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Flitz, having noticed the drowsy-head, stopped Kyon by the gesture and with a sly grin pointed to the guy on one of the mannequins:

«Hide behind it.» - and he picked up another whipping doll and, creeping up to the miss, gently pushed her.

The girl opened her bleary eyes - over her loomed the terrifying obscured silhouette: the mouth sewn with a mattress seam, the crooked nose, one eye hangs down on a thin thread....

«It's time to pay the bills! Retribution!» - a rude, inhuman voice grated.

Juno like flexible cat turned a somersault, simultaneously managed to strike with the feet to the head of the troublemaker and gracefully landed, taking a defensive stance.

«Huh? The dummy?»

«I thought you'd be scared! What the hell a girl is growing girl...» - at once with resentment and pride in his voice drawled the old man.

The girl tightly clenched her little fists:

«Old fart, have you got a head?!» - and she rushed into attack.

«Ow, enough, enough! I was just kidding!» - Flitz playfully fought off the strikes of the baby clearly having fun with their "struggle". - All right, chill out! I have a present for you.…»

Juno then ceased to hit straightly the old man's nose and asked:

«What is the gift? Something tasty?»

The old man waved his hand theatrically:

«This is a new slave, and he will be stronger than the others!»

The girl's sweet smile slowly transformed into a sly and unkind grin:

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«Mmm, a live mannequin, that's what I like.» - her huge eyes ran across the site: - «Where is he?»

The old man sat down on one knee and squeezed the girl's shoulders with his hands:

«Juno, this boy has really good movement skills. You shouldn't treat him like everyone else. Ask the maid to give him shelter and food, do not break your gifts on the first day, please.»

Juno snorted skeptically:

«It's the first time you stood up for a slave. You know how I hate guys – they always drool during the fight, and in general, as practice shows, they are all stupid idiots, and about the slaves I do not say anything at all. If you've brought another one of these snivels, don't count on my mercy for him.»

Flitz whispered in her ear.:

«Chill out. He cannot feel desire, unlike the past.»

The girl's eyes widened in fright, her jaw dropped almost to the floor:

«You... what, cut his of that thing off? You…»

The old man threw up his hands indignantly:

«What do you think of me?! Juno, I'm not that heartless!»

«Who can understand you?» - the girl giggled. – «What's the secret? Did you find someone who likes boys?...» - her little nose shivered which made the face of its owner some of specially sweet.

The old man sighed convulsively, shaking his head with a smile:

«No, he doesn't like anyone. To be more precise... well, he was injected "wildballs", so he will be neither boy nor girl. Besides, if you really want something, just give an order. He's got a subordinate formation on him. By the way, he knows how to dance very well, I highly recommend. I checked!»

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Juno, defiantly folding her arms on her chest, chuckled:

«Thank you, I'm not interested in dancing slaves.» - and again she started look around impatiently: - «And where's your neuter gift?»

Flitz smiled and clapped his hands.:

«Kyon, come out!»

Kyon was overhearing all this time behind the dummy and had time to appreciate the melodious voice of the lady. He'd probably give a lot for her to sing him a love song. It's a good sign. The master once told him that the voice is the mirror of the soul. However, the wife was smoking with a low voice like a man one, from which one could draw some conclusions – at least, no one was surprised by the fact that the laborer had three mistresses from the theatre choir.

The boy slowly stepped out of his hiding place and finally got a good look at Juno.

Time seemed to stand still in his eyes. All the charm of the world was likely to have been gathered in one young girl of about 13. Her image so attracted the eye that everything else faded and blurred as unnecessary, the world seemed to collapse to this tiny figure. The lovely creature was about the same height as Kyon. Apparently, the universe had tried hard while creating such a perfect miracle – a small nose, large lovely eyes the color of spring grass, framed by long thick eyelashes and thin graceful eyebrows, hair the color of molten gold, descending waves like liquid rays of the sun just below the shoulders. Emerald earrings matched the color of the eyes, playfully swayed in the lobes of neat ears, tightly riveting the eye to the tender skin.

The girl was slender, protruding neat breasts of the second size, posture worthy of a noble lady, slender legs with perfect proportions. All this miracle was wrapped in a tight training outfit – ballet shoes, black pants like leggings, tight t-shirt, casually thrown on jacket. On her hand gleamed a simple green bracelet. Probably no such man who wouldn't want her to stroke, to caress, to push the chest, to kiss the lush top of her head, inhaling her scent and everything, it was possible to die peacefully, with no regrets – all the best in this world he had already seen. Such a girl must be kind, affectionate, gentle.

{My Lord... Well, fuck... are you kidding me?} - Kyon felt a complete idiot – he stepped out from behind the dummy and stared at the lady with a spelled glance. He always found his a weakness for beautiful, but never felt the beauty of the female to shake him so much. But the girl was only 13 years old, surprisingly.

Having slapped himself in the face, he came to himself not without an effort of will. He wouldn't fall on this tick twice.

Juno's face immediately turned into an ice mask. It seems that her assessment of his person from neutrality went in the negative direction... About to the mark "permafrost". How dare a pathetic thing, not even human, actually, to look at her, though otherwise, except as with downtrodden, pitiful, humiliated look? Some kind of defective gift was slipped to her.

