A longevity pill.

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Or a lead to Danxia longevity pill.

In this way, under the eyes of several venerable masters, they were fed to a disciple whose spiritual roots were abandoned and could not step into the fairyland in the future.

But they can't say anything, because the longevity pill is refined for the disciples.

Several of you are heartache and heartache.

This is longevity pill!!

Even if they are faced with this pill which can increase the life span of at least 100 years, they are still yearning for it.

After all, there is a long way to go. It is like walking in the dark at night with an eye mask on. No one knows if he will fall off the cliff next time. In case the realm is dead or alive for some reason, the longevity pill is the last hope.

A hundred years later, maybe in this hundred years, the cultivation of the realm will be improved again, and the life span will be prolonged.

The longer you live, the more you cherish your life, and so do some of you who respect nature.

Because of their status, it's not easy to pull down their faces and say, "why do you give it to me?" they can only chat up and say:

"I didn't expect that you would refine alchemy."

"Yes, you are a child that I grew up with. I didn't know you could make alchemy."

With that, some people looked at Zhang Cheng with a smile: "when we came, we couldn't believe it. After all, you were all not Dan masters on qingjianfeng. Before that, Zhang Cheng respected him and said that Danxia might have been introduced by his late xiafeng disciple. Unexpectedly, it was you."


When Qingguo really looked to the Zhang Cheng who was standing there, he said with a smile: "speaking of it, we should also thank Zhang Cheng for the respect."

"If it had not been for the emperor's order to stop supplying me with qingjianfeng pills, how could I have tried to make pills by myself? If not, I would not have found that I still had some talents in alchemy. It took me more than an hour to refine two life prolonging pills. It seems that I am more suitable for late xiafeng."

Zhang Cheng said:

More than one hour??!!

At this time, it's really a talent of Dan master!!

He wants to show his prestige to this younger generation, but how can he become a new talent for him??

His face was blue and white, but there was no retort for the pills.

Even Zhang Cheng didn't dare to turn his face.

He sniffed danxiang between his nose and looked at Danxia in the sky. He already knew that he was not only losing an adult this time.

Now a new skill suddenly appears in Shiqing, which is better than his skill in business with his late xiafeng. These old foxes will surely have to switch their guns again.

Zhang Cheng is right.

To help a young man who is addicted to drugs is different from helping a person who can refine Danxia.

Especially for these masters.

It seemed that they suddenly found out all the advantages of Shiqing's younger generation, and they were all amiable.

"When you were young, I knew you had a great future. Although your father has been promoted now, we still have to take care of it. Since you have talent in pills, you can concentrate on your research."

"Yes, it took more than one hour to refine the longevity pill, but it still attracted Danxia. Even if it was Zhang chengshang, I'm afraid it's very rare."

"No, it's not. Zhang Cheng, the master of alchemy who practiced since childhood, has no idea. It is better than you who have never been exposed to alchemy."

When Qing looked at Zhang Cheng, whose face became more and more ugly, his smile did not change: "we still have to rely on Zhang Cheng. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't start refining alchemy."

Yeah, that's right.

If he didn't have a conflict with Zhang Cheng, he blocked the whole qingjianfeng. Since he was young, Jin Zunyu was noble. How could Shi Qing try to make alchemy by himself.

However, although he said so, the masters would not really think that Shi Qing said this in gratitude.

They all smile at each other and give each other the right look.

It seems that in the future, it should be far away from Zhang Cheng.

But first of all, their eyes fell on the remaining longevity pill: "Shiqing, this longevity pill, what are you going to do?"

Qingshanshang Zun pretended that he didn't understand their hint. He put the pill into the ring and said with a smile, "I still have him."

"As you all know, the longevity pill that can produce Danxia is really rare."

"Yes, yes, yes."

"That's right. It's natural to take such rare pills."

Several of them all laughed and tried carefully: "if we want pills in the future, can Shiqing refine them for us?"

This time, Shiqing agreed happily.

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"Naturally, if you have any pills you want in the future, just come to me. You don't need any reward. You can bring enough herbs."

Anyway, every time he comes out of the stove, he is almost twice as much as the other Dan masters, and then he will take a double pill.As soon as the words came out, the elders' faces immediately showed a smile.

"I knew you were a good-natured man," he boasted

"Thank you so much. If you can use me in the future, you must do your best."

As for Zhang Cheng, whose face is very ugly, who cares.

However, he was just a Dan master. He really thought that the whole chiyun sect depended on the pills refined by him late xiafeng. He looked like his nostrils were facing the sky every day, even though his grandson ran rampant in the chiyun clan.

Before that, they could also worry about Chi xiafeng's supply of whole pills. The most important thing was that the pills used by the disciples were good and could be bought in the market. However, when they reached their level, the pills to be used could not be refined by ordinary Dan masters.

