For the first time, Shi Qing discovered that some people were more skillful than him.

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Seeing his big bear apprentice pitifully shrinking in his arms, his voice was stuffy: "thank you very much, master. If it's not the master, the disciple will die."

After finishing this sentence, Rong Jue can feel the body being held by him is stiff. The waist is so thin that it can be grasped by one hand. The master tentatively reaches out his hand and pushes him. Rong Jue pretends not to feel it. Not only is he not pushed away, but also he is holding more tightly.

Shiqing shangzun should still want to push him away, but those who are chasing rongjue have come.

"You dare to run. I won't treat you today..."

The head of that is put hard words to leave, a line of sight up, and face condensation, is cold looking at their own time Qing on.

His face turned white, and he knelt down on one knee in a hurry, and made a junior salute: "I've seen the superior."

The eldest brother knelt down, and the younger brother immediately knelt down with fear, and his voice was quite unified.

"I've seen you, master!"

When Qing looked at several people kneeling on the opposite side.

The head of the group is very much in line with the cannon fodder appearance. His eyes are crooked and his mouth is slanting. Obviously, he is wearing the same clothes of the chiyun sect disciple as Rong Jue, but he just wears the feeling of a horror film.

He looked away in disgust and asked in a cold voice, "which peak are you from?"

"Disciple, disciple Chi xiafeng, Zhang Shuhui."

The people behind him immediately followed, and they were all late xiafeng.

When Qing is still cold face: "you late xiafeng people are good prestige, unexpectedly ran to my qingjianfeng, to hurt my qingjianfeng disciples."

As soon as the words came out, people kneeling on the ground all shrunk a little.

Zhang Shuhui was even more bitter. He had inquired about Rong Jue before he came here. It was said that Rong Jue was not liked by Shiqing shangzun, and even dragged his injury to be treated. That's why he had the courage to come to find trouble.

If you have time to ask for justice for a little disciple you don't like, what's more, all the rongjue are useless now, so it's unnecessary.

But ghost knows what happened to this boy. He is no longer as proud as before. Instead, he runs and shouts for help when he sees them.

He had almost reached the stage of practicing emptiness before. He was the first disciple of qingjianfeng. He would not be ashamed!

Zhang Shuhui dare to bully rongjue, but dare not offend Shi Qing.

Although the master depends on his father, who makes qingjianfeng have a wide network.

He gritted his teeth and tried to speak in his own right direction.

"Please don't misunderstand me. I admire elder martial brother Rong Jue very much. When I heard that he had an accident, he brought him to visit. Who ever thought that elder martial brother Rongju did not know why and ran away when he met us. We thought that elder martial brother Rongju was still injured, and we were afraid that something might happen to him, so we rushed to catch up with him."

Having said that, Zhang Pao Hui felt justified again.

Yes, although what he said is a bit of artistic processing, but it is not close to the fact.

Even if he has thought of countless humiliating ways in his mind, hasn't it been implemented yet?

At this thought, he immediately cleared his face of the heart, and his voice became loud: "please respect and observe, don't misunderstand me."

Shi Qing did not speak, has been "very afraid" and "carefully" in his arms Rong Jue got up first.

He didn't lie.

In his last life, the devil was really bullied and humiliated by these people. At that time, he was upright. He thought that he would let chiyun Zong make decisions for him with his injuries.

But unexpectedly, these people's shameless degree greatly surpasses at that time is an integrity son honor Jue imagination.

They got together and beat him upside down, saying that he had fallen off the road by himself, because he had become a mortal and had no spiritual power to protect his body, so he was seriously injured here.

What's more, Rong Jue had been injured before and had never been treated by a doctor. Naturally, what they said was what they said.

Finally, he was expelled from the chiyunzong, not counting his injuries, but also carrying a reputation of framing his classmates.

The devil hiding behind Shiqing, a pair of good-looking eyes as if raised a trace of smile, and then disappeared.

Once again, let these people also taste the taste of being wronged.

He carefully moved to the master's back: "master, he is lying."

