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Due to the impact of the element of pure force, the guy flew almost half a meter. He felt as if he was impacted by not a little white fist but by a boxfighter one. He realized that the element of the pure force increases the power stroke, but he didn't expect that it was so much?!

{Fuck it off…}

Juno noticed his confusion rapaciously smiled and immediately kept on attacking.


Her leg hit the boy's thigh, forcing the guy to tilt dangerously, losing balance. A bruise is guaranteed. And her smile turned into grin: {How do you feel about it? This is just the beginning, you miserable wretch!}

Kyon was trying to avoid bumps with the utmost concentration, but caught one or two. For the first time he explicitly realized the expression: "looks are deceiving." In his the mind crept in worse and worse foreboding. Everything was going completely different from what he had imagined. He was missing something... Something obvious.

During the battle, Kyon was increasingly noticed that, should he ever meet a girl's eyes and she immediately became much fiercer, and her attacks turned unpredictable.

He immediately looked away, for the sake of experiment, and soon his suspicions were confirmed – no contact eye-to-eye and girl attacked much softer.

{Sucks! I have completely forgotten who the slaves are and what the Masters eats them with!}

The most obvious, it would seem, thought completely flew out of my head. Back in the mine, he was called a slave, but there was a grocery store, tolerable food, a bed, the attitude of his colleagues... And no one beat him with a whip for one wrong look. Byron, Mob, deliverer Ren and Flitz told nothing and did not show on his character. Everyone was quite familiar enough to fog his mind. And then his weakness for the beautiful aggravated the situation. And in his past world, the concept of politeness was not so acute. And coupled with his heavenly life, the legend of the universe, he had forgotten what it was like to be a lowly and insignificant person. And even more to be a slave. I should have realized it when I met Dinah, what a fool.…


The little fist hit his prelum, knocking all the air out of his lungs. The guy coughed.

Juno raised her eyebrow in surprise – the feelings was that she had hit not a person but a solid dummy. Put a tick in your notes: the guy has a solid press that it would be nice to be soften... Massage in its execution is expensive. The currency, however, is basically health.

Flitz watched the training of the Patriarch's beloved granddaughter in fascination. Her movements are incredibly effective, spectacular and smooth, slender body sometimes made breathtaking curves, showing all its flexibility and elegance. {Beauty is growing. Perhaps she will surpass even Elsa.}

Suddenly a sound transmitter ringed in his pocket. He angrily released the smoke and picked up the instrument:

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«Who the hell is that?»

«Mr. Gulyanic long we have to wait you? Fifteen minutes passed five times... Here's thirty of us. Some have already put a tent and are cooking barbecue! Should we stand a treat for the elders!? Huh?...» - the interlocutor at the "wire" would surely spit Flitz with saliva because of irritation, if the sound transmitter would allow such physical reproduction.

The old man frowned. He had been sitting so wonderfully here, and some nobles shamelessly demanded his return to the perishable world.

«Damn it! I'm fucking coming!»

Juno immediately froze, with her poke halfway from Kyon's ribs, and completely without fear of counterattack turned to the old man:

«Are you already leaving?»

Flitz put his open palm to his chest and bowed in a light half-bow.:

«Oh miss, I have to go to work... Nobles threaten an elder, and I don't want any trouble.»

«It's a pity.»

Flitz nodded the guy already almost choking from this a wild ride:

«Well, how do you feel of him?»

Juno shrugged her shoulders without turning back:

«I'm glad he at least keeps excessive salivation inside.»

«Okay... Okay, I'll go. And please try to be with him... a little easier. Don't finish him as fast as the others.»

«He is my property, I do what I want.» - Juno replied. She playfully waved her palm: - «Bye, Flitz.»

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The old man pointedly looked at the lamentable-looking guy, smiled at the girl and quickly left the training arena.

As soon as he shut the gates, Juno with bloodthirsty smile slowly turned to the guy, like a demon from a horror, planning to continue her favorite entertainment.

