Rong Jue can clearly feel that his master's attitude towards him is gradually softening after he shows that he is still as upright and pure as ever.

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He was ecstatic, more and more riveted in front of the master performance.

After the alliance between the demon world and the Xiuzhen world, as the glory formula of the devil, he did not care about the rumors outside, so he settled down in chiyun Zong.

There are only two opinions on him from the outside world:

first, he grew up in the chiyun clan and has feelings for the chiyun clan.

2、 It can be seen from the content of the contract that this love brain demon obviously wants to get a teacher first.

Of course, it may also be that he has feelings for the chiyun clan and wants to be close to the water.

Even if the outside world beeped on this matter, no one said "you are the devil, you should go to the demon world".

Now the demon world is allied with the Xiuzhen world. Rong Jue wants to stay. Even if the people in the Xiuzhen world don't welcome this demon, there's no reason to drive them away.


No one has ever won.

This person is open to hang, originally is the true person time already is strong enough, turned into the devil repair unexpectedly more powerful.

No win, no win.

Some disciples of other schools went to chiyun sect under the banner of visiting friends. They planned to have a good look at the magic soldiers in the demon world. Of course, it would be better if we could see the legendary devil again.

Then they went to the chiyunzong and learned that chiyunzong had not even arranged a residence for the Lord.

Mom, it's the first immortal.

In the face of power, they can even express their indomitable power in this way.

I admire you.

The disciple with a cavity of respect for the chiyunzong feeling under the family, but back to his own sect, but a good publicity.

His reputation in the outside world was somehow transformed into chiyunzong, who was fearless of power

The fart is not afraid of power.

As soon as Rong Jue said that he wanted to live down, they immediately arranged a room with the best treatment. As a result, the devil said that he would not bother them to arrange it.

Then he ran to the top of the cliff of qingjianfeng to lay the floor.

What else can they say?

Say, "don't chase after Shi Qingshang and come to the place we arranged for you to sleep"?

Rong Jue has such a high value of force. What should he do if he is beaten.

But it would be a shame for them to tell the truth that "we were afraid of being beaten and didn't make room for Rong Jue.".

So, in the face of rumors outside, chiyunzong closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

It is better to tell that they are not afraid of power than that they are afraid of being beaten.

Rong Jue is indeed sleeping on the floor.

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To be exact, he wanted to sleep on the floor.

Of course, as everyone knows, it's not the floor that he wants to sleep.

It's time for Qing shangzun.

But what's more, the devil drags the cool hanging to blast the sky, facing his master like a wolf dog whimpering for touch.

The relationship between the two people in the end is more than a layer of Mei Dan, although the upper respect to this disciple relaxed a lot, but worried about Mei Dan, refused to let Rong Jue live in a room with himself.

Rong Jue immediately knelt outside the house.

He kneels skillfully, kneels nimbly, kneels naturally.

The magnetic voice is low:

"the disciple knows that the master has not forgiven the disciple, and the disciple doesn't want to disturb the master, but he was in the demon world before Maybe he was frightened and could not sleep at night. When he closed his eyes, he would have a nightmare. He had not been able to sleep for a long time. The disciple was really, really tired, so he had the courage to ask the master to take him in. "

His words were sincere and his tone was sad. He was so sad that he could hear his tears.

If those who died under his sword heard it, they would be moved to cry.

So pitiful (performing), Shiqing shangzun finally could not bear to let him in as he wished.

Rong Jue got the knack of how to make master soft to him.

What the master likes is the pure and good man at the beginning.

It doesn't matter.

The devil didn't feel anything about it. Anyway, he was also him in the past.

At the same time, he ordered the magic soldiers to do good deeds.

The best way is to let the whole world know that he is the most kind person.

Magic soldiers: --

On this day, in the setting sun, the magic soldiers recalled themselves before they joined the army.

If they could do it again, they would have given themselves two big mouths.

What a fool!!

Why not!

Be a magic soldier!!

The social animal demon soldiers accept their orders to do the work that does not belong to their own duty, but Rong Jue is satisfied to feel that his master's sight is becoming more and more gentle.

The relationship between master and apprentice eased up at a speed visible to the naked eye.Finally, one night.

