Chapter 1

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“Let me take photos of Shang Jin??? Dream on!” Ye Zhou slammed the table, revealing a ‘rather die than submit’ determination that left no room for negotiations.

“Are you sure?” Su Yin opened her phone photo album and shook it. A handsome boy was on the screen, smiling shyly at the camera. “Like this, I have quite a few.”

Ye Zhou reluctantly refused to look at the person in his heart on Su Yin’s cell phone and said, “Still no!”

“A picture of Shang Jin for a picture of Tang Dongdong,” Su Yin continued to tempt, “By the way, I can also give you Tang Dongdong’s preferences. You also know that I’m Tang Dongdong’s childhood friend. I wouldn’t dare to claim other things, but as for Tang Dongdong, I know him inside out.”

The balance in Ye Zhou’s mind swung left and right. Su Yin’s temptation was really too great. He’d had a crush on Tang Dongdong for a few months, but because the other person was at another school, he couldn’t find the chance to get to know him. But Shang Jin…he really hated Shang Jin! That Shang Jin who pressured him in everything! The most annoying thing was that Shang Jin was also his classmate. This made Ye Zhou have a rather ‘since Yu was born, why must Liang be born’ kind of tangled feeling.

Since Yu was born, why must Liang be born: (既生瑜何生亮) A quote from the Three Kingdoms referring to Zhou Yu on the Wu side, and Zhuge Liang on the Shu side. The meaning is that since God gave birth to Zhou Yu to assist and help Wu, why would he also give birth Zhuge Liang to fight against Wu?

“What’s so good about Shang Jin?” Ye Zhou gnashed his teeth and asked.

Su Yin looked at him strangely, as if he’d asked a very nonsensical question. “Does Shang Jin have any bad points? He takes first place in all assignments, wins the championship in every competition, and most importantly, he looks handsome! In his countenance is the righteousness of the world. He’s such a precious and rare existence. Did you know? Every time I come by him, I only dare to walk by with squinted eyes for fear that I’d be sucked in by his profound eyes! I can’t say it. When I talk about him, my heart just jumps. Male god, quickly find a girlfriend! Otherwise, with this model before me, I really can’t look for a boyfriend.” As if thinking of the scene of Shang Jin finding a girlfriend, Su Yin immediately shook her head and said, “No, the male god is better off alone. I really can’t imagine what kind of girl can match him. Ah ah ah ah, I’m so jealous of his future girlfriend!!”

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Ye Zhou rubbed his arms covered in goosebumps, stared at her coldly and said, “A person with good grades and good looks isn’t only Shang Jin alone.”

Su Yin was still immersed in her emotions and wasn’t pleased when she heard this statement. “Who else?”

Ye Zhou raised his chin and proudly said, “They are so far and yet so near.”

“So far…” Su Yin looked around in a circle, gave Ye Zhou a look of disbelief and doubtfully said, “You???”

Ye Zhou resentfully said, “What’s with your tone??”

“You…” Su Yin looked him up and down, and carefully picked her words, “You look handsome enough, grades are also good enough, but the feeling is a bit off. For example, I can jest with you without feeling any burden, but I would never dare to do that with Shang Jin! What’s that word called…right! Down-to-earth! You’re too down-to-earth, and Shang Jin is different. He’s like the sun in the sky, completely for people to look up to!”

This point didn’t need Su Yin to say, Ye Zhou himself also felt that people treated them differently. They were both handsome guys, but everyone mocked and scolded him, horsed around and didn’t give him a bit of face. And they treated Shang Jin like an unattainable god, and usually wouldn’t dare to speak loudly in front of him.

And now, making him, Ye Zhou, go and shoot his arch-enemy Shang Jin: this clearly was an inferior person’s behavior and was an implied, naked insult!

He, Ye Zhou, such an outstanding man, could he agree??

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Ye Zhou slapped the table and said with lofty pride. “Fine! I’ll take it. ‘A leader can submit or stand tall as required’! Prepare Tang Dongdong’s pictures well for me! Prepare as many as you have!”

Ye Zhou lifted his head proudly, and carrying his textbooks, he went into the classroom with a grim look.

Just entered the door, he saw the protagonist of their discussion a moment ago, Shang Jin. He was leaning on the back of the chair and carelessly looking at his phone. The textbooks spread out on the table were neat and clean, brand new without a trace of a crease. When Ye Zhou walked passed him, the other didn’t even give him a passing glance.

Ye Zhou snorted, thinking: Who was he pretending for? Usually with an ‘I haven’t studied seriously’ appearance, he’d often rank among the top. Ye Zhou didn’t know how long he was misled by this not serious expression. Every time he felt that he could overtake the other person, the reality always gave him a heavy blow.