The devil showed 120 points of acting skills. His face was full of pain. He bowed his head and said in a soft voice:

"disciple Ben was well cultivated in the house. These younger martial brothers suddenly burst in and said that the disciple is now a disabled person, so he should not stay in the chiyun clan. If he wants to stay, he should become a dog with them."

"Naturally, the disciples didn't want to, but they didn't care about qingjianfeng. They began to beat up their disciples. Now that their accomplishments are completely destroyed and they can't resist, they have no choice but to crush Yujue and the master laborer comes to rescue him."

Zhang Shuhui and others who watched Rong Jue open their eyes to tell lies were as follows:Fuck!

How can this man be more shameless than them!

What can't help it? He'll crush them as soon as he sees them, OK!

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In other people's eyes, just let people hate teeth itching rongjue, actually is this kind of person??!!

Zhang Puhui opened his mouth, closed it and opened it again. He was covered by Rong Jue's shameless operation. He didn't know where to start to argue.

Fortunately, he didn't speak, and his younger brothers still had long mouths.

"Nonsense! It's not like that at all

"We didn't do anything at all. You ran away."

"Yes, it's a good example."

The handsome man looks like a wolf dog who has been wronged outside. He grabs the master's sleeve and sobs pitifully:

"master, every word the disciple says is true. If the master doesn't believe it, you can see the wound on the face of the disciple. It's not them who beat him, and the difficulty is that the disciple can't do it himself."

A group of people said You did it yourself

They said why they came all the way. Rong Jue is a fast thief, but he always falls. He is waiting here.

Rong Jue stretched out his hand, and pretended not to notice the stiffness of the other party, so that his fingertips fell on his cheek:

"these injuries still have spiritual power. As we all know, I have become a disabled person. How can I use spiritual power? Master, you can see it."

What he said was serious, and Shi Qing could only feel it carefully.

"Indeed, there is still spiritual power here."

He said, wrung his eyebrows and looked at the other people kneeling on the ground with disgust.

"You broke into my qingjianfeng and hurt my disciples. Now you still want to pour dirty water on Rong Jue. Are you deceiving me that there is no one in qingjianfeng?"

A combination period on the pressure of Zun down, Zhang Pao Hui almost did not kneel down, a soft leg to the ground.

Zhang Puhui clenched his teeth and tried to squeeze out his voice from his voice: "shangzun, we really didn't do anything to elder martial brother rongjue."

Even if Rong Jue said those are similar to what they imagined, isn't it not done yet?

Shi Qing's voice was light, but his tone was impatient:

"in fact, do you want to quibble?"

"Do you want to tell you the rules in the law enforcement hall?"

If you want to damage the same sect, you should spread the protective spirit power and receive 50 sticks.

If he had done it, he might have admitted that he had done so, so that the punishment would have been heavier if the matter had become too big.

Anyway, his grandfather is late xiafeng. Even if he is punished, the senior brothers of law enforcement hall must have a proper hand.

But he didn't do it.

If he didn't, he would be punished.

Zhang Shuhui was unwilling to argue: "shangzun, disciple really..."

One side has been silent to listen to their words Rong Jue suddenly cut in: "master, since the younger martial brothers are not willing to admit, it's all."

He lowered his injured arm unnaturally, and Shi Qing leaned on his side: "the disciple is now a waste man, and he can no longer fight for the glory of qingjianfeng. The superior of Chi xiafeng is the grandfather of younger martial brother Zhang. Otherwise, younger martial brother Zhang would not be like this. If the master asked him to be punished, Zhang Cheng would certainly not allow him to be punished. Now that his disciples can no longer protect him, why should we qingjianfeng offend Chi Xia Peak. "

Zhang Shuhui:

Rong Jue first sought pity from the body of today's disabled people, and then various kinds of hints suggested that Zhang touhui dared to come to qingjianfeng to be wild only because his grandfather was superior.

Although this is a fact, but really said, it is also shangzun, Shiqing shangzun listen to Rong Jue said, endure this tone is afraid of his grandfather.

What a glorious formula!

