Ye Zhou was mentally a bit uncomfortable with the sudden change to a completely new environment, especially while also dragging an injured leg.

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He had a good relationship with the classmates, but ‘good’ was still divided into close and distant relations, not to mention that the new roommates had no obligations to take care of him.

After the weekend was over, classes would begin tomorrow. Ye Zhou wondered if his original roommates would help him to class. Before going to sleep, Ye Zhou sent a text message to Zhou Wendao.

After a long time, Zhou Wendao returned a text.

Zhou Wendao: Don’t worry, we’ve arranged it properly!

Why didn’t he feel relieved when seeing him say this…

Ye Zhou’s sixth sense had always been accurate. He woke up the next morning and saw an empty dormitory. His heart badumped.

Looking at his phone, Zhou Wendao had sent a message.

Zhou Wendao: We went to class first~ will save a seat for you!

Was this fucking intending to let him hop to the classroom on one leg??

The bed creaked. Ye Zhou suddenly looked toward the place where the sound came from. Shang Jin rubbed his eyes, looking as if he’d just woken up.

Ye Zhou felt relieved that there was still one more person…even if this person was Shang Jin. But looking at his behavior the last two days, he shouldn’t be a person who would ‘ignore a person in plight’.

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Shang Jin opened his eyes and looked at Ye Zhou opposite to him. He froze for a moment, as if thinking about why Ye Zhou would appear in 405.

Ye Zhou pulled his mouth and said, “You wouldn’t have forgotten that we switched yesterday, right?”

Shang Jin understood clearly. He sat up and looked around. He asked in a hoarse voice, “What about the others?”

“Don’t know. I just woke up.”

Shang Jin looked all the way around and hadn’t moved. Suddenly remembering that Ye Zhou seemed to have difficulty getting around, he politely asked a sentence, “Do you want to get out of bed?”

Before Shang Jin could take action, Ye Zhou rushed to hurriedly say, “I can do it myself!” He didn’t know what dubious behavior the other person’s brain would pull out.

Shang Jin declined to comment. He propped up on the bed and jumped down, walking to the sink. Returning from squeezing out the toothpaste in his hand, he took the chair beside Ye Zhou’s desk and placed it next to the stairs. After doing this, he quietly returned back to the wash basin.

Ye Zhou sat on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging in midair. He looked down and the chair was only ten centimeters away from his toes. Silently accepting Shang Jin’s good intentions, Ye Zhou cautiously got out of bed. The swell on his right foot hadn’t reduced. His left knee was a little better. If he didn’t touch it, it wouldn’t be painful. He supported himself against the bed and slowly moved to the bathroom.

Compared to being protected by his roommates like a fragile product, Ye Zhou preferred Shang Jin’s less concerned and occasionally helping out attitude.

Of course, this attitude was only limited to the dorm.

After washing up with difficulty, Ye Zhou, wearing a sneaker on one foot and a slipper on the other foot, sat in the chair and collected the textbooks he needed. Ye Zhou was a little helpless when he wanted to go to the classroom. This kind of feeling of only being able to rely on others was too bad, and the person he had to depend on was the one he most didn’t want to rely on. What’s more, the other person may not be the least bit willing to let him rely on.

Next was the most arduous task for Ye Zhou now.

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A Uni, as a prestigious school, its campus also didn’t let down its reputation. From the dorm to the classrooms where they often attended classes, it took twenty minutes by bicycle, not to mention that after two classes, they’d have to ride the bike to change to another school building for the remaining two classes.

Twenty minutes by bike…leaving aside his injuries, even when he was healthy, it would take almost half an hour to walk. Also in the middle, he would also have to turn on another road to eat at the canteen.

Ye Zhou couldn’t help but drag out his group of unreliable former roommates again and secretly cursed them a hundred times over!

Last night, they agreed to let him not worry!

Shang Jin dug out the textbooks needed for the morning classes from his unbearably messy bookshelf and table. Seeing him put on his shoes to leave, Ye Zhou couldn’t help saying, “Does your bike have a backseat?”


Really was heaven wanting me to die!!

“Otherwise, I’ll ask…” The fake words hadn’t been said yet, the cell phone on the table flashed.

Zhou Wendao: The ride is all ready. Downstairs from the dorm, a crane among a flock of chickens, you can see it in a glance.

Crane among a flock of chickens: (鹤立鸡群) stands out from the crowd

Ye Zhou was extremely distrustful of Zhou Wendao now. However, he had no choice. He looked at Shang Jin and in a tangle, said, “Shang Jin…that…”

Shang Jin scanned the information on the screen in Ye Zhou’s hand. He squatted down expressionlessly in front of Ye Zhou and said, “Then let’s go.”

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Anyways, the rumors about him and Shang Jin temporarily couldn’t be washed clean, so he’d just let the broken jar shatter: Ye Zhou didn’t hesitate anymore and righteously lied on Shang Jin’s back.

Let the rumors come more violently!!

One of Ye Zhou’s hands held the two people’s books, and the other hand was on Shang Jin’s shoulder, trying to hold up his upper body as much as possible so that he didn’t lean too closely to the other person. When they went downstairs, he was always imagining what excitement those gossipy classmates would have when they came to the classroom.

When they came downstairs, Ye Zhou looked around the parking shed once and really didn’t know which one was the ride that Zhou Wendao was talking about.

There were several bikes with backseats. Where was it ‘a crane in a flock of chickens’ that he could see in a glance?

“In the end, are they reliable or not? Not giving us the key, could it be they want us to pick the lock?” Ye Zhou patted Shang Jin’s shoulder, indicating to put him down.

Shang Jin placed Ye Zhou on the stool in front of the door and thought for two seconds on the steps. “If I’m not mistaken, the one they’re referring to should be this one.”

Ye Zhou followed the direction where Shang Jin was pointing at and was instantly struck by lightning. He pulled his mouth and said, “Don’t scare me.”

Among the bicycles, very loftily squeezed in was an electric pedicab, but also a cargo-transporting electric pedicab. Some of the PU skin on the front seat had fallen off, and a small bench was placed behind in the empty compartment.

Shang Jin stepped down and walked in front of the car. He knocked on the handlebars and said, “Look, there’s a key in the keyhole.”

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“If I’m not wrong, this should be the pedicab that the grandpa in the store ahead uses to make purchases.” Ye Zhou was simply incredulous. “Like this and still have the nerve to tell me that what ride has been readied!”

Shang Jin picked up the bench in the back, looked at it and said, “The bench is clean. You can sit.”

“This is a scooter for the elderly! I don’t want to sit!” Ye Zhou was depressed inside. No matter what, Shang Jin was still the school’s famous figure. Although he easily accepted Zhou Wendao’s proffered electric pedicab,  but these were two completely different styles!

Shang Jin didn’t persuade him either, but merely stated a fact, “My bike doesn’t have a backseat, or does your bike have a backseat?”

Ye Zhou was at a loss for words. But sitting on the electric car to take a turn around campus really demanded too much courage. “Anyways, I won’t sit.”

Shang Jin looked at the time and said, “You have two choices now. First, I go to the classroom on my bicycle and you hop over there yourself. Second, I’ll use this three-wheeler to take you.”

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

Five minutes later, Ye Zhou huddled in the “convertible” carriage. The four legs of the bench under his butt weren’t all the same height. Ye Zhou carefully grabbed the handrails on both sides and even his legs couldn’t extend straight.

Shang Jin stared at the few equipment in front and said, “There’s still a problem.”

Ye Zhou looked up and asked, “What?”

“How do you drive this car?”

Ye Zhou: “…Is it too late for me to get off?”

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