Rong Jue can feel that his master is shaking.

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The delicate body, half of the clothes soaked with sweat, were shivering.

Shangzun's eyes with water meaning looked directly at Rong Jue. He shook his head and looked at his disciples. For the first time, his eyes were full of complete fear:


"Rong Jue, don't..."

He looked scared and pale, as if he was going to faint in the next moment because of the stimulation.

However, in fact -

[yes! Check it out! Medan, give me a set! ]

Shi Qing is so high that he wants to go to heaven: [Rongbao, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up, feed me, feed me! ]

Rong Jue is really in a daze.

He held the pill, looked at the clothes and hair in front of him, and looked at himself with tears. He shook his head and showed his begging look. He was almost soft hearted.

These days of getting along, no one can be more clear than Rong Jue, when Qing a proud bone.

Once he thought that Shiqing was like a hypocrite who wanted face and had no guts.

But these days, no matter how he humiliated each other, the supremacy, who was completely suppressed, refused to comply with Rong Jue's intention and revealed what he wanted to hear.

Rong Jue thought he hated the time.

In those 100 years, every time when he could not endure, he was able to survive with the name of Shiqing in his heart.

Sitting on the position of the devil, Rong Jue's first reaction is to give back all the pain imposed on him by the former Qing Dynasty.

Now, Rong Jue droops his eyes and looks at Mei Dan in his hand.

He can make alchemy, once entered the demon world at the beginning, because Pepsi can't understand, he once disguised as a Dan master.

The pills in the demon world are different from those in the Xiuzhen world. They are basically some strange names, most of which are poison pills.

This Mei Dan, Rong Jue, was refined when Shiqing was trapped here, but it has not been sent to shangzun.

The efficacy of Mei Dan is very clear. After taking it, no matter men or women, as long as they practice with others after taking Mei Dan, the body will no longer be separated from this person.

Basic must three days a pair of practice, otherwise will be all over strange itching unbearable, lose all reason to ask for help.

No matter how arrogant, cold, unwilling to bow the head of the people, to the onset of efficacy, will be like a changed person in general.

Rong Jue doesn't know what he wants from Shiqing, but he can be sure that he doesn't want to kill Shiqing.

For what?

In order to have a little affection for my teacher when I was a child.

Or because he has never been so warm in his life.

Even if it's fake, even if it's only for a while.

Rong Jue doesn't want to let go.

"Master, I can't take meidan for you, but you must promise me to go back to the demon world with me, be my demon queen, and stay with me all my life."

Shi Qing: [ ]

time clear: [ Don't be soft hearted at this time, just feed it to me, you are! ]

he closed his eyes painfully. It was not a little bit of honor to see his face rise after blackening in front of him. It was too timely to clear his appetite.

If he doesn't close his eyes, he is afraid that he will not be able to hold himself up and jump directly.

However, in the eyes of the devil, he closed his eyes with disgust and repulsion, and his white face was full of the three big words "unwilling".

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Outside the deer are still shouting: "master, I want to see you on the deer!"

Qiao Lingyu's voice then came: "second elder martial brother, what should I do? There is no movement inside."

Shanglu gritted his teeth: "go straight ahead. I have the spirit treasure given by my master here. I should be able to break this prohibition!"

"But if the master is practicing and we break into it, will he blame him?"

"Nothing. Don't talk to me, younger martial sister. I'll do my best."

The sonorous and powerful voice of Shanglu reached the house:

"master always loves me, even if I break in, he will not blame me."

Always love dearly.

Rong Jue, who had some hesitation, was immediately stimulated by this sentence. He looked out of the door in a sullen way, and directly squeezed Shiqing's chin to feed Mei Dan in.

"Well Cough, cough, cough

Caught off guard by feeding Mei Dan's upper Zun covered his throat and coughed hard. His chest heaved more and more fiercely with his fierce breathing.


Rong Jue bumped into Shiqing's arms, just like the last time, when Qing protected him.

He hid his eyes fiercely, and a smile rose from the corners of his lips.

It's success, cruelty, or contentment.

The Lord himself can't tell.

He just hugged Shiqing and murmured, "you can't leave me anymore..."In a hundred years, it's just a few days.

Whether you want to love him or hate him, Rong Jue can't tell.

But it doesn't matter.

He held the body, which was constantly shaking, and slowly opened a smile.


