When the devil kneels down, there is no one to speak.

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When he finished this sentence, the audience was silent, so quiet that even mosquitoes could hear it.

Suzerain; "..."

The other sages said:

Zhang Cheng, who was thrown out to cover his chest, sat up and vomited blood

The devil brought the army to the frontier just to talk about the alliance with the Xiuzhen world. He didn't dare to write that.

But that's how it happened.

Almost everyone's line of sight revolves around rongjue and Shiqing.

Finally, under the sight of thousands of people, the cold and cold master finally moved. He looked at the former disciple kneeling on the ground with a complex look, and even his voice seemed to be full of complexity:

"why do you need to be like this?"

Rong Jue knocked his head on the ground again and made a lot of noise.

A demon, with at least 100000 demon troops standing behind him, did not care about his face. He still looked firm and devout and kowtowed to Shiqing.

It seems that even if his cultivation is unfathomable now, Shiqing, the former master with only a suitable period, is also his eternal belief.

This picture is so powerful that the patriarch's heart beat and almost didn't have a heart attack on the spot.

He tried to catch a breath.

Although we said that we would die together if we wanted to die, since the demon world didn't want to fight, the patriarch couldn't say such things as "alliance, you ghost, Laozi is going to die".

He himself is OK. If there are so many disciples of chiyun sect, how can he be worthy of his ancestor.

So, the patriarch coughed. First, he took out a handkerchief from his arms and wiped it. I don't know if it was shocking or the sweat on his forehead. Then he pondered and said:

"since the devil is coming to the alliance, why does he bring the army under pressure?"

We can't blame them for thinking that the other side is fighting. In this situation, no one believes that it's not a fight.

Rong Jue raised his head, but he still knelt in front of Shi Qing. His face was full of Justice:

"I was a member of the chiyun clan, and I knew that the Xiuzhen world was always on guard against the demon world. If I came directly to talk about the Alliance, I was afraid that the people in the Xiuzhen world would feel cheated. Therefore, I brought my demon Kingdom army to ensure the success of the alliance."

Patriarch:.... "

The other sages said:

Why can they understand every word of Rong Jue, but when combined, they can't understand the meaning?

Bring the army of the demon world to ensure the success of the Alliance

Is there a relationship between the two??

Do you have it?!!

As if he knew what they were thinking, even if he knelt on the ground, he continued:

"the army of the demon world is integrated here. As long as I want to, I can immediately level down the Xiuzhen world."

All of them said, "well

Therefore, he brought the demon Kingdom army to the alliance, which is the sincerity of the naked.

There is no refutation.

When they can't say a word, Rong Jue's line of sight is almost infatuated with falling on the slightly twisted eyebrow, a jade white face can not see when the Qing body.

"Master, after the alliance between the demon world and the Xiuzhen world, the disciple will step down from the position of the devil."

"This seat should be dedicated to the master."

All of them said, "well

Painstakingly beat down the demon world and give it to people??

I'm afraid Rong Jue is not crazy.

Shi Qing: [Tut, sure enough, I miss my Rongbao every night. ]

as the Supreme Master of the immortal sect, as long as he doesn't collapse, he can never be openly associated with a demon cultivation.

But what about the alliance between the demon world and the Xiuzhen world.

In the full view of the public, the master and his former disciple, the present devil, looked at each other. In a pair of beautiful eyes, he was full of complexity.

In the sight full of hope and admiration, Shiqing shangzun seemed to escape and turned around in confusion:

"what is the purpose of the alliance? Why should we bring the army to the chiyun sect? I am sorry for you, but there is no such thing as chiyun Zong..."

"I never thought it would be disadvantageous to chiyun clan."

Rong Jue was keenly aware of the master's soft heart. He was so pleased that he quickly appeared on his face and knelt in front of him:

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"master, I just want to make sure that everything is safe and sound. Chiyun sect is the place where the disciples are raised. How can the disciples do anything to the chiyunzong?"

-- if it's a big deal, we'll have the whole chiyun sect surrounded here.

Dressed in a black suit, he still looks like the elder martial brother of qingjianfeng. His eyes are full of admiration:

"master, I can guarantee that chiyun Zong will be safe and healthy."

He doesn't guarantee the health of the spiritual world.

If the Xiuzhen world does not agree with the alliance, it will still scare them.Kneeling on the ground, every sentence sonorous, eyes firm, a pair of "I said is absolutely from the heart of the truth" appearance.

This obviously reassured Shi Qing. He was a little bit hasty to avoid the hot sight of the eldest disciple:

"since there is nothing wrong with chiyunzong, I will go back first."


He "tangled" and looked at Rong Jue, and his ear tip was slightly red. Although his voice was weak, he could hear it:

"after you have dealt with the matter, if you really unite with the demon world, come to me."

Rong Jue's eyes lit up immediately.

