What kind of experience is it to have a demon disciple who wants to press you on the bed anytime, anywhere.

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If you ask Shi Qing to answer, there is only one word:


No one else. The devil is really good at playing.

Various models, all kinds of start.

As if without a teacher, he can learn everything and learn everything quickly.

He has recovered his spiritual power, and his complexion has recovered quickly. He is embarrassed and pale standing by the bed.

On the cloud bed, the devil was looking at the opera and pressing his chin:

"don't you want to know a lot of things? Don't hurry up. "

The master is still struggling:

"I am your master, and I made a mistake last night. Rongjue, I know you are angry in your heart, but you should not do this. This is really, really..."

Rong Jue listened to this as if he was accusing him of vexatious words, impatiently stretched out his palm, inside, there is a group of magic gas in the rotation.

Seeing that shangzun, who has been chattering and trying to persuade him to stop, closed his mouth and looked at the evil Qi with a kind of fear that people would like to drag his arm onto the cloud bed. His voice trembled and asked:

"what is this?"

Rong Jue shrugged: "it seems that you feel ah, yes, I put evil Qi in the heart vein of Shanglu. As long as I want to, he will die suddenly."

The Lord's face became more and more pale.

He was even a little flustered, which can be seen from some stuttering words: "Shanglu always respects you, rongjue. I know it's me who is sorry for you, but Shanglu has never been a bit wrong with you. If you have anything, come to me, don't involve him, OK, Rong Jue..."


Even though he knew clearly that Shanglu and his younger martial sister were his good disciples in Shi Qing's heart, he once again saw that his good master had been made by him last night, and he didn't express his cry for help. Now he begged him for Shanglu's weakness, so the tyranny in rongjue's heart could hardly be suppressed.

He sneered and cruelly squeezed the evil spirit in his palm:

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"what's wrong with him? Don't you know that, master? "

"Shanglu is innocent, but who let him be your treasure? Since the master loves him so much, he is naturally a thorn in my eye."

Listen to Rong Jue does not hide his anger, when Qing's face and white.

"Don't stand still. I don't have time to spend with you."

Because time Qing is so nervous on the deer, Rong Jue's original good mood is gone.

He didn't want to admit that he was jealous. He took the anger as the anger of the hypocrite.

Since I like deer so much, why did I take him rongjue as a disciple.

Don't think he doesn't know that his spiritual roots are good. At the beginning, many people were scrambling to become his master. If Shi Qing hadn't talked about his father's help, how could he have fallen to qingjianfeng.

When he thought of his uneasiness, he asked the elder martial brother who took him to qingjianfeng to accept him as his apprentice. The elder martial brother was full of envy and said:

"when qingshaozun was in qingjianfeng, he took a fancy to you and said that he wanted to accept you as his own disciple. Shaozun had not taken an apprentice, so you will be his only direct disciple in the future."

At that time, how yearning, now how ironic.

"Master, I'm afraid I forgot. How did you ask your father to help you grab me as a disciple made me think wrong. I thought the master valued me. Thanks to Shanglu. If he hadn't come to qingjianfeng, I would have been silly to think that being strict with me is the way that the master valued me."

"Shanglu is innocent, but it's his crime that he likes you. You'd better do as I say, otherwise it's up to you, the master, to see what happens to him."

Rong Jue let the magic Qi rise in his hand and fall into the air.

As long as he moves slightly, the evil Qi will fall, and the evil Qi left in the heart of Shanglu will immediately let him die.

The LORD did not know that the devil was bluffing him.

Although Rong Jue hated Shanglu for being loved by him, he didn't really forget how Shanglu treated him.

Although a hundred years later, he had no feelings for his younger brother, but he didn't kill him.

If the time is clear, the deer will not die.

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If Shiqing should not, Shanglu is not so important to his good master. What good is killing him for rongjue.

"Master, do you want to ask me questions? The disciple is waiting. "

After standing stiff for more than a minute, the master shook his hands and dropped his fingertips on his slender belt.

The shirt fell.

His face was white, and he closed his eyes tightly in the sight of the devil, and his body was shivering all the time.

"Open your eyes."

