The man as like as two peas in the face of the Qing Dynasty's face is very different from his memory.

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Although Shiqing shangzun of qingjianfeng occasionally shows a gentle smile, it's just empty on the surface, especially when facing rongjue, he always has a cold face, as if the corners of his lips can't go up at all.

But now standing in front of the devil, is a gentle brow, clear eyes.

It is clear that he is young, but what he reveals is his unique innocence and clarity.

He held an umbrella for the comatose little rongjue on the ground, and did not get up after mending the wound for him. Instead, he wrung his eyebrows and looked at the child on the ground with pity.

"The child is also poor. At a young age, he has experienced so much."

Rong Jue listened to him with a soft tone and sighed in a low voice. He untied his cloak with one hand and covered him gently.

His expression was full of pity, which made his beautiful face more gentle.

Soft and beautiful eyes are black and bright, as if the morning dew is full of vitality.

He is quite different from Shiqing shangzun of qingjianfeng.

Rong Jue is full of doubts, wring eyebrows did not relax vigilance, looking at the time of Qing, another person's voice rang up.

"Qing'er, don't do anything unnecessary."

This voice appears suddenly, the devil body immediately subconsciously tight up, put on a defensive posture, suddenly turned.

He saw a man who was really cold as ice. He was wearing a black suit and a jade crown. His face was similar to that of Shiqing, but he was a little more steady and indifferent than him.

And that face of indifference only fell on the body when the Qing just a little more warm.

Although Rong Jue had not seen his face, he could also see that he was the father of Shiqing by his similar appearance and his cultivation.

The man with strong cultivation was respected when rongjue soon rose to qingjianfeng.

No wonder the temperament of the Qing Dynasty is very different from that of 20 years later.

After all, twenty years ago, Shiqing had not yet taken up the position of supremacy. He was just a young one who was firmly protected by his father.

When looking at the children on the ground, Shi shangzun's expression became cold again. A long sword pointed directly at the unconscious little rongjue on the ground.

Even the cultivator needs to spend spiritual power to resist the sword Qi, let alone a mortal child.

A sword down, xiaorongjue will die.

Even though he knew that these things had happened for a long time, seeing that his life was threatened, the devil could not help but step forward to block the sword spirit.

But there is also a figure faster than him with the spirit of small rongjue wrapped up to protect him.


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Rong Jue's pupil shrinks and looks forward.

There, twenty years ago, Qing Qing lost his bamboo umbrella and held the child in his arms. In the rain, his white face was full of intolerance.

"He doesn't know anything, just a child."


"Qing'er, you have just seen that he has just killed his parents and relatives. The half demon is uncontrollable. What's more, I suggest that he will sit on the throne of the devil and kill you with my own hands."

"My father will be promoted within ten years. How can I leave you without getting rid of him?"

Twenty years ago, Shi Qing was hesitant, but his white fingers held the child closer: "it was the demons who controlled him, not his wish. Besides, it is not impossible to change the fate..."

"If you kill him, you can live a peaceful life. If you don't kill him, you will have only a chance of survival."

Shi shangzun still insisted: "he is a half demon. He is born to practice faster than others. But once he reaches the stage of practicing deficiency, he will be controlled by the devil. When his father is not there, how can you control him?"

With the heavy rain falling on the body, also appears some embarrassed when the innocent face, still firmly hugged the child in his arms and refused to let go.

Although embarrassed, the clear voice is sonorous and powerful in the rain:

"father, since you were a child, you taught me to have compassion for my young children, to be a monk and to fight for my life with heaven!"

"This child was born rich and loved by his parents. Now it is very pitiful to see a sudden change. If we kill him because of a deduction, I really feel sorry for it. I'm afraid that if we do this, we will have a demon after today, and we will not get it in a lifetime."

When a monk has a heart demon, he is basically dead.

With Shi Qing saying this, Shi shangzun, who had already decided to kill Xiao rongjue, hesitated.

Is the father and son two people stalemate, when the child struggling to open his eyes.

He was too young, but he also vaguely understood some things. As soon as he opened his eyes and had not seen the situation clearly, he began to cry at the top of his lungs;

"Dad! Mother!! MotherBefore crying a few times, he felt that he was being held, and carefully and somewhat unfamiliar patted his back.

The devil will stand there, looking at Shiqing some helpless embrace of his childhood, quietly coax: "good, don't cry."

Xiao rongjue is still crying, while crying, while not giving up, keep turning his head, trying to find traces of his parents in the ruins.

Shi shangzun looked at this scene in silence and suddenly said: "although it is not his original intention, it is an indisputable fact that those demons killed his relatives with his evil spirit. He was no longer an ignorant child when he saw the blood of his evil spirit. He watched all his relatives die in front of his own eyes. Even if I didn't kill him, he would live in pain and guilt forever."

Shiqing coaxes the crying child in a low voice, while drooping his eyes, he doesn't know what he is thinking.

After a long time, he said:

"erase his memory."

In the heavy rain, gave birth to a beautiful face of the young Zun, full face firmly looked at his father: "father, you come to erase his memory."

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"Your current cultivation is absolutely impossible to untie your memory restriction unless he is able to attain the point of impending ascension. If you erase his memory, he does not know the evil spirit, so he can't use it again."

"This is the mortal world. As long as he doesn't set foot on the road of cultivation or enter the demon world, he can only be a mortal in his life."

The devil stood in the rain.