Almost everyone at the scene could see that the devil's momentum was relieved, as if from a fierce bear into a soft little wolf dog.

In front of his master, he was willing to lose all his thorns.

Shiqing is gone.

This picture is very beautiful.

At the top, there are the demonic army in black and the disciples of chiyun sect in white.

All the people were standing still, only a blue shirt on the Zun, before walking, the long sleeves of the hem fluttered.

Rong Jue focused on looking at the master's back. His eyes were gentle and his expression was gentle. It was hard to believe that this was the devil with a cold face and a long sword in his hand. He fought his way of blood on the battlefield.

People will subconsciously relax their vigilance to people with harmless looks.

In particular, rongjue grew up in chiyun sect before. Although the patriarch and the elders may not have much contact with him, they will naturally know what kind of person rongjue was after he became a demon.

Almost everyone's response was surprisingly consistent.

He is kind, honest, talented, patient, and never stingy with his teaching.

Originally, they were still suspicious in their hearts. Now when they saw Rong Jue showing this appearance, they relaxed a little bit.


How can a person's disposition change in such a short time.

Even if he became the devil, it seems that he was still the good and honest disciple of qingjianfeng.

Look, even now, he is so respectful to Shiqing, whose accomplishments are lower than himself.

The atmosphere of the scene gradually eased down.

One of them had seen Rong Jue more often than before. Every time Rong Jue saw him, he was respectfully greeting him.

He thought that since Rong Jue was still the original attitude towards Shi Qing, he must be no different from him.

Shangzun: "rongjue, you..."

The rest of his words stuck in his throat after the devil raised his eyes.

Rong Jue stood up slowly.

His sword eyebrows and star eyes were originally harmless when he was a disciple of the chiyun clan. But now, although his eyebrows and eyes are still the same, they add a bit more fierce and magical.

This appearance, almost no one can say a word, he is a righteous person.

When he stood up, as soon as he reached out his hand, the sword that had been placed on the ground immediately rose into the air and fell into the hands of the devil.

With the sword in his hand, Rong Jue was more and more powerful. He looked at the people of chiyun sect in front of him, and his expression was indifferent:

"then, I have made it very clear that the alliance between the demon world and the Xiuzhen world is imperative!"

Speaking of this, he squinted slightly:

"if the Xiuzhen world refuses to unite, then go to war."

A group of people:.... "

What kind of troupe are you???

Face changing has become so fast!!!

Shiqing shangzun has been away for less than a few seconds!

The master almost thought that he was a mirage. He managed to keep his face steady: "you just said that you should protect the health of chiyun Zong."

"That's right."

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Rong Jue looks back and looks at the grass and trees of chiyun Zong. His eyes reveal a little tenderness.

Master loves here, and naturally he wants to keep chiyunzong healthy.

Devil: "I have nothing to do with chiyunzong when I fight with Xiuzhen world."

All of them said, "well

So, is chiyun Zong expelled from the practice world?

War is impossible.

Knowing that you must die, it is no problem to die with the idea of "death is also a heroic point".

If people don't want to kill you, but you bump in and say, "kill me, kill me." that's too silly.

So, in the end, the patriarch decided to have a good talk.

They kept a high degree of vigilance and brought rongjue to the assembly hall.

Rong Jue's attitude is very firm.

If you want the demon world to stop killing as usual, no problem.

I want the demon world to practice well and not to be a moth. No problem.

If you want the demon world not to make trouble in the mortal world, no problem.

In short, it must be united.

It is necessary to make people in the demon world who are not welcome by the Xiuzhen world to become official accounts holders, so that the demon world can change from a heresy to a serious way of cultivation.Outside, a part of the magic soldiers fell down and stood everywhere in chiyun sect, loyal to protect their own demons.

-- and the devil and his master.

Rong Jue knew that the master hated those who had no ferocious face, and the soldiers selected urgently were at least good-looking.

They were dressed in black armor, with spears in their hands, and their eyes were cold. They stood still, attracting many chiyun sect disciples to watch.

Many of the disciples have never been a monk, and they have heard about the devil kingdom.

It is said that some of the magic practices in the demon world are from mortal practice, some are born to be magic cultivation, and a small part of them are ru Rong Jue, who were originally practitioners of truth and then fell into the evil way.

Of course, Rong Jue such a magic repair will immediately the whole demon world are a nest of end of the cruel role on him.

But in the rumor heard by the practitioners, the evil monks are all slovenly, and some of them have body odor. One by one, they are not good people.

But the demon army in front of them is clearly well-trained and resolute.

Because they knew that the demon world was going to ally with the Xiuzhen world, some young chiyun clan disciples were not so afraid of the demon cultivation. They bravely went forward and selected the most upright demon soldier and asked in a low voice:

"that Elder brother, I heard that elder martial brother Rong No, no, no, no, Lord. The Lord just entered the demon world seven days ago. Why do you seem to admire him

It's only seven days. It's too short.

