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The draught from the broken window was blowing in the office, lifting the heavy curtains and swept some papers from the desk across the room. Flitz looked at the mess and shook his head discontentedly. He activated the sound transmitter:

«Marinochka, come to my office, quickly!»

His voice sounded with a mock severity, but tenderness felt through the senile growling. I wonder who this girl is. What has he about her?

Kyon walked over to the black-and-white framed photo – a gray-haired, thin woman who looked like Flitz. {No... It's not a photo! It's some unknown to me method of applying colors to the paper, but certainly not the photograph! Curious-curious...} He asked. «Sir, is this your daughter or granddaughter?»

The old man just took down some hand-held device and had already approached the guy, he frowned. «This is my great-grandmother!»

Kyon was dumbfounded. «Um... I should have noticed…»

Flitz, frowned, put the device for formation to the forehead of the boy and surprised.

«Hmph, why is your formation empty? Have you actually been forgotten after Martin's death?»

Kyon unintelligible shrugged: {I can't tell him that I had even been removed from the database. Hmm... Couldn't he think if I was a spy or something like this?}

However, Flitz did not focus on this fact. He ran his eyes over the shelves and pulled out another device that looked suspiciously reminiscent of an enema which unspeakably scared the guy.

«Don't worry, it's still early.» - laughed formacist and began to blow out ait of the "enema" directly into the formation on his forehead. To be more precise, into an empty slot, Martin talked about it.

There slipped out green thread from the device - a spatial attribute looks like this - and, having hit the formation, disappeared there, leaving a reminder of himself only an unpleasant tingling.

The whole process took less than a minute. Flitz, wiping the sweat from his forehead, said proudly:

«Ready! I can congratulate you, now you are a worthy owner of the exclusive, incredible, sentimental subordinate formation of the Supreme slave!»

Kyon did not appreciated the gift and just smiled grimly:

«Wow...» - what an "enthusiasm"! Here he became a slave again. It is said, that the higher you are, the harder you could fall. Recently, he was the Emperor of the worlds, and here you are... Half-worker in the mine, now a slave of some kind of girl.

The old man pondered, waved his hand, as if he was driving his doubts away.

«The subordinate formation on your forehead will trigger every time a member of the family of the Rank 1 will give an order to you. And among those only a dozen people! Well, what else with me... I'm the member of Rank 2, but I couldn't help linking the formation to me, and-ha-ho!»

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Kyon felt his forehead - it stung. He couldn't say a word because of the offense... at least a censorship word. He, the former Emperor of the illusory planet Earth, had just been given a subordinate formation. Perhaps, he should just have stayed a slave?

Flits, completely ignoring the despondency of the guy continued speaking in cautionary tone, as if nothing had happened:

«When you will be given orders, you will do not even understand why suddenly your body moves, because there will be working subconscious but not you! Figure out how cool it is, if they tell you to gut yourself, and you…»

Kyon, not wanting to continue to hear about such a rosy outlook, hastened to change the subject away from the capacities of this abominable formation:

«While traveling with Ren... That is, with the warden, I asked a little about the rules of the estate. As far as I remember, one of them stipulates that slaves, even of the highest rank, are forbidden to be in the mansions of the courtyard. How am I going to live there?»

Flitz laughed.:

«Don't worry... You won't live long anyway.» - and again he burst with laughter. But, under the dark gaze of the young man, he still relented and answered: - «Just kidding, just kidding! I'll ask Juno to make an exception for you. And if she's in a good mood, then everything will be fine, most importantly, do not screw up in training and show your dignity, and now, dance to me!»

Kyon clearly felt something tried to intercept control of his body. Apparently, the formation somehow affected the subconscious mind through the prism of the mind which induces a person to carry out the order.

Kyon could have easily taken control back, but he didn't feel like revealing all his cards at the beginning of the game. {Hmm... If the goddess has imposed the formation, manipulating me through hormonal stimulation, Flits uses the influence of the subconscious... The first case is much worse, because it is almost impossible to resist, but Flitz's method... Heh, much easier to cope with. The more conscious a person is, the less effective he is. I'd think of something better, because neuroscience is my credo. Is it difficult to get to the limbic system? Probably not. Perhaps I will become a formacist in the future?}

Thoughts of the guy were accompanied by awkward twitches of a hand, a leg... And the guy started dancing, dancing lezginka. With that, he danced very well, especially for someone who was doing something like this for the first time.

The old man almost jumped with delight:

«It works, damn it! I still haven't lost qualification to impose complex formations! Hehe! What kind of dance is that?!» - and he clapped his hands, setting the rhythm.

Having admired the folk caucasian dance, Flitz ordered Kyon to stop. He patted the out of breath, guy on the shoulder and said with almost paternal concern:

«Don't worry. Family members of the 1st rank are kind and understanding. They don't care about bullying some slave like you... Probably.» - the old man finished with less confidence with a wistful look remembering the mischievous Juno. – «All right, I order you to do twenty push-ups!»

Kyon mentally howled - {It is you who bully me! Oh yeah... You're if Rank 2. Technically, your words may be true.}

The body flopped to the ground and the guy started to do push-ups. The old man, for some time just watching, soon appeared to be sitting on the back of a young man in a pose of Indian yoga and puffed a pipe: «A-ha-ho! ... Haha!»

Kyon was getting dizzy from that evil old fart. He seemed to be a selfish hypocrite... a bad character spoiled by the power – a hellish combination.

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To rescue Kyon in the door someone knocked softly, and after the invitation came in.

