Ye Zhou held his forehead. Although he’d expected that they would have this result, but he hadn’t expected it to come so soon.

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“What happened?”

“Isn’t it Zhou Wendao and them? They can’t sell the apples.” Ye Zhou stood up, put on his coat and said, “But I also don’t have any experience selling things, so I’ll find more places to sell the apples at a discount.”

Shang Jin said without hesitation, “I’ll go with you.”

Thinking that having one more person was one more helper, Ye Zhou also didn’t refuse.

When they got off and went to where Zhou Wendao was sitting in the plaza, Ye Zhou looked at the wide expanse of people selling apples and he despaired a little in his heart.

But most people only had twenty-something apples placed in front of them. Who would be like Zhou Wendao and Liu Yutian, not only having more than thirty in front, but also having a box placed behind each of them.

“It’s been two hours since you’ve been gone.” Ye Zhou looked at them, the meaning self-evident.

When Zhou Wendao saw him, it was like seeing a close relative. He pulled his arm and complained, “You don’t know how many people are selling apples. I saw people sell for 20, so I thought that pricing it at 15 should sell well. In the end, the side had people selling for ten yuan, and was cheaper by five yuan. The apples I bought here are the expensive apples and cost eight yuan.”

“I saw.” Walking over here, Ye Zhou had walked while discussing with Shang Jin…wait, what about Shang Jin??

Ye Zhou looked around didn’t see the shadow of Shang Jin. “When you just came here, was Shang Jin following me?”

Liu Yutian was astonished. “Shang Jin also came??”

“Forget it. I’ll call him and ask him.” Ye Zhou sighed. “Foolish or not, buying such expensive apples. Do you think people are buying this to eat? Moreover, other people can’t see it if you packaged them up in a box. You watch, the later it gets, the cheaper the apples will be. Five yuan is still light. In the end, even with a direct big markdown at one yuan for one, still no one would buy it.”

Zhou Wendao looked at him with tearful eyes.

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Reading books and doing problem was still okay, but Ye Zhou had never sold anything. He moved the box filled with apples and looked around to find a place where there were more passersby and less apple sellers. “I’ll go over there and have a look first. Let’s split up, one more sold is one better.”

After Ye Zhou settled himself, Shang Jinーwho knew from whereーcame to his side and reported his results. “I looked at the other people’s apples: many of them were small and looked very ordinary. The prices they were shouting are also very random. I reckon it’s probably the same plan as Liu Yutian and them.”

Ye Zhou looked at the apple in front of him, looked at Shang Jin and mocked, “Then I don’t know if the omnipotent classmate Shang Jin have the ability to sell all of these?”

“First, as long as they’re human, there’s no one who’s omnipotent. Second, I wanted to say yesterday that it’s really not wise to sell apples at this time. Have you seen anyone who only thought of buying gifts when they’re attending the birthday party? So…” Shang Jin put a leaflet that he’d taken when passing by on the edge of the flower bed and, not standing by politeness, sat down and concluded, “It’s impossible to sell out today.”

Ye Zhou also didn’t lose heart. Originally when he’d come out, he’d carried some hope, so he’d placed some books in his bag and specially carried the box under the streetlights. “Read?” This could be counted as the book he’d specifically brought for Shang Jin. Although he didn’t know why Shang Jin came, Ye Zhou didn’t expect him to really help sell apples.

After sitting for ten minutes, there was still no one. Ye Zhou couldn’t sit still. Sitting to wait for death wasn’t his style. He packed half the apples in his bag and said to Shang Jin reading his book, “You just sit here. I’m going elsewhere to sell.”

Shang Jin didn’t lift his head and hummed in acknowledgement. Not long after Ye Zhou left, Shang Jin who was reading a book suddenly felt a shadow in front of him.

A girl blushed and asked, “How are these sold?”


“Help us get two.”

Shang Jin really didn’t expect anyone to buy. He had a box of apples in front of him and simply didn’t have any bags to carry them in. Shang Jin somewhat awkwardly said, “I’m sorry, I don’t have a bag…”

The girl quickly said, “It doesn’t matter, just pack it in my cloth bag is fine.”

“Thank you.” Shang Jin, who was very good at utilizing his own advantages, immediately unstintingly gave the other a formulaic smile.

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The girl gave money and smiled like she’d gotten money, being giddily pleased with her companion.

In less than half an hour, Shang Jin sold five or six more like this, including two more daring girls who directly gave the apple to Shang Jin after paying the money.

On the other side, Ye Zhou carried the apples to the periphery of a staged event.

There were some people singing on the stage and people were being drawn over.

Ye Zhou put the apples in a place that wouldn’t hinder others from walking but could be seen in a glance. He bought a headband hanging with two bright stars on the way and wore it on his head. Standing on the side, as long as someone’s eyes were facing him, he immediately got up and marketed. Ye Zhou’s mouth was sweet and person was handsome. Many people couldn’t resist his constant offensive. A lot of apples were sold by the time the event ended. Seeing that there wasn’t anyone left, he was preparing to put the remaining few apples back in his bag when a little girl who was crying without stop passed by in front of him. The little girl’s mother helplessly coaxed her on the side.

