Ye Zhou, who had been unable to relax because of his foot injury, finally had the opportunity to live a degenerate “clothes into his outstretched hand, food into his open mouth” life in the dorm.

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The chief culprit, Zhan Xing, actually entrusted the heavy responsibility to Zhou Wendao and Chen Shao because he needed to go to basketball practice. Although he really wanted to entrust it to Shang Jin, but he didn’t have the guts, and Shang Jin also wouldn’t listen to him.

Zhan Xing felt very guilty for not helping Ye Zhou.

“If you really feel guilty, just do a little something.” Xu Yangjun slung his arms around his shoulders and followed him towards the stadium.

Zhan Xing felt awkward and said, “I think so too. Isn’t it going to basketball practice?”

“No, there’s one thing you can do.”

“What is it?”

Xu Yangjun smiled mysteriously and came close to Zhan Xing’s ear and muttered something.

Zhan Xing stared blankly at first, then nodded in agreement. “Not a problem, not a problem. Leave it up to me.”

Achoo! Ye Zhou rubbed his nose and turned over. The books borrowed from the library were already read. He wanted to change books, but it was too troublesome.

Regarding books, Ye Zhou loved hard-copy books more. Only by touching the pages did he really feel like he was truly reading.

Chen Shao was keenly aware of Ye Zhou’s mood. He stood in front of Ye Zhou’s bed and said, “Zhou, do you want to get a book?”

“Finished reading all the books. There’s no need.” Ye Zhou took the few books on the bed and stacked them into a pile. “I’ll just look at my phone.”

Zhou Wendao heard this sentence, stood up and said, “Finished reading all the books? Are you going to go borrow a few more?”

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Ye Zhou shook his right foot and said, “Am I going to fly to the library?”

Zhou Wendao volunteered, “I’ll carry you there!”

“No need. Reading books for two days, I’m a bit tired and ready to take a break.” Of course, there was also the little fact that Ye Zhou didn’t want to be carried on Zhou Wendao’s back a second time.

“Well, fine.” Zhou Wendao sat down. The mobile phone sent out the ding-dingring of an SMS. Zhou Wendao suddenly slapped the table and stood up, shouting loudly, “Let Chen Shao carry you on his back!”

“Ah?” Suddenly mentioned, Chen Shao hadn’t yet responded, but he wouldn’t refuse this kind of thing, “That’s fine.”

“No need. It’s too much trouble for you. When my foot is well, I’ll go on my own.”

“No way! You must go.” Zhou Wendao gave a hard wink at Chen Shao, “Chen Shao, you have to work hard.”

Chen Shao frowned and tried his hardest to get some information from Zhou Wendao’s expression, but he apparently failed. However, he also didn’t decline. “Zhou, just go. Anyway, there’s an elevator in the library and it’s near our dorm so it wouldn’t take too much time.”

Zhou Wendao echoed, “Right, right, you just go!”

The two didn’t wait for Ye Zhou’s reply and moved Ye Zhou from the bed to Chen Shao’s back.

Ye Zhou left the dorm baffled like this.

Zhou Wendao looked at the backs of the two people, took out his cell phone and dialed a number. “Everything is ready!”

“Really troubled you, Chen Shao.” Ye Zhou felt somewhat apologetic on Chen Shao’s back as his trivial matter had gotten so many people involved.

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“Why so polite? We’ve all stayed together for more than a year. If you keep doing this, where would I dare to let you continue to bring me food?”

“I still feel like I’ve bothered you a lot.”

“I often ask you to help bring me food and carry water. At the end of the semester, I also borrowed your notes. Do you think it’s a bother?”

“That’s nothing more than lifting my hands…”

“Isn’t that so. Can’t you give me a little chance to repay you?”

The library really wasn’t far from the dorm. Chen Shao, carrying someone on his back, arrived after fifteen minutes.

Taking advantage of when Ye Zhou was selecting his books, Chen Shao took out his cell phone and sent a message to Zhou Wendao.