How vicious!

He wanted to open his mouth to expose Rong Jue. He raised his eyes, but he just ran into the death ray from Shiqing.

"I don't know. In chiyun Zong, the peaks are still divided into three or six grades."

"What? Now my father is flying up to the upper world. You look at me late xiafeng, and there is no one to look after my green sword peak. Do you want to step on me to raise your prestige

Zhang Shuhui: "shangzun misunderstood. It's really not like this..."

When he touched it, he looked into his eyes, his body trembled and he did not dare to speak again.

When Qing shangzun looked at them

It's looking at the dead.

The younger brothers behind him felt the danger and shrank back in silence, hoping to shrink into a group and disappear.

Rong Jue stands behind Shiqing and looks at his angry appearance.

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That jade white beautiful face, also because of anger and revealed a little thin red, even that pair of always cold light eyes, as if with a few silk.

It's really

The devil gently raised his eyebrows, as if very afraid, and continued to lean on his master.

What he said just now was not all for revenge.What's more, I still want to test what will step on his thunder point in Shiqing's mind.

But just now, Rong Jue has been made clear.

Sure enough.

Shi Qing turned him into a waste man with his own hands, and at the same time hated others trampling on him and scolding him.

What a contradictory person.

Rong Jue remembers what he heard when he first entered the demon world. He likes to collect contradictory souls. The more contradictory they are, the more they like it.

The soul will be confined in the crystal stone, take it with you, wait until late at night, and then take it out to enjoy it.

At that time, Rong Jue thought that there was no contradictory soul in the world.

Either hate to die, or love to the heart.

But now, he actually saw such a contradictory and beautiful soul in the master he once hated most.

The devil sighed at the bottom of his heart.

It's too early to put Shi Qing in the crystal.

Wait a minute.

When he had tasted enough of his body, he could find out what he was hiding.

At that time, I will kill him with my own hands.

His beautiful soul is confined in the crystal stone, with him.

That color, it must be very nice.

The law enforcement hall has always been a solemn place. Because the punishment is too severe, the chiyun sect's disciples will try their best to avoid making mistakes, so few people come.

But today, it's really exciting here.

Some disciples quietly went to the door and looked into the scene inside.

"What happened? Why are there so many people today? "

"It is said that elder martial brother Zhang of Chi xiafeng took people to qingjianfeng and beat the elder martial brother of qingjianfeng. He happened to be hit by Shiqing shangzun. This is not the case. I'm here."


This sentence contains too much information, and many students are a little confused.

Zhang Shuhui is a person, they all know, always rely on his grandfather is late xiafeng respect wanton.

But it's too wild to rush directly to qingjianfeng to beat other people's eldest disciples.

When someone asked this question, he immediately got a well-informed answer: "you don't know. That elder martial brother rongjue doesn't seem to be very popular with shiqingshangzun. When he was injured before, shiqingshangzun didn't allow him to ask for a doctor for treatment."

"I think that's why elder martial brother Zhang dare to go to qingjianfeng."

With that, he said with emotion: "elder martial brother Zhang has taken too much for granted. Elder martial brother Rongju has been respected and raised since he was a child. I'm afraid that if he was too strict before, he also hoped that elder martial brother rongjue would become a talent as soon as possible. What happened between the master and the apprentice was not overnight. Just now I watched Shiqing shangzun go in. I'm afraid he can't be good this time."

Almost all people who know the inside story think so. They think that Zhang Pao Hui is going to take advantage of the illness to kill people. However, they didn't expect that the news was wrong and hit the iron plate.

No, it was brought directly to the law enforcement hall.

If you go down with fifty sticks, you don't need spiritual power to protect your body. How long will it take to cultivate yourself.

Kneeling in the law enforcement hall, looking at Zhang touhui, whose legs are so scared by the instruments of torture, that he is about to cry to death.

He admitted that he had done a lot of things before, and this time he really intended to do something to Rong Jue, but now he is really wronged!

The disciples who knelt down with him were crying.