The guy's heart skipped a beat. He absolutely didn't like what was happening. Someone's played a prank on him from somewhere above, not otherwise. He could not leave it like that, it was time to get out of the situation, to make at least some attempts, otherwise she would turn him into a natural chop!

He could identify very few variants: to play on the emotions; to offer something of value, from which she will mellow out; just apologize.

The first option disappears. Trying to piss her off could result in a very unpleasant and quick death for him, because the noble lords would not tolerate anything from slaves.

The second option implies that he would offer her something valuable. All he could offer her, apart from the divine ability to clean the keys, was to teach her new incredible techniques of movement. However, there is one trap... to say this directly would not work, because she would not believe him. And noble people would never learn something from the slave, and if would, it was necessary to prove himself dozen of times. So far, judging upon her cute face, she did not see anything incredible in his movement.

The best solution in this situation would be a banal apology for the recent. He is like a slave and should perfectly get used to his role, and not be arrogant and run into trouble. Later on, she should see him as a future coach.

Kyon respectfully bowed:

«Mistress, Your servant apologizes for the recent.»

His words made the girl freeze, stop the acceleration; raised her elegant eyebrows and with icy, though still nice melodic voice said:

«I don't care about your apology. I order: from now and forever you will never say a word. Your filthy mouth spoils my ears, you wretched slave.» - the break is over and she run at him again with her fists at the ready. A malicious grin shone on her face. When Flitz presented, she somehow restrained her nature, but now nothing would prevent her to do what she liked.

Kyon was dumbfounded. He only said one sentence, much less a harmless apology, and was immediately cut off from speaking! He had already planned out further answers to the girl's next dozens of words, but everything was simply crossed out.

When this evil creature, seemingly sweet, not coming down with a smirk on her face moved into a non-stop attack, Kyon was frowning, pondering the prospects. Now he had only a long language and good movement. The first was cut off, and the second she did not see.

Three misses, wo strikes in the exposed block, and…


Kick to the stomach made Kyon bounced on the meter.

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Every time the guy was badly hurt and he felt pain, nightingales were singing in the soul of Juno. This insolent slave is almost the same as the others. No... He's even more annoying than the others. Others at least lower their eyes, bow, beg for mercy, knowing their place, but this other... He moved well, his body was hard, like a mannequin cut out of wood, he did not scream in pain, but his arrival at the estate meant a capital punishment for him.

The girl continued the attack with a demonic grin despite pale and exhausted look of the slave.

Kyon, judging upon her ever-increasing evil smile while blowing, made a disappointing conclusion that Juno was a sadist!

Apparently, Flitz knew everything... That's why he turned his eyes away, that's why he reacted so strongly to his questions about her... The old bastard sold him to the little demoness for slaughter. And it must have been not matter at all what first impression he made on her... And it did not matter that he was conceited. He was just a pear for a ruthless sadistic bitch right now.

*pum* *pen* *pum*

Another series of rapid and graceful hits made the guy moan in pain.

Kyon simply did not keep up with the body for her movements, although he could see them repeatedly in his mind. Chin was dripping a thin stream of blood, the edge of the fist seriously smashed his lip.

If it were not for the bonus to the speed of signal transmission to the muscles, which he received due to the development of the Synergy of the nervous system, he would have been half dead.

The girl paused, as always unexpectedly, as if she had put the toy aside, took out a white handkerchief and wiped the remnants of blood on her fist with it, wrinkling her nose in disgust. {I don't want to be soiled with secretions... this scum I should be carefully washed after.} There was no trace of pity or sympathy on her face... Absolute calm. Frightening calm and indifference to the beaten.

Her view caused frost ran down the Kyon's skin; all her natural charm in his eyes went to the background of the background. {She does not consider me to a human being... a Maniac. She'll kill me without a blink! I urgently need to invent something!}

His head was ringing with unusual emptiness – no good idea. To escape? To scream? Provide any arguments in favor of his value? Absolutely nothing will work. It's like he was trapped in a cage with a beast! His ability to resist the formation is likely to destroy him. He saw this sadist almost through her – just give her a reason. To get out of this catastrophic situation, he needed something much more weighty. He would be glad to change his position to any other, where he would have at least a little more chance.

