At the top of qingjianfeng mountain, Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu hide behind a tree carefully.

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In front of him, Rong Jue only wears a single garment and kneels down in front of the door.

Qiao Lingyu: "the second elder martial brother, the eldest brother has been kneeling all day. Is there anything wrong?"

Shanglu also hesitated to look at Rong Jue for several times: "according to reason, the elder martial brother is just a mortal now. After kneeling for a whole day, he always feels uncomfortable, but his face seems to be OK."

Although the two of them discussed in a low voice, they did not dare to plead for Rong Jue who seemed to have made some mistakes. After all, the master in the room did not respond when they came forward to plead, but Rong Jue said that he had made a big mistake.

Although the elder martial brother was always punished by the master before, he generally did not make mistakes and would not admit that he was wrong.

Therefore, Rong Jue said that, even if two people no longer how worried about his mortal body will kneel down, they still can only quietly guard aside.

If something happens to the elder martial brother, they can help to lift it.

Rong Jue is not a mortal now. Even if he kneels in the yard, he can hear the dialogue between Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu, but he has no response.

The devil hung his eyes, and his own evil spirit was being driven by his master and hit him like a whip.

From early morning till now, Rong Jue has been punishing himself in his own way.

But what's the use of that.

In his last life, he had suffered too much. Even though the evil spirit was painful on his body, he could not make Rong Jue feel better.

Last night, I barely kept awake at the beginning, and finally indulged in the cloud bed until I sat up in the morning and saw what I had done.

Everything is like a dream.

When he felt his master's soft arm unconsciously fell in front of him and assumed a dependent posture, he even couldn't tell whether he was dreaming or having a nightmare.

After knowing the truth and seeing what the master has done for him.

He did it to his master.


After Rong Jue wakes up completely, there is only one sentence left in his mind: I don't deserve to be a person.

For a moment, the Lord even wanted to kill himself.

But soon, he remembered that if he didn't have this antidote, he would surely die in pain.

He didn't even dare to die.

Rong Jue wants to atone, but he doesn't know what to do.

He can only kneel numbly here, let his own Devil Qi beat his body, with pain to keep awake.


The door opened.

Wrapped up in thick, only a jade white face of the upper Zun stood in front of the door.

In fact, his face was OK. After all, Rong Jue and he were both practicing, and Rong Jue was higher than he was. Naturally, the double cultivation of two people naturally took advantage of Shiqing.

What's more, even if Rong Jue was addicted to it last night, he still kept some sense. He simply used 120000 patience and served carefully.

So his face was white and red, and he didn't know how much better he was.

But in Rong Jue's eyes, the master's body shape is just a month, and it seems that he has lost a lot of weight.

The master even wore so much.


Rong Jue's eyes trembled with pain.

Thinking, master is such a face loving person, he left so many traces on the master, the master naturally wants to cover up.

When he thought that he even used evil Qi to humiliate his master, so that the red mark on his white skin could not come down for three months, so that he could only put on more clothes to cover up his embarrassment, Rong Jue wanted to stab himself.


He knocked his head heavily on the ground: "I don't ask for your forgiveness. Please punish me."

The emperor looked at the man kneeling on the ground and dropped his eyes slightly.

"Get up, you don't have to do it like this. It's my fault and I have nothing to do with you."

Rong Jue listen to his slightly weak voice, a heart seems to be torn in two, the pain of his kneeling body are slightly shaking.

Even now, the master can't bear to blame him.

Even for his sake, he took all the blame on himself.

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How can it be so good.

Rong Jue suddenly raised his head, with blood in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "master, don't say that. It's all the students' fault!"

However, shangzun still didn't think so.

With a little self mockery, he said with a bitter smile: "it's because the Abbess believes in the art of deduction too much. I do that, and you should hate me."

"Now it seems that although you know the truth, you have not been affected by what happened at the beginning. On the contrary, you still have the heart of repentance. It seems that the performance was wrong, and it was the teacher who believed in the deduction. That's why we have today."He sighed softly: "the past 20 years have also suffered you. As a teacher, I thought what I did was right. But even now you know the truth, your pure good nature is still unchanged. In the past 20 years, I have done something wrong for you."

Rong Jue knows the meaning of Shiqing.

He never revealed the truth. No matter how humiliating the LORD was, he refused to say it. He was just afraid that Rong Jue would be completely possessed after knowing the truth of killing his parents and relatives, and eventually destroy the whole cultivation world as the deduction said.

Therefore, when entering the secret place of tail suspension and seeing the spirit mirror, Shiqing would be so afraid.