"Elder martial brother Zhang, what should I do? I'm weak. If I'm beaten with 50 sticks, can I have my life?"

Zhang Shuhui doesn't want to care whether his younger brother is alive or not. He just wants to keep his butt.

Fifty sticks, I'm afraid they will be broken.

But even if he was afraid to death, he just held on to it: "panic what! I have just crushed Yujue and asked my grandfather to help me. What are you afraid of that we haven't done? "

"Don't worry, grandfather will arrive in a moment. We will kneel here first. We can't get a stick right away."

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The voice just fell, when sitting above, Qing put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a weak voice: "since we have checked it out, let's play it."

Zhang Shuhui:

My little brother

Seeing that the disciples of the law enforcement hall really came towards them with that thick big stick, Zhang Puhui, who was still holding on before, collapsed.

Kneeling on the ground and crying: "please forgive me, forgive me, we really didn't do it."

Rong Jue stands behind Shiqing, looking at the crying chapter throwing Hui on the ground with indifference.

It's as if I saw the one who was beaten in the last life, but still had to be framed as a colleague. He was dragged to the law enforcement hall and was beaten 20 times. Finally, he was lying on the floor.

At that time, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Looking forward to his master's help.

But in the end, he was almost killed by a bag of gold and silver.

Sitting on the chair, he might have noticed that Rong Jue's mood was wrong. He slightly twisted his eyebrows and turned to look at his elder disciple"But you don't feel well because the law enforcement hall has too much power?"

The spiritual power of the law enforcement hall is so heavy that it is really beyond the endurance of a mortal.

But Rong Jue is not a mortal.

He lowered his eyes and showed a gentle smile. "No, I just saw younger martial brother Zhang like this, and I couldn't bear it."

When Qing Wen speech, slightly pick eyebrows.

"Why can't you bear it? But a person who has fallen into a hole is not punished seriously enough as a teacher."

Rong Jue smiles.

Yes, it's not too much to punish those who have fallen into the well.

But if the man who threw him into the well, what punishment should he do.

They were talking, and the fight was already under way.

They were all those who had hardly suffered, and were immediately beaten and howling.

Wearing a green shirt, his appearance is exquisite enough to make people want to hold him in his arms. He is so indifferent and looks down from the top.

Behind him, he was a disciple who was loyal on the surface, but his hand fell on his master's shoulder. He was surrounded by a strong desire for aggression.

Zhang Sihui at the bottom: "ouao, ouao, ouao, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!! Please forgive me, forgive me!! Grandfather! Grandfather, help me

After nearly ten strokes, a middle-aged man suddenly stepped into the room: "wait a minute!"

The disciples of the law enforcement hall saluted one after another:

"I have seen you."

It was late xiafeng's Zhang Cheng.

As soon as he arrived, he saw his grandson dying of beating. His heart was filled with hatred and pain. His sharp sight suddenly fell on the head of his body when he looked at him coldly.

"When Qing Dynasty respected the prestige, when I came, I still sat in such a stable state."

After that, his eyes fell on Rong Jue behind Shiqing, and his expression was even more gloomy. "If there is a master, he will bring out his disciples. The master is not sensible and even his disciples are so unruly."

Shiqing chuckled at the corner of his lips and waved his sleeve, but he did not stand up. He continued to sit quietly:

"Zhang chengshangzun is joking. You and I are both shangzun. Are you coming? Do you want me to be a disciple

"My disciple was seriously injured by your grandson. Now it's my spiritual strength to stand here. The Reverend Zhang Cheng asked him to salute hard. Is it not enough to look at your good grandson who did harm to my disciple?"

He and Zhang Cheng are not polite, but the sight of Rong Jue behind him is a little more complicated.

In Rong Jue's impression, Shi Qing was always careful in chiyun Zong because his accomplishments were not as good as others.

It is for this reason that he despises him. A shangzun, who is gentle and smiles at everyone outside, returns to qingjianfeng and shows his authority to his disciples. If he had not inherited his father's position, he would not have been able to sit in the position of Supreme Master in any case.

