Fortunately, I was not an ordinary eight-year-old, and I was used to these gazes, so I smiled awkwardly to try to break the boundaries a little.

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However, the reaction seemed to have rather stimulated Allen.


“Why are you sitting there?”




“I don’t want to eat with her!”


Despite the Duchess’ soothing voice, Allen rose from his seat with a hint of contempt.


‘I thought he wouldn’t spit on a smiling face.’


For a moment, I regretted that I should have pretended to be conscious if I knew this would happen, but soon afterwards, Diana shouted, “Don’t bully!” and my head went blank.


Allen seemed to feel betrayed by Diana, who stood by my side many times.


But it was only for a moment that he looked at Diana with a wounded gaze, and Allen glared at me terrifyingly.


And he sprinted out of the seat in no time to hold on to him.


“I’m sorry. He’s very shy because he’s still young.”


It’s my fault that Allen left like that, and he’s sullen, but she said softly as if the Duchess was trying to appease me.

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And then I heard of Allen being a picky eater of vegetables, and the attachment doll he was holding even when he was 10 years old, which would surprise the empire in the future, the Sword Master’s unknown side.


‘If he had held it in a bit, he wouldn’t have been talked to like this.’


He didn’t want to eat with me, so he left the room and I found out about such a shame.


I quietly offered my condolences to Allen.




「Allen POV*」


“Why do I feel so dirty?”


Allen, who walked out of the greenhouse as if he would not look back, frowned.


And he looked towards the greenhouse with his eyes dripping with regret.


I thought my cute little sister would come after me, saying, “Brother!” if I get this angry.




The only thing following him was the cold winter wind.

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There was a surge of resentment and disappointment.


‘How anxiously I have been waiting for the past week.’


Allen, unable to refuse her sister’s cuteness who wanted to attend the festival, regretted going out.


I’m so proud of my ability that knights praise me.


Was being conceited the problem?


Or did I simply believe in a secret escort?


While his father, the Duke of Elrad, struggled to find Diana with the Knights of Rexion, he too wanted to find Diana, but as a young man, there was nothing he could do.


I was rather envious of my older brother, who couldn’t come because he was attending the academy in the capital.


Trapped in the Duke’s castle without being able to do this or that, he blamed himself the whole time and prayed for Diana to return safely. 


I couldn’t even eat or sleep properly. That’s how I met my little sister.


A week seemed longer than ten years for me.


I checked Diana’s face while suppressing the fear that she might resent me for losing her, but fortunately, there was no sign of that in my younger sister’s eyes.


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It’s just that…


“There’s something like a beggar sticking to her.”


My cute little sister Diana followed with onion, it was an unworthy child in his eyes.


According to my father, I thought I should be thankful to her because she took care of Diana at the orphanage, but I was angry for no reason and could hardly accept it.


‘I mean, Diana isn’t an easy-going person.’


What a hard life she had in the meantime that she’s been following that girl for only a moment’s kindness.


Thinking about it reminded me of losing Diana’s hand and it was painful to death.


And I didn’t like the kid who kept reminding me of my guilt.


It was also disgusting for her to monopolize Diana’s attention and love.




Then, a loud sound rang out from Allen’s stomach, which was showing hostility toward Lia with fists clenched.


“How annoying!”


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Before finding Diana, I’d put off meals and hadn’t been eating or drinking, saying that I would find Diana and eat with her together.


Allen, whose face was red from embarrassment, looked back at the greenhouse.


In his prime of growth, he was very hungry.




Steaming appetizing foods began to be prepared on the table, which was set with a clean white tablecloth and colourful flower decorations, as well as gold candlesticks and gold tableware.


I gasped in surprise at the steak on the plate, which seemed to be bigger than five of my little palms put together.




As Diana clapped and shouted, the Duchess smiled and cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and put it on Diana and my plate.


As soon as I was flustered with such consideration, the meat came into my mouth.


It was given to me by Diana, who was next to me.


As I reflexively chewed the large piece of meat that entered my mouth, the soft texture and juiciness spread throughout my tongue.


‘Oh, my. This taste like heaven!’


It seemed to be as good as the restaurant in the capital city where Master took me to complete my first mission. My expression melted away automaticall

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