Chiyunzong is a sword cultivation school, so Zhang Cheng can stand out.

But now, he is no longer the only Dan master who can supply the venerable masters.

Shiqing is more powerful than him, can speak more, has a better attitude, and even doesn't charge any fees. Isn't it clear at a glance which one to choose?

On this day, many disciples saw the masters coming down from qingjianfeng. Shiqing shangzun gave them gifts, and they all returned the gifts with a friendly smile.

A happy look.

Some slow disciples didn't notice, but those who were sensitive knew that qingjianfeng and Chi xiafeng were fighting against each other in this arena, and other masters were standing in line with qingjianfeng.

But why?

Without waiting for these disciples to think clearly, Shiqing shangzun of qingjianfeng turned out to be a Danshi genius that had never been discovered, and soon spread throughout the whole chiyun sect.

Even the whole world of practice.

At this moment, almost the whole Xiuzhen world was shocked.

Of course, they were not shocked that Shiqing, who inherited the sword Xiufeng of qingjianfeng, was actually a Dan master.

They were shocked that he had just started refining pills at the beginning of his life. He could actually refine Danxia's longevity pill.

Longevity pill!!!

I'm afraid that he will be able to walk horizontally in the future.

After all, the reason why Danshi has a special status is that all the great powers with high accomplishments all ask for from the master.

Before that, when Qing and late xiafeng were hard and hard, and many people thought that qingjianfeng should be cool under the leadership of this superior.

To my surprise, he actually fought back from the Jedi.

And, in an unexpected way.

After creating many practitioners who shocked the chin, Shi Qing still practiced in his own house as before.

The difference is, this time, he had more disciples around him to serve him.

In the morning, he gargles his face, eats three meals a day, and even washes his feet at night.

I can't see that there is a cruel devil in the heart of such a gentle disciple.

Rong Jue seems to have been bought by the longevity pill, more respect for the master.

If it wasn't for the fact that he didn't reject him, Shi Qing might have believed it.

Because in the Qing Dynasty, the element of "refining longevity pill" had always been regarded as a high status in zongmen. In fact, he was a half marginalized figure, and he was finally exposed in the eyes of the high-level zongmen.

Especially after he refined three stoves of Da Yuan man pills and sent them to the zongmen storehouse.

On the tenth day of Shiqing's coming to the world, the patriarch sent a disciple to deliver a key to Shiqing.

The disciple respectfully said, "master Tao, this is the key to the secret place. This time, I have got five keys. One key can take one person into the secret place, and it will be opened in 19 days. Then shangzun can take one person into the secret place."

Rong Jue, who followed the master's side, moved his eyes slightly.

This secret place key is usually used as a big reward for those who contribute to the sect. After all, the secret place is so large, there are so many treasures, but there are so few keys. Even if you go in and pick it up, you won't go back empty handed.

In his last life, Wei Xuan's secret place was also this time, but in his last life, he didn't ask for help from Shiqing, and Shiqing didn't fight with Chi xiafeng for him.

Chi xiafeng didn't stop supplying pills, so his good teacher couldn't refine it himself.

In this way, when there was no contribution, how could Qing shangzun get the key.

And this time, it's all different.

When Qing waved, let the key fly up and down to his own hands, the expression seems to be some happy appearance.

He seldom shows his emotion on his face, even if there is a light.

But Rong Jue stayed by his side for a long time and could see his every move clearly.

When the disciple left, Rong Jue asked, "master seems to be happy?"

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With a smile on his face, Shi Qing looked down at the key between his white Palms: "I heard that there is a spirit stone that can see the past and the future in the secret place of tail suspension. I want to see the future."

With that, he raised his eyes slightly and looked at his elder disciple with a smile: "there is no danger in the secret place of tail suspension. This time, I can take you with me. I hear that there is a spiritual spring, and all kinds of diseases will not invade the mortals after soaking."Rong Jue also showed a smile of sunshine: "master, I have worked hard for my disciples. I really appreciate it. I really don't know how to repay my master."

Hearing this, the smile of Zun's mouth on the green shirt became more and more gentle, and even his voice seemed to soften down:

"as long as you have a good life."

He was born well, usually cold as ice, when the whole body momentum is soft, that white and beautiful face will become more and more bright.

Rong Jue fixed looking at the rare gentleness of the master's eyes. When he saw it, he really thought so, and his eyes became a little bit soft.

He suddenly asked, "master, the three of us, master is the most important disciple?"


Shiqing did not hesitate at all. After answering, he looked at the eldest disciple with some doubts: "why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

Rong Jue: "just suddenly want to ask."

He always fell behind the right hand, with the answer of time Qing slightly relaxed, the corner of his mouth also slowly cocked up a small arc.

