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Kyon turned off the lamp with the crystal with the button, stripped naked and plopped down in a soft bed with his arms crossed behind his head. It was time to think the situation over.

{Strong and powerful people can afford everything In this world. Like a decrepit half-dead man who has and uses (in all senses) such a beauty maid... And after all the poor little girl has no choice. Anyway, I wanna help her. Hopefully, my guess is that Flitz's weakness in Juno is correct. Can I tempt a thirteen-year-old girl? No problem. I hope she's really beautiful…}

It was a late night. Two moons shone brightly, occasionally shaded by passing clouds.

Kyon began structuring information about energy and climbing to the steps. {Having got out of the mine, I felt that I began to develop my soul faster, and, as a confirmation I rose by the 2nd step... In the estate, this intuitive feeling has doubled! It turns out that the ones living here develop themselves much faster than others because of the high energy content in the air. I wonder what's so special about the earth's crust under the estate?}

Kyonn remembered from the books that energy is usually not evenly distributed throughout the world. Somewhere there's more energy, somewhere less. Where there is more of it, the resources useful for becoming strong are much richer, better nourish the body and soul, develop the cultivated body and not only this. A certain picture of the balance of power in the world is being created. The more energy there is in the atmosphere, the stronger the Empire – its people.

While traveling to the estate, taking into account that they had to pass for about 2000 km, according to Ren's and Borya's information provided in the mine, Kyon nightly watched the moons much like the planet, watched the slightest change of shadows. Similarly, through the same supervisor managed to unobtrusively find out that the year in this world lasts 360 days, and the young man, setting the Synergy function of ultra-precise hours, determined that 24 hours, or rather the seconds of which they consist, are very close to the intergalactic standard – an amazing coincidence! In his world on some planets minutes lasted up to 140 seconds, and in special cases up to 5... But the 24-hour standard was observed everywhere.

Having combined all the data, Kyon concluded many incredible facts. For example, judging by the eclipses of the moons, he geometrically calculated the approximate distance to them. It is ~55 radii of the earth. It also became clear that the size of all the moons is about 3 times smaller than the earth. Ave Hipparchus! His method was simple and unmistakable. But after learning the following information, the guy felt sick. He was traveling in a wagon for six days, thereby breaking 2,000 km, however, the time deviation was only 12 minutes! Having compared the lost time with time zones, he found out that the circumference of this planet is ~240,000 km! So the length of the moons is ~80.000 km! Such an unmistakable conclusion almost put him in a stupor, because this size of the giant planet must have a huge gravity, which is not observed. But his knowledge of the world is not over... the fact that the moon rotates around the planet, planet and moon rotate around the sun, and the sun, planets and moon, in addition, revolve around an invisible object! Kyon thought he was delirious, but his formula of calculating the movement of planets and moons couldn't be wrong! He assumed that there was a black hole in the middle, but that won't do! There is no space lensing, which must be in the case of a black hole. Gravity and its size doesn't match a small black hole. Some invisible object, but not a black hole. Powerful reason of the guy refused to work, trying to assume the nature of an invisible massive object.

Thus, the following is obtained: something invisible around which revolves the star around which the planet rotates, which rotates around two moons.


Kyon, tousled his hair, threw the questions unsolvable at the moment to the margins of consciousness and moved to the analysis of further action in terms of the development of the body with the Synergy.

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Two hours ago, he completed development of the nervous system with the Synergy . That time his organs were much more stress-resistant, and the impulses reach his muscles from brain three times faster. It is very helpful in battle to instantly react not only by consciousness, but also by the body. In addition, his sense of touch had increased significantly, however, the use of this advantage could be found only in sexual terms.

The question arose, where to direct the essence of the universe further, what now should be developed by the Synergy?

Kyon identified three most relevant and useful options: sight, hearing and smell. It's better to start with eyesight - upgrade will not take much time but advantages will be tremendous! Now the guy felt like a blind chicken in comparison to the sight of Laurel.

Having solved this issue and running the Synergy in the right direction, Kyon began to identify priorities in the estate: {There is nothing more useful than information. I have to get to know the structure of the world, how the family works, the relationships inside, learn how to use the elements, and for this I need to somehow study volumes, or whatever it is here... but how to get them? Perhaps, I should go to the library... Flitz did not want to take me as a disciple, but, oh well – he'd regret it. You bastard, you should not have underestimated me.}

And with these "inspiring" thoughts Kyon went to bed. Damn it, this strange reality.

Early in the morning there was a knock in the room. A pleasant voice asked permission to enter.

Kyon, instantly awake and prudently dropped:


He sleepily rubbed his eyes, yawned, stretched as his bones crack.

The door opened and Marina passed inward. She looked, so to say ... shabby. The braids were gone – probably the old man did not like such an innocent hairstyle - there was a mess on her head with traces of attempts to comb his hair hastily; one stocking was torn, the second was lowered to the knee by a dull accordion; the short skirt was worn crooked and obviously also in a hurry; her eyes were tired and not slept. She had stack of new clothes and a tray with breakfast In her hands – the room immediately was filled with the delicious aroma of scrambled eggs with vegetables.