He was afraid that Rong Jue could not control himself into the devil when he saw the original truth. He was afraid that Rong Jue would eventually destroy the whole cultivation world.

Now nothing happens.

Therefore, shangzun felt that he had done something wrong.

He knew that his master was not wrong.

In his last life, he did go all the way to the deduced ending.

Even before rebirth, rongjue, who had just sat on the throne of the devil, had already put his eyes on the realm of cultivation.

There was only one thought in his mind at that time.

Will find out when Qing, pick skin cramps, let him die of pain.

In the past 100 years, when I met with difficulties, I would like to think about it like this. When I look back, I just want to slap myself in the face.

He clenched his fist so tightly that it was almost bloody.

Rong Jue can't imagine, if, if he didn't reborn

What would he do to the master who hated his master in his last life?

At the thought of this, the devil seems to be back more than 50 years ago. In order to improve his cultivation, he spent three days and three nights in an ice lake.

On the last day, my body was like this. The cold blood seemed to be frozen and could not move at all.

"Master, you have done nothing wrong."

"It's the disciple's fault, it's the disciple's disrespect to you. Master, please punish me."

Rong Jue heavily buckled his head on the ground and knocked it.

He deliberately removed the body protecting magic Qi, which was absolutely solid. Soon, Zhang Junlang's face was blue and purple, showing blood.

The face of shangzun soon showed his impatience.

To this child who looked older, he could not bear to see Rong Jue so miserable.

He glanced over his face and whispered:

"I don't blame you."

Rong Jue buttoned his head and raised his eyes. He looked at his master with surprise and joy.

Shi Qing: "Rong Jue, I made the mistake first. You don't have to be too guilty. Since you have nothing to do, your cultivation is far better than me, so leave qingjianfeng."

Rong Jue was originally with a little happy face.

For a moment, he almost thought he was listening.

But as if shocked by the news, the heart beating violently reminds him again.

Master hates you.

You did that to your master, and he didn't want to see you again.

But he

But he wanted to stay with his master.

Whether it is guilt, or the love that does not know when to hide, let rongjue can not leave Shiqing.

"Master Master, don't rush me. "

The devil can't think of anything else in his mind. He just knelt down to the master's feet and begged him desperately:

"master, please don't drive me away. Master, you can beat me. You can punish your disciples as much as you want. Don't drive me away, master..."

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In a hurry, his blank brain finally remembered something else.

He tried his best to swallow the Adam's apple, knelt on the ground, looked up and looked up, and his brows were slightly wrinkled. His face had already shown the emperor who couldn't bear it. He said in a trembling voice:

"master, I can't leave. You still have Mei Dan. If I leave, what will you do..."

As soon as he finished, he realized that there was a threat in his words. He quickly continued, "master, don't misunderstand me. I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried about master."

With that, Rong Jue shook his hands and carefully grasped the pendulum of Shiqing.

Big bear shrunk his head carefully and begged hard:

"master, I know that my disciple has done wrong, and I am willing to be punished. What's worse, if you drive the disciple out of the school, I'll stay in qingjianfeng. I'll be a servant and a servant. As long as you don't drive me away, master, master, disciple, please..."

Shi Qing still insisted.

Although there was a little intolerance on his face, he still turned his face slightly and avoided the big disciple's praying eyes.

"Na Mei Dan..."

Speaking of this, he slightly dyed a faint red on his cheek, and soon forced it down. He continued: "although Mei Dan has no solution, but you leave some blood before you go. I will use your blood to refine the antidote, which can be postponed every time you take it. Every 50 years, if you give me some blood, I can survive."Perhaps it was Rong Jue's forehead full of blue and purple blood, which seemed too pitiful. He could not bear to explain: "I didn't drive you away because I hated you, but I didn't have any talent. At the beginning, I had no choice but to accept you as an apprentice. Now your cultivation is much higher than me, and you have become a demon cultivation. I really can't delay you any more."

"What's more, I'm a monk, and you're a demon cultivator. There's no difference between the two. If you stay in chiyun sect, you'll be discovered by others sooner or later. It's not good for you and qingjianfeng."

Shi Qing said that it was reasonable and reasonable. Even if Rong Jue was not willing to do so, he had to admit that he was right.

If he is found, chiyun Zong's people do nothing to him.

But if someone hears the news of a demon cultivation hidden in qingjianfeng, it will definitely damage the master's reputation.

Rong Jue thought of self abandoning cultivation for the first time.

Since demon Xiu can't stay in qingjianfeng, can't he become a mortal?

But soon, he thought that the master needed his blood to refine the antidote every 50 years.