Ding! Rongjue rejection: 450500]

the system is excited to cry: [not easy, not easy!! ]

System: [this rongjue is too difficult. It's been ten days. ]

Shi Qing: [don't worry. ]

when Rong Jue dropped so much in one breath, the system was really not in a hurry. He said with great peace of mind: "since this hole has been broken, it should be much simpler in the future. ]

did not answer.

When he was going to continue refining alchemy, suddenly came the voice of Huan Tuo: "master! Master

Rong Jue slightly raised his eyes and looked out: "it should be younger martial brother."

He turned around and wanted to ask Shiqing if he would let his younger brother in. But when he turned his head, he noticed that Zun on the green shirt was more gentle and smiling than just now.

The good mood of the devil was immediately destroyed by this smile.

He clenched his fist slightly and pursed his lips slightly: "master?"

When Qing did not answer him, but the tone with a smile, toward the outside Yang voice way: "come in."

The second disciple Shanglu immediately pushed the door and came in. Seeing Rong Jue, he was more happy with his smile and saluted them respectfully.

"I've met my master, I've met my eldest brother."

He stood up and didn't notice the slightly gloomy face of Rong Jue. He looked up at Shi Qing and spoke in a friendly tone:

"as soon as I got out of the pass, I knew about master's Alchemy. I haven't congratulated him yet."

"What's the joy of this? If Chi xiafeng didn't deceive people too much, he didn't need to do it himself."

With a smile on his green shirt, he waved to the second disciple, his eyes filled with gentleness: "have you passed the pass? How can we break through the realm? "

"The disciple is dull and has no breakthrough."

Although there is no breakthrough, the tone of Shanglu is still jubilant.

He should be happy. After all, as soon as he got out of the pass, he knew that the master had the talent of master Dan, and he was willing to take care of the elder martial brother.

He even gave the longevity pill to the master.

Shanglu Ru admires the master and worships the elder martial brother. The master doesn't like the elder martial brother. He is also distressed. Now the relationship between the two is relaxed. Of course, he is happy.

"You just can't get down."

When Qing stretched out his slender white fingertips, and with a smile he pointed on the deer's forehead, and said with a smile, "the skin monkey."

In front of the elder martial brother's face, he was told by the master that Shanglu was a young man. He looked at Rong Jue with a bit of embarrassment: "elder martial brother seems to be in a good condition. Congratulations, elder martial brother."

He looks handsome and has changed into a white dress. He can't see the injury. Rong Jue reluctantly pulls the corners of his mouth and smiles at his younger martial brother.

He just felt sarcastic.

Before that, he thought Shiqing was special to him.

But now we can see how he gets along with Shanglu. What is the meaning of the teacher's kindness and his apprenticeship's filial piety? His happiness is harmonious, and his rongjue can be regarded as an insight.

He once knew that Shi Qing was close to Shanglu, but once he felt that it was because Shanglu was the descendant of Shiqing's mother's family.

It's time to be close to each other by blood.

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But just now, the master clearly said that he valued him most.

Shanglu didn't find the elder martial brother's mistake, and he was still like usual. He was talking to Shi Qing, who was both an elder and a master:

"I don't know why. I feel that my cultivation is loose, but I can't break through the realm. Today, the more I practice, the more depressed I feel. I just went out of the pass. I didn't expect to hear such good news as soon as I came out."

From the beginning to the end, Shi Qing listened quietly to the second disciple's recitation with gentle and patient eyes.

Clearly he did not speak, but in the eyes of onlookers, how harmonious and harmonious they should be.

Rong Jue's right hand behind his back is more and more tight.

There is a faint evil Qi from the palm, and he suppresses it.

Finally, with a smile, he said to Shanglu:

"younger martial brother, if you have just passed the pass, you should consolidate your cultivation. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to break through the realm next time if you are not stable."His elder brother always had a high position in the eyes of younger martial brothers and sisters. When he said something, Shanglu immediately nodded and said, "what the elder martial brother said is, I will go down the mountain to consolidate my cultivation."

"Master, I'll see you next time."

When Qing smiles and nods, sees the second disciple to leave, suddenly calls him: "wait."

Shanglu looked back at a loss, and then saw the master waving his sleeve and sent nearly ten jade bottles to him.

"There are all pills refined for the master. Some of them can calm the mind, some can restore Qi and blood, and some are beneficial to cultivation. You can take them back and share them with your younger martial sister when she is closed."

"Thank you very much, master!"

On the deer is not polite, directly received their own ring.

He wanted to be a coquettish girl like before, but he was afraid that the elder martial brother would not feel well because of Rong Jue, so he would quit if he was forced to restrain it.

The master who always loved him didn't just want to give him these. He took out a pill box again, waved his sleeve and sent it to Shanglu's eyes.

Smelling the danxiang which was still strong even when the box was closed, Shanglu looked up at the master with disbelief:

"master, is this

When Qing smiles at his silly disciple: "is the longevity pill."