{That Flitz... Asshole! Do I jealous or whatever?..} – the guy was surprised to catch himself on such a thought.

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From such a closely-scoped sight the girl immediately looked down, sheepishly smoothed her skirt.

«Kyon, Flitz told me to bring you to the office in fifteen minutes... we have yo hurry.»

«Yeah, sure.» - nodded Kyon, happily jumped out of bed and took a stack of new clothes from the girl's hands . Marina suddenly screamed quietly hiding her face which suddenly became crimson in her hands. Hmm, what's with the pantomime?... – «Marina, are you sick?»

In response, she just desperately shook her head, still not wanting to open her eyes.

Kyon lowered his eyes. Oh yes... of course... How could he forget? He is no longer an Emperor, he is a slave! Walking around naked with a morning erection was at least indecent. It was time to get rid of the habit of sleeping in what his mother gave birth.

The guy covered his dignity with his hand, clenched, portraying shame looking strained and embarrassedly croaked:

« you seen?»

Marina turned her head again. She rarely had to deny the reality. This look of this naked wiry boy would not go out of her head for a long time.

Kyon sighed with relief, took out pants from the brought stack and quickly pulled it.

«I'm glad you didn't see it. It means I'm still pure and innocent. You should know how scared I was.…»

The girl, almost choking with indignation at his shamelessness, even pulled her hands away from her face:

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«I should be the one to complain! How can you…»

Kyon muttered wryly:

«I must agree, taking into account your look. It was it really bad last night?»

The girl let out a growl, closed her eyes, counted to ten, trying to cope with emotions.

«Shameless scoundrel! Why do you do it this way?!»

Kyon laughed, turning everything into a joke. She finally had started speaking in more intimate manner; it was a significant achievement in their relationship. Further on, It would be easier.

She didn't say a word anymore, only occasionally glared at the indifferent guy with discontent. Anyway, it was not typical for her to be long offended by fools, especially since he probably didn't even know what he was guilty in.

Kyon pulled on his new black pants, shirt, socks with black shoes. No... It's definitely not the clothes of a slave. This can only be worn by nobles. The clothes were definitely of good quality, durable, expensive... And he looks great having them on. His position is revealed by the formation on his forehead only, as if said: "Look, I'm really a nobody!".

After a delicious breakfast, the two left the room in silence again. Marina handed the guy a sound transmitter, as he asked – a compact box, inside which there was a muddy green spatial stone.

«The quality of the sound transmitter is very low, so you can't call for more than a hundred kilometers.» - the girl started explanations with some reluctance. – «Each sound transmitter has its own frequency, it is not difficult to identify it. Further on, the other person picks up your frequency, your transmitter vibrates, and you take the call... You just need to establish a connection…»

Kyon nodded understandingly – in general, there was nothing complicated, it was just the analogue of the standard cell.

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On the way, he asked Marina about Juno's immediate circle. Any information might be useful.

His future mistress had a mother, a grandfather, a brother and an older sister among her close relatives. Grandpa is the Patriarch; he is always located in the capital of the Kingdom, as the mother - she runs the plantations, which was considered to be very honorable. Brother learns to be the head of the mines, and sister ran away for some unknown reason.

On the way Marina now and then threw impatient looks – she obviously was eager to learn about the weakness of Flitz. Amazingly modest thing, she could not start this conversation - feeling shy, and she was about to naturally burst out with curiosity.

{Any girl dreams of having a remote control for men... In her case for the old man. But it is important not to overreact, because since a man turns into a toy, he quickly becomes uninteresting.}

Unfortunately for the cutie-Marinka, Kyon did not plan to satisfy her curiosity yet.

The entire area of the stone family estate was surrounded by tall and thick stone walls. From the one side, thirty kilometers away, there was a huge sea, from the other, fifty kilometers, there could be seen a mountain range stretching thousands of kilometers – that's where the memorable mines were located.

The estate was divided into a courtyard, where the family members of the 3rd rank and above lived, and the outside yard. There was a strict hierarchy – the closer to the center, the nobler the person liver. Any democracy is out of the question.

Despite the early morning, the streets were not empty. Servants scurried here and there, animals roamed freely – many of them, by the way, looked very dangerous and bloodthirsty creatures, but people do not seem to be attacked by them.

Two girls, seeing the battered Marina, were whispering sarcastically:

«Look, it's Flitz's favorite maid! What a nightmare he was doing to her!?» ... «Who's with her? Does she really date this slave…»

The guys who came across on the way also did not leave without attention the appearance of the poor blonde, almost turned their necks as the girl passed by. Only if the gossip girl friends looked at the sexy maid with a gloating and even a little compassionate look, the eyes of the male individuals were full of lust.

Reddened to the tips of her ears, Marina walked with her head low and her eyes on the floor, constantly adjusting her skirt. She had hardly slept today... She should have some rest.

Finally, the couple came to Flitz's office.

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