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There are innate and acquired unique bodies in this world. Since Kyon was clearly not from a rich family (and heredity plays far not last role), then the second disappears. Consequently, he was given a body by fate when he was born and the body erased the formation at night. At least that's what Martin thought.

Innate bodies tend to develop along with the development of the soul, but the guy had not established a connection with the spirit, so its value can be incredible. The lights of greed lit up in the man's eyes.

Martin crunched his fingers with a satisfied look. {Howmuch he would earn for such copy on the black market?}

It was very easy to cash in on such persons of natural gifts, and the man also planned to be engaged in it. The guy would bring him a considerable profit, however, as usual, the owner of the innate body could not not expect anything good.

Kyon initially assumed that Martin would come to this conclusion, now, an important factor was whether he would share his guess with Bob or not. Although, judging by his sly face, he was clearly was not going to his so called «friend» in the matter.

Bob, noticing his friend's animated face, asked:

«Do you understand anything?»

«Yes... I think I need better tools for analysis for with this rubbish I can't find the reason.» - immediately found Martin.

Kyon calmly breathed out: as for now everything goes according to his plan.

«Will you go to the family estate for the tools?»

«Bob, don't be stupid. Firstly, I'm at work, and secondly, why would I go two thousand kilometers there and back again, when I have specially trained people for such cases?» - the boss chuckled.

«Yeah, right, sorry.»

«Take the guy to the hospital and do not let anyone hurt him, let him lie there until I bring my things!» - instructively told Martin, drinking from a cup a drinr which had already been cold for a long time.

«And what should I do with the things?» - Bob nodded at the toys and tools, still scattered on the table.

«I'll confiscate them. You can go.»

Kyon picked up the last muffin from the table, said goodbye and he and Bob left the superiour's office.

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Being left alone, Martin began to pace excitedly around the room.

{Phhh, I need to calm down... I will find out what is the rank of the guy's unique body. In case it disperses my formation, even though his soul development is absent, then it must be at least «A» rank! Wow... Millions, millions... or maybe even better?! t} -the thought made him sick. - {In any case, me are needed my high-precision tools. The star of luck is over my head! Ha-ha-ha! I can finally get out of this hole and start a new life! I will buy the higher rank in the family from the elder...} – there melted a dreamy smile on his face. Lucky, how lucky I am!

A few minutes later, Martin's personal servant, who lived on the Stone's family estate, received a call to the sound transmitter.

«Pink, this is Martin, I urgently need all my tools! Take the fastest horse and go.» - the man said in a commanding tone.

«Yes, sir! I'll be back tomorrow morning.»

«I'm waiting.»

Kyon didn't fear for his life, at least for today. There were several reasons for such confidence. One of them was that his energy had been released at night, so Martin would probably wait at least until tomorrow to verify that fact. In addition, he decided to bring his personal devices, which gives Kyon a few more days for the implementation of the plan. 2000 kilometers is still a considerable distance.

Time was very short.

It was likely that Martin's sensitive devices would be able to detect the 10th element at once and if this happens... Ken's fate would be in the grasping hands of the insidious authorities, which he did not want to allow.

Kyon, Borya, Mike, Bob and his dog silently walked into the hospital.

The supervisor looked depressed, perhaps he suspected Martin of withholding information, which would mean that their «friendship» was nothing more than a farce.

Earlier while leaving the office, Kyon did not forget to grab from a bottom of a chair and hide in his pocket his «contraband» - a piece of a meccano and plasticine. His trophy was also the bun, which has been long smelled by always hungry Rogash, and every now and then molested the boy. Bob thought that the dog just really liked the young man, so did not pay much attention.

Borya hesitantly broke the silence:

«Bob, sir, and for what purpose we were searched and checked for the possession of power?»

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«This is classified information.» - the fat man grunted in the secret agent style.

The bald man snorted resentfully. H-o-o-ow pretentious everyone is. And this loss... Borya came closer to the young man:

«Kyon, buddy, I don't know how, but I have lost the bet! I'll pay you back later.» - he said, feeling downcast. And then, he still decided to ask a question that haunted him all the time: - «Tell me what you did to Martha. Why did she say she liked you? I can't understand how this is possible.»

«You just need to be able to intrigue women, they love it.» - the guy «shared» his secret significantly winking.

Borya skeptically snorted, mentioning, «how much can you understand, sniveler?» but still started thinking about it.

Fortunately, Kyon was not mistaken, and Bob was indeed a man of his word – he raised the issue of the debt, admitting his defeat. You can deal with such people.

The young man said conspiratorially In a low tone:

«I need your help, and the reward will be reducing the debt to 2000 rupees.»

The bald man, leaving reasoning about the nature of existence, feeling intrigued and whispered:

«Go on.»