But the devil did not let him go, but cruelly asked the master with high self-esteem to face the confusion.That can almost be called win weak body shiver for a moment, finally, or slowly opened eyes, the eyes of water bright as if implied in tears.

He and Rong Jue on the line of sight, quietly pleaded: "Rong Jue, is the master for you, you want to fight to kill all good, don't do this to me good."

Rong Jue but smile: "No

"Master, do you feel heartache now? Did it hurt when I was destroyed by you? "

Shangzun's beautiful lips moved slightly, but did not continue the topic. Instead, he took a deep breath and asked in a low voice:

"I have taken off one now. Can I ask you a question

"Of course, a dress, a question."

Shi Qing: "who taught you to practice magic cultivation?"

Rong Jue: "no one taught me, but I found a magic cultivation inheritance by accident."

This is not a question of speaking. This is how the glory formula of last life stepped into the road of magic cultivation.

When Qing body a shudder, take a little nervous to ask a way: "where did you discover? Is it in my chiyun sect? How can chiyunzong be mixed into the inheritance of magic cultivation

Rong Jue raised his chin:

"after answering a question, if you want to ask again, give me another dress."

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Just as if he had just realized that his present situation was being coerced, rather than the master who was caring for his disciples, he looked down slightly, gritted his teeth and threw a garment to the devil.

See him open mouth to ask, Rong Jue reminds him: "master, you don't have many clothes on your body. If you want to ask, you can ask after thinking well."

As soon as he said this, he hesitated.

Even if he asked where the sorcerer passed on, it would not change the current situation.

He hesitated for a few seconds, then continued to hesitate and asked, "what's the point of your cultivation now?"

Rong Jue picks eyebrow: "big ride period."

"Big ride period?"

The emperor was even more surprised: "this is less than half a month. Why did you arrive at the Mahayana period at once?"

This, of course, is because the rongjue is still a full size.

Of course, the devil would not say so. He only looked greedily at the teacher who was wearing less clothes and thinner body: "I have finished answering your question. If you want to ask another question, please give me another one."

When Qing hesitated to lower his head, his beautiful face showed a little timidity and resistance: "but there is only one left..."

He did not give up lifting his eyes, and his lips were as delicate as petals. Finally, he said it:

"rongjue, please let me go."

"I destroyed your spirit root, you also destroyed mine, I owe you back, you let me go?"

Looking at the master who begged in front of him, he stood barefoot on the ground, and his beautiful face was full of pitiful appearance. Rong Jue sneered:

"yes, the master raised me to grow up, and I can let you go."

When the eyes saw, the clear face immediately showed relaxation, and the water color in the eyes was soft.

Rong Jue: "but as a price, I will take the life of younger martial brother and younger sister."

The look of the Lord changed.

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He looked at the devil in disbelief and said:

"master, you have only two choices. You can either serve others with lust, accompany me and be humiliated by me, or I will let you go, and younger martial brothers and sisters will accept it for you."

"Of course, at least I'm their senior brother. Don't worry, I won't let them go. Just move your finger, they can leave the world painlessly. In this way, master, your sense of guilt will be less."

Deliberately said let people more painful words, looking at the beautiful face of the pale gradually gray down.

In the end, Shi Qing threw the last garment to the ground.

The jade white skin seems to be trembling slightly.

With his eyes red, he asked the last question softly: "what are you going to do next?"

Rong Jue knew that what he asked was what he would do next after he became a sorcerer.

Do you want to leave the Xiuzhen world and go to the demon world, or do you want to stay here and pretend to be the disabled disciple.

But looking at the trembling man in front of him.

He slowly got up and hugged the warm body in front of him. He felt the soft black hair of shangzun falling on his cheek.

Itching, as if to itch to the heart.


His voice is very gentle. It seems that he is still the elder martial brother of qingjianfeng who is gentle to his younger brother and younger sister.

Just said the words, but let the body tremble more and more fierce.

"Next, I want to stay with you and continue to be your disciple."

"Was it not for the sake of younger martial brothers and sisters that the master refused to show me a smile?"

With a smile, he gently let go of the man in front of him, held out his finger with cocoon, stroked his jade white face, and said with a happy smile:"But from today on."

"Master is my own."

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