A beautiful long-haired blonde in the form of a maid sat down in a deep curtsy - two braided braids almost touched the floor. Her features were elegant, her body was also above all praise, especially her slender waist, accentuated by a snow-white corset. There gleamed a cute barrette in her hair.

This pretty moved her interested glance from Flitz to Kyon. She seemed to be about 20 years, growth 175 cm Despite her very bright and cute appearance, her entire appearance evoked the association with the gray mouse.

The maid sighed softly and turned her attention back to the old man:

«Sir, what can I do for you?»

«Marinka, take the boy to one of the vacant rooms in the hotel and bring him dinner. Then come over to my place.» - Flitz winked at the shivering girl, grinning lasciviously.

Chill ran through Kyon's back from awareness of the following: {Poor thing! Could it be... Oh gods, he will this pretty one too...? The world is truly unjust...} His heart sank with pity for this innocent lamb, sent to the eternal slaughter to this old wolf.

Marina sat down again in a curtsy, revealing a deep cleavage for everyone. Kyon with disgust noted lustful languishing veil overcast the eyes of the old man when he saw it.

The girl with the braids stood up and rustled in a colorless voice:

«Follow me, sir.»

The guy would gladly have hired "such" a simulation in the past world. Her demeanor, her look, her tone... she's damn good-looking, knows how to treat a gentleman. (In someone else's eye sees a speck, in his log does not notice)

Flitz could not refused to remind with pleasure and slyly after the guy:

«Kyon, don't even think about escaping! Your balls are hanging by a thread! A-ha-he!»

Kyon silently walked to the street with Marina. {What has it been? Where am I?} – how many questions, and no answer. Knowing that will happen with this pretty blonde tonight he felt a gag reflex at his throat. Although the girl is ok, keeping a stiff upper lip.

The wind in the street had the smell of the sea and mountains in fusion.

A beautiful maid elegantly walked Kyon into a 2-storey building with many rooms, opened the door, gesturing him to enter first. After waiting for the young man to settle in a bit, she left, saying she would be back soon.

After only 15 minutes on the table was a hot meal.

Kyon hungrily devoured the food.

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Marina at that time was humbly sitting looking out the window, not uttering a word and waiting for when he would finish dinner in order to to carry the tray to the kitchen. Just her presence created an aura of calm and tranquility – just the perfect wife, the keeper of the family hearth.

Purposely leaving the bowl a couple of spoons of stew, Kyon asked quietly, trying not to startle the girl:

«Your name is Marina?»

She involuntarily flinched and turned around, suddenly drowning in deep and such attentive the eyes of guy:

«Yes, so what?»

Kyon started the conversation not just because of desire to chat. He used to look for any sources that could help make it easier for him to achieve something greater, any purpose.

The guy started searching for "clues", saying in a confidential tone:

«I noticed depression and fear in your behavior and look. Tell me, if it's not a secret, is it because of Mr. Flitz?»

The girl hesitated, but nodded.

«How long have you served him?»

«About five years.»

Kyon winced from aversion: it turns out the girl since adolescence warmed up the bed this old fart, because at thzat time he also was not a young man!

«It's my first day on the estate, so I don't know how it works. I have come from the mine. Mr. Flitz spotted me by accident, and he's going to make me a servant of Mrs. Juno herself.»

The girl's eyes widened in fright:

«Juno... Miss Juno is a very status miss. Mr. Flitz forbade me even pass near her mansion…»

«Yes, I've heard about her. Still, I should be grateful to Flitz, but... I don't like the way he looks at you.»

Marina pursed her lips, staring wistfully at the floor.

Kyon carefully lift her pretty head by the chin and almost whispered:

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«And you know... I want to help you…»

The girl, still carefully taps the view, after these words stared at the guy with all her eyes.

«It just so happened that I found out one weakness of Mr. Flitz. A lever he can be manipulated whenever necessary. And he is absolutely powerless against it. An ultimate tool... Perfect strings for puppets.»

His enchanting mysterious voice made the maid feel shiver ran through her spine, but the words themselves... their meaning came to her like lightning. She clung to Kyon's sleeve with her thin fingers and almost demanded:

«What sort of weakness?!»

Kyon did not expect such enthusiasm – it seemed that the poor thing got sick and tired of serving as a litter for the old man. Well, it's a sin not to take advantage of her naivety.

He seductive smiled with corners of his lips and gently touched the wrist of a girl:

«Marina, I very want to tell you, but there is a time for everything. I need to make sure of something... It won't take long. By the way, could you help me with something?»

His touch, look, voice – they were fascinating, like a magnet attracted all the attention. She couldn't refuse him even if she wanted to.

«Tell me, what should I do? Is it something serious?»

«Mere trifle. Do you have a sound transmitter for us to contact?»

«Yes, it must be ... I'll bring it tomorrow. So, what's the request?" - she continued to wonder.

«I'm sorry, but I can't tell you the request until tomorrow. Tonight, maybe a little earlier. I'll call you, okay? But don't think much about it, I'll tell you about Flitz's weakness, even if you don't bring the sound transmitter.»

The girl nodded and, a little embarrassed, whispered his name softly:

«Kyon... everything is cool. I would have helped you for nothing, because you're... So... Thank you for your concern, I'm very pleased to communicate with someone like you... I mean, to be with you!» - hastened to add Marina, touching blushing to her ears. A mesmerizing smile played across her face.

Kyon's heart sank involuntarily. It seems that he has just the same devilish charm, because in five minutes of dialogue he managed to become "like that"! However, she looked at him more as a little brother, not at the man. Still, the age difference plays an important role.

They said goodbye with the usual handshake.

«Good night.» - she purred and left him, leaving the boy alone.

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