How many fifty years can a mortal live.

It doesn't matter if he's dead. What should the master do without the antidote.

Kneeling on the ground, hair disordered, forehead is covered by blood blue and blue man slowly closed his eyes.

Finally, Rong Jue exhaled a breath and knocked his head heavily on the ground.

His voice was so dumb that he almost lost his original voice:

"disciple Follow my teacher's instructions. "

The first disciple Rong Jue was expelled from the school by Shiqing shangzun of qingjianfeng.

The news quickly spread throughout the whole chiyun sect.

All of them said they had expected it.

It doesn't need them to say more about it. Just look at it directly.

In the past, it can be said that the strict teacher made a good apprentice. Later, Rong Jue was injured. When Shiqing shangzun stopped him from asking for a doctor for him, it was enough to see what kind of attitude the master had towards his eldest disciple.

Later, although he had a hard encounter with Chi xiafeng for rongjue's publicity, he revealed his identity as a Dan master, and then gave Rong Jue a life prolonging pill that could produce Danxia, which made some people feel that he was kind to this disciple.

But now when Shiqing and rongjue broke the relationship between master and apprentice, no one was surprised.

Rong Jue is now a mortal, a mortal, what does he stay in the cultivation world to do.

What's more, Shiqing shangzun did the same to him before. Even if the longevity pill was given later, most of the chiyunzong disciples thought it was pity.

After all, rongjue has changed from a practitioner who could fight with heaven for his life to a mortal, and his life span has changed from a minimum of 500 years to a mere hundred years.

Give him a longevity pill, let him prolong his life, is the only teacher love that Shiqing emperor can give.

We had expected that Rong Jue would leave qingjianfeng, so we were not surprised. It seemed that nothing had happened. No one said that he planned to send Rong Jue down the mountain.

Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu want to send, but they are rejected by Rong Jue.

The two men are still not dead kneeling on the cliff of qingjianfeng, trying to change their master's mind.

Even if the elder martial brother became a mortal, he grew up in qingjianfeng and suddenly went to the mortal world. If something happened, they would not be able to help.

However, no matter how much they prayed, Shiqing was stuffy in the room and pretended not to hear.

Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu knelt for seven days.

On the eighth day, they stopped kneeling.

It's not that I can't hold on, but the news of rongjue has reached chiyun Zong.

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Their elder martial brother actually entered the demon world after leaving the Xiuzhen world. In just seven days, he made a reputation.

Even he has killed many evil cults who have a disgusting reputation in the cultivation world.

Mo laoguai, to mortal world, with a city of mortals refining magic weapon.

Yuzhenren is highly cultivated and inferior. At the beginning, he pretended to be injured in the cultivation world and cheated many young practitioners to help him with spiritual power. In the end, he was absorbed by immortal fish and lost his life.

And Cheng GUI, bear the real man

These are all heinous crimes, but because of their profound cultivation, even if several major sects of the Xiuzhen world hate them, they can't be taken.

Although Rong Jue killed some evil cults, Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu didn't think that their elder martial brother was doing harm to the people.

Because Rong Jue killed those people, he took over the territory of their influence.

In my memory, Chunshan elder martial brother, who is gentle and never speaks loudly to others, seems to have changed.

Rumor has it that he killed people like hell.

It is said that he acted ferociously in the demon world, and all disobedient people died under his sword.

Rumor has it that he intended to take the throne of the devil.

In just seven days, he almost defeated half of the demon Kingdom, and now he has gathered hundreds of thousands of demon troops to declare war on the current demon.If it is only for the people, it is not necessary to do so much.

When Rong Jue did this, the ambition of the wolf was obvious.

Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu feel unbelievable at the same time, but they have to believe after taking a picture of the spirit stone from the demon world.

Their senior brother really fell into the devil kingdom.

Even changed a person like, want to sit on the throne of the devil.

Senior brother, he has really changed.

They anxiously went to find Shi Qing.

But their master just looked pale and shook his head:

"he will not."

No what?

The truth of the matter has been put in front of them, and there are even photos. The one wearing black armor and handsome face is not stained with blood. His eyes are cold and sharp, and he cuts watermelon like a knife. Isn't that the honor formula?

Not only the deer and Qiao Lingyu letter, even the chiyun Zong people have gradually received the news.

It even caused a lot of discussion.

After all, Rong Jue was also a well-known figure of chiyunzong at the beginning, and now he has killed half of the demon world in less than seven days after becoming a mortal.

Even those who practice the truth can die of curiosity.

The disciples at the bottom just discuss and satisfy their own gossip, but the upper level of chiyunzong has already entered the state of preparation for war.