Although elder martial brother Rong was very charming when he was there, it was too open on the 7th.

Magic Soldier: Those who don't respect you are dead. "

This disciple: --

He was stunned for a long time, then he laughed dryly: "well, it seems that the LORD God still likes to be admired by others. Before he was in chiyun clan, he was admired by our brothers."

The demon soldier looked at the silly disciple in front of him with a stuffy face: "do you admire zunshang? If the ugly one admires zunshang, he will die. Why are you still alive


"I am ugly, I am Wait, why would you die if you were ugly? "

Demon Soldier: "the LORD said it was because they had committed too many crimes. They had tortured and killed too many people in the mortal world before."

"But the way I look at them is that I dislike their ugliness."

With that, he looked up and down at his disciples and added, "you look so ugly that you will die."


Disciple: "well, how did he win the demon kingdom in just seven days Seven days is too short. "

Magic Soldier: "look at you don't look good to me, I'm kind to tell you."

With a voice without ups and downs and an expression of lovelessness, he recalled:

"zunshang entered from the south entrance of the demon world and fought all the way to the north. He said that he was in a hurry and had no time to do anything else. First, he picked out the real man who was on the wanted list of Xiuzhen world. After killing them, he took over their power. Later, we found that it was useless to resist or revolve around So when you finally arrive at a city, the demon king in the city will come out and surrender. "

People are open hang, honor is to continue to open hang.

He himself is a hang up, and his subordinates are growing much more.

At the beginning, it was Rong Jue who fought against the whole demon world.

The other half of the magic world is half of the magic war.

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The evil cultivation didn't have the idea of "to die standing on your own feet" as soon as he found out that the situation was wrong, he immediately turned to Rong Jue.

"There are also people who want to sneak attack zunshang, and they are all killed on the spot. There are still millions of us in the demon Kingdom army, but those people are not as good-looking as our group, so we follow Zun to practice."

With that, he looked down at the disciple in front of him and let out a hum from his nose: "if we want to beat you in the demon Kingdom, we will take it in minutes."

The disciple's brain is hot, subconsciously asked: "then why don't you fight?"

The pride on the demon soldier's face disappeared immediately.

He hugged his weapon in silence, as if thinking of the devil who met the God and killed the Buddha. His face was a burst of egg pain: "nonsense."

"Of course, you will be killed by zunshang."

After all, the demon world and the Xiuzhen world signed the alliance treaty.

Although it was signed under the invisible threat of "you dare not sign, we will directly fight the Xiuzhen world" in the demon world.

However, some practitioners are afraid that the evil cultivation will not abide by the agreement, but rongjue is not very worried.

Before that, those monks who killed others and killed innocent people were all dead.

The rest of them were scared and scared, and those who had never touched human life on their hands.

It's not that you have to kill people to practice. It's just that in the future, it's just like cultivating the true world. It's still very simple to do it.

At the time of signing the contract, an additional clause was added to the contract which was valid for both parties.The true world should also be like the demon world, where the master and the apprentice become the partners.

In addition, they should have their own gold seals on their own like other Taoist priests.

The practitioners who were worried about what he put forward too much demand were afraid that he would ask too much

Combined with the former Rong Jue to give the whole demon world to Shiqing.

What he was thinking was clear at a glance.

The devil is still a love brain.

Rong Jue doesn't care what others think of himself. When the contract is established, he tries to tidy up himself with a cheerful mood, and becomes the image that the master once liked, and courtes Shi Qing carefully.

He has only one goal now.

That is, so aboveboard depends on the master's side.

Although Rong Jue went to the demon world these days, he kept killing, but when killing became instinct, his brain became more and more sober.

He clearly realized that he did not want to leave his master.

He is not satisfied with being only a disciple loved by his master.

He wants more.

He wanted to stand beside his master in a aboveboard manner, as a Taoist companion.

It can be difficult.

After all, he had done such a thing to his master, and the master didn't want to crush him to pieces, so he should be grateful.

But maybe he was born a half demon. Greed and occupation were deeply engraved in his bones. He wanted to stand by his master and protect him all his life.

Rong Jue, cheer yourself up!

Well, he's done the first step!

Next, he will fight down the demon world, handed in front of the master.

It was not easy for Rong Jue to make an appointment with Shiqing.

The demon Kingdom's soldiers are training on the training ground of chiyunzong.

Each of them practiced very seriously and worked hard.

After all, the head boss had left a deep psychological shadow on them when he was fighting the demon world. If he didn't practice well, God knows whether he would cut them off like vegetables.

When looking at their neat and uniform pace, his eyes showed admiration: "Rong Jue, is this what you taught them?"

Rong Jue, dressed in white and wearing a jade crown, seems to have become the elegant disciple of qingjianfeng:

"yes, master."