Ye Zhou was also idle. He walked over and removed the headband from his head and handed it to the girl. The crying girl was immediately attracted. She watched as Ye Zhou wiped her tears and felt a little embarrassed.

The young girl’s mother looked very young. She saw that her daughter had stopped crying and immediately said to Ye Zhou, “Little brother, how much is it? Just say that I’m buying it.”

“No need, give it to her to play.” This had originally been for attracting people’s attention. Now that people had left, it didn’t have a purpose anymore.

The little girl looked at the box behind Ye Zhou and asked, “What’s that?”

Ye Zhou squatted down and helped the little girl to wear the headband. He smiled gently, “This is the fruit of peace. If the little princess ate this, she will be safe and sound and become more beautiful as she grows up.”

The little girl looked at her mother and the mother made a heroic, big sweep with her hand. “I’ll take all of it.”

The kindhearted Ye Zhou immediately said, “No need, just buy one is fine.”

The little girl stretched out her arm and gestured, saying, “I want to eat a lot of peace fruits, then I can get more and more beautiful.”

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Thinking of Zhou Wendao and Liu Yutian, Ye Zhou didn’t refuse this time. He used the bag to hold the last five ones and handed them to the girl’s mother. The other handed him a hundred and stopped him from giving change, holding the little girl to say goodbye to him.

Ye Zhou smiled and waved to the little girl, then counted the money in his hand and walked in Shang Jin’s direction with a special sense of accomplishment. Hmph hmph, Shang Jin had said before that he couldn’t sell out. He’d hit the other’s face with this fact.

Shang Jin was still in the same posture as when he’d left before, with a box in front of him and two packaged apples on the side. Ye Zhou proudly jumped in front of him and said, “I, this grandpa, with matchless charisma, have completely sold out.”

Shang Jin put away his book, stood up and said, “What a coincidence, so have I.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Ye Zhou lifted his chin and pointed at the two extra apples. “There are still two left. Want to tell lies, but don’t know how to hide them away.”

“These two were given by others.” Shang Jin handed over the money he’d collected and put the two extra apples in the box. Lest Ye Zhou didn’t receive enough stimulation, he continued to say, “There were two girls who bought them and directly gave them to me.”

Sending out sour bubbles in his heart, Ye Zhou said, “I know that you’re infinitely charming and no one could rival you.”

Shang Jin ignored his sour words. Looking at the time, he said, “Let’s go back. Any later and the door will be closed.”

In front of Zhou Wendao’s apple stall, it seemed like time had stood still. An hour had passed, but it felt like nothing had changed. Ye Zhou threw the empty boxes in front of them and said, “Did you guys sell anything at all?”

Liu Yutian incredulously said, “Don’t tell me you’ve sold out?”

“Uh-huh.” Ye Zhou took the money from his pocket and said, “Here’s the money. We’re going back.”

Zhou Wendao counted the money in disbelief and muttered, “You two aren’t just test gods, but also the gods of wealth! I’ve seen the people around selling apples, and really, no one sold more than five.”

“Let’s go back. Any later and the dorm will be closed.”

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Liu Yutian said, “We’ll keep selling for a while. We won’t go back tonight and go with 404 to sing together. Ah Xu is also there. When you go back, just lock the door.”

Shang Jin said, “Then let us take the car. It’s almost ten o’clock. We can leave ten apples with you guys and bring the rest back.”

For them, this was exactly what they were looking for and they nodded their heads like pounding garlic.

The two people carried the apples to look for the car, and Shang Jin said, “I’ll drive on the return trip.”

Did he eat the wrong medicine? Shang Jin actually offered to be the “coolie”?

Of course he thought this in his mind, but Ye Zhou didn’t dare to say it. He was different from Shang Jin who sat there all night while he ran around the square. Not only that, but he was still a bit hungry. “Okay, before going back, let’s buy some food.”

“Rushing around” for a night, it was already half past ten when they returned to the dormitory.

Ye Zhou took the bed desk and put it on the floor. The beer, duck neck and duck wings were set on the table. Shang Jin found two stacks of books and put them on the ground as small stools.

“It’s more atmospheric to drink at a table.” Ye Zhou pulled open the ring, handed the first opened can to Shang Jin, and then opened a can for himself and drank a mouthful. “Cool.”

Shang Jin held his beer and bumped it with Ye Zhou’s. He wasn’t too thirsty and only took a small sip.


Ye Zhou slammed the beer can on the table and said with dissatisfaction, “How do you drink alcohol like this? Drink a big mouthful!”

Shang Jin’s eyes swept his flushed face and silently cursed in his heart. This guy wouldn’t get drunk after he’d just started drinking, right?

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