Rong Jue closed his eyes and was thinking "I heard that zhenghanzong was in disaster. Should I donate some money to show my kindness?" he suddenly heard a choking sob.


He suddenly opened his eyes. In the dark, the devil's sight was unimpeded. He fell on the cloud bed and closed his eyes. However, the jade white cheek turned red, and his red lips opened slightly. He was sobbing and choking.

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The broken poor choking voice made Rong Jue subconsciously flustered. He suddenly got up and came to the cloud bed to see what happened to the master.


The devil called carefully.

Shi Qing did not answer.

He looked at it carefully in the dark, and found that Shiqing still closed his eyes tightly. Though his long eyelashes seemed to be shaking uneasily, he was still asleep.

Master Did you have a nightmare?

Rong Jue almost immediately thought of his master's nightmare.

After all, everyone knows that Shiqing shangzun didn't suffer much from his childhood.

The only pain is that unknown month.

Rong Jue imprisoned his master in this room, forcing him to



The master said that he did not blame himself.

Rong Jue tried to wash his brain.

But the next moment, the cloud bed on the tightly shrunk in the quilt on the Zun suddenly shrunk, will own to the mattress more hidden.

The red lips were slightly open, and a person's name was called out in a trembling voice:

"Rong Jue..."

For a moment, there was no more than a bolt from the blue.

Rong Jue's face turned white in an instant and stood in the same place in disbelief.

The Lord's hatred for himself has never abated.

Even if he had never scolded his teacher, the more he hated it, the more he could not blame him.

He has been forced to suppress, trying to make his master like to please him.

But now, Rong Jue stands beside the bed, watching the cloud bed close his eyes, as if immersed in a nightmare, sobbing master, heart bursts of pain.


In fact, the master has never forgotten the harm he has given to his disciple.

However, he was shameless and still hoped to stay with his master by means of inferior means, and even had the extravagant hope of becoming a Taoist partner with his master.

In fact, the master even wanted to get rid of him in his nightmare.

Rong Jue stood in the same place dispirited, this period of time is like a moment to be engulfed.

When he got to such a point, he even had the delusion of becoming a Taoist companion with his master.

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He doesn't deserve it.

The Lord clenched his fist and turned slowly

Behind him, shangzun on the cloud bed called out again:

"slow down Slow down

This sentence, Rong Jue is quite familiar with.

In that month, the teacher said this sentence most often.

His pupils constricted and he turned sharply.

Almost shaking his hands, he lifted the mattress.

After seeing what was under the bedding, the devil stood still again.

Master, did he have a dream of spring?

The master just called him

Before rongjue wants to know clearly, he opens his eyes vaguely when he is slightly gasping. His beautiful water eyes are still at a loss. After seeing Rong Jue, he is at a loss, but he turns to be at ease in an instant.

He seemed to think that he was in a dream. He took the initiative to stretch out his thin white arm and held Rong Jue's neck, guiding the devil into the cloud bed.

Rong Jue:

His tongue was numb and his body was stiff. He was still immersed in the "master took the initiative to hold me" and could not extricate himself.

Cloud bed as if once accepted two people, the curtain also did not know who put down, in the dark, when Qing choked sobbing more.

Three days later, Shanglu and Qiao Lingyu sat on the edge of the flower bed.

"If you don't show up for three days, you will hold a ceremony for Taoist lovers."

Qiao Lingyu: "well, second elder martial brother, I think that the elder martial brother and the elder martial brother can only see each other in their eyes. If I encounter problems in my practice in the future, what can I do?"

The deer patted his chest: "it's not easy. Just ask me."

He is confident in teaching younger martial sister: "don't worry, younger martial sister. Although I'm not as good as elder martial brother, I should be able to answer all your questions."

Qiao Lingyu nodded at ease and suddenly clapped his hands: "second elder martial brother, I have a problem now."

On the deer: "you said, I will certainly answer up."

Qiao Lingyu: "when the ceremony is over, shall we call it the master's sister-in-law or the elder brother and sister-in-law?"

Shanglu:.... "

Can he swallow the last sentence back?It is a typical marriage between the Xiuzhen and the demon world. After the marriage, the demon Kingdom and the Xiuzhen world have been moving forward hand in hand, abandoning the past suspicion, until now

On the platform, the teacher was saying:

"many students may not know that eight thousand years ago, when magic and Xianxiu met each other, they would fight and never die. Let alone sitting together in class like now, even a glance at each other would be regarded as provocation."