"It is out of Danxia, at least can extend a hundred years of life."

"This pill will be given to you."


Rong Jue clenched his fist.

What is the most important disciple.

What cherish each other.

What makes alchemy for him.

It's all fake -

the system is suddenly exploded, and the alarm starts to beep.

[rongjue rejection degree: 500100]

[rongjue rejection degree: 550100]

[rongjue repulsion degree: 600100]

[rongjue repulsion degree: 669100!!!!! ]

the system is going crazy: [ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh!! ]

Shiqing is still at ease: [panic, don't worry. ]

there seemed to be some cracking sound in the air, and then there was a crash. The border on the west side was broken by force, and the treasures hanging on the wall fell down one after another.

Originally, he was smiling and looking at the second disciple's green shirt and suddenly turned around and looked at the elder disciple standing on his side.

Rong Jue still carried his right hand, but this time, he did not cover up the huge evil spirit.

The elder disciple, who was still handsome in appearance, slowly showed a smile and controlled the evil Qi around him. Because the realm was not reached, he could not detect the evil Qi on the side of the deer neck.

Looking at the evil spirit twining, the upper Zun white face:

"Rong Jue!"

I don't know what happened because I don't know what happened. I look at the elder martial brother who started to look at him.


He didn't know that at the side of his neck, there was an evil spirit that killed him for one second.

Rong Jue stretched out his hand slightly, and a wisp of magic Qi that only Shi Qing could see slipped into the upper deer's body and entered the heart vein along the meridians.

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As long as the devil moved his finger slightly, the two disciples would be in a different place. When Qing Dynasty, the jade white face was flustered and yelled subconsciously.

"Dare you

Rong Jue is no longer camouflage, the smile on his lips is getting bigger and bigger, which is full of the whole room, full of the evil spirit of killing and invading.

"What is the master talking about? The disciple is now a waste man. In front of you, there is nothing to dare to do."

He laughs, his eyes full of joy and resentment.

Although he is not in the realm of the devil, he can definitely hang the whole one.

So, what else.

Said, the devil looked to one side, blankly looking at their deer: "younger martial brother, is it time to go back?"

Shanglu didn't know what happened, but somehow felt that the situation was wrong. Subconsciously, he said, "I want to stay here for a while."

"No problem."

Rong Jue didn't get angry. Instead, he was smiling gently. He was still the elder martial brother who was friendly to younger martial brothers and sisters: "younger martial brother is close to master. It's reasonable to want to accompany him."

After saying that, he looked at the green shirt and looked cruel. He did not hide the threat in the slightest:

"is what the disciple said right?"


When Qing facial expression is pale, turn to scold on deer: "retreat!"


"I will ask you to step down!"

"But master..."

Seeing that he did not leave, Shiqing directly waved his sleeve and forced the second disciple out of the room.

"I'm going to shut up. If I don't, don't disturb me."

Shanglu was thrown out cleanly and fell into a daze. Before he got up, he heard the words and became more confused."Master? What happened, master? Big brother? "

Inside came a cold voice: "I still don't step back. I want to give you a hand again!"

The monk in the fitness period could not bear the palm of Shanglu. He was full of grievances. The boy could only get up and limp down the mountain in a daze and pitiful way.

Feeling that he was gone, Zun on the green shirt suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, the devil's quiet words let him tense up: "master really love younger martial brother, ah, it's hard to protect himself, but also want to keep younger martial brother."

When the innocent face, look still with some can not believe: "who are you?"

"If the master says so, I will be sad."

Rong Jue smiles and looks at him. His sight is full of tyranny and aggression:

"although the disciple is not as good as Shanglu to be liked by the master, he has grown up around you, but you can't recognize it?"

"No..." On respect bite teeth, jade white face is full of firm: "you are not Rong Jue, Rong Jue won't show this kind of expression."

"What kind of look is that?"

The devil looked at the master in front of him, and he laughed, and the laughter became bigger and bigger, full of sarcasm. When he finished laughing, he looked at Shiqing and said coldly:

"after the master destroyed my spiritual root, do you still expect me to be as stupid and obedient as before?"

His face turned pale.

Rong Jue smile, step forward, when clear subconscious white face back a step.

He laughed more happily: "is master afraid now?"

"You're afraid, too?"

"Did you think of today when you destroyed my spiritual roots?"

Standing in the same place on the white face Zheng Leng for a few seconds, suddenly suddenly suddenly turned to flee toward the house, the next second, his body suddenly frozen.

Strong evil Qi, like a vine, surrounded him from all directions and trapped him firmly.

A long hand suddenly fell on his waist.

With a full sense of occupation, the whole body of Shiqing was held tightly to his side.

In my ear, the magic master's magnetic hoarseness and joyful voice came:

"master, you owe me..."

"It's time to pay it back."

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