At least the master can't do without him any more.

He finally managed to hold on the little warmth.

The ban was opened in Shanglu.

He was careful and alert to protect the younger martial sister behind him. As he walked forward, he called out: "master, I'll go to the deer to see you."

The door, which had been closed, opened.

The two were startled, then suddenly relieved to see who was standing in front of the door.

"Master, I've been to Lu Lingyu. I've met you."

"Get up."

At the moment, they were completely relaxed and got up after hearing the master's words.

When Shanglu looked up, he saw the master standing by the door with a coat on his body. His hair seemed to be a little messy, and he was still wet. He was puzzled: "master, are you?"

Shi Qing: "just in the bath."

Wearing a coat, he was a little less cold than usual. After saying this, he frowned and asked in a cold voice:

"what's the matter with you? You're breaking into the prohibition I've set."

Seeing that the master was all right, Shanglu didn't dare to directly say, "we suspect something happened to you and master brother, so we decided to go straight to the empty door because of the strong brain tonic." they quickly found a reason:

"the LORD sent someone to talk about the secret state. The disciple came here to ask the master about the secret state But you have to take someone. "

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The emperor in his outer skin was silent for a few seconds and then said, "I'm a teacher..."

"The master has decided to take me."

Another person came out of the house, which is the honor formula.

His sword eyebrow star eyes, or that pair of handsome duanfang appearance, see younger martial brother and younger sister are surprised to look at him, still as usual, smile at them.

"This time, I'm sorry for my younger martial brothers and sisters. Because I'm a mortal, the master said that he would take me to the secret place of Weixuan to soak in the spirit spring, so as to protect me from all kinds of diseases. I'm afraid I'll have to take you next time."

Shanglu was just an excuse to come out, where would he envy his most admired elder martial brother to follow him to the secret place and shake his head in a hurry.

"What the elder martial brother said, I was just curious. In this case, Lingyu and I left."

Worried that the master was really angry, they broke through the prohibition, and Shanglu took Lingyu to leave.

Rong Jue has been standing by the door, watching from afar that the two men go down the mountain, and the sword eyebrows are slightly picked, and the prohibition will be restored by waving.

Next came the upper Zun's panting voice: "can they go?"

"As the master wishes, he has already gone down the mountain. Can you rest assured?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the upper Zun, who could barely stand still, immediately softened his body and fell into the side waiting to receive him in the arms of rongjue.

"Rong Jue..."

He gasped, his long white fingers clenched hard, and his beautiful blue veins loomed with his strength.

"No, sir?"

With a smile in his eyes, the devil held out his hand and lifted up a wisp of his hair. He clearly felt that the other side was trying hard to get close to him under the effect of the medicine, but he didn't follow Shiqing's intention. He deliberately drew a little farther away:

"if you want, you can ask yourself Er


The devil's head hit the hard ground and made a heavy noise.

If he is a mortal now, he will be hurt if he doesn't die.

It was not until Rong Jue, who was thrown to the ground, began to be picked up by the upper Zun. He did not react to what happened.

This Medan

It's really good.

While he responded to Shiqing, he struggled to make a move and closed the door.


The door closed.

On the way down to the deer, I look back to the flowers and plants on the road.


"it's really full of spring."

Rong Jue thoroughly realized how powerful Mei Dan was.

Even if this thing is made by himself, and the advertising words of demon world are also quite exaggerated and violent before, but when it fell to Shi Qing, he really got unexpected effect, which made him a little confused.

For five days in a row, both of them stayed in the room.

Porch, table, couch

It's not until the fifth day when the sun shines into the house, and when it's enough, Qing hears the sound that the system is loveless.

[Ding! Rongjue rejection: 540100]

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the system that has decided to wait silently for the world consciousness to kick them out: [host, useless, even if it is reduced by 60, isn't there still 540? ]Shi Qing's whole body was held in his arms by Rong Jue, half squinting as if he was dozing off. ]

System: Just so??

It thinks it's time to remind the host: "the host has reduced the rejection rate by 59 in five days. Now there is only one day left, and there is no time at all. ]

then pick up your eyebrows. ]

on this day, the devil finally got up from the beauty nest.

The secret place of Wei Xuan is bound to go. After all, this key is rare, and the patriarch pointed it out to Shiqing. If Shiqing can't go, it will surely arouse the suspicion of chiyun sect.

