The 25th day when Shiqing came to this world.

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Qiao Lingyu knocked on the door of Shanglu with uneasiness. The pretty girl's face was full of uneasiness. Seeing Shanglu coming out, she hesitated and asked:

"second elder martial brother, have you and your eldest brother not appeared for a long time?"

Shanglu nodded: "indeed, the master is just that. The elder martial brother is a mortal, and he didn't come down the mountain to buy rice. What's more, yesterday was all souls' day. In the past, the master always went down the mountain to buy something, but yesterday he never showed up."

When I heard the elder martial brother's approval, Qiao Lingyu's expression became more and more uneasy:

"and in the past, I went to see the master every time I went out of the pass to see the master, but the master didn't even open the prohibition, saying that he was practicing and asked me to go back."

Qiao Lingyu broke her fingers and said, "it's been many days since you visited the second elder martial brother. This is too abnormal."

Shanglu also felt abnormal.

Especially when he was driven down the mountain in a muddle headed way last time, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he thought about it.

The master is always close to him and gentle. When did he speak to him in that tone.

In addition, since he saw the master last time, the ban on the top of the mountain has never been opened, and Shanglu is a little restless.

He gritted his teeth and said to his younger martial sister:

"instead of guessing here, we'd better go up the mountain to see what it's like."

Qiao Lingyu nodded, and her face was still sad.

Master, she doesn't worry much. The master is a monk in the right period, but he is the elder martial brother

In the past, the master didn't like him very much. Now the elder martial brother is a mortal. Even if he had heard that the elder martial brother had given the longevity pill to him, Qiao Lingyu would still worry about what happened to him.

They went up the mountain together. Sure enough, they went into the courtyard and saw the prohibition.

They can't go forward, Shanglu can only step forward, shouting: "master, disciple on the deer to see you."

In the dark room, Shiqing was panting gently. The sweat on his body ran down his slender white neck and flowed into the blue shirt he was wearing, which made it more and more looming and stuck tightly to the master.

A pair of his slender arms wrapped around the man in Xuanyi, which made his clothes wrinkled.

Although his clothes were wrinkled, Rong Jue's appearance did not show any embarrassment. He just let the master hold his neck around his neck, and with a smile, he picked up the master who had lost his strength for a long time and put him gently on the cloud bed.

"Master, younger martial brother is calling you..."

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When Qing slightly opened his eyes, vaguely seemed to be able to see the ripples of the water's eyes, which was already a kind of absent-minded to do not know the appearance of the world.

Rong Jue is not angry. He ignores himself. Instead, he lowers his head like a child, and uses his forehead to gently touch the other person's forehead.

After eating the sweetness, the devil turned into the appearance of a good temper. He was more shameful than a child. He had to get into the other's arms and hold himself.

Unfortunately, because of their different body sizes, this idea did not come true.

Rong Jue can only retreat and ask for the next. When he no longer holds himself, he embraces his body, soft as if he has turned into a master of water.

Satisfied to see their hair entangled and crossed with each other as they approached each other. The devil lifted his lips with satisfaction, got close to the small earlobe of shangzun jade white and whispered softly:

"master, don't you think it's easy to do it? I only love my disciple. "

Rong Jue was in a happy mood.

Even if he knew that he was going to keep up with the deer, he didn't know anything about it. He was a little naive to have a bad heart.

But he was happy.

"Does it look like it used to be? When the disciple came to seek you, did you avoid it? "

Speaking of this, Rong Jue, who was still cocked up at the corner of his mouth, seemed to think of something unpleasant. Suddenly, his face was gloomy, and his handsome face looked ferocious:

"I thought you really didn't have time, but you turned around and began to teach the deer carefully."

"He is your disciple, I am not your disciple?"

Before he was reborn, he thought he didn't care.

He had no hope for the master for a long time, only hatred left, didn't he?

But why.

Why let him come back and let him see that Shiqing has such a gentle side to him.

The more I feel the tenderness, care, pity and mutual protection that I have never had before, the more dark side in rongjue's heart will never leave.

If you don't get it, it's all.

Now that it's given to him, let him watch others snatch this care?

How could it be.

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These days, the success of the two people's skin blind date changed his mind.

His hands are full of a grip, feeling the soft hands, as if they have not yet returned to God's shudder, in his heart gradually rise to the satisfaction of fully mastering the time.

With a satisfied smile, the devil gently rubbed his long black hair"Master, just accompany me all the time. Shanglu and Lingyu are just passers-by."

He felt that he was bewitched by the soft body, but he was strange. He didn't feel angry at all in his heart. Instead, he just felt justified.