Although in general the guy looked good – beautiful black clothes, a pretty face, shaggy black hair, dark brown eyes, balanced, athletic, confident posture, but to her he was still something of a dummy, though carved by a master craftsman. And the price him – a broken penny. She is a noble lady. Just one click of her fingers, and in the yard would be crowded by the same cute slaves.

{You'll regret that look...} – mentally chuckled the girl.

A chill ran across Kyon's back - he felt sick at the thought that just one look spoiled all the impression about him. It seemed like something like this had happened to Dinah. He knew better than anyone how much information a single glance could convey, but had he done something wrong? Why did the girl react so much to how he reacted to her wonderful appearance? He was missing something... Something important.

Flitz seemed not to have noticed a short struggle of views. He sat down on a bench, and, holding the pipe in his teeth, briefly threw:

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«Attack him. I'm sure you'll like his skills…»

Juno rolled her eyes skeptically, but still launched an attack. Only development of her body allowed her to reach average human speed of x1.3.

Kyon took an unusual defensive stance, a little like used in karate. It's time to prove himself, to show that he's a good guy.

The miss, having overtaken the guy kicked him with swing.

Kyon jumped up, dodging.

She was not surprised, caught the moment of inertia and swung the other leg, making a sort of pinwheel, and her first leg stepped gracefully to the ground. Her attack looked very impressive and Flitz almost looked away.

When the kick had almost reached its goal, the guy bent, and as a jumper using the splits overcame her leg. He could have struck back at once – the girl had recklessly opened herself with this dashing trick, but still he did not dare.

Dodging of the young man looked impressive and the old man, puffing his pipe, quite sincerely enjoyed the spectacle: {The technique of this guy's movements is incredible... I'm already 130 years old now, and I don't even know how or why he's moving like that. Maybe I shouldn't have given him to her to tear him to pieces.}

Juno frowned slightly. The slave, she thought, landed badly, and yet took a steady position so quickly, and could hit her in the leg if he wanted to! Something was not clear in the case.

«Flitz, is it the fact he can't use the elements?»

The slave's movements were not too fast, but there was something strange about them.

Flitz smiled:

«He doesn't know anything. Just moves well, doesn't he? Even I, moving at his speed, lost to him. "A-ha-he!»

«Are you kidding me?» - Juno even paused for a moment, just for the pleasure of giving the old man a puzzled look.

«I'm serious. He is now an ordinary man, albeit on the 2nd level. You can hear the vibrations of energy that don't exist, so don't be stupid. If you feel that he is not strong enough for you, then give him to learn the basics of the elements...And will learn him to move better.»

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The girl's nose became amusingly twitching from irritation - like a cute bunny, who was taken away its beloved carrots.

«I won't give him anything.» - she growled categorically.

Kyon crossed his arms over his chest and wrinkled his forehead, showing his displeasure with her words. Except that he stomped his feet for the full picture.

Juno burst out laughing. Some thing still dared to show his displeasure! It was really funny. As if an unwanted dusty cabinet had suddenly fallen on someone, expressing its discontent with the lack of demand.

Miss elegantly shrugged, lightly kneaded his back, once again took a fighting position and rushed into battle, this time with the double average human speed. Now she activated the element of spiritual energy.

Kyon became wary. Although he already appreciated that the girl moved to 3-4 combat fist, but with the advantage of speed, even a layman would be able to strike the target.

Juno quickly found herself in threatening proximity to the opponent and her small fists did not seem so harmless. Flying like meteors, they went to the chest of the enemy.

Kyon began to dodge, mostly retreating. He had a full package of knowledge about the most effective ways of conducting the battle – evasion – maintaining balance, momentum, inertia – vulnerable points, pain points, points that violate the balance, points that can hold strikes – ricochets, effective blocks and more.

In his understanding, each combat fist, which the enemy lacks, could be replaced by 10 percent of the speed that will allow them to remain on an equal footing. He would be on an equal against 9 fists if the enemy had 10% higher speed. Against 5 one needs to increase the speed by 50%, against the 1st by 90%. The simplest graph is drawn from one straight line.

But what does it mean "on an equal"? The fact that you can hit the enemy to liver with the same probability as the opponent could hit you. But was Kyon allowed to beat the mistress? Dubiously. Besides 100% advantage in advantage of Juno and her 3 combat fist in addition went somewhat beyond the concept of "equal opponents"!

Simply put, the guy was at a hell of a disadvantage, and he didn't know what to do next. The only thing that did not allow to finally fall into depression against the background of an existential crisis due to his own helplessness (temporary!), was that such a cutie (though the beginning is not good enough), just could not be too rough. Just a couple of punches and he would be forgiven.

From the far-fetched prospects his mood immediately jumped – the guy slightly smiled and dreamily sighed.

Having seen such a relaxed expression on the face of the enemy, the girl was going wild - her eyes glittered green lights, eyebrows changed its angle with the "I'm innocent" to "die, please"!

Her movement had changed dramatically: protection component in her bumps completely disappeared as if the only purpose was to punch the guy in the face as painful as possible, causing the most serious injury, and she did not care that she was open to counterattacks, anyway - let this slave just dare to touch her.

After a couple of seconds of the barrage of attacks, there got seemingly little harmless fist into Kyon's chest.


{What a?!}

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