«I need you to distract Bob's attention for at least ten seconds when he opens the door.»

«Distract Bob for just 10 seconds? That's it?»

«Yes, but it's not that simple. Not just distract, the supervisor should be completely focused on you!»

«I agree.» - simply and confidently said the bald man. The reason for this request was not too interesting for him – the most important thing now was to» knock off « the amount of debt. {Bob is not an evil type, in any case I think he will not punish me too severely.}

No one else heard their dialogue.

The part of the plan was the dog which Ken had already tested the previous day, giving him different commands with gestures. He showed the dog the bun in advance, making it clear that it should be an obedient boy and then the reward will be its. Rogash was in joyful impatience.

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And now, the the fond door was already there.

Bob, having got the keys in advance, all in the same thoughtfulness threw them into the air and deftly picked up, even without looking at the ringing bunch – apparently, this stereotypical movement helped him calm down.

Borya thought in advance how he would act to detain Bob. He gave an imperceptible sign to Kyon: all ready.

The guy clasping the neck of a dog and pinching some nerve in order to make the face of the animal be contorted with anger, and gave the command «Attack», pointing a finger at himself.

At that moment, the door had already been opened.

Bob yelled out a shriek, grabbing Bob by the breast and deliberately averting him that from entering the hospital:

«THE FOOD IS BEING STOLEN!» - his eyes were full of fire of righteous anger, pointing the accusatory finger pointing in the direction: - «IT IS OVER THERE, LOOK!

At that moment, Rogas snarled at Ken and shining with naked fangs, jumped into the "attack."

Martha heard a noise and left her office:

«Bob, is that you?»

Growl and startled cry, was heard in the hallway into the hospital; Kyon ran with a face full of horror, and behind him a dog with a face distorted with rage. The guy described a circle, jumping over the bed and ran to Martha. The woman had no idea what should she really think reflexively screamed:

«Ah! Bob, stop the dog! It attacked Kyon!»

The supervisor heard screams and growls of Rogash, tried to turn back, but Borya didn't let him out of his bear hug, constantly poking at the empty space and wailing worse than Martha:


Kyon quickly ran behind the doctor and now happily watching «evil creature», rushing at full speed directly at the woman. Then, taking advantage of the widespread chaos, unnoticed by the others, he went to the tool room. Here they were, on the second shelf, wrapped in a cloth – what is needed. He quickly took out the right tool and hid it in a pre-prepared pocket.

The goal was achieved, but not without casualties: when Bob managed to get rid of the «crazy» patient and yelled into the room. «Rogash, come to me!», the animal had already overturned Martha with all its considerable weight on the ground.

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The dog stopped fooling around and, guiltily lowering his face, went to the master.

Martha, shaking herself, rose from the floor in a rage and already took a breath to express everything she thought about any ill-mannered lumps of wool and their masters, and Borya was still trying to convince the supervisor in presence of an invisible thief of provisions.

«What the hell kind of thief? Are you fucking mad? Let me go!» - Bob shouted, unable to stand it.

The woman menacingly went on into attack with her hands on her sides:

«Your dog is absolutely furious! It tried to bite Kyon and attacked me! I don't want to see it here again! It is unbelievable...» - she naturally gasped with indignation.

«Don't speak so! Rogash would never attack anyone without a reason! He must have had a reason!» - Bob immediately stood up for his pet, but still demanded an explanation from the dog which was guilty looking down: - «Rogash, what a hell are you doing? Why were you chasing Kyon? You're friends!»

Kyon just have returned to the stage and threw the dog a bun in which it then hungrily dug.

«It turned out that it didn't mean to attack me, it just felt baking and chased it.»

Realizing the cause of «aggression» of the dog, Bob changed the temper to mercy and patted his sweet tooth-pet by its ears. Turning to Martha, he said peacefully:

«I told you he had had a reason.»

But the woman was not going to hush up the conflict so easily and snorted remaining hostile:

«All because his idiot master doesn't feed his dog properly!»

Bob had nothing to object, so he turned his attention to another «madman»:

«What the hell were you yelling about?»

Borya, having made up the most honest eyes, had already chilled out and complained:

«There was a man carrying a stick of sausage, I saw it! It was a slave!»

«Sausage? We have never had that kind of stuff here! Asshole, wipe your eyes!» - he defiantly twisted his finger at his temple, then turned to Martha with a malicious smile: - «You say I don't feed the dog properly, but your patients fancy food everywhere! Who feed whom improperly!?» - triumphantly pinned Bob.

«Oh, that's it.» - the doctor muttered, unable to find an answer, but unwilling to leave the last word to the triumphant supervisor, and went into her office, finally slamming the door loudly.

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