Although he had no memory, the collapse of the Rong family was definitely a major event. When he woke up, almost all the people in the city were discussing it.

It was from the bracelet engraved with the word "Rong" on his wrist and the royal clothes on his body that he inferred that he was the Rong family. When he grew up, he found out that he was the young master of the Rong family.

When the Rong family was destroyed, the people in the city were ordinary people. Naturally, they didn't know what happened. Then Rong Jue took the position of the devil and found those demons who had entered his Rong family and destroyed his whole family.

At the beginning, those demons really used his body to kill his parents and relatives, but they didn't expect that he was a rare half demon body. Being controlled, they stimulated the evil Qi in his body, and the evil Qi backfired, destroying most of the people's men and horses.

In order to save their lives, the remaining demons left the Rong family which had become ruins in a hurry.

Rong Jue can save his life.

It's impossible to know that it's because of his own reason that he died without suffering. But perhaps because he didn't remember them, he didn't collapse. He just vented his hatred on those demons.

But he never thought of it.

Those lost memories were not suffering from fate.

But from a person's pity.

Next, the devil has been standing there.

He looked at Shi Qing and finally got his father's consent. He saw that Shi shangzun erased his memory. At his father's urging again and again, he carefully put him in an open space in the ruins.

Shi shangzun said: "since we have decided to let him be a mortal, we will not have too much involvement in the future. We will go back to practice with me."

Even if his father urged him, Shiqing still insisted on hiding quietly, guiding a passer-by to find the rongjue.

Until Rong Jue was placed in the broken temple, he left with his father at ease.

The rain was pouring down. When he was a child, he had been sent to a safe place, but the devil was still standing in the rain.

Jingling's gentle voice rang again. "Child, I feel you are sad. Why?"

The devil was stunned and suddenly looked up:

"is there anything else besides these?"

Jingling was stunned.

Then he said, "naturally, you can watch it if you want to."

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The scene in the mirror changed again.

When Rong Jue was eight years old, he found that he could draw Qi into his body, so he set foot on the journey to find the legendary immortal.

He met the tiger and was nearly eaten.

When Qing sensed the change of aura left on him, he arrived at the Xiuzhen world to help him drive away the tiger.

When he fell off the cliff, Qing hooked him up with vines and hid in the side, watching him bite his teeth and climb up.

He met a poisonous snake and was bitten by it. When he was dying, Qingnong took the antidote and put it beside him.


Pile by pile, piece by piece, I thought it was the Xianzong that I found only after gnashing teeth and going through all kinds of difficulties. Actually, there were people behind to help.

Rong Jue once thought that he was very lucky, no matter what kind of danger he met, he could be saved from danger.

Only now did he know who gave the good fortune.

Until the first Xianzong, chiyun Zong.

At the foot of the mountain, Rong Jue's eyes are full of hope.

On the green sword peak, shishangzun is full of murderous spirit.

"He has found the Xiuzhen realm. Qing'er, you are soft hearted and don't let me kill him. If I don't kill him, I will just abolish his spiritual roots."

Shi Qing was still trying to stop him: "he is only eight years old. If the spirit root is abandoned, the pain will certainly be unsustainable.""But he has entered the immortal sect. With his qualification, his practice will surely go on for thousands of miles. When he comes to the period of practicing emptiness, it will be your death."

"I will fly soon, how can I leave such hidden danger?" he said

See father really carry sword to go out, green shirt young Zun full face anxious, even busy way: "let him worship me as a teacher!"

The steps of shishangzun stopped.

He looked back at his son.

Shi Qing: "let him worship me as a teacher. Father, you know that my qualification is not equal to that of others. If he follows my master, his practice will not be very good. I will always look at him and let him be an ordinary practitioner."

Shi shangzun: "if he comes to the period of practicing deficiency?"

"Qing'er, this is not only your business. If he becomes a devil, he will destroy chiyunzong and even the whole Xiuzhen world within a hundred years. You are soft hearted and your father knows that, but you should also take the overall situation into consideration."

"It's worth his life to change the whole cultivation world."

When he was innocent, he still clenched his teeth and said:

"then I will abolish his cultivation with my own hands."

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"Once he reaches the stage of practicing emptiness, I will destroy his spiritual roots and make him a mortal."

- he abandoned his spiritual roots with his own hands.

In the devil's mind, only this sentence is left.

Why did the master snatch him from other masters, but he didn't teach him well.

Why does the master look ugly and scold him once he has made progress in his cultivation.

Why should we attack him secretly and destroy his spiritual roots.

Why do you take care of him behind his back, but refuse to tell him what is the trouble.

It's just I'm afraid that he will find his memory and fall into the pain of killing his parents and relatives

All these, Rong Jue all understand.

As these pictures flash one by one, the devil stands among them, but it looks like the sky is falling.

He lowered his head and held out his hands, looking at his hands.

Slender, white and with cocoons.

It was these hands that held his master in the room.

This is also the hands, personally feed his master to eat, can no longer leave the man's Mei Dan.

Rong Jue's eyes were black, almost unable to stand.

What did he do.

What did he do for his master.


The devil bowed his head and knelt heavily on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Outside, Shiqing took back the hand that fell on the mirror spirit.

Shi Qing: [almost. ]

the system has become a scream chicken: [rongjue rejection degree; 400100]

rongjue rejection degree: [200100]

rongjue rejection degree: [0100]

the system is crazy.

Completely crazy.

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