It was strange because it seemed like a lot of food was placed in front of me today, but…

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The food was so good I couldn’t keep my thoughts going.


In the middle of that, I didn’t refuse what Diana and the Duchess were giving me and swallowed it vigorously, before I knew it my stomach was bulging.


Originally, I had never eaten full since I lived in the orphanage until I gave up my life as a street beggar, and had a bad stomachache, probably because I was always hungry.


Even as an adult, if I ate a little too much, I would get sick easily, so I didn’t crave food.


Perhaps because it was a child’s body, I couldn’t control my appetite properly in front of delicious food.


The Duchess, who had been helping Diana eat for a long time, looked suspiciously at me as I put down my fork worrying about having a stomachache from the first day.


“Why done already?”


“I’m full.”


“Oh. You haven’t eaten half of Diana’s yet.”


After that, I glanced at Diana.


Oil was glistening around Diana’s lips as she nibbled and tasted chicken legs the size of her head in her hands.

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Diana was a huge glutton for her age, even though I felt a little nauseous in the orphanage.


“Eat more!” Diana shouted.


“Yeah, you’re so small so eat a little more. And then you can catch up with Diana.”


I flinched at the Duchess’ generosity.


The memories of my previous life were clear enough to just pass them on as a joke.


‘Even though she was 14, Diana was tall and slender like her older brothers.’


Diana, who I last saw, was taller than I was when and I’m very small even as an adult.


‘If I eat well from now on, will I be able to grow a little bigger?’


I thought about it for a moment, but it seemed like I couldn’t eat any more right now.


After thinking about it, the Duchess said with a regretful look as I carefully put down the fork.


“You can still eat dessert, right?” The Duchess said.


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“There’s a separate stomach for dessert!”


Seeing her smiling brightly, like a mischievous child, I nodded my head involuntarily.


Soon, a fruit tart with a size that seemed impossible to hold even with open arms was prepared.


Various fruits look fresh even in winter on top of a well-baked tart.


‘When I was in the guild, I thought I’d seen a lot of desserts.’


My mouth opened automatically to the size and visuals that easily exceeded expectations.


“Our chef has prepared what he was most confident about, but I don’t know if it will fit your taste.”


The Duchess said as she set the plate of the shredded tart in front of me.


My stomach was really full and I didn’t think there would be any more room, but strangely, my mouth was watering.


As if drawn to the unconscious, the outside was crispy and chewy on the inside, and the fresh taste of the fruit-filled my mouth.


It was so soft and sweet that it made my tongue tingle.

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But what was sweeter than that was the eyes of the Duchess and Diana looking at me.


‘I feel happy.’


It feels like someone is tickling my heart. I rolled my eyes in shame and thought.


I wondered if it was okay to be this happy from the first day I barely followed Diana.


If it had been in the past, I would have been going down to the village with the children, trembling in fear, without even finding food to eat at the messed-up orphanage by now.


So now, this moment felt like a dream.


More than returning to the past, a dream I never want to wake up from.




A few days have passed since Lia entered the Duke’s Castle.


In the meantime, Lia suffered greatly.


It was because I met Diana immediately after returning in the past and was nervously waiting for Duke Elrad.

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I vomited up all the delicious food I ate that night, and my tiny body swelled with heat.


The Duchess was worried about what would happen to the child who took care of her daughter.


Besides, Diana didn’t want to leave Lia for even a second.


Thanks to the direct nursing and care of the Duchess and Diana, all the employees of the Duke’s Castle wished for Lia’s recovery.


It was the morning when Lia finally opened her eyes as if everyone’s utmost sincerity had reached her.


Lia tossed and turned, enjoying a fluffy bed and a soft quilt and came to her senses.


Lia’s eyes widened as she looked at the unfamiliar ceiling and wallpaper, and she soon realized that this was the room she had been assigned to on her first day when she arrived at Duke Castle.


It was enough for a maid to stay.


After a hearty meal until the first day’s dessert, the Duchess personally took her hand and guided her to this guest room.


Lia was stunned for a moment, but perhaps because she was full, drowsiness came over and she lay down to close her eyes for a moment. But twisted her body at the sudden surge of pain.


Lia’s face turned pale when she remembered that she had vomited up all of the food in the end.


“Ugh, what should I do!”

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