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Being suppressed by the devil, Shi Qing wanted to say:

no problem, you can return it to me!

However, even if his body is excited and excited to shiver, he can only make a pale face and don't want to talk.

The devil looked at being put on the cloud bed by himself. He could not move because of the suppression of his spiritual power. Only the master, who seemed to be weak, was shaking slightly, and his eyes sank.

"Is the master afraid?"

Rong Jue bent down and gently lifted up a wisp of hair when Qing.

The next second, the cloud bed on the Zun not easy to stop the body shudder began.

"Afraid of me?"

At the beginning, he was still smiling, but his face suddenly became gloomy. The hair on his hand was soft and smooth.

But why isn't its owner like this.

After holding back a hundred years of resentment, Rong Jue thought that he would humiliate Shiqing when he went back to repair. Even if he didn't kill him for the time being, he must frighten the other party well.

But now, looking at shangzun, who was unable to lie down on the cloud bed, his beautiful eyes, which were still gentle and smiling before, were looking at him with fear and repulsion. His beautiful lips seemed to have been affected and began to turn white. Rongjue did not feel as happy as he had thought before, but his tyranny seemed to rise to a higher level.

What do you do with this pathetic gesture?

Isn't he the one who did the evil and the cruelty?

Is that what you're afraid of when you're exposed? Then why did you do it in the first place.

Shi Qing: [no, Rong Baobao is so exciting. I want to knock him down! ]

the system has given up the struggle when it looks at the rejection rate of 600.

System: [if the host wants to attack, the world has no hope anyway, Wuwuwuwu. ]

he tried to block his system every time. This time, he did not block it. Instead, Shiqing controlled himself.

My tong'er has been following me for so many years. Why can't you understand? How can I lose. ]

on the cloud bed, shangzun, who was unable to struggle, was slightly pale. While trying to get up with his slender wrist, he looked at rongjue:

"Rongju, things are not what you think..."

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"I know," he said with a smile

"Don't be impulsive..." Just as he was saying this, he heard what Rong Jue was saying, and immediately he was stunned: "do you know?"

Rong Jue stretched out his hand, and the slender big hand grasped the master's white tender arm without any politeness, and put the man who was weak because of the suppression of spiritual power into his arms.

Feeling his tiny and hard struggle, cruel hand began to peel his clothes.

"Did the master destroy my spiritual root in order to make me a mortal?"

"Before, I couldn't figure out why the master was so good to younger martial brothers and sisters, but he always treated me coldly. The younger martial brothers and sisters were promoted in their cultivation, and the master would praise them for their progress and understanding, while the master scolded me for being so crazy for a little promotion."

The blue coat fell to the ground.

Thin and soft silk lying quietly on the ground, completely unaware that their master is struggling with a weak body.

The master whose spiritual power is suppressed is a mortal. The devil can easily hold his two arms in one hand. With a cruel smile, he continued to say in a tone of Indifference:

"in the past, I thought that the master wanted to be a strict teacher because of my good spiritual roots. Later, I thought that the master hated me and wanted to suppress me, but now..."

"Master, you don't want to see my accomplishments. What you want is that I become a mortal."

The weak and boneless body stopped struggling after hearing this, and her gorgeous face showed a struggling look.

He murmured, "no..."


In fact, the devil didn't care how Shi Qing explained it. He was not the elder martial brother of qingjianfeng who could be forgiven by the master's words even though the truth was in front of him.

He is the devil.

Is after the demon world battlefield, saw all over the human world, the Xiuzhen world, the demon world of all kinds of ugly demon honor formula.

Human beings are special in themselves.

Compared with the past variety, the sight of the devil is more easily attracted by the beautiful butterfly in front of him, no matter how he struggles.


He fixed his eyes on the red tail, heard his voice, and looked at shangzun in awe and at a loss.

He lowered his head slightly, and his lips fell to the small white earlobe of the upper Zun, and the magnetic voice was lowered. He did not hide his malice:

"do you think that's why the disciple did this to you?"

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"It's you, master. It's so tempting."

Finish this sentence, the devil looked at the time can not set the trust to look over the line of sight, laugh wildly and wantonly.With a wave of his sleeve, the curtain was lowered.

The master was staring at the encroachment in the eyes of the eldest disciple, and finally realized what he wanted to do.

His subconscious white face turned to escape, but was a slender hand out of the thin ankle.

A little bit, dragged back.

The idea choked and was hidden under the curtain.

In the morning, when the sun came in, Shiqing was lying on the cloud bed. Beside him, he was surrounded by a code of honor that held him in his arms.

He opened his eyes slightly, with tears in his beautiful eyes.

The Emperor didn't make a sound, but he hung his head in silence, as if it was very cold, and curled up under the quilt.