All that came to mind – to use a trump card – cleaning keys. However, being a lifelong cash cow is not a good idea. And then, in case he tell about its originality in contradiction to the order, it won't work. Would you believe a stinking drunk homeless man who mumbled in his sleep that he was a God? In this case, the reaction would be similar. In addition, the highest lady will never allow any slave to touch her, but the Synergy without contact will not be able to enter her body.

When he looked at the evil smirk of the mean girl, the desire to use the trump card disappeared without a trace.

Fastidiously discarding the soiled handkerchief, Juno once again rushed to the attack. On an even white forehead there appeared perspiration, while the guy poured his own sweat mixed with blood. Disgusting dork. But still strong - still stands on his feet, feet do not fall, even finds the strength to block almost all the blows.

Kyonn was very afraid of losing balance. It became even harder to resist with each second. The body is all sore, some parts were numb, became unwieldy. He knew that, should he fall, and this soulless creature would stumble him to death. The promise of imminent destruction was apparent in every shot, the smile, the look.

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{Bitch, how have you appeared in my life...?}


Juno got in the thigh of the slave and nodded to her own thoughts: {Yes, beating these scums is much nicer than mannequins. They not only know how to dodge and softer to the touch, but also how nice to see this expression on the dirty face! It stimulates to keep beating more and more, not stopping. I want them to cry for mercy... Beg! But... even though his eyes do not rise from the floor, why do I not see in them these sweet notes of despair? Where are his tears, where are the pleas for mercy? Why he does he not scream in pain, but only occasionally groans? This slave is getting more and more annoying.}

During the next series of fine attacks, in the case of a slave there suddenly appeared a gap. The girl with a joyful "yeah" immediately stroke a blow there.

Ribs cracked painfully, but Kyon took the opportunity to grasp the white hand of the girl with both hands, and... Nothing happened. On the surface, her arms spread out like an invisible barrier, slippery and smooth, like a crust of ice – in the next second, the brush was simply slipped out of his grasp.

{Fuck! Ether barrier!} - Kyon didn't despair. His primary task was to show his full skills but without attack it was impossible.

For some reason, the experience of his past life could not give him a more worthwhile idea, he never got into such scrapes. No manipulation or other skills won't work. It remains only to try to the full and show incredible movement.

Juno frowned slightly, meticulously inspected his hand on the dirt but it did not seem to be touched, then threw a disgruntled glance at the rabble. No slave dared to try to stand up to her, and this turned out to be stubborn, cocky, arrogant... of course, she on this account did not say a word– here's a lot of honor to have a conversation with the living mannequin. But tenfold flashed rage inside was felt almost physically. She's not gonna end up with him easily.

The fight continued. Kyon tried to counterattack Juno several times, simultaneously groping for weaknesses and trying to convince her that he was able to fight better than any master. Alas, she seemed to notice nothing, but at least he forced the girl out of the mode of total attack and focus on protection – which, judging upon the instantly bored face, she did not like.

Her chest was heaving with heavy breathing, and beads of sweat were glistening on her forehead. The guy seemed to die of exhaustion right away, he was barely could stand on his feet – it was not clear where the soul was kept.

Kyon was exhausted, he just wanted to lie downto have some rest.

Suddenly Juno thrust forward her open palm:

«I order you not to move.»

Kyon missed a heartbeat, thinking she would beat him until she broke his nose, turned his face into a bloody mess... But she just turned around and walked away.

Even monsters have physiological needs – she just wanted to go to WC.

Kyon breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the floor – if needed, he could say, he could not resist its greatness and skill. Oh, no, he won't, he was not allowed to reveal his ability to resist orders. His heart was ready to jump out of his chest, streams of sweat trickled down. Having scanned the body with Synergy, he made a disappointing verdict: a couple more minutes of battle and he would collapse and give the girl a carte Blanche for beating his unconscious carcass.

And then came a good idea – the healing ointment!

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