But now, Shi Qing, who has always been cautious in his words and deeds, has been confronting Zhang Cheng, who is also respected by the emperor.

The reason is that Rong Jue was injured.

On the one hand, Rong Jue was shocked, on the other hand, he tried to control what he thought.


How could it be for him.

If he really valued him so much, in his last life, when he was detained in the law enforcement hall, framed as a mortal and seriously injured body, and punished, where was Shi Qing.

However, it was his provocation that had an effect before, and Shiqing tried to protect his face.

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Rong Jue is surprised, and Zhang Cheng is surprised that Shiqing dare to speak to himself like this.

After surprise, there is anger.

Is he still afraid of a man who has inherited the position of superior only by fighting for his father?

In the period of integration, if Shi Qing had not had a good father, how could the emperor of qingjianfeng get him to sit in turn.

Zhang Cheng sneered: "when Qing shangzun is now planning to tear a face with me late xiafeng?"

Shi Qing waved his sleeve and dusted his face: "what did Zhang chengshang Zun say? Now your grandson has broken into my qingjianfeng and murdered my disciples. If we were not the two of us, I would have cleaned the door for you."

"Where is he sent to the law enforcement hall with such kindness as he is now?"

Zhang Cheng iron green face, looking at the sun son lying on the chair: "throw Hui, can there be such a thing?"

Zhang Shuhui: "I..."

Rong Jue suddenly said, "I can make a heart demon oath. What I said just now is not a word of falsehood. Younger martial brother Zhang dares to swear that you just said to my master that you came to visit me in qingjianfeng. Is that true?"

Zhang Shuhui:

He didn't dare.

Zhang Cheng, who is familiar with his son's temper, was livid at the sight of his grandson's utterance:

"why do you want to do this? You are doing harm to others but not to yourself!"

Zhang Shuhui said I don't have one. "

The top of the green shirt Zun slowly stood up: "since there is no, then set up a heart demon oath."

Zhang Shuhui; "

Zhang Cheng: "is there any?"Zhang Shuhui:

Zhang Shuhui: "yes..."

Zhang Cheng said:

Everyone else came, but the grandson gave him such a show.

But he has always been protecting his short comings. Even if he knew that his grandson had done something wrong, he didn't want Zhang touhui to really get through the fifty strokes.

He gritted his teeth and stood straight. He looked up at the top of his green shirt and said, "Shiqing, they are young children. They are just aggressive. If not, I'm good at refining pills. You know that. In the next ten years, you can take chi xiafeng pills at will, on the condition that you let my grandson go."

Zhang Cheng thought clearly.

Although he is now backward, it doesn't mean he won't get it back later. Anyway, the talent of qingjianfeng is withering, and shangzun Shiqing has only a suitable period. At that time, it is not easy for him to find the court.

Now the most important thing is to save his grandson first.

He thought well, but on the top of his blue shirt, Zun didn't move, and his red lips opened slightly, revealing a word:


"Today, he deceived my disciples. I will let the whole chiyun clan know who can and who can't

With that, Shiqing looked at the law enforcement hall disciple, "what are you doing? Give me a call."

The howl rang through the law enforcement hall again.

Zhang Cheng's face was dark. When he stood there, his sight was as if he was killing his father's enemies.

When the fight was over, he lifted up his grandson.

"Good!! Good, you are a good time, Qing shangzun!! If so, don't blame me! In the future, I will be late to xiafeng! We will never supply you a pill of qingjianfeng again

Seeing the other side go, Rong Jue looks more and more complicated. He carefully pulls Shi Qing's sleeve: "master, it's not worth it to offend late xiafeng for my disciples."

When Qing is still that pair of indifferent appearance: "have nothing to do with you."

The more he is like this, the more complex his eyes flash out.

The devil bowed his head and looked at the green sleeve he held in his hand and slowly tightened his hand.


What the hell are you thinking.

But Shi Qing was still thinking: "within three days, he would have known the whole chiyun clan.

The reason why he used drugs all the time was that he had the wrong peak.

Real talent skills, but point to the pill.

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