As soon as he thought that he wanted to take pictures of this kind of hypocritical person, Ye Zhou’s anger hit several places. This really was a model of contemporary humiliation!

“Ye Zhou, come!” In the fifth row, Ye Zhou’s roommate, Xu Yangjun, patted the empty spot next to him. “What have you been doing? How come it took you so long to come back?”

“I saw a friend and chatted a few words.” Ye Zhou walked from behind Xu Yangjun to the empty seat inside. The small classroom where they usually had class had four seats per row. After Ye Zhou came in, his left side deskmate and roommate, Zhou Wendao, also looked up and smiled. “Which person isn’t your friend at this school?”

“Nonsense. There’s so many people at school, I don’t know every single person.” Ye Zhou grabbed his cell phone and looked in the direction of Shang Jin. Form the gap between the seats, he could just take photos of Shang Jin. Even if he was ten thousand times unwilling in his heart, but since he’d already promised others, he must do as he say.

Taking advantage of the two beside him not paying attention, Ye Zhou quietly took a few shots. After taking them, he looked at Shang Jin’s disgusting face in his phone and couldn’t help but poke his finger at the photo, as if he could really poke Shang Jin’s face.

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When the bell rang to dismiss class, Ye Zhou saw that Shang Jin hadn’t moved yet. He found an excuse to send his roommates back first and then quietly shifted to the front seat, pretending to play with his mobile phone while lying on the table. Actually, he had the mobile phone camera opened and took a few more photos in Shang Jin’s direction.

For a few days, Ye Zhou used the gap between the seats to take a flurry of photos of Shang Jin, and several times, he even tailed Shang Jin, completely mastering the stalker style.

Finally on Thursday, Ye Zhou’s album was already filled with Shang Jin’s face. Towards Shang Jin’s photos, from his various kinds of adversity in the beginning, he’s now able to look at them with his present day calm.

Tomorrow was the time when he’d agreed to meet up with Su Yin. Ye Zhou randomly tapped his fingers on the phone screen. After he gets Tang Dongdong’s photos, he must crush all these photos! Merely crushing them seemed a bit too easy for Shang Jin. Maybe it’d be better to destroy the memory. Ye Zhou’s imagination knew no limits. Suddenly, there was a loud cry from the classroom. Ye Zhou looked up and his sight seemed to be flashed with a golden light!

Despite Ye Zhou extremely disliking Shang Jin, he also had to admit that Shang Jin was particularly eye-catching tonight.

Maybe there was a sense of willfulness, Shang Jin was dressed up very casually. But casually was not randomly! Since Ye Zhou met Shang Jin, he’d never seen him wear a sleeveless garment, this kind of clothing that could show the muscles. On this point, Ye Zhou secretly thought that Shang Jin was definitely a face-only empty shelf, so he’d never dared to show his body in front of people.

But today, Shang Jin was not the same. The collar of his shirt was wide open, and the pectoral muscles underneath the clothes could be vaguely seen. His fine hair covered his smooth and full forehead. Contrary to the usual lazy image, was there a hint of wildness?

If he took this photo, he could at least exchange it for Tang Dongdong’s sleeveless photo.

Ye Zhou’s heart felt like it was being scratched by a cat’s paw, but there were too many obstacles in front of him, and he couldn’t find a good time to take the picture!

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The bell rang and Ye Zhou put aside the distractions to listen seriously to the lecture. There were many disciplines in the university, but each class had very few courses. The teacher’s lecturing speed was fast, so in each class, he must listen carefully to keep up with the teacher’s progress. Ye Zhou listened to it with interest. A phone call summoned the teacher away and left the classroom of students to begin self-study.

After the teacher left, the two sitting at his table looked at their phones intently. Ye Zhou also subconsciously touched his phone and remembered that there was still a daunting task today.

Ye Zhou quietly took out his phone and his gaze swept his table on both sides. When he saw that no one was looking, he carefully raised his phone.

Click. The sound was unusually clear in the quiet classroom.

Through the phone camera, Shang Jin’s sharp eyes pierced through the lens and stabbed directly at his heart.

Ye Zhou’s heart collapsed. Was he discovered?

He hid his phone in his arms and suddenly realized that almost the whole class was focused on him. Ye Zhou hurriedly explained, “I didn’t secretly shoot him because I like him!”

After a moment of silence, the whole class was in an uproar.

Afterwards, every time he thought of this day’s experience, Ye Zhou wished he could grab his past self and give him a few good slaps!!

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