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There gathered a crowd of impatient, angry and disgruntled family members at the door of Flitz's office. However, their mood could be understood: judging upon their conversations, almost every one of them had been slightly bitten by adorable little animals that did not recognize them as their masters.

Marina and Kyon squeezed out of turn, causing a storm of not the most impartial comments.

Flitz had just finished impose of a formation to a following client. Tiredly, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and noticed entered Marina and then he smiled all over her face, and his face began to resemble a stretched prunes - Oh, what a pretty girl! He loudly barked to the people waiting outside:

«Ladies and gentlemen, fifteen minutes break!»

The lady who had already entered threw up her hands, muttered something under her breath and returned to the corridor.

Kyon briefly noted that the window had already been fixed - {Smartly.} - but already in the next moment all his attention was concentrated on the typical picture "boss and a whore-secretary»: Flitz with gesture beckoned the girl, hugged her, using the position of his hands to clench her appetizing buttocks.

Marina looked scared and miserable, never daring even raise her eyes.

Kyon cleared his throat, reminding them of his presence which rescued the poor girl from harassment:

«Good morning, Flitz.»

The old man reluctantly released the " hostage":

«Hey, sniveler, today's the big day of yours! It's time to prepare you to be the gift, by the way, the wrapper is quite good.»

Kyon looked over his black clothing. Really, high quality stuff, though, and the color fits him, he liked it.

Flitz whispered to the girl.:

«Call on me at lunchtime.» - and, finally winking and smacking her cheek, moved to the exit, waving to the guy: - «Follow me.»

Kyon gave a full of pity look to Marina and followed Flitz.

As soon as the door slammed behind the two the girl wearily leaning against the wall, and bitterly sighed. All night long, or rather during the "breaks", she wondered what the weakness Kyon had found in Flitz. Could that help her limit the old man's harassment? And perhaps, even to begin a new life...

The first thing Flitz did was to take Kyon to the medical center. While walking, the old man deigned to make a brief tour:

«Over there is the common canteen, you see? And that wooden shack is a canteen for slaves. You will not have your meals there. They're sleeping in that doss-house. But you won't sleep there either. I'll ask mistress Juno to take care of you, so be happy! Well... I don't see a smile!»

Kyon obediently bared teeth in the semblance of a smile.

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Servants in grey robes often crossed their way. Some of them swept the territory, some dragged carts with wood or other cargo. Some of them were repairing houses... Among them Kyon a couple of times noticed his acquaintances, their looks were full of envy - you got settled your life kid, dress in black, could not even be called a slave, although the formation remained.

«If the formations disappeared from some of the slaves, is this not a reason to escape the estate?» - Kyon said thoughtfully. – «Or are they satisfied with the things? It's rather doubtful, though.»

Flitz waved his hand:

«Not so long ago there was one very smart one, he became an example for the rest... well, his remains were crapped by our Barosh, a – bear, the main guard beast. So if you ever think about running away, first think about whether you're ready to turn into shit. Although... what to say. Some people are born as shit. I hope you're not one of them.»

Kyon nervously swallowed.

«How did you find out he'd escaped? Maybe he just went out for a walk and had an accident and became the dinner of a happy animal.»

Flitz wondered, stared at the young man, and yet answered:

«If in secret, we have barriers around the territory, so while passing through them without permission, you can expect an emergency meeting with the oldie death.» - Flitz seriously looked at the guy: - «If anyone finds out I have told you about it, they will shave your head away... And my head will be punished, for which I will also gladly check the strength of your neck.»

Kyon understandably nodded, shaking his fringe. He didn't want any trouble.

Flitz followed the uncombed hair with his eyes and thought for a moment, rubbing his chin.

«What's up?»

«I would like to shave your head, but I'm afraid you will lose all the charm, and it wouldn't be a decent gift for Juno…»

«So, don't shave. What is it for?» - asked Kyon cautiously, even taking a step back, as if afraid the old man would pull out his scissors right now. He liked being shaggy.

«You know... Juno is afraid of everything fluffy... However, forget it.»

«Is Juno afraid of beasts?» - specified Kyon the important detail, and the facial expression of the old man realized that he had hit the target.

Flitz blurted out the secret Bai had asked him to keep quiet about. Cursing, the old man remembered another question of interest to him:

«Listen, did you happen to see someone harrassing Marina? Or was she making eyes at someone?»

Kyon caught a note of excitement in his voice - the old man was secretly jealous of his beautiful maid. Logically, he was not handsome, and the girl easily could seduce any guy in the estate.

The guy smiled:

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«I have spent quite a little time with her and didn't notice anything like that. But if I do, I'll certainly tell you.»

The old man exhaled with relief, patted the guy on the head.

Eventually, they came to a large two-story white building, from the outside there could be smelled herbs and medicines – from the inside they seemed to be soaked in the walls. They came to the hospital.

White floor, white ceiling, white walls... Nurses in white coats with whom Flitz didn't lose a chance to flirt. They went up to the second floor, and in front of the door to some office, the expression of the old man with the "dreamy-lustful" immediately changed to disgustful.

There was sitting a fat lady on a big chair. Glancing Flitz with tiny pig eyes, she happily exclaimed:

«Uncle! Not often you call on me, but it would have been worth to do it!»

Flitz artificially smiled:

«Hi, Billla. Well, my health seems fine, what for once again to bother you? You are certainly extremely busy even without me.»

The lady made a miserable expression:

«Don't say that, uncle, you're upsetting me! Could you imagine how much I've missed your tastful patties? By the way, have you brought them?» - despite her joyful grin, her last words sounded with an undisguised threat.

Flitz artificially smiled again:

«Have brought, have brought that's just to start with, please, do me a favour: administer the guy five or six milliliters of "wildballs".»