On the tenth day, the news came that Rong Jue was on the throne of the devil.

The chiyun patriarch urgently called the superior, the elder, and began to discuss.

Although there were demons in the demon world before, the major forces had already broken up, and the demon world could not gather at all.

Even if most of the evil cults are cruel, they may not be able to fight against them. Because of their uncooperative relationship, the Xiuzhen world is not worried about fighting with the demon world.

But now, Rong Jue unifies the demon world.

He is so ambitious, who knows whether he will put his eyes on the cultivation world after winning the demon world.

The reason why chiyun clan can become the first immortal sect depends not only on cultivation, but also on some predictions.

As soon as Chi xiafeng's Zhang Chenggang heard the patriarch's full of anxiety, he snorted and looked at Shi Qing:

"it's time to ask Shiqing shangzun. He taught such a good disciple."

"I heard that when rongjue was still in qingjianfeng, Shiqing shangzun didn't treat him very well. Now he is on the throne of the devil. If he really attacks the Xiuzhen world, I'm afraid the reason is mostly because of Shiqing shangzun."

In the face of Zhang Cheng's tossing pot, Shi Qing just looks down with expressionless expression and doesn't say a word.

"Well, now that the foreign enemy is not clear, will we fight internally?"

The patriarch scolded: "besides, it has not been decided whether rongjue wants to fight Xiuzhen world or not."

Before he finished speaking, a disciple came in from outside.

"Lord, the demon Kingdom and the army of demon kingdom are coming towards us."

The faces of those present immediately changed.

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How fast?!!!

Isn't Rong Jue just won the demon world?!

The patriarch also suddenly stood up, "how many people did they bring?"

The disciple's face was pale, and he was obviously frightened:

"a lot, it seems that the whole demon Kingdom's army is coming. Lord, they are coming fiercely. What should we do?"

How to do it?

The whole army of demon Kingdom has come. What else can they do?

There seems to be no other way but to wait for death.

Zhang Cheng also suddenly stood up: "he came to our chiyun clan because of the Qing Dynasty! If it wasn't for what Shi Qing had done to him, he would not have come directly to us. "

With the arrival of the demon Kingdom army, they will certainly not be able to defeat them directly. Zhang Cheng does not care about anything else at the moment. He grits his teeth and proposes: "Lord, it's better to have the honor Jue come for a while. Let's hand over Shiqing."

"He's worth it to keep our whole family on his own."


The patriarch scolded the past coldly: "Shiqing shangzun is my chiyun patriarch. No matter what kind of grudges he has with Rong Jue, he is my chiyun patriarch!"

"It's just a fight against the demon world."

He quickly made a mark and flew to the door of other families for help. He stood up with a cold face: "I chiyunzong, even if I am dead, I will die standing still!"

"Gentlemen! Let's go out with me to fight! "

Zhang Cheng said:

Win your mother's war.

He had a dark face and thought for a while, or he would take the opportunity to run.

The whole army of the demon world, how can they fight.

I can't beat it.

All the people present could see what he was thinking, but at the moment of the war, although they all frowned, they did not say anything.

As soon as the party went out, the prohibition of chiyunzong was broken.

The disciples ran in all directions, and in the sky, the army of demon Kingdom stood on it.

In terms of number and prestige, it is very terrible.Led by Rong Jue, he was dressed in black clothes and with a long sword in his hand. He flew down directly.

Zhang Cheng suddenly pushed Shi Qing out:

"Rong Jue, I know that you hate Shi Qing to attack chiyunzong. He is here and you can kill him."


The devil's face was cold, and he suddenly swung his sleeve. The evil spirit directly attacked Zhang Cheng.

He screamed and was beaten out.

In all of you, venerable elders are suddenly alert to pick up weapons against the devil.

In the full view of the public, he went to Shiqing

- bang!

Get down on your knees!

In the eyes of a dazed crowd, the devil looked up and looked at Shi Qing with a sonorous voice:

"master, the disciple is now the devil, and he brings the army of the demon world to the alliance of the spiritual world."

As soon as he waved his hand, the army of demon world all laid down their weapons.

Rong Jue raised his face with firmness:

"after the alliance between the demon world and the Xiuzhen world, in the future, even if the disciple is a demon cultivation, he can still stay with you."

The author has something to say

eh, woo woo woo, I'm late again

in fact, I have finished writing, but I can't stop writing

excuse me. For the sake of the five character eight character number, if you are still angry, you can hit me with nutrient solution. It doesn't matter how painful it is. Some cute little red packets are good night

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