Chen Shao: What kind of story are you selling?

Zhou Wendao: Help me drag out the time! The longer the better!

Chen Shao whispered to Ye Zhou who was standing on one leg like a rooster in front of him, “Have you chosen?”

Ye Zhou was still comparing two books. After hearing him ask this, he immediately took out one of them and said, “Chosen. Let’s go.”

“Is picking one book called selecting? I mean, I also have books I want to read. Why don’t you sit down first with the ones you’ve chosen and wait for me to pick my books and then we’ll go.”

Ye Zhou didn’t doubt him. Holding the few books that he’d just been prevaricating over, he was helped to a table.

Chen Shao ran to a corner far away from Ye Zhou and began to play games on his cell phone.

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Nearly an hour later, Xu Yangjun actually sent a message saying that they could come back.

Chen Shao hid the doubt in his heart and carried Ye Zhou back to the dorm building.

The 403 dorm door was closed. Ye Zhou came down from Chen Shao’s back, leaned against the wall and knocked.

He didn’t expect that there were no movements in 403, but a head poked out from the 405 dorm.

“Zhou.” Zhou Wendao happily beckoned. “Come on.”

“Why did you run to someone else’s dorm?” And it was still incredibly Shang Jin’s dorm room.

Xu Yangjun scuttled out from behind Zhou Wendao and laughed heheh twice. He and Zhou Wendao looked at each other, and the two strong-armed Ye Zhou into 405.

Once in 405, Zhan Xing hurriedly moved a stool for Ye Zhou to sit.

Only then did Ye Zhou see the present situation clearly.

405, except for Shang Jin, the original occupants: Liu Yutian, Wen Renxu and Zhan Xing were all in, and his roommates were also surrounding him on one side.

Zhou Wendao pointed to the bed on the right side and said, “Look familiar?”

“Isn’t this my blanket??” Ye Zhou hadn’t noticed just a moment ago. Once it was pointed out by Zhou Wendao, he discovered that it wasn’t only the bed, even the things on the bookcase were all so familiar.

Zhan Xing lightly coughed and said, “As the saying goes, ‘the pavilion closest to the water enjoys the moonlight first’. Zhou, we brothers can only help you to here! The rest must rely on yourself!”

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Ye Zhou was dumbfounded. “What are you talking about?”

Wen Renxu pointed to the dorm and said, “Pavilion close to the water.”

Liu Yutian correspondingly pointed down to Shang Jin’s bed, “First to get the moonlight.”

Ye Zhou’s brain was blank for a moment and had great difficulty accepting this fact. He simply clutched Zhan Xing’s clothes and fiercely said, “Are you ‘biting the hand that feeds you’?”

Zhan Xing thought that Ye Zhou was covering up his shyness and said with immense self-satisfaction, “Zhou, idioms aren’t used like this. It’s okay, I’m doing this all voluntarily. No need to thank me!”

Ye Zhou took a few deep breaths. Now that ‘the wood had been turned into a boat’ and these people had already moved the things over, they definitely wouldn’t plan to move them back. The hard approach wouldn’t do, then try soft. Ye Zhou cleared his throat and pretended to reason, “Has Shang Jin agreed with what you’ve done here?”

The few people moved their sight away in mutual understanding.

Ye Zhou sighed and said, “I know you have good intentions…” Ye Zhou planned to walk the route of moving them with emotions and making them understand with reason. “But Shang Jin is also a member of 405 and you can’t overrule his opinion and arbitrarily make your own decisions. When Shang Jin returns and he disagrees, you’ll move the things back.”

The several people hung their heads and said, “We know…”

Now, he just needed to wait for Shang Jin to come back and raise an objection, then everything would return to normal…


To normal…

“Ye Zhou moved over?” Shang Jin took a look at Ye Zhou’s bed that was originally Zhan Xing’s. Even his expression didn’t change as he very casually said, “This is your business. Why ask me?”

Ye Zhou’s last glimmer of hope shattered.

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