Chapter 2

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The chaotic night finally passed. Ye Zhou, with black circles hanging from his eyes, held his textbooks and hatefully said: Shang Jin and him definitely disagree with each other. If not, how come when he’s involved with Shang Jin, the other could always pressure him!

Even yesterday…

Ye Zhou forcibly grabbed his chicken nest head, really not wanting to recall that period of black history.

Chicken nest head: (鸡窝头)

When he entered the classroom, the students who had originally gathered and chatted together quieted down, their sight all aimed at Ye Zhou.

What’s going on?

Don’t know who took the lead to cough first, but one after another, fake coughs came from all corners of the classroom, just like an insect sonata. The students looked at him with eyes full of profound meaning.

But just after one night, what unitary moth came out?

Unitary moth: (幺蛾子) It means “creating something out of nothing” or “rotten idea”.

Ye Zhou walked to the fifth row. His frequent seat was occupied by a familiar classmate. He looked at Xu Yangjun. Xu Yangjun immediately moved his eyes away and pretended to have a serious chat with his new deskmate. He looked at Zhou Wendao again. He was even more absolute, not even lifting his head and not giving him the opportunity for their eyes to meet.

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“Hmph!” Ye Zhou took a look at this group of friends who didn’t know what they were smoking, and walked to the empty seat next to him. Anyway, he could attend the lecture from anywhere.

As a result, he was just about to place the books on an empty desk against the wall when a figure appeared like the wind and quickly occupied the space. Then, that buddy expressed sincerely, “I’m sorry, Zhou. I really want to sit here today.”

“Then sit.” There were so many seats in the room. Sitting anywhere was still sitting. He saw another vacant seat, but he hadn’t taken a step when it was immediately occupied by a person.

The other party contrived to say, “Aiya, advanced mathematics is my weak point. I want to sit in front of this class to listen carefully.”

“Fine.” Ye Zhou held back his anger and walked to the empty seat in the third row. This time, still as before, it was accidentally preempted by someone. This kind of anomaly, even if Ye Zhou wanted to pretend not to know, he’d still be unable to pretend.

“One after the other, what do you guys want to do?” Ye Zhou threw down the textbooks on the desk in front of him. He kept his voice under control as he fiercely glared around him. Staring at Xu Yangjun, he menacing said, “You say it!”

Xu Yangjun threw him a ‘you know’ look. He lifted his chin and pointed to the seat next to Shang Jin’s and said, “I think that free seat there is pretty good.”

Good your head!

Just when the class bell rang, Ye Zhou estimated that everyone had no more energy to toss him around. He quickly took the textbooks and seized a seat far away from the seat where Shang Jin chose to sit. Shang Jin came in with the ringing bell, and the classroom once again echoed with fake coughs from all sides.

Ye Zhou didn’t look up. Shang Jin ignored them completely, and the classroom finally returned to normal.

Ye Zhou opened his phone and clicked on the chat box with Zhou Wendao.

Ye Zhou: What’s going on exactly?

Zhou Wendao: Zhou, you can rest assured that after one night of emergency discussion in our class, we think that your chance of capturing Shang Jin is very high, so fighting! We’ll help you too! We’re doing everything willingly. No need to thank us!

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Who really wants to thank you???

Ye Zhou was so angry that he wanted to throw down his phone!

At this moment, he really wished he could take a time machine and shoot dead the him who’d said those silly words yesterday.

Obviously, casually finding any excuse, he’d be able to muddle through. Why did he have to tell the truth??

After he finished talking, everyone caught two keywords in that sentence: like, secretly shoot.

Describing a story in a sentence in such a way, of course, it couldn’t escape the gossipy classmates, including his two deskmates who bore the brunt of it.

Xu Yangjun took advantage of when Ye Zhou was still stupefied to suddenly grab his phone as fast as lightning. A group of men and women gathered around Xu Yangjun, craning their necks for a glimpse.

Ye Zhou whose spirit just returned, wanted to take back the phone, but he tried several times but still couldn’t squeeze through the crowd. Just as he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to climb on the desk, the crowd calmed down.

Don’t know who broke out a cry, “Isn’t this Shang Jin??”

At this time, there were only two words circling in Ye Zhou’s mind: it’s over.

To exchange the photos with Su Yin on Friday, Ye Zhou had sneakily taken photos of Shang Jin all week. Therefore, the latest photos in his album were all filled with Shang Jin, whether they were walking Shang Jin, eating Shang Jin, or reading Shang Jin.

Ye Zhou didn’t need to think to know that the impression of the students who saw the photo album would immediately turn him from being wise and brilliant to become a crazy pervert.

But he still struggled with his dying breath. “I really don’t like him…you have to believe me!”

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In the face of ironclad evidence, Ye Zhou’s words paled in comparison.

And the other party involved in this incident instantly became the focus of the crowd.

Shang Jin, who had always been indifferent to everything, didn’t turn a blind eye to this situation. Instead, he lived up to expectations and stood up. Step by step, he walked to the center of the crowd.

Every time Shang Jin took a step, the students standing in the aisle moved aside one by one, creating a path for him.

From the first row to the fifth row was only a short distance of two meters, but Ye Zhou hoped that this road would never end.

In less than half a minute, Shang Jin walked to Xu Yangjun and naturally took Ye Zhou’s cell phone and looked at the photo album.

At this time, Ye Zhou had also successfully entered the the surrounding crowd’s center, and was only separated from Shang Jin by Xu Yangjun.

“That…I…I really didn’t presume to think…” Clearly he was speaking the truth, but how come it sounded so guilty?

Shang Jin raised his hand and returned the phone back to him, moving his lips.


Ye Zhou pursed his mouth. He seemed to be too passive now, just like a fish on the cutting board, and moreover, it was also a dead fish. Apart from getting trampled on, there was no other choice.

Even if it wasn’t Ye Zhou’s intention to take candid shots, but any normal heterosexual person’s first reaction must be disgust after they learned of this matter.

Against Ye Zhou’s expectations, Shang Jin didn’t say any malicious thing, but very calmly said two words.

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“It’s okay.”

These simple two words gradually dissipated the tension in Ye Zhou’s heart. This was the first time he found Shang Jin’s voice was so sweet and beautiful! However, as soon Ye Zhou was happy, Shang Jin added another sentence, which became the beginning of his “nightmare”.

“I reserve your right to pursue me.”


Ye Zhou suddenly heard the sound of his heart exploding.

“Zhou, you’ve almost crushed your textbook into toilet paper…” The classmate sitting behind him whispered a reminder, pulling Ye Zhou back from his memories.

Ye Zhou loosened his hand and looked up. He didn’t know when the blank blackboard had been filled.

He grabbed his head in irritation and tried to pull back his scattered attention.

During the break, a paper ball hit Ye Zhou’s head and bounced onto his desk.

Ye Zhou looked behind him suspiciously. No one met his gaze. He picked up the paper ball and slowly flattened it.

“Ye Zhou, Ye Zhou, you’re the best, capturing the male god without talking it over! Fighting, the whole class supports you!”

Below this sentence were the signatures of almost everyone in the class.

Ye Zhou turned his head, and everyone gave him a cheering gesture.

Ye Zhou covered his heart and couldn’t say anything. This misunderstanding, was it growing bigger the noisier it got?

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