"When I ascend the throne, you will return to the demon world with me. I will be the Lord and you will be the queen of the devil."

With this sentence, Rong Jue seems to see him sitting on the position of the devil, holding such a soft body in his arms.

He was dressed in black gauze and wore a jade made of demon queen.

At that time, he wanted to let the whole world know that Shiqing was covered with his marks.

Except for him, no one can capture the sight of Shi Qing.

His words made his long and curly eyelashes tremble, and his beautiful eyes, which were full of confusion, also turned to his face of embracing trophies.

"Er --"

the master panted hard. After several days of fighting, he obviously gave up struggling and didn't break away from the devil's arms. Instead, he kept the posture of being held by the other party in his arms. In a hoarse voice, he said in a low voice:

"rongjue, you are possessed."

"You don't know What are you doing? I'm your master. "

Rong Jue's obsession with respect to this sentence almost refused to gradually end.

The evil spirit in his heart became more and more violent.


It's always like this!

No matter what he said, his good master always refused him.

Even now, when he made this appearance, Shiqing refused to comply with his will.

"Master, I don't know you are my master."

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There was a sneer on the corner of the devil's lips:

"I just want to tell the world that you, Shiqing shangzun, the first immortal in the Xiuzhen world, the shangzun of qingjianfeng, betrayed the Xiuzhen world and entered my demon world, and became my glorious queen."

He looked at him with satisfaction, and his expression gradually turned pale. His eyes were full of faith and could not look to his own superior.

Sure enough, the hypocrite would be afraid only by threatening his reputation.

Shi Qing: [my mother. ]

when the system heard his voice, it jumped out and comforted him: "don't be afraid of the host. If you can't stand it, we can escape at any time. ]

Shi Qing: [it's exciting to announce the love of the world. It's exciting. I don't want to struggle any more. Tong'er, please come and persuade me, or I can't help but follow the Rong baby plan. ]

the more he thought about it, the more excited he felt! No, it's exciting. I can't stand it. ]

System: [ ]

Yes, I always count down the data, and my memory is not very good.

Its hosts are not ordinary people.

Knowing that the host is not afraid, the system calms down. Instead of persuading Shi Qing, it also says, "host, do what you want to do, and have fun. ]

Shi Qing: [tut Tut, it's boring if you don't stop me. ]

with five days left, they will be kicked out of the world with a whoosh, and the system has become the Buddha system: [it doesn't matter, host, you think the world is on vacation. ]

although it is not stopped, Shiqing's desire to win or lose is not weak.

[forget it, vacation is vacation, task is task. If you want to win the world, you can't give up halfway. ]

he took a pathetic look at the demon in front of him, which was full of delicious smell. He could only bear the pain to extend his claw back.

fortunately, the awesome strategy is more powerful.

Seeing the red in front of him, his eyes and tail trembling, he wanted to take back the hand on his neck. The devil snorted coldly and grasped the upper Zun's wrist with a very strong hand.

The slender wrist is pinched in the palm, as if holding the whole pulse of shangzun.

He gave a cruel smile: "what? Master, are you afraid? Are you afraid that your reputation will be ruined

When Qing couldn't bear to take a look at his good apprentice's face, which became more and more beautiful with his cruel smile, glanced over his face.

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He was afraid that he would not be able to resist such a seductive picture.

However, in the eyes of the devil, his good master looked at him in disgust, and then as if he did not want to see his face again, he turned his head over.

The anger in his heart soared.

These days, I'm very obedient.

As a result, when the deer outside came, he immediately turned pale.

Once upon a time, he was respectful to Shiqing. When Shiqing was strict with him, he was even more strict with himself. He wanted to be proud of himself.

Now even if he got back the power of the devil, even though he was carrying hatred, he still held back his anger when he didn't kill him.

Isn't he good enough to keep up with the time?

Why his eyes are always more important than others.

Why??For what?

The deer outside didn't know that there was a man inside who was jealous of him. He was so jealous that he wanted to act as a hand tearing younger martial brother. He scratched his head strangely when he saw that he had been shouting for such a long time.

He raised his voice again: "master! The disciple went to the deer to see him

However, his master didn't care about him at all.

Shi Qing is still sad:

[it's a pity that Rong Baobao is so cute, but I can't attack him, I can only be attacked by him. It's a pity. ]

then, he saw the devil's gloomy face, full of hatred in his eyes, and waved his sleeve and threw out a pill.

Handed it to the delicate upper lip.

"Mei Dan, have you met me? This is a good thing. If you take it down, you will really be inseparable from men in the future. "

When Qing suddenly raised his head, he blinked quickly when the devil lifted the corner of his mouth.

The tone is very cheerful:

[Hey!! ]

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