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The man took out a lens that shimmered like a diamond and began to pour his energy into it. He moved it all over the body of the young man, especially lingering on 9 points. Fortunately for Kyon, he had no idea about the existence of the 10-th element, so he didn't even try to scan some more and head.

«Hmm... Engaging...» - having finished with the manipulation and even more puzzled than before, Martin sat down on the edge of the table opposite Kyon. - «You know, you have something wrong with the keys, as if they are damaged: their reaction is completely absent, that's just visible, but I do not see any losses. I failed to advance my energy even a millimetr! I've never seen anything like it before. Perhaps, you know what's the point?»

{Keys... This is how the spheres are called.} «I don't quite understand... Please tell me more about the keys.» - having got into such an unpleasant situation, it was necessary to at least try to squeeze out of it the maximum benefit.

«In general, this is a long topic, but, in short, «keys» (many of them are also called «funnels», «sources», «springs») – this is what connects your physical body and the spiritual body like fastenings. There just nine spheres or keys, and each of them, revolve and on behest of his owner frees up energy in the form of a certain element. But since you haven't made a connection with the spirit, it is not necessary for you to bother on this topic . I don't want to waste my breath.»

{Spiritual body? It means, my synergy comes from the spirit? Soul ... Am I in some religious world or something?}

Making sure that Kyon had no connection with the spirit, and hence the connection with natural energy, Martin got another device to overlay formation to the formation. The formation of a completely different quality than the ones he imposed on ordinary plebeians. It was nominal, that is, it was connected with him directly, and not with a common database. He already deleted Kyon from the database, so there were no questions... in fact, at the moment, the guy in the mine just didn't exist.

In addition to the usual location tracking, the formation also could display his heart rate, fluctuations in elemental energy in the body, wake/sleep modes and other physiological details. All the information collected straight in Martin's head. And, in order to remove the new formation, it would be necessary to make a hundred times more effort than the last.

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When Martin had finished, he put two cups on the table, and from somewhere, as if by magic, he took out sweet rolls (he had a whole warehouse there, hadn't he?) and went to a small table on which stood a tin pot-bellied kettle. When he brought it to the cups, the spout was already steaming. The aroma of tea filled the room.

«You know, I have been working for more than 20 years as a formacist and my professionalism has never been questioned. After all, I have earned a certain reputation over the years.» - a man hospitably pushed the cup to Kyon and took a sip from his own, got burned, accusingly looked at the steaming drink. - «And when there are some spots on it, I try to get rid of them at once, so that there are no misunderstandings/ In other words, do not blame me for excessive curiosity.»

Martin carefully sipped his tea and, being satisfied with the temperature, boldly took another sip. Having noticed that the young man had not touched the treat, he raised his eyebrows in surprise:

«Why aren't you eating? You don't seem to be indulged in delicacies there, as far as I know, so you'd better accept my gesture of good will.»

This rigorous and self-confident man never treated the slaves biased, like many others in the likeness of a Mob. In addition, it was necessary to wait for the return of Bob. Why not take the opportunity to talk about this and that?

After the suggestion of the authorities about «getting rid of the stains on the reputation Kyon did not feel hungry. But, in order not to offend the talkative host of the office, he still reluctantly tore off a piece of appetizing crispy muffin.

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«Tell me, what types of the formations exist?» - sipping tea, continued to pry the young man.

«A-ha-ha, question on address!» - who doesn't like to talk about their work? And the personality of the listener in such a situation does not matter. - «I'll correct you first. It is not just a formation what you are imposed on your foreheads, but also a cell for storing energy, something like a slot. It needs to be placed in a formation - that is, energy that reacts in a certain way to certain events.»

{Something like the program code.} - has understood the guy.

Further, according to Martin, it became known that the formation could perform a variety of functions - from tracking the location of the» subject» to the submission of the will by influencing the brain hormones or direct manipulation of the obedient subconscious, something like hypnosis, but the person is awake, hears, perceives and performs. This formation must be associated with the object receiving the information. As an example, the man showed a mercury mirror with some recesses and mottled inclusions which represented a miniature map showing the dislocation of the marked people.

«If the formation is from the category of subordinates, then the mercury mirror as an» object « is not the best option, it is necessary to associate a subordinate with a certain person or group of people - they will be the ones who give orders. Trust me, it's a whole science. I, for example, formacist of the sixth rank. This is very honorable, given that there are only seven ranks, and the first rank have only the best of the best, legendary person... I just read about those.» - Martin took a bite of the stuffed horn, smirked, and added, « modestly»: -»I'm not much of a teacher, but at least I hope you understand something.»

«In my opinion, you explain everything very clear, but tell me, is it not easier to immediately impose on all the formation of subordination, and not an ordinary search engine?»

«Well... firstly, not everyone can impose it, you have to be a minimum of formacist of the fifth grade. Secondly, you must be at least two stages higher than the obey, and to be sure – three. Yes, of course, if a person voluntarily wants to become controlled, then the rule of two areas is not necessary, you can even be the same development as the subordinate, but something I do not remember such wishing.» - the man chuckled. - «As a person can be drugged to make the faint of heart, to lower the morals, put to sleep, but even so, you should be highstage. And another problem, submission is not absolute. A subordinate can resist, although much depends on the quality of the formation…»

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«Are there so many problems?»

«Indeed! Even if we assume that the slaves of the entire mine will obey, it is necessary to give each individual order! And the efficiency will be much lower than it is now, so no matter how much we want it, there will be no such utopia.» - a sigh full of sincere sorrow.

Kyon smiled to himself at Martin's words. «Thank you, I understand everything. And you are clearly unfair to yourself, you'd be a great teacher!» - decided to finally flatter Ken, thanks for the valuable information, so to speak.

«Thanks! By the way, Flits told me when I was a child a story which said how talented guy was able to subdue the Queen of one country, who was on the whole stage higher than him! As a result, he ruled the whole state through the Queen, and not only the state, hehe... How many depraved things he did to her... However,» - collected himself Martin, skeptically glancing at the frail boy. How old is he, fourteen? - «You must have no idea what sex is... Forget it. Besides, I don't really believe in these fairy tales.»

Bob with the bag, Borya and Mike squeezed into the office. The latter looked exhausted, Borya did not understand why he was brought here, and the supervisor just wanted to quickly deal with all this.

«Just like you asked.» - the fat man reported, having dumped contents of a bag on a table to the superiours.

«Fine! Guys, sit down, I'll check you for strength, and you're free to go.»

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After searching for any unusual items and procedures that showed that the two were ordinary people, Martin let them out the door, ordering them to wait.

The next checks were books, toys and tools from Kyon's «personal belongings». Among other things, there was no detail of the designer and a piece of clay plasticine, but it was not possible to find out where are they.

«How was it?» - asked Bob impatiently.

«Shit! Nothing, it's normal stuff... Have you examined the house?»

«Yes, I have searched everything.»

«Bob, check if the guy has anything with him!» - Martin threw away the disguise of «hospitable host», no longer wanting to stand on ceremony.

The supevisor immediately felt all over Kyon, patting his body like a real guard, and shook his head.

Kyon, anticipating a search, made sure to secretly stick a piece of plasticine under designer chair to avoid withdrawal with the trick.

«Hell, I don't see how that's possible...» - Martin clapped his hand on the table in annoyance and thought hard. But after a second in his eyes lit up a spark of insight: {Unless ... Unless this guy has a unique body!}

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