Although today's rongjue is not afraid of chiyunzong, he doesn't mind holding Shiqing and enjoying himself on qingjianfeng for a while.

What's more, he also wants to see the spirit stone in Weihang secret place.

As for what to ask

Rong Jue looked at one side of the pale face, the face can not see the face of respect, slightly tightened the fist in the sleeve.

These days, Shiqing was humiliated by him, but he still refused to disclose why he had been severely criticized and destroyed his spiritual roots, but he was secretly taken care of behind his back.

Once upon a time, the Lord didn't care.

No matter what the reason is, it can not reduce his hatred of Shiqing.

And now

The devil slightly closed his eyebrows and eyes. When he looked at it, Qing reached out and sent the key to the stone gate. His eyes gradually darkened.

He wants to know.

I want to know all about the master who is trapped by his side.


The stone gate opened gradually.

Before other people react, Rong Jue reaches out his hand, grabs Shi Qing's waist and limbs, and jumps in directly.

As soon as it falls, it is in front of a spirit stone like a water mirror.

After landing on the ground, he was at a loss for a few seconds. After reflecting where they were, he turned pale again.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand and grasped Rong Jue's sleeve: "don't you want to go to Lingquan?"

Rong Jue raised a smile and shook off the upper Zun's hand.

"Didn't the master refuse to tell me?"

"I'll have to see it myself."

With that, he stepped forward and, regardless of the superior's efforts, dropped his hand on the surface of the water mirror.

In the future, people who ask questions will be absorbed into the spirit stone boundary.

When Qing saw the situation, he didn't panic and took out his sleeve directly.

A pill fell on his palm, and he put it into the water mirror.

The system asks curiously: "host, what is this? ]

Shi Qing: [disturbing spirit elixir. ]

System: [???)??? ]

Shi Qing: [well, don't you know? I thought you could see what I wanted to do since I started learning alchemy. ]

System: [ I thought the host was trying to hit the face. ]

Shi Qing: [what should I do to hit a passer-by in the face? If it's not for now, I'm a master, and I'm good at practicing what Dan. You've been following me for so long, haven't you understood? ]

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System: [ ]

after playing with the system, Shiqing started to do business.

Harassing elixir, as the name implies, is to disturb the spiritual biological thinking and memory.

Although it was only for a short time, it was enough for the Qing Dynasty.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, stretched out his hand, and began to connect the thinking of the spirit stone.

In the spirit stone boundary, Rong Jue also heard a gentle voice.

- "I heard your question, son. I'll answer it now."

You are loved


Rong Jue sneered.

He's never felt it since he was a kid.

Even if it was Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu's respect for him, they all changed into two sides after he entered the demon world.

Along the way, we should say that he has received a lot of malicious honors and letters.


Who else in the world would love him.

Perhaps because he didn't believe it, the space in the mirror gradually became empty, showing a mess.

Rong Jue's pupils are tightening up.

Even though more than 100 years have passed, he still has a deep memory of this scene.

That was when he woke up in the ruins of Rong's home, and half of his memory was gone.

In a heavy rain that can't see the way ahead, he wakes up in the corpses all over the ground. He is still young and is picked up by a good hearted passer-by in a hurry and puts him in the warm broken temple.

After that, he wandered for a long time. Rong Jue's nightmares were that he opened his eyes, the rain was pouring all over the sky, and the ground was covered with ruins. He was cold and hungry and crying endlessly.

It was not until he entered the green sword peak and completely separated himself from the mortal world that Rong Jue got rid of that nightmare.

But now what is in front of him is a little different from his memory.

Beside the comatose child, there was a young man in a blue shirt holding a bamboo umbrella for him.In memory, is there this person?

He tried to remember.

But can only think of once in the cold cold rain all over the ruins wake up in the helpless and fear.

He stood in the same place, watching the umbrella holder squat down slightly, and put his beautiful white hand on his forehead. A stream of spiritual power poured into his body. The wound on his body gradually began to heal, and his pale face gradually turned red.

Seeing this, the man sighed.

This sigh

It's like a deja vu.

He did not think much about it. He was holding his fist and stepping into the dreamland step by step.

Finally, he saw the face under the umbrella.

Exquisite and gorgeous, with pity on her face.

The devil's face was stunned.

That face.

It was the time of the Qing Dynasty.

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