It’d been one week since the final exams had begun, and there were still people intermittently coming to the entrance of the male dormitory, hoping for the favor of the test god to bless them for a bit smoother testing during the exam.

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When Ye Zhou came down one day, he suddenly noticed that on the roof of the car, there were several…apples?

Ye Zhou and Shang Jin looked at each other. Rubbing the apple in their hands and looking all around, they didn’t see a trace of a figure.

“Really strange, this car can actually grow apples.” And the apples were thoroughly pink, glossy, plump and fragrant. Even if it was the season for eating apples, this kind of apple didn’t look cheap. “Would it be when they were worshiping the small three-wheeler, they put them there and forgot to take them?”

Shang Jin licked his lips and said, “It looks very delicious.”

Ye Zhou seized it and said, “Can’t eat it! It hasn’t been washed yet. What’s more, this is someone else’s.”

“Yo, Zhou, we’re about to go to wholesale apples in the farmers’ market. Did you take the lead to buy a few back?” Zhou Wendao ran over several steps, followed by Liu Yutian. “The apples you bought back looks good.”

Ye Zhou put the apples in the car and prepared to go back to the forum to open a lost and found. During exam week, everyone’s entertainment program was to browse BBS, so most students should be able to see it. Especially those who came to visit the test god, they’re definitely people who often get caught up in the BBS. After doing this, they looked at the two people who were inexplicably paired. “Why are you two gathered together?”

“Heheheh…” Zhou Wendao heavily hooked Ye Zhou’s neck and said, “Zhou, lend me your car for a bit.”

After Ye Zhou handed the key to him, he asked, “Are you really going to wholesale apples?”

“Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and we’re both planning to go sell apples on the street.” Zhou Wendao scratched his head and said, “This is the end of the month and there’s no money. Why not take a little bit of investment to earn extra money?”

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Ye Zhou disagreed, “Who’d celebrate Christmas Eve in exam week? You be careful that you don’t lose everything you invested, at the end, only able to hold a pile of apples to survive this month.”

“The exam week is also unable to stop the Christmas enthusiasm. Rest assured!” Liu Yutian confidently said, “Last year, I saw girls selling apples, selling one for ten or twenty. How much could one apple cost? Add in the packaging, it’s still doubled the profit.”

“Whatever.” After seeing them go, Ye Zhou realized that he and Shang Jin had decided early in the morning to drive the pedicab to the eat in cafeteria and then go to the library to read. As a result, the mount was lent out without consulting with Shang Jin, and it seemed a bit insincere. Ye Zhou embarrassedly said, “Shang Jin, sorー”

The words hadn’t finished, Shang Jin nonchalantly unlocked the bicycle, looked at the distracted Ye Zhou on the side and asked, “Still not going?”

“Go go go.” Ye Zhou observed Shang Jin’s expression as he unlocked the bike. He really didn’t look even a bit offended. Unable to endure his curiosity, he asked, “I didn’t ask your decision and I lent out the car to others without your permission when you wanted to use the car. You’re not angry?” The main reason was that today’s weather was sunny and cloudless, and both of them could go to the library riding their bikes, but Zhou Wendao would certainly have a bit of a hard time buying the apples in bulk using their bikes.

“You’ve already lent it. Could it be that I’d still tear down your stage?”

“Of course that wouldn’t do.” Ye Zhou revealed a slight smile that even he didn’t notice. He followed behind Shang Jin and after eating breakfast, he went out ahead of Shang Jin and bought two apples at the fruit shop next to the cafeteria and put them in his backpack. When Shang Jin came out, they went to library together. However, because they’d finished eating ten minutes later, the library had already become completely occupied.

“Really unlucky today. We can only borrow books and go back to read.”

Shang Jin, contrarily, didn’t care. He and Ye Zhou selected a few books and rode back to the dormitory.

Back in front of his familiar desk, Shang Jin always felt as if he’d forgotten something.

What exactly was the matter?

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Shang Jin looked at the books he’d borrowed from the library, used the computer to write papers on one hand, and pondered if he’d forgotten something or the other…until a strand of ‘illusory’ apple fragrance kept creeping into his nose.