A bloodthirsty smile spread across Bilya's face. She looked at the guy whom she did not like from the beginning - too thin, and she pretty quickly for her physique rushed to the fridge, lamenting along the way:

«Oh no, such a young, and will already become an impotent man! What have you got up to? Poor thing... How could that be, my God, that's the nightmare, that's the horror…»

Kyon winced from aversion: Yes, that molly almost danced with joy, quickly rummaging in search of a drug – but how much sympathy in the words!

Flitz lazily and without much interest asked:

«How's your your Buzik doing in the Fat sect?»

«He gained thirty pounds more, my mother's bunny, such a good fellow! And I always say he is the best of the best. He often sends me letters, that he has many friends, and girls make theit eyas at him. I'm so happy for him!» - Bilya took out the blue liquid with a satisfied "Aha!"I and took a dose twice as much as Flitz requested.

Kyon frowned, threw a meaningful look to the old man, but he just patted the guy on the shoulder with regret:

«Don't worry, I'll let you have a go at one of my maids as compensation. I have a lot of them.» - and, after a pause, he slapped his forehead demonstratively.: - «Oh, sorry! It was not for my being cruel…»

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Bilya, clearly appreciated the "humor" and nastily chuckled. The needle was dangerously jerking exactly in front of the boy's eyes.

Her sonorous laughter sawed the hearing worse than piece of chalk on a blackboard.

Flitz stamped his foot:

«Shut up now! Now I understand why your husband died twenty years early than it could have been.»

«Oh, it was a heart attack! What does that have to do with me?» - the pig-lady carelessly waved her hand, and administered the drug into Kyon's vein with her trembling hand.

When the liquid began to spread through the body, the Synergy embraced it, thereby neutralizing and figuring out the effects. {This "wildball" almost completely suppresses testosterone emission... it is not surprising that the attraction disappears, and, according to the concentration, an ordinary man becomes an impotent for almost thirty years. Flitz, you bastard... You're three times wrong!}

That tiny part of the liquid that could pass on, was neutralized by a strong stress resistance of the organs.

The fatty looked at the old man expectantly:

«I'm waiting for pies, uncle!»

Flitz, by the time had time to relocate to the window and casually opened the sash, calmly approached the Madame: «The sun rises. The world needs a hero like me!» - and, in the blink of an eye, grabbing the boy by the collar, jumped headlong out the window.

The were followed by furious:

«I'll got you! When you get sick, I'll see how you'll be treated! Old mother fucker.…»

But Flitz only breathed a sigh of relief and, shaking off an invisible speck of dust from his shoulder, stomped farther as if nothing had happened. Kyon smoothed his hair and quickly caught him up.

«I would put her in her place, but she's one of elder Bo's daughters, so I don't need any trouble... Not the rank to conflict with him...» - the old man muttered at the guy's questioning look.

Kyon was curious:

«And why have you cooked your pies if she is like this...» - he failed to find a censorship epithet, decided not to finish his uterance.

The old man winced:

«For fun, but that's something dogs felt sorry for…»

The young man nodded comprehendingly.

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They continued there walk on. Flitz became more and more fun with every step away from the windows of the "friendly aunt", and patted the guy on the shoulder:

«Well, what do you feel? Do you want to have a girl?»

Kyon, barely noticeable grinned, and shook his head.

«I don't know. I feel like there's nothing inside... Unusual.»

The old man laughed merrily.:

«Your balls are empty! A-ha-ha! Okay, don't get upset. It's just a precaution, it'll be over in five years. It's better than making you a eunuch. Come on, it's time for you to see your future mistress.»

On his way, Flitz told a couple of details that the youngster should have known:

«The most important people in the family live in the inner courtyard, and they often treat unworthy people like you with disdain. If you will demonstrate you formation, you'll have troubles. Got it?»

Kyon nodded. It was not clear what the old man's idea was. To give a slave such a status lady as a pillow for whipping? Or, still, as a coach? Nope, what the hell was a coach of a slave? There was clearly something wrong. I would have to focus on the situation.

On the way Flitz said that the estate bloomed with life earlier... Everyday there took part dozens of guests, feasts, balls, important meetings, but that time... After the disappearance of the Patriarch, things had changed and it had certainly happened in the wrong manner.

There appeared an especially large and luxurious estate. Its territory was surrounded by a high metal fence with patterns, just the precious stones were not inserted.

At the entrance there stood two guards, who by their look completely ripped expectations and the pattern of Kyon's thinking. He expected to see "noble knights" with swords and in gold armor, like the guards of Martin, but in fact the house was guarded by some special agents in dark glasses and strict black uniform like "men in black".

The territory of the estate, and the estate itself were covered with an almost invisible barrier blocking the passage through it by any solid physical objects. Only the guards could create a temporary gap for the invited guests.

Flitz removed a tube from somewhere and handed it to Kyon:

«Boy, today is your probation. Consider that if you pass it, your life will succeed, and if not... You will understand. It's a good healing ointment to help you. It accelerates healing of any wounds a hundredfold, but there's no point to smear your balls, it won't work! A-ha-he!»

Kyon hid the tube in his pocket. Again the unpleasant feeling of the unknown.

«Why do I start to think that other slaves are luckier than me?»

The old man looked away, showed the guards the formation and went inside with the guy, who was also recorded in the guest log, and the formation on his forehead was also checked.

In the large entrance hall all the floors were covered with beige velvet carpets, the walls were decorated with paintings and grinning heads of animals. Luxurious crystal chandeliers were nicely combined with the beige design of the house.

{It's pretty here.} – contentedly snickered Kyon, inspecting such refinement. It seems that he would have to spend a decent amount of time in this house, which is much, much better than the gloomy mine or those wooden huts where ordinary slaves spent their nights. Maybe he was lucky after all?.…

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