Magic soldiers in training Ghost.

At the beginning, Rong Jue raced against time, which had time to practice them. It was not because they practiced so hard for their own lives that they had this achievement now.

The upper one, who was wearing a green shirt and had a clear temperament, believed it.

With a smile on his lips, he looked at Xiang rongjue and said, "sure enough, you have been very careful to your younger martial brothers and sisters since you were a child. When I closed up, they were all taught by you patiently. At that time, almost the whole chiyun sect envied me for having such a good apprentice as you. His talent was not to be said, and he was still pure and good. At that time, he was always at ease when he was in seclusion because he knew you would take care of me On Lu Lingyu. "

Speaking of this, there was a little nostalgia in the eyes of the master, and then he sighed: "now you are all grown up, and you are no longer the child who liked to follow me at the beginning."

Rong Jue keenly captured the memory in the master's eyes, and immediately his expression was shocked.

He turned to his side, carefully, as he had done when he was a child, and pulled Shi Qing's sleeve: "master, Shanglu and Lingyu are not stickiness. When they grow up, they are no longer like before..."

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The devil ignored the fact that he had nothing to do since he was young. He liked to go to see the master. He lowered his head and dropped his head on his slender shoulder. He said in a soft voice:

"but the disciples are still like children."

It's a bit difficult to do this, because he's tall.

But Rong Jue is very natural, as if he is really a child, clinging to the teacher's shoulder, trying to scatter Jiao.

When Qing facial expression slightly soft down, the hand gently pushed him, did not exert force, also did not push the person away naturally.

He chuckled with the same soft tone: "you are the devil now, but don't make this gesture. It's a joke."

Rong Jue's heart is more happy.

Sure enough!

What the master likes most is his disciple dependence.

Knowing the master's pulse, he will do the next move more smoothly.

"Master, although the disciple is a devil, he is still your disciple."

Rong Jue touched his master's shoulder pitifully with his face: "there are many villains in the demon world. When I first entered the demon world, I was afraid that I couldn't sleep. I always thought that if the master was around the disciple, it would be good."

The magic soldiers who are training their troops:.... "

You can't sleep???

You're not sleeping at all, OK!

To the demon world is a chop!

People in the demon world are scared and can't sleep!!

However, no matter how much they roar in their hearts, no one on the surface dares to expose the demon who lies in front of his master."But they said, you killed the four sides in the demon world, and there are many demon soldiers to follow."

"It's just rumors."

The devil was content to lean on the master, his face was not red and his spirit was not short: "the disciple was deeply taught by the master, how could he kill all directions? The devil soldiers followed him only deeply felt that the disciple's conduct was good. After all, the disciple was taught by the master, and he was always better than those demon kings."

"If you don't believe me, ask him. The whole demon world knows it. The disciple is from qingjianfeng. He is gentle, courteous and thrifty. I remember it."

Rong Jue still can't forget Shi Qing's love for deer. Although he doesn't dare to talk about anything his master has done, it doesn't affect his quietly trying to win favor.

He asked the demon soldier, "you say, do you follow me because you respect your own conduct?"

The demon soldier pulled out:.... "

At this moment, many pictures flashed through his mind.

Among them, there are:

the honor formula of standing in the battlefield with a sword as cold as a devil.

The whole city is directly wrapped with magic Qi, and the honor formula of reincarnation without surrender is put forward.

The face splashes with blood, even in the eyes all take on the blood color Rong Jue.

His legs trembled, his eyes trembled, his lips trembled: "subordinate, subordinate..."

Rong Jue carefully put his hand around the master's waist and looked at it. He used the gentle language that almost made the demon soldiers hairy:

"just tell the truth."

The demon soldier was an honest man, trembling his lips and stammering with difficulty:

"respect, respect, really follow the truth..." Say it?

The rest of his words froze when he saw Rong Jue's right hand, which seemed to hang on one side unintentionally, soared with evil spirit. Under his sword eyebrows, his eyes looked at him coldly, and his face was full of killing intent, and then he suddenly froze:

"real, real..."

When Qing slightly wrung eyebrow: "why does he speak so?"

Rong Jue: "he was born sick, is a stuttering."

The blue shirt looked at the demon soldier subconsciously.

The magic soldier nodded wildly: "yes, yes! I stammer

Rong Jue: "since he stutters, master, ask someone else."

Then he looked at the other demons.

At the side of this demon soldier, the magic soldiers felt the sight of the devil. They did not dare to come out of the atmosphere one by one, and their forehead was sweating one after another.

Rong Jue: "forget it, you say it together."

"Tell master, why do you follow me."

The magic soldiers looked at the front, lifted their chests and raised their heads, with sweat on their heads and cold sweat on their backs. Their voices were sonorous and powerful:

"we respect and respect our conduct!"

"Follow me voluntarily!"

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