it off and eat it. The roast chicken is very clean."

The brow of the superior is more and more severe.

As if to say: tearing to eat, too indecent.

The most intimate disciple immediately asked, "is master afraid of oil?"

"I will serve you."

He said, and without waiting for a clear answer, he stretched out his hand, tore off a piece of meat, and handed it to the upper side of his ruddy lips.

Still quite sunny smile, eyes as if there is no haze: "master, don't worry, disciple just passed."

When Qing this just wrung eyebrow, slightly open mouth, try to eat that piece of meat into.

Just after eating that piece of meat, the intimate elder disciple handed another piece of meat in the past.

The master frowned and looked at him. After touching the smile of the disciple sunshine, he seemed helpless to lower his head and forced himself to continue eating.Rong Jue pushed forward and continued to feed each other.

On the surface, he was respectful to Shiqing, but actually he was testing the bottom line of this master.

He couldn't think of it, and at the same time took it for granted.

Even now, the master, who still has a cold face in front of him, has almost no bottom line for his apprentice who should have hated and rejected him.

Action, perhaps is too careful, is feeding his Rong Jue suddenly feel his fingers have a wet slide.

When Qing should not be aware of, is still twisting eyebrows, while gently biting a piece of meat with white teeth.

Because of eating meat, the red lips became more and more bright.

It seems that this face, which always appears light and indifferent in the past, is also a bit more colorful.

The devil's heavy eyes were staring at the emperor.

Why didn't you find out before.

He is a master. His appearance is rare in the three realms.

The roast chicken was finally divided equally by Shi Qing and Rong Jue.

After eating, rongjue was sent down the mountain by the people called by Shiqing, and Shiqing was comfortable to the couch.

[comfortable! ]

he boasted to the system:

did you see that Rong Ju and I were just kind to each other, and he fed me half a chicken alone. ]

System: [ But although the host you and Rong you ate toad together ]

time clear: [etc. ]

System: [? ]

Shi Qing: [if you don't talk about chickens, you and I are really colorful. ]

System: [ ]

System: [Wuwuwuwu host, don't make fun of me at this time. You were very harmonious just now, but the rejection degree of rongjue was still 500, which did not drop at all!! ]

Shi Qing lies on the couch, stares at the tassels above, and closes his eyes comfortably: [don't worry, the world is stable, OK, sleep. ]

System: [ ]


Where is the stability!

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As for Rong Jue's exclusion, he didn't directly come to kill the division on the spot, which was already very polite.

And the most important thing is that the host has only one month!

It's been two days now!

Two days!

The system is careful: [host, do we want to discuss ]

time clear; [zzzzzzzzzzzz ]

System: Oh, woo, woo, woo.

Time is just passing by in the anxiety of the system.

Shiqing went back to sleep again.

In other words, another day has passed since the deadline of one month.

He was still not in a hurry, or he should meditate and fish when he should fish.

The system has given up the struggle.

The rongjue at the foot of the mountain is to practice magic while thinking about how to get close to Shiqing.

Now rebirth once, the honor formula that had been on the throne of the devil in the last life is not interested in sitting in this position again.

He just wanted to find out what happened to his good teacher.

Last life's step by step pressure, move to death, this life even seems to have become another secret.

Even if he still hates Shiqing, he wants to kill the other party immediately to vent his anger. If he doesn't know why Shiqing is so capricious, rongjue is not easy to start with.

He regained the memory of this period in his previous life.

It's a little vague, but he still remembers that he didn't get expelled from chiyunzong at the beginning of his last life, but he still lived at the foot of the mountain. At first, although he felt pain and became a mortal again, he had some maladjustment, but it was good to have younger martial brothers and younger sisters to take care of him.

But soon, the younger martial brothers and sisters all came to the bottleneck period and began to close down. It was very common for a monk to close down for ten days and a half months. However, for the glory formula which had become a mortal at that time, it was just that there were no two supporters who would protect him.

His predecessor was chiyun Zong, a famous genius. Naturally, many people did not like him.

These are not satisfactory in his own strength online, when he was still a big disciple of qingjianfeng.

However, after he became a disabled man and was obviously rejected by his master, those who once hated rongjue but could not do anything about him were eager to try.

A grandson of shangzun was the first one to step out of the well and hit the stone. He wanted to kneel down on the ground to climb the school dog and drill under his crotch.

At that time, Rong Jue was full of humiliation. Naturally, he didn't want to. He was beaten by those people and nearly lost his life. Finally, he passed on him one by one.

He was on the door, and he was desperate.

These things are still fresh in my mind. He still remembers the faces of those people clearly, but he can't remember the name of the man. After all, when he first entered the magic cultivation, he happened to meet the man and killed him with his own hands.There's nothing to remember about a dead man's name.

But now, this person can be a good use of the object.

At this time in his last life, Rong Jue had guessed that the person who destroyed his spiritual root was his most respected teacher. When humiliated by those people, he would not ask for help from Shiqing.

But in my life

Think of that obviously do not like, but for his word, forced to endure a frown to eat roast chicken on the top of the shape.

Rong Jue had a new decision in his heart.

So, in the time of cleaning incense, suddenly heard a cry for help: "master help me!"

It was Rong Jue who crushed every apprentice's master Yujue and asked him for help.

He immediately got up and put on a piece of clothing at will, and rushed to the foot of the mountain, ushered in a look very embarrassed, in fact, no injury at all.

But after Rong Jue, there are some chiyun sect disciples who seem to be very arrogant and have no hurt, but their heart veins are almost full of evil Qi.

His mortal disciple thrust himself into his arms and trembled vividly.

However, there was no pity in his heart.

After all, there's still a little bit of difference in body size.

A big bear pounced on a sika deer.

Sika deer will pity each other.

In particular, the big bear pinched his waist with his hand, and buried his face in front of him, thinking that no one had noticed that he was taking advantage of him.

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