Shi Qing: [cool! ]

yesterday, I had expected that I would see the mosaic system and hear the host's voice, so I dare to be cautious.

Seeing that there was no mosaic, he sighed with relief and whispered, "host, he didn't bully you, did he? ]

[bullying? ]

when Qing was buried under the bed, she raised her eyebrows slightly on her jade white face. If it wasn't difficult to collapse the furniture, he would have been very lewd and laughing.

[bullying still exists, but it's not that kind of bullying. ]

System: [???)??? ]

system; [he really bullied you! Then let's run! ]

Shi Qing refused: "I don't run. It's hard to find someone who understands this, so I don't run. ]

the system full data question mark that didn't dare to appear yesterday: [understand? ]

Shi Qing: [Tut, you don't understand, but I do. ]

so it's better to be reborn.

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At least if it was Rong Jue before, he would not know what toys he had never been to the demon world.

But this magic honor formula is very clear!

He must be a good father. ]

System: [? ]

Shi Qing: [seeing how well his toys are prepared, I must have thought about it for a day or two. ]

System: [???)??? ]

Shi Qing: [well, if you don't understand, it's really rare that you can be so lovely after being with me for so long. ]

although it seems that I haven't understood it, the system wants to show that the reason why it can keep pure after following the host for so long depends on its being a data creature. If you clean up the data directly, it is the small system that is clean and real every day.

Shi Qing: [OK, let's get back to the point. What's the rejection rate of Rong Jue. ]

system; [rongjue rejection degree: 599100]

it has completely stopped struggling.

He even began to comfort Shi Qing: "it doesn't matter if the host is here. You can treat the world as if you're here to play. I can treat it as if I didn't see it. ]

anyway, they are about to be ejected from the world.

Shi Qing is still that pair of not unexpected appearance: "OK, I know, you go to play. ]

the system runs to pour the data.

When Qing shrinks in Rong Jue's arms, feels the other side's hegemony, remembers all that happened last night, deeply feels that he is really too cute.

I don't know if rongjue was intentional. Anyway, the spiritual power in Qing's body has come back, even stronger than before.

The boy used double training to him.

It's very considerate.

When the Qing slightly moved the body, difficult from the devil's arms to get up, looking down to close the eyes sleep rongjue.

After no longer camouflage, his gentleness seems to have been swallowed overnight. Even now he is asleep, his whole body still has a fierce momentum, like a sharp sword out of sheath, waiting to kill people anytime and anywhere.

Shiqing was not afraid of him. He just sat there quietly and enjoyed the good-looking face of the devil.

Ah, this face, this eye, this long eyelash.

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He reached out his hand, and finally did not resist, and his fingertips fell gently on the handsome face of the devil.

The next second, a long hand suddenly raised, holding the white fingertip of the upper Zun.

The sleeping man opened his eyes and looked like a sleeping lion. Even if he didn't speak, his face didn't have any ferocious expression, he couldn't be underestimated.

Holding Shi Qing's slender fingers, he was playing with the white, raised his eyebrows, looked up slightly, looked down at his superior. The taste of playing was:

"master is so interested in his disciples in the morning?"

As the night passed, shangzun seemed to have given up the struggle. His body was still covered with bedding, his eyes were red, but his expression was still inviolable.

He did not answer Rong Jue's words, only asked: "why do you turn into a demon cultivation."

"Don't you know why I became a monk?"

Rong Jue with a smile, obviously ate the master who coveted him for many days, which made him feel very good: "the spirit root is destroyed, I can no longer accommodate the aura, of course, it can only be turned into magic cultivation."Shiqing suddenly took back his hand, with anger in his eyes: "what I asked is how you became a witch, who taught you!"

Looking at his ugly face, the smile on Rong Jue's face suddenly fell down.

When Qing Zheng Zheng Zheng looking at such a demon.

He who doesn't smile

Better look ~


The devil once again held out his hand. This time, he forced the master's hand in the palm of his hand, and lifted a faint sneer at the corner of his lips:

"it seems that you haven't figured out what the current situation is. Now I'm the top one and you're the next one. Do you think I'm still the little disciple who allows you to bully me?"

Seeing shangzun's expression, he seemed to be frightened by his own expression. Rong Jue laughed again, patted the back of his hand, and felt the tenderness and tenderness of his body.

The devil got close to the master's ear and opened his mouth. He was dumb and low, such as the devil whispered:

"it seems that the master is very curious about me."

"Well, let's make a deal. The master will ask me what he wants to know, but if you want to get my answer, you have to take the initiative."

The emperor asked cautiously, "what is the initiative?"

The long hand of the devil lifted the mattress.

"I took off your clothes last night, and you put them on yourself again."

"Today, if you want to ask me a question, please ask me one and take off one."

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