It turned out that he’d forgotten to buy an apple.

But even if he wanted to eat it, he wouldn’t go so far as to hallucinate enough to smell an apple’s fragrance. His self-control definitely wasn’t so weak.

Suddenly, a cold thing stuck to his face, and emitted wave after wave of fragrance.

Shang Jin took the apple and leaned his head on his shoulder to wipe away the water traces. Before he could speak, Ye Zhou opened his mouth first, “This time, it’s absolutely clean.”

This was bearing a grudge for him saying the apple wasn’t cleaned last time?

“Thank you.” Shang Jin rubbed the apple. Because his head was lowered, Ye Zhou didn’t see the corners of his mouth curled up.

“You’re welcome. It’s also not specially bought for you. It’s just that, seeing the apple today, I remembered that there seemed to be two apples that haven’t been eaten yet.” Ye Zhou took a bite of his apple to cover up. “I’ll get some more in the evening.”

However, there wasn’t an opportunity to buy apples that night. Not only that, but in the following week, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin no longer wanted to see an apple again.

Liu Yutian opened the dormitory door with his body carrying a box of apples and Zhou Wendao followed with the packaging boxes. Seeing Ye Zhou and Shang Jin in the dorm, they were surprised.

“We’re…not disturbing you, right?” Zhou Wendao hesitantly asked, looking back and forth between Ye Zhou and Shang Jin.

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“What’s disturbing and not disturbing,” Ye Zhou angrily said, “Speak a little less nonsense and quickly get inside. It’s freezing to death with the door open!”

Liu Yutian put the box of apples aside and started folding the packaging boxes together with Zhou Wendao. Ye Zhou also put down his textbook and joined to help put the apples into the packaging boxes.

The three people were busy for an hour and finally packed nearly a hundred apples.

Only then did Shang Jin come over. He picked up a packaged apple and said, “Are you going to finish selling them tomorrow?”

“We’ll go to a place where there’s more people. What’s more, if we can’t sell, we just have to push down the price to sell. It’s fine as long as it’s not a loss.”

Ye Zhou was very skeptical when he saw such a large quantity of apples. It’s just that seeing the two people’s animated expressions, he really couldn’t bear to attack the other’s enthusiasm. Anyway, he had more money. If they came on difficult times, he could help out.

Wait until the next day, Ye Zhou found out that the exam week couldn’t withstand the enthusiasm of Christmas. Especially in the evening, the dorm next door didn’t intend to return at all. Instead, they went to the KTV to sing songs all night.

According to Ye Zhou’s nature that loved bustling and excitement, he’d definitely like to run towards places with more people. However, when he was planning to accept the dorm next door’s invitation to go singing, his eyes fell on Shang Jin who was completely undisturbed by the outside world and single-mindedly focused on reading books, and firmly refused.

Outstanding people were still working hard. What qualifications did he have to go out and be free and at ease?

Sending away the other students, Ye Zhou closed the door and walked to Shang Jin’s side to scout for information. When he saw the cover of Shang Jin’s book, he exclaimed, “Why are you reading a novel??”

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This heavenly law cannot tolerate expression made Shang Jin unable to make head or tail of it. “What’s wrong? I can’t?”

Ye Zhou had some regrets refusing the classmate just now. However, thinking about it again, he should take this opportunity to prepare well for the exam. Maybe he’d be able to surpass Shang Jin.

Not knowing how long the quiet atmosphere lasted, Shang Jin, who was reading, suddenly stood up.

Ye Zhou’s ear moved, continuing to focus on the book.

An apple was placed in Ye Zhou’s hand. Ye Zhou looked up in puzzlement.

“Christmas Eve…”

“You actually believe this too…” Ye Zhou raised an eyebrow, blanking first, then laughing out loud: not the belly laugh of hearing a joke, nor the sneer of going tit-for-tat, but a genuine, heartfelt smile.

Badump badump…

For the first time, Shang Jin heard the sound of his heartbeat.

“Dingdingding…” The phone rang merrily in the quiet bedroom. Ye Zhou lightly pressed the apple on the table and rolled it back and forth with one hand, while picking up the phone in the other hand.

“Zhou! Please help!!”

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