"But! At that time, it seemed that there was going to be a war at any time. Because of an accident, the rongjue of qingjianfeng had to turn to magic cultivation and become the devil in just seven days. These seven days are called the war of seven days. This is a test point. Please remember it. "

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"At that time, we did not choose the position of the emperor, but we did not choose the position of the real one."

A demon student interrupted: "I know, my father said that Rong Jue went to the real world because he liked Qing shangzun."

"That's what my mother said."

"My grandfather, too."

"It's all unofficial history." The teacher stopped the students' words with a serious face and said seriously: "don't look at the unofficial history, but look at the serious history, do you know?"

"Rong Jue grew up in chiyun Zong and was taught by Shiqing shangzun when he was young. In his memoirs, it is recorded in detail that Shiqing shangzun cared for him since he was a child and taught him with his hands. It also records how Shiqing shangzun was a person who had a glorious life. Would such a person's teaching of rongjue be bad?"

Teacher: "speaking of this, there is also a test point, we turn to page 13, the second line, see, it says, Shiqing shangzun is a person who is strict to himself, gentle to others, considerate to the world, and serious to his disciples. This question is generally a blank filling question. You should recite it."

A student raised his hand: "teacher, eight thousand years ago, Xianxiu and magic Xiu either fell or soared. Where did these histories come from?"

Teacher: "from Rong Jue's memoir of course."

"Well, let's continue to say, in short, because Shi Qing was a good man, he was still influenced by his master and did not go astray. On the contrary, he thought of saving the evil cultivation which was extremely chaotic and committed crimes. Although the magic cultivation could not rise, it was for many people with poor or no spiritual roots It's also a good choice to have the magic cultivation. In a word, rongjue and Shiqing were buried together after their life expectancy reached, which proves this point. "

"After all, even the devil can't fly up, and Shiqing shangzun, his spiritual roots are not good, his cultivation has been unable to go, and he can only leave when he reaches his life. However, Rong Jue's memoirs also wrote that he had expected this day early in the morning, and they were even glad that they could go together."

After all, one is dead and the other is still alive, which is too cruel for the well-known loving couple.

"I personally think, ha, the reason why Rong Jue married with Shi Qing was that they were willing to sacrifice their own interests and preserve more people's personalities. Of course, there was a bias in history about Rong Jue's secret love for his master. For example, when the Xiuzhen world and the demon world signed a contract, Rongju once asked for an apprentice You can be a Taoist couple... "

The students at the bottom listen, some dishonest also whisper.

"My grandfather said that at the beginning, the evil cultivation had some dishonesty and could not change the habit of killing people. It all depended on Rong Jue's knowing and emotion moving. This was the only way to dispel the evil world atmosphere. At that time, the whole demon world did not say that Rong Jue was not good."

His Xianxiu deskmate snorted, "but my grandfather said that those who said Rong Jue was not good at that time were killed by him."

"Deceiving, what a good person Rong Jue is."

"It's only when my grandfather says so."

"You're talking nonsense. It's all written in history books."

Time goes back to the moment when Shiqing and rongjue closed their eyes together:

[Ding! Task completed, please choose: 1, continue task, 2, vacation. ]

[continue the task. ]

when ﹥ he opened his eyes and saw the man standing opposite.

He was slender and handsome, and was frowning wearily. When he saw him, his eyes flashed with disgust and repulsion:

"Shi Qing, you are too much this time."

"In the future, you don't have to call me dad. Anyway, you didn't count as my son. When you graduated from college, I won't care about you any more."

See when Qing seems to be very dazed to stand in situ looking at himself, look even a little pathetic, he twisted eyebrows, turned and strode out.

Shi Qing: "father and son? ]

the system appears cautiously to remind: "the host is not a relative, and has not been registered in the household register. According to the regulations of a river Rapid Transit Administration Bureau, we will not arrange for the host to have a kinship with the protagonist, otherwise it is easy to be shut down in a black room by blacklist. ]When Qing suddenly realized: "false father and son. ]

[stimulation! ]

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